Custom Query (292 matches)


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Results (64 - 66 of 292)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#74 Herwig Bauernfeind Herwig Bauernfeind fixed Set UNIXROOT and TMPDIR to suitable defaults in case they are undefined

Samba binaries require the environment variables UNIXROOT and TMPDIR to be set properly in order to run. If either of them is missing some functionality simply will not work. What is more, a missing TMDIR makes some binaries simply crash without a proper error message.

This patch sets UNIXROOT in case it is not defined to the parent directory of %ETC% (usually x:\MPTN, where x: is the bootdrive). This has the advantage to eliminate the hassle that %UNIXROOT%\etc is not necessarily the same as %ETC% (which is hardly understandable anyway for average users).

The TMPDIR variable is normally found on newer eCS systems, but missing on older OS/2 systems (and possibly early eCS systems, not checked). When this patch is applied, the value of the %TEMP% variable (which is normally defined everywhere) is also used for %TMPDIR%. If is is also missing %TMPDIR% is set to x:\OS2\SYSTEM (where x: is the drive where %ETC% points to, i.e. normally the bootdrive), where several OS/2 components store temporary files.

Providing suitable defaults for both variables should make Samba installations easier, especially for average users.

Note: This patch cannot not be applied to Samba 3.2 and 3.3 as dynconfig.c only provides macros there.

#75 Paul Smedley cfly invalid EVFSGUI requires subdirectory to mount point

When running the EVFSGUI if I don't setup a subdirectory under the mount point (drive letter) then it assigns the Drive letter, but does not mount it and hangs there. The drive letter cannot be released and the server cannot be accessed.

#78 Paul Smedley Herwig Bauernfeind fixed net rpc file: List of open files on remote server has "C:" prepended

This is a similar issue as Ticket #24.

Showing a list of open files on a remote server looks like this:

FileId  Opened by            Perms  Locks  Path
------  ---------            -----  -----  ----
34      renate               0x00   0      C:g:\\RZLWin\Data\B0010407.DLK
37      renate               0x00   0      C:g:\\RZLWin\Data\B0010407.DAT
287     root                 0x03   0      C:g:\\RZLWin\Data\R0000100.DAT
307     root                 0x03   0      C:g:\\RZLWin\Data\R0000100.DAT

Note the prepended "C:" and double "

The code that outputs this list is found in \utils\net_rpc.c line 5035.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.