SmbMon - Samba Server Status Monitor Version 2.5 ================================================== CONTENTS: 1. Introduction 2. Installation 3. Usage 4. Author 1. Introduction: ---------------- This is a utility that presents the output of smbstatus smbd in a convenient notebook GUI with 6 pages: - Users - Files - Services - Daemons - LAN Ressources - Settings 2. Installation: ---------------- Put smbmon.exe into the Samba directory and create an object for it. Make sure you have smb.cmd from the smb_init* package in the Samba directory. 3. Usage: --------- The presentation of the information is pretty straightforward from what smbstatus smbd shows, with the exception of the files page, which is IMHO organized in a more efficient way. Right clicking on the heads of the columns opens a context menu, which allows to customize which columns should be shown. THis layout is saved across sessions. The status refreshes itself every 60 seconds per default, but this is can be configured using the spinbutton at the bottom of the window. A timed refresh only happens as long smbmon is in not in the background. If it is brought to the foreground, all pages are refreshed immediately. The users page has a context menu, which enables the user to send netmsg/ winpopup style messages to other machines. The service page has a context menu, which enables the user to force the closing of the selected share. The daemon page can be displayed in 2 different styles: - The details view (this has been there from the start) - The icon tree view. This view shows which process ID corresponds to which user and which files are opened by this user (so in case something goes wrong you get an idea what might be affected or even what might be the reason for the problem). - The daemon page has a context menu, which enables the user to selectively stop daemons. In addition the user can ping either a daemon or a single PID of a daemon. On the bottom of the daemon page the server uptime is displayed. This value is determined from the timestamp of, which does not change during the time the server is run. If nmbd.exe is not used, this value will be empty. The LAN ressources page always has to be refreshed manually as it takes some time to complete operation. As long as smbmon is single threaded this blocks the GUI! The fonts of the GUI can be configured via D'n'D and result are best if 8.Helv or 9.WarpSans is chosen. In case you also have smb.cmd from the smb_init package installed, smbmon will allow you to start/stop/restart the Samba daemons and reload smb.conf. 4. Author: ---------- Herwig Bauernfeind, email: