/*:VRX Main */ /* Main */ Main: /* Samba Connections GUI for OS/2 based systems Copyright (C) 2007-2016 by Alexander Taylor and Herwig Bauernfeind Derived works must contain this copyright notice. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* Process the arguments. Get the parent window. */ parse source . calledAs . parent = "" argCount = arg() argOff = 0 if( calledAs \= "COMMAND" )then do if argCount >= 1 then do parent = arg(1) argCount = argCount - 1 argOff = 1 end end; else do call VROptions 'ImplicitNames' call VROptions 'NoEchoQuit' end InitArgs.0 = argCount if( argCount > 0 )then do i = 1 to argCount InitArgs.i = arg( i + argOff ) end drop calledAs argCount argOff /* Load the windows */ call VRInit parse source . . spec _VREPrimaryWindowPath = , VRParseFileName( spec, "dpn" ) || ".VRW" _VREPrimaryWindow = , VRLoad( parent, _VREPrimaryWindowPath ) drop parent spec if( _VREPrimaryWindow == "" )then do call VRMessage "", "Cannot load window:" VRError(), , "Error!" _VREReturnValue = 32000 signal _VRELeaveMain end /* Process events */ call Init signal on halt do while( \ VRGet( _VREPrimaryWindow, "Shutdown" ) ) _VREEvent = VREvent() interpret _VREEvent end _VREHalt: _VREReturnValue = Fini() call VRDestroy _VREPrimaryWindow _VRELeaveMain: call VRFini exit _VREReturnValue VRLoadSecondary: __vrlsWait = abbrev( 'WAIT', translate(arg(2)), 1 ) if __vrlsWait then do call VRFlush end __vrlsHWnd = VRLoad( VRWindow(), VRWindowPath(), arg(1) ) if __vrlsHWnd = '' then signal __vrlsDone if __vrlsWait \= 1 then signal __vrlsDone call VRSet __vrlsHWnd, 'WindowMode', 'Modal' __vrlsTmp = __vrlsWindows.0 if( DataType(__vrlsTmp) \= 'NUM' ) then do __vrlsTmp = 1 end else do __vrlsTmp = __vrlsTmp + 1 end __vrlsWindows.__vrlsTmp = VRWindow( __vrlsHWnd ) __vrlsWindows.0 = __vrlsTmp do while( VRIsValidObject( VRWindow() ) = 1 ) __vrlsEvent = VREvent() interpret __vrlsEvent end __vrlsTmp = __vrlsWindows.0 __vrlsWindows.0 = __vrlsTmp - 1 call VRWindow __vrlsWindows.__vrlsTmp __vrlsHWnd = '' __vrlsDone: return __vrlsHWnd /*:VRX __VXREXX____APPENDS__ */ __VXREXX____APPENDS__: /* #append ..\shared\cltinit.vrs #append ..\shared\inittempdir.vrs #append ..\shared\nlv.vrs #append ..\shared\rexx_md5.vrs #append ..\shared\smbtree.vrs #append ..\shared\textini.vrs #append ..\shared\usercredmem.vrs #append ..\shared\rxrpclib.vrs */ return /*:VRX _AboutSambaClientGetInfo */ _AboutSambaClientGetInfo: call VRSet "SW_ABOUT", "Painting", 0 BR = '' ok = VRMethod( "CN_About", "RemoveRecord", "All" ) /* OS Version */ if VRFileExists(SysBootDrive()||"\SYS\ARCANOAE.FLG" ) then do OS = linein(SysBootDrive()||"\SYS\ARCANOAE.FLG") OS = subword(OS,1,2) '('translate(word(OS,3))')' ok = stream(SysBootDrive()||"\SYS\ARCANOAE.FLG",'c','close') end else if VRFileExists(SysBootDrive()||"\ECS\ECS_INST.FLG" ) then do OS = linein(SysBootDrive()||"\ECS\ECS_INST.FLG") OS = subword(OS,1,3) ok = stream(SysBootDrive()||"\ECS\ECS_INST.FLG",'c','close') end else OS = "OS/2 Warp/eComStation 1.x" DummyRH = VRMethod('CN_About', 'AddRecord') ok = VRMethod("CN_ABOUT", "SetFieldData", DummyRH, About.DscFH, "Operating system", About.ValFH, OS) /* Filesystem version */ DummyRH = VRMethod('CN_About', 'AddRecord') ok = VRMethod("CN_ABOUT", "SetFieldData", DummyRH, About.DscFH, "File system", About.ValFH, fs.!name' Version 'fs.!version) ABoutStr = "Samba Client Versions:"||BR AboutStr = AboutStr||'0D0A'x||"File system "||'09'x||fs.!name' Version 'fs.!version||BR plugindll. ="" /* Plugin */ address cmd 'look4dll.exe ndpsmb.dll >'samba.!msg if RC <> 0 then do /* Look4DLL not installed or failed, try fallback search */ if rc == 1041 then do /* look4dll not found, use REXX-based search */ pluginpath = _DLLSearch('ndpsmb.dll') if pluginpath <> '' then do plugindll.0 = 1 plugindll.1 = pluginpath end end else plugindll.0 = 0 /* DLL is not in libpath; as a last resort, check some well-known places */ if plugindll.0 < 1 then do NDFSDir = value("NDFSDIR",,"OS2ENVIRONMENT") if NDFSDir = "" then do OSDir = value("OSDIR",,"OS2ENVIRONMENT") if OSDir == '' then OSDir = SysBootDrive()'\os2' NDFSDir = OSDir'\dll' end ok = SysFileTree(NDFSDir'\ndpsmb.dll', "plugindll.", 'FOS') end end else do pluginline = linein(samba.!msg) ok = stream(samba.!msg,'c','close') ok = SysFileDelete(samba.!msg) parse var pluginline . 'loaded ' pluginline NDFSDir = VRParseFileName(pluginline,"DP") plugindll.0 = 1 plugindll.1 = pluginline end if plugindll.0 > 0 then do do J = 1 to plugindll.0 DummyRH.1 = VRMethod('CN_About', 'AddRecord') ok = VRMethod("CN_ABOUT", "SetFieldData", DummyRH.1, About.DscFH, "Plugin file", About.ValFH, plugindll.J) AboutStr = AboutStr||'0D0A'x||"Plugin file "||'09'x||plugindll.J||BR address cmd 'bldlevel.exe 'plugindll.J' >'samba.!msg I = 0 Dummy = linein(samba.!msg) say Dummy Dummy = linein(samba.!msg) say Dummy Dummy = linein(samba.!msg) say Dummy do until lines(samba.!msg) = 0 I = I + 1 line.I = linein(samba.!msg) if pos('has no LAN component-style version string', line.I) > 0 then do DummyRH = VRMethod('CN_About', 'AddRecord') ok = VRMethod("CN_ABOUT", "SetFieldData", DummyRH, About.DscFH, "Error", About.ValFH, "Plugin has no LAN component-style version string") leave end else do parse var line.I desc':'vers DummyRH = VRMethod('CN_About', 'AddRecord') ok = VRMethod("CN_ABOUT", "SetFieldData", DummyRH, About.DscFH, "Plugin "Desc, About.ValFH, strip(Vers)) AboutStr = AboutStr||'0D0A'x||"Plugin "Desc '09'x||strip(Vers)||BR end end line.0 = I ok = stream(samba.!msg,'c','close') ok = SysFileDelete(samba.!msg) end end else do DummyRH = VRMethod('CN_About', 'AddRecord') ok = VRMethod("CN_ABOUT", "SetFieldData", DummyRH, About.DscFH, "Plugin", About.ValFH, "Not found!") AboutStr = AboutStr||'0D0A'x||"Plugin not found!"||BR end /* Commandline utilities */ address cmd samba.!smbclientexe' -V >'samba.!msg ClutVer = linein(samba.!msg) ok = stream(samba.!msg,'c','close') ok = SysFileDelete(samba.!msg) DummyRH = VRMethod('CN_About', 'AddRecord') ok = VRMethod("CN_ABOUT", "SetFieldData", DummyRH, About.DscFH, "Commandline utility path", About.ValFH, VRParseFileName(samba.!smbclientexe,"DP")) DummyRH = VRMethod('CN_About', 'AddRecord') ok = VRMethod("CN_ABOUT", "SetFieldData", DummyRH, About.DscFH, "Commandline utilities", About.ValFH, ClutVer) AboutStr = AboutStr||'0D0A'x||"Commandline utilities "||'09'x||ClutVer||BR /* GUI Version */ DummyRH = VRMethod('CN_About', 'AddRecord') ok = VRMethod("CN_ABOUT", "SetFieldData", DummyRH, About.DscFH, "EVFSGUI", About.ValFH, VRGet("Main", "HintText")) AboutStr = AboutStr||'0D0A'x||"EVFSGUI "||'09'x || VRGet("Main", "HintText")||BR call VRSet "SW_ABOUT", "Painting", 1 return /*:VRX _AddTemplates */ _AddTemplates: VolTplRH = VRMethod("CN_CURRENT", 'AddRecord', , 'First', 'Volume template', icons.!template ) MpTplRH = VRMethod("CN_CURRENT", 'AddRecord', VolTplRH, 'First', 'Mountpoint template', icons.!template ) return /*:VRX _BrowseBuildPath */ _BrowseBuildPath: procedure expose options. icons. samba. sharerh if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' _BrowseBuildPath started' rh = arg(1) finished = 0 BrowsePathStr = '' do while \finished parentrh = VRMethod("CN_SMBTREE","GetRecordAttr",rh,"Parent") resname = VRMethod("CN_SMBTREE","GetRecordAttr",rh,"caption") userdata = VRMethod("CN_SMBTREE","GetRecordAttr",rh,"userdata") parse var userdata udatatype '|' udatamsg parse var resname resname '0D0A'x . resname = strip(resname) /* say " Not connected - cannot open!" */ select when udatatype = "SERVER" then do BrowsePathStr = '\\'resname'\'BrowsePathStr finished = 1 end when udatatype = "DISK" then do BrowsePathStr = resname'\'BrowsePathStr sharerh =rh rh = parentrh end otherwise do BrowsePathStr = resname'\'BrowsePathStr rh = parentrh end end /* say ' BrowsePathStr = "'BrowsePathStr'"' */ end BrowsePathStr = strip(BrowsePathStr,'T','\') if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' _BrowseBuildPath done, returning "'BrowsePathStr'"' return BrowsePathStr /*:VRX _BrowseDirectory */ _BrowseDirectory: /* This must not be a procedure */ if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' _BrowseDirectory started' /* Turn off painting */ ok = VRSet("CN_SMBTREE","Painting", 0 ) call VRSet VRWindow(), 'Pointer', 'Wait' /* Make sure credentials are usable */ if UserCred = 'USERCRED' | UserCred = '' | UserCred = '--user=%' then UserCred = '-N' /* We have to remove the double % for smbclient.exe - not entirely clear why */ OldUserCred = "" if pos('%%',UserCred) > 0 & pos("4OS2", value("COMSPEC",,"OS2ENVIRONMENT")) = 0 then do OldUserCred = UserCred parse var UserCred '--user='username'%%'password UserCred = '--user='username'%'password say " Strip double %%!!!" end say ' 'samba.!smbclientexe' \\'machine'\'sharename' 'UserCred' --command="dir 'browsepath'"' address cmd samba.!smbclientexe' \\'machine'\'sharename' 'UserCred' --command="dir 'browsepath'" 'debuglevel' 2>NUL 1>'samba.!msg if UserCred = '-N' then UserCred = '' if OldUserCred <> "" then do UserCred = OldUserCred OldUserCred = "" say " Restore double %%!!!" end I = 0 ok = VRSet("DT_STATUSBAR","Caption", "") do until lines(samba.!msg) = 0 infoline = linein(samba.!msg) select when pos('blocks',infoline) > 0 then do /* Last line */ /* we should handle size information here */ iterate end when I = 0 & length(infoline) > 0 & left(infoline,2) <> " " then do /* Login message */ say ' Login message "'Infoline'"' ok = VRMethod("CN_SMBTREE", "SetRecordAttr", SMBObj.rh, "Userdata", SMBObj.udatatype'|'infoline ) ok = VRSet("DT_STATUSBAR","Caption", infoline) end when left(infoline,2) = " " & length(infoline) > 0 then do /* file or DIR */ wn = words(infoline) fyear = word(infoline,wn) ftime = word(infoline,wn-1) fday = word(infoline,wn-2) fmonth = word(infoline,wn-3) fwday = word(infoline,wn-4) pos_attr = pos(fwday,infoline)-16 fsize = word(infoline,wn-5) fattr = substr(infoline,pos_attr,6) fname = strip( substr(infoline,3,pos_attr-3)) if fname = '.' | fname = '..' then iterate /* we do not display these */ if pos('H',fattr) > 0 then iterate /* we do not display hidden files */ if pos('S',fattr) > 0 then iterate /* we do not display system files */ I = I + 1 fh.I = VRMethod( "CN_SMBTREE", "AddRecord", SMBObj.rh, , fname) if pos('D',fattr) = 0 then do Ext = translate(VRParseFIleName(fname,'E')) select when Ext = 'EXE' then ficon = icons.!exe /* executable */ when Ext = 'CMD' then ficon = icons.!cmd /* OS/2 or NT batch */ when Ext = 'BAT' then ficon = icons.!bat /* DOS batch */ when Ext = 'PDF' then ficon = icons.!pdf /* PDF document */ when wordpos(Ext, 'XLS SXC ODS') > 0 then ficon = icons.!spreadsheet when wordpos(Ext, 'DOC SXW ODT') > 0 then ficon = icons.!textdocument when wordpos(Ext, 'FW2 FW3 FW4') > 0 then ficon = icons.!framework when wordpos(Ext, 'JPG BMP PNG GIF TIF') > 0 then ficon = icons.!image when wordpos(Ext, 'AVI MPG FLV WMV') > 0 then ficon = icons.!movie when wordpos(Ext, 'WAV MP3 OGG MID') > 0 then ficon = icons.!sound when wordpos(Ext, 'WPI') > 0 then ficon = icons.!warpin when wordpos(Ext, 'ZIP') > 0 then ficon = icons.!zip when wordpos(Ext, 'INF HLP') > 0 then ficon = icons.!view when wordpos(Ext, 'TXT') > 0 then ficon = icons.!plaintext otherwise ficon = icons.!defaultfile /* default file icon */ end ftype = 'FILE' end else do ficon = icons.!folder ftype = 'DIRECTORY' end ok = VRmethod("CN_SMBTREE", "SetRecordAttr", fh.I, "userdata", ftype'|'fsize' Bytes 'fday'-'fmonth'-'fyear' 'ftime,'icon',Ficon) end otherwise nop /* no other line type */ end end if I > 0 then ok = VRMethod("CN_SMBTREE","SetRecordAttr",SMBObj.rh, "Icon", icons.!folder_open) ok = stream(samba.!msg,'c','close') ok = SysFileDelete(samba.!msg) ok = VRMethod( "CN_SMBTREE", "SetRecordAttr", SMBObj.rh,"Collapsed", 0) /* Turn on painting */ call VRSet VRWindow(), 'Pointer', '' ok = VRSet("CN_SMBTREE","Painting", 1 ) if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' _BrowseDirectory done' return /*:VRX _BrowseObjectOpen */ _BrowseObjectOpen: procedure expose samba. options. cd. icons. machine = arg(1) sharename = arg(2) browsepath = arg(3) CALL VRMethod "CN_CONDET", 'GetRecordList', 'All', 'records.' OpenOk = 0 DO i = 1 TO records.0 if VRMethod( "CN_CONDET", "GetFieldData", records.i, CD.StatusFH) = icons.!active then do if options.!debug == 1 then say ' 'VRMethod( "CN_CONDET", "GetFieldData", records.i, CD.StatusFH)' 'VRMethod( "CN_CONDET", "GetFieldData", records.i, CD.MPointFH)' 'VRMethod( "CN_CONDET", "GetFieldData", records.i, CD.ServerFH)' 'VRMethod( "CN_CONDET", "GetFieldData", records.i, CD.ShareFH) if machine = VRMethod( "CN_CONDET", "GetFieldData", records.i, CD.ServerFH) &, sharename = VRMethod( "CN_CONDET", "GetFieldData", records.i, CD.ShareFH) then do Object = strip(VRMethod( "CN_CONDET", "GetFieldData", records.i, CD.MPointFH),'T','\')'\'browsepath if options.!debug == 1 then say ' Non UNC object: "'Object'"' ID = VRMethod( "Application", "StartThread", "wps_open", Object, "DEFAULT" ) OpenOK = 1 end end if OpenOK = 1 then leave end return OpenOK /*:VRX _BrowseResetObject */ _BrowseResetObject: procedure ok = VRSet("CN_SMBTREE","Painting", 0 ) rh = arg(1) /* Remove all files and directories whose parent is our share */ ok = VRMethod( "CN_SMBTREE", "GetRecordList", "All", "AllRH." ) do I = 1 to AllRH.0 AllParentRH = VRMethod("CN_SMBTREE","GetRecordAttr",AllRH.I,"Parent") if AllParentRH = rh then ok = VRMethod( "CN_SMBTREE", "RemoveRecord", AllRH.I ) end ok = VRSet("CN_SMBTREE","Painting", 1 ) return /*:VRX _ContainersInit */ _ContainersInit: if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' _ContainersInit started' /* Connection details */ CD.StatusFH = VRMethod( "CN_CONDET", "AddField", "Icon", "Status" ) CD.mpointFH = VRMethod( "CN_CONDET", "AddField", "String", "mpoint" ) CD.mpidxFH = VRMethod( "CN_CONDET", "AddField", "String", "index" ) CD.workgrpFH = VRMethod( "CN_CONDET", "AddField", "String", "workgroup" ) CD.serverFH = VRMethod( "CN_CONDET", "AddField", "String", "server" ) CD.shareFH = VRMethod( "CN_CONDET", "AddField", "String", "share" ) CD.userFH = VRMethod( "CN_CONDET", "AddField", "String", "user" ) CD.passwordFH = VRMethod( "CN_CONDET", "AddField", "String", "password" ) CD.spasswordFH = VRMethod( "CN_CONDET", "AddField", "String", "spassword" ) CD.masterFH = VRMethod( "CN_CONDET", "AddField", "String", "master" ) CD.mtypeFH = VRMethod( "CN_CONDET", "AddField", "String", "mastertype" ) CD.memlenFH = VRMethod( "CN_CONDET", "AddField", "String", "memlen" ) CD.easupportFH = VRMethod( "CN_CONDET", "AddField", "String", "easupport" ) CD.logfileFH = VRMethod( "CN_CONDET", "AddField", "String", "logfile" ) CD.loglevelFH = VRMethod( "CN_CONDET", "AddField", "String", "loglevel" ) CD.rwFH = VRMethod( "CN_CONDET", "AddField", "String", "readonly" ) CD.ctoFH = VRMethod( "CN_CONDET", "AddField", "String", "cachetimeout" ) CD.cldFH = VRMethod( "CN_CONDET", "AddField", "String", "cachelistings" ) CD.hashFH = VRMethod( "CN_CONDET", "AddField", "String", "hash" ) /* Connection details */ ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldAttr", cd.mpidxfh , "Visible", options.!debug) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldAttr", cd.passwordfh , "Visible", options.!debug) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldAttr", cd.spasswordfh , "Visible", options.!debug) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldAttr", cd.masterFH , "Visible", options.!debug) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldAttr", cd.mtypeFH , "Visible", options.!debug) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldAttr", cd.memlenfh , "Visible", options.!debug) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldAttr", cd.logfilefh , "Visible", options.!debug) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldAttr", cd.loglevelfh , "Visible", options.!debug) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldAttr", cd.hashfh , "Visible", options.!debug) ok = VRSet("CN_CONDET", "DetailSort", cd.mpointfh ) /* NLV columns */ ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldAttr", cd.statusfh , "Title", strip(NLVGetMessage(67),"T",":")) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldAttr", cd.mpointfh , "Title", strip(NLVGetMessage(27),"T",":")) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldAttr", cd.workgrpFH , "Title", strip(NLVGetMessage(21),"T",":")) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldAttr", cd.serverFH , "Title", strip(NLVGetMessage(19),"T",":")) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldAttr", cd.shareFH , "Title", strip(NLVGetMessage(20),"T",":")) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldAttr", cd.userFH , "Title", strip(NLVGetMessage(25),"T",":")) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldAttr", cd.ctoFH , "Title", strip(NLVGetMessage(130),"T",":")) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldAttr", cd.cldFH , "Title", strip(NLVGetMessage(131),"T",":")) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldAttr", cd.easupportFH , "Title", strip(NLVGetMessage(68),"T",":")) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldAttr", cd.rwfh , "Title", strip(NLVGetMessage(69),"T",":")) /* SMBTree columns */ WorkgroupFH= VRMethod( "CN_smbtree", "AddField", "String", "Workgroup" ) NBFH = VRMethod( "CN_smbtree", "AddField", "String", "NetBIOS name" ) IpFH = VRMethod( "CN_smbtree", "AddField", "String", "IP" ) MBFH = VRMethod( "CN_smbtree", "AddField", "String", "Role" ) OSFH = VRMethod( "CN_smbtree", "AddField", "String", "OS" ) VersionFH = VRMethod( "CN_SmbTree", "AddField", "String", "Version" ) CommentFH = VRMethod( "CN_smbtree", "AddField", "String", "Comment" ) MacFH = VRMethod( "CN_smbtree", "AddField", "String", "MAC" ) ok = VRMethod("CN_smbtree","SetfieldAttr",IPFH, "ReadOnly", 1) ok = VRMethod("CN_smbtree","SetfieldAttr",NBFH, "ReadOnly", 1) ok = VRMethod("CN_smbtree","SetfieldAttr",MBFH, "ReadOnly", 1) ok = VRMethod("CN_smbtree","SetfieldAttr",WorkGroupFH,"ReadOnly", 1) ok = VRMethod("CN_smbtree","SetfieldAttr",OSFH, "ReadOnly", 1) ok = VRMethod("CN_smbtree","SetfieldAttr",MacFH, "ReadOnly", 1) if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' _ContainersInit done' return /*:VRX _ContextMenuSelectedSet */ _ContextMenuSelectedSet: /* Fixme: This routine only works for CN_SMBTREE right now */ /* Hide all context menu entries */ ok = VRSet("Menu_Selected_Remove", "Visible", 0) /* CN_CONDET */ ok = VRSet("Menu_Selected_Retry", "Visible", 0) /* CN_CONDET */ ok = VRSet("Menu_Selected_Connect", "Visible", 0) /* CN_SMBTREE */ ok = VRSet("Menu_Selected_Sep1", "Visible", 0) /* CN_SMBTREE */ ok = VRSet("Menu_Selected_Info", "Visible", 0) /* CN_SMBTREE */ ok = VRSet("Menu_Selected_TimeSync", "Visible", 0) /* CN_SMBTREE */ ok = VRSet("Menu_Selected_Refresh", "Visible", 0) /* CN_SMBTREE */ ok = VRSet("Menu_Selected_Default_Workgroup","Visible", 0) /* CN_SMBTREE */ /* ok = VRSet("Menu_Selected_TreeView","Visible",1) ok = VRSet("Menu_Selected_DetailsView","Visible",1) */ select when SMBObj.udatatype = "DISK" then do ok = VRSet("Menu_Selected_Connect", "Visible", 1) end when SMBObj.udatatype = "SERVER" then do ok = VRSet("Menu_Selected_Connect", "Visible", 1) ok = VRSet("Menu_Selected_Sep1", "Visible", 1) ok = VRSet("Menu_Selected_Info", "Visible", 1) ok = VRSet("Menu_Selected_TimeSync", "Visible", 1) ok = VRSet("Menu_Selected_Refresh", "Visible", 1) end when SMBObj.udatatype = "WORKGROUP" then do ok = VRSet("Menu_Selected_Connect", "Visible", 1) ok = VRSet("Menu_Selected_Sep1", "Visible", 1) ok = VRSet("Menu_Selected_Default_Workgroup","Visible", 1) end when SMBObj.udatatype = "PRINTER" then do call _PrinterInfo /* CALL VRMessage 'Main', NLVGetMessage( 62 ), NLVGetMessage( 5 ), 'E' */ end otherwise nop /* FILE DIRECTORY */ end return /*:VRX _CreateSmbConf */ _CreateSmbConf: if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"_CreateSmbConf started" call lineout samba.!smbconf, '# Samba config file created using EVFSGUI ver. 'word(VRGet("Main","Hinttext"),2) call lineout samba.!smbconf, '# from 'value("USER",,'OS2ENVIRONMENT')'@'value("HOSTNAME",,'OS2ENVIRONMENT') call lineout samba.!smbconf, '# Date: 'date()' 'time() call lineout samba.!smbconf, '[global]' if settings.!network <> '' then do call lineout samba.!smbconf, '09'x||'workgroup = 'settings.!network end else do call lineout samba.!smbconf, '09'x||'workgroup = WORKGROUP' end call lineout samba.!smbconf, '09'x||'log level = 0' ok = stream(samba.!smbconf,'c','close') if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"_CreateSmbConf done" return /*:VRX _DaemonRunning */ _DaemonRunning: procedure expose fs. ok = PRProcessList(proc) PID = 0 do I = 1 to proc.0 CurProc = VRParseFileName(proc.i.name,'NE') if CurProc = fs.!prefix"CTL.EXE" then do PID = proc.i.pid leave end end return PID /*:VRX _DelSMBObjectShares */ _DelSMBObjectShares: procedure expose samba. options. SMBObj. rh /* Purpose: Delete shares for a given Object (as handle) */ rh = arg(1) ok = VRMethod("CN_smbtree", "GetRecordList", "All", rh.) do J = 1 to rh.0 /* populate shares with valid entries */ ParentRH = VRMethod("CN_SMBTREE","GetRecordAttr",rh.J,"Parent") if ParentRH = rh then do /* we found a share belonging to our server */ ok = VRMethod("CN_SMBTree", "RemoveRecord", rh.J ) end end SmbObj.shares. = '' SmbObj.shares.0 = 0 return /*:VRX _DialogPopulate */ _DialogPopulate: ok = VRMethod( "CN_SMBTREE", "GetRecordList", "Visible", "rh." ) ok = VRMethod("EF_SHARE", "Reset") ok = VRMethod("EF_SERVER", "Reset") ok = VRMethod("EF_NETWORK", "Reset") do I = 1 to rh.0 Userdata = VRMethod("CN_SMBTREE","GetRecordAttr",rh.I,"Userdata") ResName = VRMethod("CN_SMBTREE","GetRecordAttr",rh.I,"Caption") parse var ResName ResName '0D0A'x . ResName = strip(ResName) parse var userdata ResType '|' . select when ResType = "WORKGROUP" then ok = VRMethod("EF_NETWORK","AddString", ResName) when ResType = "SERVER" then ok = VRMethod("EF_SERVER", "AddString", ResName) when ResType = "DISK" then ok = VRMethod("EF_SHARE", "AddString", ResName) otherwise nop end end return /*:VRX _DLLSearch */ _DLLSearch: PROCEDURE PARSE ARG dname _bd = SysBootDrive() IF _bd == '' THEN _bd = FILESPEC('DRIVE', VALUE('COMSPEC',,'OS2ENVIRONMENT')) _csys = _bd'\CONFIG.SYS' CALL SysFileSearch 'LIBPATH=', _csys, 'match.' DO i = 1 TO match.0 PARSE UPPER VAR match.i _lead 'LIBPATH=' _lpath IF (_lead == '') & (_lpath <> '') THEN LEAVE END _lpath = SysQueryExtLIBPATH('B') || ';'_lpath';' || SysQueryExtLIBPATH('E') CALL SETLOCAL _testenv = 'TEST_'dname'_LIBPATH' CALL VALUE _testenv, _lpath, 'OS2ENVIRONMENT' location = SysSearchPath( _testenv, dname ) CALL ENDLOCAL RETURN location /*:VRX _dropdeprecated */ _dropdeprecated: /* The stem-less counterparts of these variables are considered deprecated and should be removed wherever possible The _dropdeprecated routine will drop any value in order to make sure the stem actually works If another variable is added to the stem, ensure to also drop it in dropdeprecated otherwise it will not be exported */ drop rh drop parentrh drop gparentrh drop icon drop resname drop comment drop udatatype drop udatamsg return /*:VRX _Dynamic */ _Dynamic: dyn_code = arg(1) if options.!debug == 1 then say ' Dynamic code: 'dyn_code interpret dyn_code; drop dyn_code return /*:VRX _GetSMBObjectProperties */ _GetSMBObjectProperties: procedure expose samba. options. SMBObj. rh icon resname udatatype udatamsg parentrh icons. if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' _GetSMBObjectProperties started' /* Purpose of this subroutine: The current SMB object's frequently used properties should be stored in a stem SMBObj.rh = recordhandle of the object SMBObj.resname = resourcename of the object SMBObj.comment = commentstring of the object SMBObj.icon = icon of the object SMBObj.udatatype = type of object (WORKGROUP, SERVER, DISK, PRINTER, FILE, DIRECTORY) SMBObj.udatamsg = arbitrary object related data (Login message, file properties) SMBObj.parentrh = recordhandle of the object's parent SMBObj.gparentrh = recordhandle of the object's grandparent The stem-less counterparts of these variables are considered deprecated and should be removed wherever possible The _dropdeprecated routine will drop any value in order to make sure the stem actually works If another variable is added to the stem, ensure to also drop it in dropdeprecated otherwise it will not be exported */ call _dropdeprecated SMBObj. = "" SMBObj.rh = arg(1) if VRMethod( "CN_SMBTREE", "ValidateRecord", SMBObj.rh) <> 1 | SMBObj.rh = "" then do if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' _GetSMBObjectProperties aborted' return end SMBObj.Icon = VRMethod("CN_SMBTREE", "GetRecordAttr", SMBObj.rh, "Icon") SMBObj.parentrh = VRMethod("CN_SMBTREE", "GetRecordAttr", SMBObj.rh, "Parent") if SMBObj.parentrh = "" then SMBObj.gparentrh = "" else SMBObj.gparentrh = VRMethod("CN_SMBTREE", "GetRecordAttr", SMBObj.parentrh, "Parent") SMBObj.resname = VRMethod("CN_SMBTREE", "GetRecordAttr", SMBObj.rh, "Caption") parse var SMBObj.resname SMBObj.resname '0D0A'x SMBObj.comment SMBObj.resname = strip(SMBObj.resname) SMBObj.comment = strip(SMBObj.comment) Userdata = VRMethod("CN_SMBTREE", "GetRecordAttr", SMBObj.rh, "Userdata") parse var userdata SMBObj.udatatype '|' SMBObj.udatamsg SMBObj.udatatype = strip(SMBObj.udatatype) SMBObj.udatamsg = strip(SMBObj.udatamsg) if options.!debug == 1 then do say ' Handle: "'SMBObj.rh'"' say ' GParentrh "'SMBObj.gparentrh'"' say ' Resource: "'SMBObj.resname'"' say ' Comment: "'SMBObj.comment'"' say ' Type: "'SMBObj.udatatype'"' say ' Message: "'SMBObj.udatamsg'"' say ' Icon: "'SMBObj.icon'"' end if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' _GetSMBObjectProperties done' return /*:VRX _GetSMBObjectShares */ _GetSMBObjectShares: procedure expose samba. options. SMBObj. /* Purpose: Return stem with shares for a given Object (as handle) */ rh = arg(1) SmbObj.shares. = '' SmbObj.shares.0 = 0 I = 0 ok = VRMethod("CN_smbtree", "GetRecordList", "All", rh.) do J = 1 to rh.0 /* populate shares with valid entries */ Userdata = VRMethod("CN_SMBTREE","GetRecordAttr",rh.J,"Userdata") ResName = VRMethod("CN_SMBTREE","GetRecordAttr",rh.J,"Caption") ParentRH = VRMethod("CN_SMBTREE","GetRecordAttr",rh.J,"Parent") parse var ResName ResName '0D0A'x . ResName = strip(ResName) parse var userdata ResType '|' . if ParentRH = rh then do /* we found a share belonging to our server */ if ResType = "DISK" then do I = I + 1 SmbObj.shares.I = ResName end end end SmbObj.shares.0 = I return /*:VRX _GUIInit */ _GUIInit: if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' _GUIInit started' CALL VRSet 'Main', 'HelpFile', settings.!helpfile /* Main Window */ CALL NLVSetText 'Main', "Caption", 1 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_File', "Caption", 80 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_Context', "Caption", 81 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_Selected', "Caption", 83 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_Help', "Caption", 84 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_File_LOAD', "Caption", 31 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_File_SAVE', "Caption", 30 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_File_LMHosts_Reset', "Caption", 127 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_File_ucCred_Reset', "Caption", 128 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_File_Autostart', "Caption", 35 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_File_Autostart_Activate', "Caption", 76 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_File_Autostart_Deactivate', "Caption", 77 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_File_Daemon', "Caption", 126 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_File_Daemon_Start', "Caption", 76 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_File_Daemon_Stop', "Caption", 77 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_File_CLOSE', "Caption", 29 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_Context_DETACH', "Caption", 11 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_Context_DETACH_ALL', "Caption", 120 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_Context_REFRESH', "Caption", 38 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_Context_UNMOUNT', "Caption", 12 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_Context_EDIT', "Caption", 32 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_Context_OPEN', "Caption", 94 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_Context_OPEN_ICON', "Caption", 95 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_Context_OPEN_TREE', "Caption", 96 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_Context_OPEN_DETAIL', "Caption", 97 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_Context_OPEN_SETTINGS', "Caption", 98 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_Context_OPEN_SPLITVIEW', "Caption", 99 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_Selected_Connect', "Caption", 28 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_Selected_Remove', "Caption", 12 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_Selected_Retry', "Caption", 90 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_Selected_Info', "Caption", 92 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_Selected_TimeSync', "Caption", 129 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_Selected_Refresh', "Caption", 38 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_Selected_Default_Workgroup',"Caption", 75 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_Help_Extended', "Caption", 4 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_Help_About', "Caption", 91 /* Left pane */ CALL NLVSetText 'DT_CURRENT', "Caption", 10 CALL NLVSetText 'PB_DETACH', "Caption", 11 CALL NLVSetText 'PB_UNMOUNT', "Caption", 12 /* Dialog window */ CALL NLVSetText 'DT_MOUNT', "Caption", 14 CALL NLVSetText 'DT_SERVER', "Caption", 19 CALL NLVSetText 'DT_SHARE', "Caption", 20 CALL NLVSetText 'DT_NETWORK', "Caption", 21 CALL NLVSetText 'CHK_MTYPE', "Caption", 23 CALL NLVSetText 'DT_USER', "Caption", 25 CALL NLVSetText 'DT_PASSWORD', "Caption", 26 CALL NLVSetText 'DT_MPOINT', "Caption", 27 CALL NLVSetText 'PB_MOUNT', "Caption", 28 CALL NLVSetText 'PB_EDIT_CANCEL', "Caption", 3 CALL NLVSetText 'PB_DIALOG_HELP', "Caption", 4 CALL NLVSetText 'PB_CLEARCRED', "Caption", 89 IF (mtype.1 \= '' & mtype.2 \= '' & mtype.3 \= '' & mtype.4 \= '') THEN DO CALL VRMethod CB_MOUNT, 'Clear' CALL VRMethod CB_MOUNT, 'AddStringList', 'mtype.' END if (mtype.1 = '' & mtype.2 = '' & mtype.3 = '' & mtype.4 = '') THEN DO /* we do not seem to have an NLV file */ /* we fill the array with the list predefined directly in the GUI control */ ok = VRMethod( "CB_MOUNT", "GetStringList", "mtype." ) end /* SMBTree */ CALL NLVSetText 'PB_SMBTREE_CONNECT', "Caption", 28 CALL NLVSetText 'PB_SMBTREE_REFRESH', "Caption", 38 CALL NLVSetText 'PB_SMBTREE_HELP', "Caption", 4 CALL NLVSetText 'CN_SMBTREE', "Caption",140 /** Use AutoSize property instead ok = VRSet("Pict_Throbber","Width", VRMethod( "Screen", "PixelsToTwips", 32 )) ok = VRSet("Pict_Throbber","Height", VRMethod( "Screen", "PixelsToTwips", 32 )) **/ /* Condet */ CALL NLVSetText 'PB_CONDET_SAVE', "Caption", 30 CALL NLVSetText 'PB_CONDET_LOAD', "Caption", 31 CALL NLVSetText 'PB_CONDET_HELP',"Caption", 4 /* Statusbar */ ok = VRSet("DT_STATUSBAR", "Caption", VRGet("Main", "HintText")) /* Common margin around controls */ margin = ((VRGet("Main", "InteriorLeft") / 3) * 2) + 2 smbwait = "#50" if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' _GUIInit done' return /*:VRX _INILoad */ _INILoad: if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' _INILoad started' /* Locate the profile */ os2_ini = VALUE('USER_INI',,'OS2ENVIRONMENT') inipath = VRParseFilePath( os2_ini, 'DP') IF inipath == '' THEN inipath = SysBootDrive() || '\OS2' settings.!ini = inipath'\evfsgui.ini' drop os2_ini inipath if options.!debug == 1 then say ' EVFSGUI INIfile = "'settings.!ini'"' settings.!network = "" /* Create default smb.conf if none exists */ if \VRFileExists( samba.!smbconf ) then call _CreateSmbConf say _ucInitObj() say _ucChkObj() IF STREAM( settings.!ini, 'C', 'QUERY EXISTS') == '' THEN DO /* First start */ if options.!debug == 1 then say " First start!" advanced.!browseauth = 0 advanced.!browseimme = 1 advanced.!broadcast = 0 advanced.!special = 0 advanced.!savepassive= 0 advanced.!lmhosts = 1 advanced.!miniicons = 0 advanced.!easupport = 1 advanced.!readonly = 0 advanced.!alwaysmp = 0 advanced.!cachetimeout = 10 advanced.!cachelistings = 32 CALL VRSet "Main", 'Height', 7576 CALL VRSet "Main", 'Width', 8200 CALL VRSet "SPLIT_MAIN", 'Left', 2915 CALL VRMethod "Main", 'CenterWindow' call VRSet 'Main', 'Visible', 1 call Main_Resize END ELSE DO /* Subsequent start */ /* Load window position settings */ settings.!x = VRGetIni('Settings', 'X', settings.!ini, 'NoClose') settings.!y = VRGetIni('Settings', 'Y', settings.!ini, 'NoClose') settings.!h = VRGetIni('Settings', 'H', settings.!ini, 'NoClose') settings.!w = VRGetIni('Settings', 'W', settings.!ini, 'NoClose') settings.!s = VRGetIni('Settings', 'S', settings.!ini, 'NoClose') IF settings.!x == '' THEN settings.!x = -1 IF settings.!y == '' THEN settings.!y = -1 IF settings.!h == '' THEN settings.!h = -1 IF settings.!w == '' THEN settings.!w = -1 IF settings.!s == '' THEN settings.!s = -1 /* Titlebar settings */ settings.!curbcolor = VRGetIni('Settings', 'TitleBarBackground', settings.!ini, 'NoClose') settings.!curfcolor = VRGetIni('Settings', 'TitleBarForeground', settings.!ini, 'NoClose') IF (settings.!curbcolor = '' | settings.!curbcolor = '') THEN settings.!curbcolor = 'SystemActiveTitle' IF (settings.!curfcolor = '' | settings.!curfcolor = '') THEN settings.!curfcolor = 'SystemActiveTitleText' /* Load font settings */ IF VRFileExists( SysBootDrive() || '\OS2DBCS') == 1 THEN default_font = '9.WarpSans Combined' ELSE default_font = '9.WarpSans' settings.!cfont = VRGetIni('Settings', 'ContainerFont', settings.!ini, 'NoClose') settings.!wfont = VRGetIni('Settings', 'WindowFont', settings.!ini, 'NoClose') IF settings.!cfont == '' THEN settings.!cfont = default_font IF settings.!wfont == '' THEN settings.!wfont = default_font /* Current page */ settings.!curpage = VRGetIni('Settings', 'CurrentPage', settings.!ini, 'NoClose') IF settings.!curpage == '' THEN settings.!curpage = 1 /* Global settings */ advanced.!browseauth = VRGetIni('Settings', 'BrowseAuth', settings.!ini, 'NoClose') advanced.!browseimme = VRGetIni('Settings', 'BrowseImme', settings.!ini, 'NoClose') advanced.!broadcast = VRGetIni('Settings', 'Broadcast', settings.!ini, 'NoClose') advanced.!special = VRGetIni('Settings', 'SpecialShares', settings.!ini, 'NoClose') advanced.!savepassive= VRGetIni('Settings', 'SavePassive', settings.!ini, 'NoClose') advanced.!lmhosts = VRGetIni('Settings', 'LMHosts', settings.!ini, 'NoClose') advanced.!miniicons = VRGetIni('Settings', 'MiniIcons', settings.!ini, 'NoClose') advanced.!easupport = VRGetIni('Settings', 'EAS', settings.!ini, 'NoClose') advanced.!readonly = VRGetIni('Settings', 'ReadOnly', settings.!ini, 'NoClose') advanced.!alwaysmp = VRGetIni('Settings', 'AlwaysMP', settings.!ini, 'NoClose') advanced.!cachetimeout = VRGetIni('Settings', 'CacheTimeOut', settings.!ini, 'NoClose') advanced.!cachelistings = VRGetIni('Settings', 'CacheListings',settings.!ini, 'NoClose') IF advanced.!browseauth == '' THEN advanced.!browseauth = 0 IF advanced.!browseimme == '' THEN advanced.!browseimme = 1 IF advanced.!broadcast == '' THEN advanced.!broadcast = 0 IF advanced.!special == '' THEN advanced.!special = 0 IF advanced.!savepassive== '' THEN advanced.!savepassive= 0 IF advanced.!lmhosts == '' THEN advanced.!lmhosts = 1 options.!storecreds = VRGetIni('Settings', 'StoreCreds', settings.!ini, 'NoClose') say "options.!storecreds = "options.!storecreds IF options.!storecreds == '' then options.!storecreds = 1 say "options.!storecreds = "options.!storecreds IF _ucChkObj() = 0 then options.!storecreds = 0 say "options.!storecreds = "options.!storecreds options.!tracmark = VRGetIni('Settings', 'TracMarkup', settings.!ini, 'NoClose') options.!debug = VRGetIni('Settings', 'Debug', settings.!ini) IF options.!debug == '' THEN options.!debug = 0 /* Turn off debug by default for release builds */ if options.!debug == 1 then ok = VRRedirectStdIO("ON") else ok = VRRedirectStdio("OFF") IF advanced.!miniicons == '' THEN advanced.!miniicons = 0 /* Advanced */ IF advanced.!easupport == '' THEN advanced.!easupport = 1 IF advanced.!readonly == '' THEN advanced.!readonly = 0 IF advanced.!alwaysmp == '' THEN advanced.!alwaysmp = 0 IF advanced.!cachetimeout == '' THEN advanced.!cachetimeout = 10 IF advanced.!cachelistings == '' THEN advanced.!cachelistings = 32 /* Apply the settings */ ok = VRSet("DT_CURRENT","BACKCOLOR", settings.!curbcolor ) ok = VRSet("DT_CURRENT","FORECOLOR", settings.!curfcolor ) ok = VRset("CN_CURRENT", "MiniIcons", advanced.!miniicons) ok = VRset("CN_SMBTREE", "MiniIcons", advanced.!miniicons) ok = VRset("CN_CONDET", "MiniIcons", advanced.!miniicons) IF ( settings.!x >= 0 ) & ( settings.!y >= 0 ) & ( settings.!l >= 0 ) & ( settings.!w >= 0 ) & ( settings.!s >= 0 ) THEN DO CALL VRSet VRWindow(), 'Left', settings.!x CALL VRSet VRWindow(), 'Top', settings.!y CALL VRSet VRWindow(), 'Height', settings.!h CALL VRSet VRWindow(), 'Width', settings.!w CALL VRSet "SPLIT_MAIN", 'Left', settings.!s END ELSE CALL VRMethod VRWindow(), 'CenterWindow' CALL VRSet "CN_CURRENT", 'Font', settings.!cfont CALL VRSet "CN_CONDET", 'Font', settings.!cfont CALL VRSet "CN_SMBTREE", 'Font', settings.!cfont CALL VRSet 'Main', 'Font', settings.!wfont CALL VRSet 'Main', 'StatusFont', settings.!wfont ok = VRSet("TDL_1","Selected", settings.!curpage) END if options.!nogui == 1 then CALL VRLoadSecondary "SW_PROGRESS","W" else do if options.!delay > 0 then do /* Set mouse pointer to wait - this operation might take a few seconds */ call VRSet VRWindow(), 'Pointer', 'Wait' call Main_Resize ok = SysSleep(options.!delay) options.!delay = 0 /* Set mouse pointer to default again */ call VRSet VRWindow(), 'Pointer', '' end end /* Look for usable credentials */ if options.!storecreds = 1 & _ucChkUc() then do UserCred = _ucGetUc() parse var UserCred '--user='Credentials.!username'%'Credentials.!password if left(Credentials.!password,1)='%' then Credentials.!password = substr(Credentials.!password,2) ok = VRSet("EF_USER", "Value",Credentials.!username) ok = VRSet("EF_PASSWORD","Value",Credentials.!password) ok = VRSet("CN_SMBTREE","Caption",VRGet("CN_SMBTREE","Caption")||": "Credentials.!username) end else ok = VRSet("CN_SMBTREE","Caption",VRGet("CN_SMBTREE","Caption")||": Guest") /* SambaInit.VRS needs these 2 */ ShowHidden = advanced.!special Broadcast = advanced.!broadcast /* in non debug versions this is normally not visible */ if options.!debug == 1 then say ' NLV MessageFile = "'settings.!messages'"' if options.!debug == 1 then say ' NLV HelpFile = "'settings.!helpfile'"' if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' _INILoad done' RETURN /*:VRX _INISave */ _INISave: PROCEDURE EXPOSE settings. options. icons. fs. advanced. cd. samba. if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"SaveSettings started" if advanced.!savepassive then call _PassiveSave /* This does not make sense anymore settings.!network = VRGet("EF_NETWORK","Value") CALL VRSetIni 'Settings', 'Network', settings.!network, settings.!ini, 'NoClose' */ font = VRGet("CN_CURRENT", 'Font') CALL VRSetIni 'Settings', 'ContainerFont', font, settings.!ini, 'NoClose' font = VRGet('Main', 'Font') CALL VRSetIni 'Settings', 'WindowFont', font, settings.!ini, 'NoClose' settings.!curbcolor = VRGet("DT_CURRENT","BackColor") CALL VRSetIni 'Settings', 'TitleBarBackground', settings.!curbcolor, settings.!ini, 'NoClose' settings.!curfcolor = VRGet("DT_CURRENT","ForeColor") CALL VRSetIni 'Settings', 'TitleBarForeground', settings.!curfcolor, settings.!ini, 'NoClose' /* Global options */ CALL VRSetIni 'Settings', 'BrowseAuth', advanced.!browseauth , settings.!ini, 'NoClose' CALL VRSetIni 'Settings', 'BrowseImme', advanced.!browseimme , settings.!ini, 'NoClose' CALL VRSetIni 'Settings', 'Broadcast', advanced.!broadcast , settings.!ini, 'NoClose' CALL VRSetIni 'Settings', 'SpecialShares', advanced.!special , settings.!ini, 'NoClose' CALL VRSetIni 'Settings', 'SavePassive', advanced.!savepassive, settings.!ini, 'NoClose' CALL VRSetIni 'Settings', 'LMHosts', advanced.!lmhosts , settings.!ini, 'NoClose' CALL VRSetIni 'Settings', 'StoreCreds', options.!storecreds , settings.!ini, 'NoClose' CALL VRSetIni 'Settings', 'Debug', options.!debug , settings.!ini, 'NoClose' CALL VRSetIni 'Settings', 'MiniIcons', advanced.!miniicons , settings.!ini, 'NoClose' CALL VRSetIni 'Settings', 'TracMarkup', options.!tracmark , settings.!ini, 'NoClose' /* Advanced */ CALL VRSetIni 'Settings', 'EAS', advanced.!easupport , settings.!ini, 'NoClose' CALL VRSetIni 'Settings', 'ReadOnly', advanced.!readonly , settings.!ini, 'NoClose' CALL VRSetIni 'Settings', 'AlwaysMP', advanced.!alwaysmp , settings.!ini, 'NoClose' CALL VRSetIni 'Settings', 'CacheTimeOut', advanced.!cachetimeout , settings.!ini, 'NoClose' CALL VRSetIni 'Settings', 'CacheListings', advanced.!cachelistings, settings.!ini, 'NoClose' /* Current page */ settings.!curpage = VRget("TDL_1","Selected") CALL VRSetIni 'Settings', 'CurrentPage', settings.!curpage , settings.!ini, 'NoClose' /* Save position and size */ settings.!l = VRGet("Main", 'Left' ) settings.!t = VRGet("Main", 'Top' ) settings.!h = VRGet("Main", 'Height') settings.!w = VRGet("Main", 'Width' ) settings.!s = VRGet("SPLIT_Main", 'Left' ) CALL VRSetIni 'Settings', 'X', settings.!l, settings.!ini, 'NoClose' CALL VRSetIni 'Settings', 'Y', settings.!t, settings.!ini, 'NoClose' CALL VRSetIni 'Settings', 'H', settings.!h, settings.!ini, 'NoClose' CALL VRSetIni 'Settings', 'W', settings.!w, settings.!ini, 'NoClose' CALL VRSetIni 'Settings', 'S', settings.!s, settings.!ini if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"SaveSettings done" RETURN /*:VRX _isValidIPAddress */ _isValidIPAddress: procedure ipaddr = arg(1) d. = '' d.0 = 4 fail = 0 parse var ipaddr d.1 '.' d.2 '.' d.3 '.' d.4 do I = 1 to 4 if datatype(d.I) = 'NUM' then do if d.I < 0 | d.I > 255 then fail = 1 end else fail = 1 if fail = 1 then leave end return(\fail) /*:VRX _LMHostsRead */ _LMHostsRead: ok = file2stem(samba.!lmhosts,'lmhosts.', 'NoDel') lmname. = "#" lmapp. = "" lmname.0 = lmhosts.0 lmip.0 = lmhosts.0 lmapp.0 = lmhosts.0 do I = 1 to lmhosts.0 if left(lmhosts.I,1) = "#" then iterate parse var lmhosts.I lmip.I ' ' lmname.I '#' lmapp.I lmip.I = strip(lmip.I) lmname.I = strip(lmname.I) if lmapp.I <> "" & left(lmapp.I,1) <> '#' then lmapp.I = '#'lmapp.I end drop lmhosts. return /*:VRX _LMHostsReset */ _LMHostsReset: ok = SysFileDelete(samba.!lmhosts) Buttons.1 = NLVGetMessage(2) Buttons.0 = 1 if ok = 0 then do id = VRMessage( VRWindow(), NLVGetMessage(118,samba.!lmhosts), NLVGetMessage(127), "Information", "Buttons.", 1, 1 ) end else do id = VRMessage( VRWindow(), samba.!lmhosts', RC = 'ok, NLVGetMessage(127), "Error", "Buttons.", 1, 1 ) end return /*:VRX _LMHostsUpdate */ _LMHostsUpdate: ok = VRMethod( "CN_SMBTREE", "GetRecordList", "Visible", "rh." ) do I = 1 to rh.0 call _GetSMBObjectProperties rh.I if SMBObj.udatatype = "SERVER" then do IP = VRMethod("CN_SMBTREE","GetFieldData",rh.I, IPFH ) Role = VRMethod("CN_SMBTREE","GetFieldData",rh.I, MBFH ) parse var IP T1 '.' T2 '.' T3 '.' T4 if datatype(T1) = "NUM" & datatype(T2) = "NUM" & datatype(T3) = "NUM" & datatype(T4) = "NUM" then do FoundName = 0 /* Don't add localhost and local link IP to LMHosts */ if T1 = '127' & T2 = '0' & T3 = '0' & T4 = '1' then iterate if T1 = '169' & T2 = '254' then iterate do J = 1 to lmname.0 /* machine already in LMHosts? */ if lmname.J = SmbObj.resname then do /* Yes? then update IP */ lmip.J = IP if pos('PDC',Role) > 0 & SMBObj.parentrh <> "" then do Domain = VRMethod("CN_SMBTREE", "GetRecordAttr", SMBObj.parentrh, "Caption") lmapp.J = "#DOM:"Domain end FoundName = 1 leave end end if FoundName = 0 then do /* New machine for LMhosts - add it */ new = lmname.0 + 1 lmname.0 = new lmname.new = SmbObj.resname lmip.0 = new lmip.new = IP end end end end ok = SysFileDelete(samba.!lmhosts) call lineout samba.!lmhosts,'# Created by 'translate(VRParseFilename(settings.!ini,'N'))' Version 'word(VRGet("Main","Hinttext"),2)' on 'date()' at 'time() call lineout samba.!lmhosts,'# Syntax:' call lineout samba.!lmhosts,left('# IP-address',25)||left('NetBIOS-name',16)' [Role]' do I = 1 to lmname.0 if left(lmname.I,1) = "#" then iterate call lineout samba.!lmhosts,left(lmip.I,25)||left(lmname.I,16)' 'lmapp.I end ok = stream(samba.!lmhosts,'c','close') return /*:VRX _LMHostsWrite */ _LMHostsWrite: return /*:VRX _LoadOtherFuncs */ _LoadOtherFuncs: IF options.!debug == 1 then say time()' _LoadotherFuncs() started' SIGNAL ON SYNTAX call RxFuncAdd 'SysLoadFuncs', 'REXXUTIL', 'SysLoadFuncs' call SysLoadFuncs call rxfuncadd 'IniLoadFuncs', 'REXXINI', 'IniLoadFuncs' call IniLoadFuncs call RxFuncAdd 'PRLoadFuncs', 'PR1UTIL', 'PRLoadFuncs' call PRLoadFuncs call RxFuncAdd 'RxuInit', 'RXU', 'RxuInit' call RxuInit SIGNAL OFF SYNTAX IF options.!debug == 1 then say time()' _LoadotherFuncs() done' return SYNTAX: IF options.!debug == 1 then say time()' _LoadotherFuncs() error handler entered.' Fatal = 1 parse source . . InVXIDE if left(InVXIDE,length(Tempdir)+5) = TempDir||'__tmp' then xxx = "VX-REXX IDE: "strip(translate(word(sourceline(SIGL-1),4),' ',"',")) else xxx = 'A' call VRMessage 'Main', xxx' REXX function library DLL is missing or unloadable!', "EVFSGUI fatal error", "E" IF options.!debug == 1 then say time()' _LoadotherFuncs() error handler finished, program will be terminated.' signal Quit /*:VRX _ParseCommandLine */ _ParseCommandLine: if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' _ParseCommandLine() started' CmdLine = VRGet("Application","Commandline") upCmdLine = translate(CmdLine) if options.!debug == 1 then say ' Commandline = "'CmdLine'"' ForceNDFS = 0 if wordpos('-NDFS',upCmdLine) > 0 then do if options.!debug == 1 then say " NDFS switch detected" CmdLine = delWord(CmdLine,wordpos('-NDFS',upCmdLine),1) upCmdLine = translate(CmdLine) ForceNDFS = 1 CALL VRSet "Menu_File_Autostart","Visible", 0 end if wordpos('-AUTOCLOSE',upCmdLine) > 0 then do options.!autoclose = 1 if options.!debug == 1 then say " AutoClose switch detected" CmdLine = delWord(CmdLine,wordpos('-AUTOCLOSE',upCmdLine),1) upCmdLine = translate(CmdLine) end if wordpos('-NOGUI',upCmdLine) > 0 then do options.!nogui = 1 options.!autoclose = 1 if options.!debug == 1 then say " -NOGUI switch detected" CmdLine = delWord(CmdLine,wordpos('-NOGUI',upCmdLine),1) upCmdLine = translate(CmdLine) end if wordpos('-TIMESYNC',upCmdLine) > 0 then do options.!timesync = 1 if options.!debug == 1 then say " -TIMESYNC switch detected" dwpos = wordpos('-TIMESYNC',upCmdLine) if dwpos = words(upCmdLine) then do /* TIMESYNC was last parm - assume automatic */ options.!timesrv = "" CmdLine = delWord(CmdLine,wordpos('-TIMESYNC',upCmdLine),1) end else do options.!timesrv = word(upCmdLine,dwpos+1) if left(options.!timesrv,1) = "-" then do /* other parameter detected */ options.!timesrv = "" CmdLine = delWord(CmdLine,wordpos('-TIMESYNC',upCmdLine),1) end else do /* seems we have a timeserver - IP or name - no further check */ CmdLine = delWord(CmdLine,wordpos('-TIMESYNC',upCmdLine),2) end end upCmdLine = translate(CmdLine) end if wordpos('-DELAY',upCmdLine) > 0 then do if options.!debug == 1 then say " DELAY switch detected" dwpos = wordpos('-DELAY',upCmdLine) if dwpos = words(upCmdLine) then do /* DELAY was last parm - assume 60 seconds */ options.!delay = 60 CmdLine = delWord(CmdLine,dwpos,1) end else do options.!delay = word(upCmdLine,dwpos+1) if datatype(options.!delay) <> "NUM" then do /* No number of seconds specified */ options.!delay = 60 CmdLine = delWord(CmdLine,dwpos,1) end else do CmdLine = delWord(CmdLine,dwpos,2) end end upCmdLine = translate(CmdLine) if options.!debug == 1 then say " DELAY set to "options.!delay" seconds." end Profile = strip(CmdLine,,'"') if Profile <> "" then do Profile = strip(VRParseFilename(Profile,"DPNE")) options.!autoload = 1 if options.!debug == 1 then say ' Profile = "'Profile'"' if \VRFileExists(Profile) then do CALL VRMessage 'Main', NLVGetMessage( 102, Profile ), NLVGetMessage( 1 ), 'E' /* Disable all switches in case of an error */ options.!autoload = 0 options.!autoclose = 0 options.!nogui = 0 options.!delay = 0 end end if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' _ParseCommandLine done' return /*:VRX _PassiveLoad */ _PassiveLoad: if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"_PassiveLoad started" do cnt = 1 to 255 resdata = VRGetIni( "PassiveConnections", cnt, settings.!ini ) if resdata = "" then leave parse var resdata p_mpoint resource rwFlag if options.!debug == 1 then do say ' Connection 'cnt', resdata ="'resdata'"' end /* vfs.!drive = FILESPEC('DRIVE', node ) vfs.!mountpoint = STRIP( node, 'T', '\') */ /* In case we only have a volume we reattach the backslash, otherwise restore will fail */ if vfs.!drive = vfs.!mountpoint then vfs.!mountpoint = vfs.!mountpoint||'\' p_mpidx = "" call ParseResParmString p_rw = rwFlag /* Create the hash string */ hashstr = p_mpoint' 'translate(p_workgroup)' 'translate(p_server)' 'translate(p_share)' 'p_user' 'p_spassword' 'p_easupport' 'p_rw /* A truncated, useless entry - skip it */ if p_server = "" & p_share = ""& p_workgroup = "" then iterate md5.cnt = rexx_md5(hashstr) md5.0 = cnt /* Passive connection already restored - skip the dupe one */ PassiveDupe = 0 do X = 1 to md5.0-1 if md5.cnt = md5.X then PassiveDupe = 1 end if PassiveDupe = 1 then iterate /* do not add record for a duplicate passive connection */ /* Everything is ok, let's add a new entry */ cd.lastrh = VRMethod("CN_CONDET","AddRecord") /* Fill columns now */ ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldData", cd.lastrh, cd.mpointFH, p_mpoint) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldData", cd.lastrh, cd.mpidxfh, p_mpidx) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldData", cd.lastrh, cd.workgrpFH , p_workgroup) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldData", cd.lastrh, cd.serverfh, p_server) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldData", cd.lastrh, cd.sharefh, p_share) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldData", cd.lastrh, cd.userfh, p_user) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldData", cd.lastrh, cd.passwordfh, p_password) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldData", cd.lastrh, cd.spasswordfh, p_spassword) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldData", cd.lastrh, cd.ctoFH, p_cachetimeout) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldData", cd.lastrh, cd.cldFH, p_cachelistings) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldData", cd.lastrh, cd.masterfh, p_master) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldData", cd.lastrh, cd.mtypefh, p_mtype) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldData", cd.lastrh, cd.easupportfh, p_easupport) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldData", cd.lastrh, cd.rwfh, p_rw) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldData", cd.lastrh, cd.hashfh, md5.cnt) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldData", cd.lastrh, cd.statusfh, icons.!passive) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetRecordAttr", cd.lastrh, "Icon", icons.!passive) /* Obsolete fields: ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldData", cd.lastrh, cd.memlenfh, p_memlen) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldData", cd.lastrh, cd.logfilefh, p_logfile) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldData", cd.lastrh, cd.loglevelfh, p_loglevel) */ end if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"_PassiveLoad done" return /*:VRX _PassiveSave */ _PassiveSave: if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"_PassiveSave started" ok = VRDelIni( "PassiveConnections", "ALL", settings.!ini ) ok = SysIni(settings.!ini, 'PassiveConnections', 'DELETE:') CALL VRMethod "CN_CONDET", 'GetRecordList', 'All', 'records.' cnt = 0 DO i = 1 TO records.0 if VRMethod( "CN_CONDET", "GetFieldData", records.i, CD.StatusFH) = icons.!passive then do cnt = cnt + 1 resdata = "" resdata = resdata||VRMethod("CN_CONDET","GetFieldData", records.i, cd.mpointfh)||" " resdata = resdata||'\\'||VRMethod("CN_CONDET","GetFieldData", records.i, cd.workgrpFH ) resdata = resdata||':'||VRMethod("CN_CONDET","GetFieldData", records.i, cd.serverfh) resdata = resdata||'\'||VRMethod("CN_CONDET","GetFieldData", records.i, cd.sharefh) resdata = resdata||'@'||VRMethod("CN_CONDET","GetFieldData", records.i, cd.userfh) resdata = resdata||';WORKGROUP='||VRMethod("CN_CONDET","GetFieldData", records.i, cd.workgrpFH ) resdata = resdata||';SERVER='||VRMethod("CN_CONDET","GetFieldData", records.i, cd.serverfh) resdata = resdata||';SHARE='||VRMethod("CN_CONDET","GetFieldData", records.i, cd.sharefh) resdata = resdata||';USER='||VRMethod("CN_CONDET","GetFieldData", records.i, cd.userfh) resdata = resdata||';PASSWORD='||VRMethod("CN_CONDET","GetFieldData", records.i, cd.passwordfh) resdata = resdata||';SPASSWORD='||VRMethod("CN_CONDET","GetFieldData", records.i, cd.spasswordfh) resdata = resdata||';MASTER='||VRMethod("CN_CONDET","GetFieldData", records.i, cd.masterfh) resdata = resdata||';MASTERTYPE='||VRMethod("CN_CONDET","GetFieldData", records.i, cd.mtypefh) /* resdata = resdata||';MEMLEN='||VRMethod("CN_CONDET","GetFieldData", records.i, cd.memlenfh) resdata = resdata||';LOGFILE='||VRMethod("CN_CONDET","GetFieldData", records.i, cd.logfilefh) resdata = resdata||';LOGLEVEL='||VRMethod("CN_CONDET","GetFieldData", records.i, cd.loglevelfh) */ resdata = resdata||';CTO='||VRMethod("CN_CONDET","GetFieldData", records.i, cd.ctoFH) resdata = resdata||';CLD='||VRMethod("CN_CONDET","GetFieldData", records.i, cd.cldFH) resdata = resdata||';EASUPPORT='||VRMethod("CN_CONDET","GetFieldData", records.i, cd.easupportfh) resdata = resdata||' '||VRMethod("CN_CONDET","GetFieldData", records.i, cd.rwfh) ok = VRSetIni( "PassiveConnections", cnt, resdata, settings.!ini ) END else iterate end if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"_PassiveSave done" return /*:VRX _PrinterInfo */ _PrinterInfo: if \_SMBpdrInstalled() then do /* SMB.PDR is not installed */ CALL VRMessage 'Main', NLVGetMessage( 104 ), NLVGetMessage( 5 ), 'E' end else do /* SMB.pdr is installed */ /* shared queue name */ p_printer = SMBObj.resname /* printer server */ capt = VRMethod("CN_SMBTREE", "GetRecordAttr", SMBObj.parentrh, "Caption") parse var Capt p_prtsrv '0D0A'x . p_prtsrv = strip(p_prtsrv) /* workgroup of the printer server */ Gparrh = VRMethod("CN_SMBTREE", "GetRecordAttr", SMBObj.parentrh, "Parent") capt = VRMethod("CN_SMBTREE", "GetRecordAttr", GParrh, "Caption") parse var Capt p_workgroup '0D0A'x . /* This is the string we will find in case this resource is already connected */ DescStr = translate(p_prtsrv'#'p_printer'#'p_workgroup'#') say '"'DescStr'"' LDescStr = length(DescStr) /* Enumerate all SMB ports */ ok = SysIni('SYSTEM','PM_SPOOLER_PORT',"All:",'ports') if ports.0 = 0 then do /* No SMB ports installed */ CALL VRMessage 'Main', NLVGetMessage( 105 ), NLVGetMessage( 5 ), 'E' end else do /* At least 1 SMB port was found - lets check whether it is already connected to our resource */ FoundPort = 0 do I = 1 to ports.0 if left(ports.i,3) = 'SMB' then do say ports.I say translate(left(SysIni('SYSTEM','PM_'ports.I,'INITIALIZATION'),LDescStr)) say DescStr if translate(left(SysIni('SYSTEM','PM_'ports.I,'INITIALIZATION'),LDescStr)) = DescStr then do OurPort = ports.I FoundPort = 1 leave end end end say 'OurPort = "'OurPort'"' if Foundport then do ok = SysIni('SYSTEM','PM_SPOOLER_PRINTER',"All:",'printer') FoundPrinter = 0 do I = 1 to printer.0 prtsummary = SysINi('SYSTEM','PM_SPOOLER_PRINTER',printer.i) parse var prtsummary port ';'PrinterDriver';'PrinterQueue';' . say printer.I' 'prtsummary if port = ourPort then do PrinterName = SysINi('SYSTEM','PM_SPOOLER_PRINTER_DESCR',printer.i) parse var Printername Printername ';' . CALL VRMessage 'Main', PrinterName' ('PrinterQueue') prints to port ' Port' connected to \\'p_workgroup'\'p_prtsrv'\'p_printer, NLVGetMessage( 1 ), 'I' FoundPrinter = 1 leave end end if FoundPrinter = 0 then do /* Port installed and configured, but not used by any printer */ CALL VRMessage 'Main', NLVGetMessage( 106 ), NLVGetMessage( 5 ), 'E' end end else do CALL VRMessage 'Main', NLVGetMessage( 62 ), NLVGetMessage( 5 ), 'E' end end end return /*:VRX _ShowMsg */ _ShowMsg: /* preliminary implementation - we just do not ignore it anymore - - ShowMsg from smbmon/smbusers should become a shared library */ ok = VRSet("DT_StatusBar", "Caption", Msg.Text) return /*:VRX _SmbConfCreateShadowCopy */ _SmbConfCreateShadowCopy: if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' _SmbConfCreateShadowCopy started' /* we create a complete version of smb.conf in temporary directory for reading purposes */ /* as we can only determine a default value from this complete version of the file */ /* however it is not desirable to always have a complete copy normally */ ok = SysFileDelete(samba.!shadowsmbconf) say ' 'samba.!testparmexe' -v -s 1>'samba.!shadowsmbconf' 2>'TempDir'testparm.stderr' address cmd samba.!testparmexe' -v -s 1>'samba.!shadowsmbconf' 2>'TempDir'testparm.stderr' if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' _SmbConfCreateShadowCopy done' return /*:VRX _SMBpdrInstalled */ _SMBpdrInstalled: procedure ok = VRGetINI("PM_PORT_DRIVER","SMB","SYSTEM") return (ok <> "") /*:VRX _StemsInit */ _StemsInit: if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' _StemsInit started' if options.!debug == 1 then say ' initializing options.' options.!workgroup = '' options.!server = '' options.!share = '' options.!user = '' options.!password = '' options.!spassword = '' options.!master = '' options.!mastertype = '' options.!memlen = '2' options.!cachetimeout = '10' options.!cachelistings = '32' options.!easupport = '1' options.!readonly = '' options.!loglevel = 0 options.!logfile = '' options.!autoload = 0 options.!autoclose = 0 options.!nogui = 0 options.!autostart = 0 options.!editmode = 0 options.!delay = 0 options.!storecreds = 0 options.!timesync = 0 options.!timesrv = '' options.!tracmark = 0 if options.!debug == 1 then say ' initializing vfs. ' vfs.!drive = '' vfs.!mountpoint = '' if options.!debug == 1 then say ' initializing advanced. ' advanced.!browseauth = '' advanced.!browseimme = '' advanced.!broadcast = '' advanced.!special = '' advanced.!savepassive= '' advanced.!miniicons = '' advanced.!easupport = 1 advanced.!readonly = '' advanced.!alwaysmp = '' advanced.!cachetimeout = '10' advanced.!cachelistings = '32' advanced.!smbconfchanged = 0 /* Obsolete */ advanced.!memlen = '' advanced.!loglevel = '0' advanced.!logfile = '' if options.!debug == 1 then say ' initializing credentials. ' credentials.!username = "" credentials.!password = "" credentials.!entered = 0 UserCred = "" RefreshMode = "" if options.!debug == 1 then say ' initializing mtype. ' mtype.0 = 4 mtype.1 = NLVGetMessage( 15 ) mtype.2 = NLVGetMessage( 16 ) mtype.3 = NLVGetMessage( 17 ) mtype.4 = NLVGetMessage( 18 ) if options.!debug == 1 then say ' initializing icons. ' icons.!bat = '#1:PMWP.DLL' icons.!cmd = '#2:PMWP.DLL' icons.!exe = '#3:PMWP.DLL' icons.!template = '#10:PMWP.DLL' icons.!drive = '#16:PMWP.DLL' icons.!defaultfile = '#24:PMWP.DLL' icons.!folder = '#26:PMWP.DLL' icons.!folder_open = '#34:PMWP.DLL' icons.!machine_awake = '#35:PMWP.DLL' icons.!machine_sleeping = '#61:PMWP.DLL' icons.!workgroup = '#62:PMWP.DLL' icons.!pdc = '#63:PMWP.DLL' icons.!active = '#64:PMWP.DLL' icons.!passive = '#68:PMWP.DLL' icons.!printer = '#65:PMWP.DLL' icons.!drive_inactive = '#70:PMWP.DLL' icons.!pdf = '#80' icons.!spreadsheet = '#82' icons.!textdocument = '#86' icons.!framework = '#87' icons.!image = '#88' icons.!movie = '#89' icons.!sound = '#90' icons.!warpin = '#91' icons.!zip = '#92' icons.!view = '#93' icons.!plaintext = '#94' p_workgroup = "Unknown" p_server = "Unknown" p_share = "Unknown" if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' _StemsInit done' return /*:VRX _TabbedDialogSetup */ _TabbedDialogSetup: if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' _TabbedDialogSetup started' w = VRLoad( "TDL_1", VRWindowPath(), "SW_DIALOG" ) ok = VRMethod( "TDL_1", "InsertPage", w,"+ "NLVGetMessage(13)" ") ok = VRMethod( "TDL_1", "SetStatusText", 1, NLVGetMessage(132,"1","2")) w = VRLoad( "TDL_1", VRWindowPath(), "SW_ADVANCED" ) ok = VRMethod( "TDL_1", "InsertPage", w,"- "NLVGetMessage(40)" ") ok = VRMethod( "TDL_1", "SetStatusText", 2, NLVGetMessage(132,"2","2")) w = VRLoad( "TDL_1", VRWindowPath(), "SW_SMBTREE" ) ok = VRMethod( "TDL_1", "InsertPage", w,"+ "NLVGetMessage(39)" ") w = VRLoad( "TDL_1", VRWindowPath(), "SW_CONDET" ) ok = VRMethod( "TDL_1", "InsertPage", w,"+ "NLVGetMessage(63)" ") w = VRLoad( "TDL_1", VRWindowPath(), "SW_SETTINGS" ) ok = VRMethod( "TDL_1", "InsertPage", w,"+ "NLVGetMessage(47)" ") w = VRLoad( "TDL_1", VRWindowPath(), "SW_SMBCONF" ) ok = VRMethod( "TDL_1", "InsertPage", w,"- "NLVGetMessage(47)" ") if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' _TabbedDialogSetup done' return /*:VRX _TabFix */ _TabFix: ok = VRMethod( "TDL_1", "SetTabText", arg(1), " "strip(VRMethod( "TDL_1", "GetTabText", arg(1)))" ") return /*:VRX _TabsStrip */ _TabsStrip: ok = VRMethod( "TDL_1", "SetTabText", 1, strip(VRMethod( "TDL_1", "GetTabText", 1))) ok = VRMethod( "TDL_1", "SetTabText", 2, strip(VRMethod( "TDL_1", "GetTabText", 2))) ok = VRMethod( "TDL_1", "SetTabText", 3, strip(VRMethod( "TDL_1", "GetTabText", 3))) ok = VRMethod( "TDL_1", "SetTabText", 4, strip(VRMethod( "TDL_1", "GetTabText", 4))) ok = VRMethod( "TDL_1", "SetTabText", 5, strip(VRMethod( "TDL_1", "GetTabText", 5))) return /*:VRX _TimeSync */ _TimeSync: if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' _TimeSync started, "'options.!timesrv'"' TimeMsg.1 = NLVGetMessage(141)' 'time() if options.!timesrv <> '' then do say ' 'samba.!netexe' time set -S 'options.!timesrv address cmd samba.!netexe' time set -S 'options.!timesrv end else do say ' 'samba.!netexe' time set' address cmd samba.!netexe' time set' end options.!timesync = '' TimeMsg.2 = NLVGetMessage(142)' 'time() TimeMsg.0 = 2 Buttons.1 = NLVGetMessage(2) Buttons.0 = 1 id = VRMessageStem( VRWindow(), TimeMsg. , NLVGetMessage(129) , "Information", "Buttons.", 1, 1 ) if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' _TimeSync done' return /*:VRX _UpdateObject */ _UpdateObject: procedure Object = arg(1) ObjValue = arg(2) if VRGet(Object,"Value") <> ObjValue then ok = VRset(Object,"Value",ObjValue) return /*:VRX _UserCredUpdate */ _UserCredUpdate: if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' _UserCredUpdate started' credentials.!username = VRGet("EF_USER","Value") credentials.!password = VRGet("EF_PASSWORD","Value") if pos("4OS2", value("COMSPEC",,"OS2ENVIRONMENT")) = 1 | pos(left(credentials.!password,1),'01234567890') > 0 then UserCred = '--user='Credentials.!username'%%'Credentials.!password else UserCred = '--user='Credentials.!username'%'Credentials.!password if options.!storecreds = 1 & \(UserCred = 'USERCRED' | UserCred = '' | UserCred = '--user=%' | UserCred = '--user=%%' | UserCred = '-N') then do ok = _ucSetUc() ok = VRSet("Pict_PWINMEM","PicturePath","#36") if options.!debug == 1 then call beep 2400, 10 end else do if options.!debug == 1 then call beep 200, 20 ok = VRSet("Pict_PWINMEM","PicturePath","#37") end if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' _UserCredUpdate done' return /*:VRX CB_client_lanman_auth_Click */ CB_client_lanman_auth_Click: advanced.!smbconfchanged = 1 return /*:VRX CB_client_plaintext_auth_Click */ CB_client_plaintext_auth_Click: advanced.!smbconfchanged = 1 return /*:VRX CB_client_use_spnego_Click */ CB_client_use_spnego_Click: advanced.!smbconfchanged = 1 return /*:VRX CB_client_use_spnego_principal_Click */ CB_client_use_spnego_principal_Click: advanced.!smbconfchanged = 1 return /*:VRX CB_DEBUG_Click */ CB_DEBUG_Click: return /*:VRX CB_LOGGING_Click */ CB_LOGGING_Click: if VRFileExists(SysBootDrive()'\ndpsmb.dbg') then ok = SysFileDelete(SysBootDrive()'\ndpsmb.dbg') else do call lineout SysBootDrive()'\ndpsmb.dbg','EVFS debug flag file' ok = stream(SysBootDrive()'\ndpsmb.dbg','c','close') end CALL VRSet "CB_LOGGING", "Set", VRFileExists(SysBootDrive()'\ndpsmb.dbg') return /*:VRX CB_MOUNT_Change */ CB_MOUNT_Change: if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"CB_MOUNT_Change started" mount = VRGet("CB_MOUNT", "Value") /* Catch empty mount type error */ if mount = "" then do if mtype.1 <> "" then ok = VRSet("CB_MOUNT", "Value", mtype.1) if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"CB_MOUNT_Change aborted" return end SELECT WHEN mount == mtype.1 THEN DO CALL VRSet "DT_SHARE", "Visible", 1 CALL VRSet "EF_SHARE", "Visible", 1 CALL VRSet "DT_SERVER", "Visible", 1 CALL VRSet "EF_SERVER", "Visible", 1 CALL VRSet "CHK_MTYPE", "Visible", 0 CALL NLVSetText "DT_NETWORK", "Caption", 21 END WHEN mount == mtype.2 THEN DO CALL VRSet "DT_SHARE", "Visible", 0 CALL VRSet "EF_SHARE", "Visible", 0 CALL VRSet "DT_SERVER", "Visible", 1 CALL VRSet "EF_SERVER", "Visible", 1 CALL VRSet "CHK_MTYPE", "Visible", 0 CALL NLVSetText "DT_NETWORK", "Caption", 21 END WHEN mount == mtype.3 THEN DO CALL VRSet "DT_SHARE", "Visible", 0 CALL VRSet "EF_SHARE", "Visible", 0 CALL VRSet "DT_SERVER", "Visible", 0 CALL VRSet "EF_SERVER", "Visible", 0 CALL VRSet "CHK_MTYPE", "Visible", 0 CALL NLVSetText "DT_NETWORK", "Caption", 21 END WHEN mount == mtype.4 THEN DO CALL VRSet "DT_SHARE", "Visible", 0 CALL VRSet "EF_SHARE", "Visible", 0 CALL VRSet "DT_SERVER", "Visible", 0 CALL VRSet "EF_SERVER", "Visible", 0 CALL VRSet "CHK_MTYPE", "Visible", 1 CALL NLVSetText "DT_NETWORK", "Caption", 22 END OTHERWISE DO id = VRMessage( "", 'unknown mount type here >>'mount'<< mtype1=>>'mtype.1'<<', "Mount change error", "E", ) END END if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"CB_MOUNT_Change done" RETURN /*:VRX CN_CONDET_Click */ CN_CONDET_Click: /* ok = VRset("DT_StatusBar","Caption", VRGet("Main", "HintText")) */ return /*:VRX CN_CONDET_ContextMenu */ CN_CONDET_ContextMenu: rh = VRInfo('Record') if VRMethod( "CN_CONDET", "ValidateRecord", rh) <> 1 then return /* Hide all context menu entries */ ok = VRSet("Menu_Selected_Remove", "Visible", 0) /* CN_CONDET */ ok = VRSet("Menu_Selected_Retry", "Visible", 0) /* CN_CONDET */ ok = VRSet("Menu_Selected_Connect", "Visible", 0) /* CN_SMBTREE */ ok = VRSet("Menu_Selected_Sep1", "Visible", 0) /* CN_SMBTREE */ ok = VRSet("Menu_Selected_Info", "Visible", 0) /* CN_SMBTREE */ ok = VRSet("Menu_Selected_TimeSync", "Visible", 0) /* CN_SMBTREE */ ok = VRSet("Menu_Selected_Refresh", "Visible", 0) /* CN_SMBTREE */ ok = VRSet("Menu_Selected_Default_Workgroup","Visible", 0) /* CN_SMBTREE */ /* This is the place to enable specific context menu entries */ ok = VRMethod( "CN_CONDET", "GetRecordList", "All", "records." ) ok = VRSet("Menu_Selected_Remove", "Visible", (records.0 <> 0)) ok = VRSet("Menu_Selected_Retry", "Visible", (records.0 <> 0)) if VRMethod( "CN_CONDET", "GetFieldData", rh, CD.StatusFH) = icons.!passive then do ok = VRSet("Menu_Selected_Retry", "Enabled",1) ok = VRSet("Menu_Selected_Remove", "Enabled",1) end ok = VRMethod( "Menu_Selected", "Popup", , , "", "" ) return /*:VRX CN_CONDET_DragStart */ CN_CONDET_DragStart: obj = VRInfo( "object" ) ok = VRMethod( "CN_CONDET", "GetRecordList", "SourceOrSelected", "selrec." ) if selrec.0 = 0 then return Icon = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "GetRecordAttr", selrec.1, "Icon") if Icon = icons.!printer then do /* Printers not supported at the moment */ call beep 4800,100 CALL VRMessage 'Main', NLVGetMessage( 62 ), NLVGetMessage( 5 ), 'E' end else call VRMethod obj, 'StartDrag' return /*:VRX CN_CURRENT_Click */ CN_CURRENT_Click: if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' CN_CURRENT_Click started' /* ok = VRset("DT_StatusBar","Caption", VRGet("Main", "HintText")) */ /* Herwig B. */ CALL VRSet "TM_AUTOCLOSE", "ENABLED", 0 ok = VRSet("Menu_Selected_Default_Workgroup","Visible", 0) rh = VRInfo('Record') if VRMethod( "CN_CURRENT", "ValidateRecord", rh) <> 1 then return data = VRMethod("CN_CURRENT", 'GetRecordAttr', rh, 'UserData') options.currentdata = data /* ok = VRset("DT_StatusBar","Caption", data' - 'VRGet("Main", "HintText")) */ PARSE VAR data p_node ';' p_mounts ';' p_string if options.!debug == 1 then do say ' data = "'data'"' say ' p_node = "'p_node'"' say ' p_mounts = "'p_mounts'"' say ' p_string = "'p_string'"' end if p_string = "" then infotext = fs.!name' 'fs.!version else infotext = p_string if infotext = "" then infotext = " " CALL VRSet "CN_CURRENT", "Caption", infotext CALL VRSet "CN_CURRENT", 'HintText',infotext IF p_mounts > 0 THEN DO CALL VRSet 'PB_UNMOUNT', 'Enabled', 1 CALL VRSet 'MENU_CONTEXT_UNMOUNT', 'Visible', 1 if pos("*",p_string) > 0 | pos(";",p_string) > 0 then CALL VRSet 'MENU_CONTEXT_EDIT', 'Visible', 0 else CALL VRSet 'MENU_CONTEXT_EDIT', 'Visible', 1 END ELSE DO CALL VRSet 'PB_UNMOUNT', 'Enabled', 0 CALL VRSet 'MENU_CONTEXT_UNMOUNT', 'Visible', 0 CALL VRSet 'MENU_CONTEXT_EDIT', 'Visible', 0 END parent = VRMethod("CN_CURRENT", 'GetRecordAttr', rh, 'Parent') IF parent == '' THEN DO CALL VRSet 'PB_DETACH', 'Enabled', 1 CALL VRSet 'MENU_CONTEXT_DETACH', 'Visible', 1 CALL VRSet 'MENU_CONTEXT_OPEN', 'Visible', 1 /* CALL VRSet 'MENU_CONTEXT_SEP1', 'Visible', 1 */ CALL VRSet 'MENU_CONTEXT_DETACH_ALL', 'Visible', 1 /* CALL VRSet 'MENU_CONTEXT_SEP2', 'Visible', 1 */ END ELSE DO CALL VRSet 'PB_DETACH', 'Enabled', 0 CALL VRSet 'MENU_CONTEXT_DETACH', 'Visible', 0 CALL VRSet 'MENU_CONTEXT_OPEN', 'Visible', 0 /* CALL VRSet 'MENU_CONTEXT_SEP1', 'Visible', 0 */ CALL VRSet 'MENU_CONTEXT_DETACH_ALL', 'Visible', 0 /* CALL VRSet 'MENU_CONTEXT_SEP2', 'Visible', 0 */ END parse var p_string p_workgroup'\\'p_server'\'p_share p_workgroup = strip(p_workgroup,'T',':') if options.!debug == 1 then do say ' p_workgroup = "'p_workgroup'"' say ' p_server = "'p_server'"' say ' p_share = "'p_share'"' end p_server = translate(p_server) ok = VRSet("EF_NETWORK","Value", p_workgroup) if p_workgroup <> "" then do wgh = _GetMachineHandle(p_workgroup) if wgh = "" then wgh = _AddWorkGroup(p_workgroup) call _UpdateObject "EF_SERVER", p_server mh = _GetMachineHandle(p_server) if mh = "" & p_server <> "*" then do mh = _AddSleepingMachine(p_server,'',wgh) machine = p_server call _RefreshShares end ok = VRSet("EF_Share","Value", p_share) select when p_workgroup = "*" then ok = VRSet("CB_MOUNT","Value", mtype.4) when p_server = "*" then ok = VRSet("CB_MOUNT","Value", mtype.3) when p_share = "*" then ok = VRSet("CB_MOUNT","Value", mtype.2) otherwise ok = VRSet("CB_MOUNT","Value", mtype.1) end end if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' CN_CURRENT_Click done' RETURN /*:VRX CN_CURRENT_ContextMenu */ CN_CURRENT_ContextMenu: /* PROCEDURE EXPOSE existrec. options. icons. fs. */ if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"CN_CURRENT_ContextMenu started" CALL VRSet "TM_AUTOCLOSE", "ENABLED", 0 rh = VRInfo('Record') /* we have to check whether the record still exists because under certain circumstances the event routine is executed after the record was already removed */ if VRMethod( "CN_CURRENT", "ValidateRecord", rh) <> 1 then do if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"CN_CURRENT_ContextMenu aborted" return end data = VRMethod("CN_CURRENT", 'GetRecordAttr', rh, 'UserData') PARSE VAR data p_node ';' p_mounts ';' p_string if options.!debug == 1 then do say ' data = "'data'"' say ' p_node = "'p_node'"' say ' p_mounts = "'p_mounts'"' say ' p_string = "'p_string'"' end /* infotext = p_node DO i = 1 TO p_mounts infotext = infotext ' ['p_string']' END */ if p_string = "" then infotext = fs.!name' 'fs.!version else infotext = p_string if infotext = "" then infotext = " " CALL VRSet "CN_CURRENT", "Caption", infotext CALL VRSet "CN_CURRENT", 'HintText',infotext CALL VRSet 'MENU_CONTEXT_OPEN', 'Visible', 1 /* CALL VRSet 'MENU_CONTEXT_SEP1', 'Visible', 1 CALL VRSet 'MENU_CONTEXT_SEP2', 'Visible', 1 CALL VRSet 'MENU_CONTEXT_SEP3', 'Visible', 1 */ CALL VRSet 'Menu_Context_Open_Default', "Visible", 1 IF p_mounts > 0 THEN DO CALL VRSet 'PB_UNMOUNT', 'Enabled', 1 CALL VRSet 'MENU_CONTEXT_UNMOUNT', 'Visible', 1 if pos("*",p_string) > 0 | pos(";",p_string) > 0 then CALL VRSet 'MENU_CONTEXT_EDIT', 'Visible', 0 else CALL VRSet 'MENU_CONTEXT_EDIT', 'Visible', 1 END ELSE DO CALL VRSet 'PB_UNMOUNT', 'Enabled', 0 CALL VRSet 'MENU_CONTEXT_UNMOUNT', 'Visible', 0 CALL VRSet 'MENU_CONTEXT_EDIT', 'Visible', 0 END parent = VRMethod("CN_CURRENT", 'GetRecordAttr', rh, 'Parent') IF parent == '' THEN DO CALL VRSet 'PB_DETACH', 'Enabled', 1 CALL VRSet 'MENU_CONTEXT_DETACH', 'Visible', 1 CALL VRSet 'MENU_CONTEXT_OPEN', 'Visible', 1 /* CALL VRSet 'MENU_CONTEXT_SEP1', 'Visible', 1 */ CALL VRSet 'MENU_CONTEXT_DETACH_ALL', 'Visible', 1 /* CALL VRSet 'MENU_CONTEXT_SEP2', 'Visible', 1 */ /* CALL VRSet 'MENU_CONTEXT_SEP3', 'Visible', 1 */ END ELSE DO CALL VRSet 'PB_DETACH', 'Enabled', 0 CALL VRSet 'MENU_CONTEXT_DETACH', 'Visible', 0 CALL VRSet 'MENU_CONTEXT_OPEN', 'Visible', 0 /* CALL VRSet 'MENU_CONTEXT_SEP1', 'Visible', 0 */ CALL VRSet 'MENU_CONTEXT_DETACH_ALL', 'Visible', 0 /* CALL VRSet 'MENU_CONTEXT_SEP2', 'Visible', 0 */ /* CALL VRSet 'MENU_CONTEXT_SEP3', 'Visible', 0 */ END ok = VRMethod( "Menu_Context", "Popup", , , "", "" ) if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"CN_CURRENT_ContextMenu done" return /*:VRX CN_CURRENT_DoubleClick */ CN_CURRENT_DoubleClick: if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"CN_CURRENT_DoubleClick started" CALL VRSet "TM_AUTOCLOSE", "ENABLED", 0 rh = VRInfo('Record') /* we have to check whether the record still exists because under certain circumstances the event routine is executed after the record was already removed */ if VRMethod( "CN_CURRENT", "ValidateRecord", rh) <> 1 then do if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"CN_CURRENT_DoubleClick aborted" return end data = VRMethod("CN_CURRENT", 'GetRecordAttr', rh, 'UserData') PARSE VAR data p_node ';' p_mounts ';' p_string if options.!debug == 1 then do say ' data = "'data'"' say ' p_node = "'p_node'"' say ' p_mounts = "'p_mounts'"' say ' p_string = "'p_string'"' end call Menu_Context_Open_Default_Click if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"CN_CURRENT_DoubleClick done" return /*:VRX CN_CURRENT_DragDrop */ CN_CURRENT_DragDrop: if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' CN_CURRENT_DragDrop started' ok = VRSet("TM_RefreshCurrentDisplay","Enabled", 0) if options.!debug == 1 then say " settings.!network = "settings.!network p_workgroup = '' p_server = '' p_share = '' srcFile = VRInfo( "SourceFile" ) srcCtn = VRInfo( "SourceObject" ) srcRec = VRInfo( "SourceRecord" ) trgCtn = VRInfo( "TargetObject" ) trgRec = VRInfo( "TargetRecord" ) if options.!debug == 1 then do say ' srcFile = "'srcFile'"' say ' srcCtn = "'srcCtn'"' if srcCtn <> "" then say ' srcCtn name = "'VRGet(srcCtn,'Name')'"' say ' srcRec = "'srcRec'"' say ' trgCtn = "'trgCtn'"' if trgCtn <> "" then say ' trgCtn name = "'VRGet(trgCtn,'Name')'"' say ' trgRec = "'trgRec'"' end if srcFile <> "" then do /* A file was dropped onto the container - attempt to load it */ if options.!debug == 1 then say ' Possible profile dropped: "'srcFile'"' /* was it really a profile ? */ if translate(VRParseFileName(srcFile,'E')) = translate(fs.!profileext) then do /* Yes - load it! */ options.!autoload = 1 Profile = srcFile call Menu_File_Load_Click ok = VRSet("EF_NETWORK","Value",options.!workgroup) end else do /* No - barf! */ buttons.0 = 1 buttons.1 = NLVGetMessage(9) ok = VRMessage('Main', NLVGetMessage(103,srcFile ), NLVGetMessage(5), 'E','buttons.') end if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' CN_CURRENT_DragDrop done (load profile)' return end ok = VRMethod("CB_MOUNT", "GetStringList", "ShareLevels." ) if VRGet(srcCtn,'Name') = "CN_CONDET" then do p_mpoint = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "GetFieldData", srcRec, CD.MpointFH) p_workgroup = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "GetFieldData", srcRec, cd.workgrpFH ) p_server = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "GetFieldData", srcRec, CD.ServerFH) p_share = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "GetFieldData", srcRec, CD.ShareFH) p_user = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "GetFieldData", srcRec, CD.UserFH) p_password = x2c(VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "GetFieldData", srcRec, CD.SpasswordFH)) ShareLevel = 1 if p_share = "" then ShareLevel = 2 if p_server = "" then ShareLevel = 3 if p_workgroup = "" then ShareLevel = 4 ok = VRSet("CB_MOUNT", "Selected", Sharelevel ) ok = VRset("CB_MOUNT", "Value", mtype.sharelevel) call _UpdateObject "EF_SERVER", p_server ok = VRset("EF_SHARE", "Value", p_share) ok = VRset("EF_NETWORK", "Value", p_workgroup) ok = VRset("EF_USER", "Value", p_user) ok = VRset("EF_PASSWORD", "Value", p_password) parse var p_mpoint p_drv '\' p_dir p_dir = strip(p_dir,'T','\') ok = VRset("CB_DRIVES", "Value", p_drv) ok = VRset("EF_DIRECTORY", "Value", p_dir) end /* Drag from CN_CONDET */ else do /* Drag from CN_SMBTREE */ call _GetSMBObjectProperties srcRec select when SMBObj.udatatype = "WORKGROUP" then do say "Workgroup dragged!" p_workgroup = SMBObj.resname p_server = "" p_share = "" ShareLevel = 3 end when SMBObj.udatatype = "SERVER" then do say "Server dragged!" if SMBObj.parentrh <> "" then do /* detect server without workgroup */ p_workgroup = VRMethod("CN_SMBTREE", "GetRecordAttr", SMBObj.parentrh, "Caption") end p_server = SMBObj.resname p_share = "" ShareLevel = 2 end when SMBObj.udatatype = "DISK" then do say "Shared disk dragged!" if SMBObj.gparentrh <> "" then do /* detect share on a server without workgroup */ p_workgroup = VRMethod("CN_SMBTREE", "GetRecordAttr", SMBObj.gparentrh, "Caption") end p_server = VRMethod("CN_SMBTREE", "GetRecordAttr", SMBObj.parentrh, "Caption") parse var p_server p_server '0D0A'x . p_share = SMBObj.resname ShareLevel = 1 end otherwise nop /* Printer */ end ok = VRSet("EF_NETWORK","Value",p_workgroup) call _UpdateObject "EF_SERVER", p_server ok = VRSet("EF_Share","Value", p_share) end /* Drag from CN_SMBTREE */ if options.!debug == 1 then do say 'p_workgroup = "'p_workgroup'"' say 'p_server = "'p_server'"' say 'p_share = "'p_share'"' end ok = VRSet( "CB_MOUNT", "Selected", Sharelevel ) settings.!network = VRGet("EF_NETWORK","Value") call CB_MOUNT_Change if trgRec = "" then do ok = VRMethod("CB_DRIVES", "GetStringList", "freedrives.") if freedrives.0 > 0 then ok = VRSet("CB_DRIVES","Value", freedrives.1) else ok = VRSet("CB_DRIVES","Value", "") ok = VRSet("EF_DIRECTORY","Value", "") end else do TargetString = VRMethod(trgCtn, "GetRecordAttr", trgRec, "Caption") parTrgRH = VRMethod(trgCtn, "GetRecordAttr", trgRec, "Parent") do while parTrgRH <> "" partrgCapt = VRMethod(trgCtn, "GetRecordAttr", partrgRH, "Caption") TargetString = partrgCapt||'\'||TargetString parTrgRH = VRMethod(trgCtn, "GetRecordAttr", partrgRH , "Parent") end say 'TargetString = "'TargetString'"' ok = VRSet("CB_DRIVES","Value", left(TargetString,2)) ok = VRSet("EF_DIRECTORY","Value", substr(TargetString,4)) end window = VRLoadSecondary( "SW_MOUNTPOINT", "W" ) if VRGet("CB_DRIVES","Value") = "" then return window = VRLoadSecondary( "SW_LOGIN", "W" ) if credentials.!entered = 1 then call PB_MOUNT_CLICK if VRGet(srcCtn,'Name') = "CN_CONDET" & VRMethod( "CN_CONDET", "ValidateRecord", srcRec) = 1 then do if VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "GetRecordAttr", srcRec, "Icon") = icons.!passive then ok = VRMethod( "CN_CONDET", "RemoveRecord", srcRec) end if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' CN_CURRENT_DragDrop done' return /*:VRX CN_SMBTREE_Click */ CN_SMBTREE_Click: if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' CN_SMBTREE_Click started' /* ok = VRset("DT_StatusBar","Caption", VRGet("Main", "HintText")) */ call _dropdeprecated call _GetSmbObjectProperties VRInfo('Record') call _ContextMenuSelectedSet ok = VRset("DT_Statusbar", "Caption", SMBObj.udatamsg) if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' CN_SMBTREE_Click done' return /*:VRX CN_SMBTREE_ContextMenu */ CN_SMBTREE_ContextMenu: if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' CN_SMBTREE_ContextMenu started' call _dropdeprecated call _GetSmbObjectProperties VRInfo('Record') call _ContextMenuSelectedSet ok = VRMethod( "Menu_Selected", "Popup", , , "", "" ) if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' CN_SMBTREE_ContextMenu done' return /*:VRX CN_SMBTREE_DoubleClick */ CN_SMBTREE_DoubleClick: if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' CN_SMBTREE_DoubleClick started' call _dropdeprecated call _GetSmbObjectProperties VRInfo('Record') /* if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' CN_SMBTREE_DoubleClick done' return */ /* Enable last 2 lines for 2.0.x (to disable on the fly browsing) */ if options.!debug == 1 then say ' Browsing "'SMBObj.udatatype'"' If SMBObj.udatatype = "DIRECTORY" then do BrowsePath = _browsebuildpath(SMBObj.rh) call _BrowseResetObject(SmbObj.rh) parse var browsepath '\\'machine'\'sharename '\' browsepath browsepath = browsepath'\*' call _BrowseDirectory end If SMBObj.udatatype = "FILE" then do BrowsePath = _browsebuildpath(SMBObj.rh) call _BrowseResetObject(SmbObj.rh) parse var browsepath '\\'machine'\'sharename '\' browsepath OpenOk = _browseobjectopen(machine,sharename,browsepath) if \OpenOK then do say " Not connected - trying to connect" ok = VRMethod( "CN_SMBTREE", "SetRecordAttr", sharerh, "Selected", 1) call PB_SMBTREE_CONNECT_Click ok = VRMethod( "CN_SMBTREE", "SetRecordAttr", SMBObj.rh, "Selected", 1) OpenOk = _browseobjectopen(machine,sharename,browsepath) if \OpenOk then do say " Not connected - cannot open - aborting!" end end end if SMBObj.udatatype = "DISK" then do machine = VRMethod("CN_SMBTREE","GetRecordAttr",SMBObj.parentrh,"Caption") parse var machine machine '0D0A'x . machine = strip(machine) call _BrowseResetObject(SmbObj.rh) sharename = SMBObj.resname BrowsePath = "" call _BrowseDirectory end if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' CN_SMBTREE_DoubleClick done' return /*:VRX CN_SMBTREE_DragFile */ CN_SMBTREE_DragFile: if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' CN_SMBTREE_DragFile started' obj = VRInfo( "object" ) ok = VRMethod( "CN_SMBTREE", "GetRecordList", "SourceOrSelected", "SelRH." ) if SelRH.0 = 0 then do if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' CN_SMBTREE_DragStart aborted' return end call _dropdeprecated call _GetSMBObjectProperties SelRH.1 select when SMBObj.udatatype = "WORKGROUP" | SMBObj.udatatype = "SERVER" | SMBObj.udatatype = "DISK" then do call VRMethod obj, 'StartDrag' end when SMBObj.udatatype = "PRINTER" then do CALL VRMessage 'Main', NLVGetMessage( 62 ), NLVGetMessage( 5 ), 'E' end otherwise nop /* FILE DIRECTORY */ end if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' CN_SMBTREE_DragFile done' return /*:VRX CN_SMBTREE_DragStart */ CN_SMBTREE_DragStart: if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' CN_SMBTREE_DragStart started' obj = VRInfo( "object" ) ok = VRMethod( "CN_SMBTREE", "GetRecordList", "SourceOrSelected", "SelRH." ) if SelRH.0 = 0 then do if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' CN_SMBTREE_DragStart aborted' return end call _dropdeprecated call _GetSMBObjectProperties SelRH.1 select when SMBObj.udatatype = "WORKGROUP" | SMBObj.udatatype = "SERVER" | SMBObj.udatatype = "DISK" then do call VRMethod obj, 'StartDrag' end when SMBObj.udatatype = "PRINTER" then do CALL VRMessage 'Main', NLVGetMessage( 62 ), NLVGetMessage( 5 ), 'E' end otherwise nop /* FILE DIRECTORY */ end if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' CN_SMBTREE_DragStart done' return /*:VRX CreateObject */ CreateObject: procedure Parse Arg Class, Title, Location, Setup, Collision /* say 'Creating ['Title']' */ say Setup rc = SysCreateObject( Class, Title, Location, Setup, Collision ) If rc <> 1 Then do Msg.Text = ' > failed to create ['Title' | 'Class'] at location ['Location']' Msg.Type = 'Error' say Msg.Text end return rc /*:VRX DT_STATUSBAR_ContextMenu */ DT_STATUSBAR_ContextMenu: ok = VRSet("DT_STATUSBAR","Caption", VRGet("Main", "HintText")) return /*:VRX EF_PASSWORD1_KeyPress */ EF_PASSWORD1_KeyPress: if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' EF_PASSWORD1_KeyPress started' obj = VRInfo( "Object" ) keystr = VRGet( obj, "KeyString" ) /* say keystr */ select when keystr = "{Enter}" then call PB_LOGIN_OK_Click when keystr = "{Newline}" then call PB_LOGIN_OK_Click when keystr = "{Esc}" then call PB_LOGIN_CANCEL_Click otherwise nop end if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' EF_PASSWORD1_KeyPress done' return /*:VRX EF_PASSWORD_Change */ EF_PASSWORD_Change: Now = VRGet("EF_PASSWORD","value") if Now = "" | Now = LastPassword then return ok = SysSleep(1) LastPassword = Now if Now <> VRGet("EF_PASSWORD","value") then return call _UserCredUpdate return /*:VRX EF_SERVER_Change */ EF_SERVER_Change: if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' EF_SERVER_Change started' Now = VRGet("EF_SERVER","value") if Now = "" | Now = LastServer then return ok = SysSleep(2) if Now <> VRGet("EF_SERVER","value") then return IF options.!editmode = 1 then return /* Do nothing for incomplete IP addresses */ if strip(translate(VRGet("EF_SERVER","value"),copies(' ',11),'01234567890.')) = "" then do /* got an IP address */ if \_IsValidIPAddress(VRGet("EF_SERVER","value")) then return /* it is invalid or incomplete */ end /* do nothing if a workgroup was mounted */ if VRGet("EF_SERVER","value") = "*" then return machine = VRGet("EF_SERVER","value") ok = VRSet("EF_SHARE","Value", "") ok = VRMethod("EF_SHARE","Reset") rh = _GetMachineHandle(machine) if rh <> "" then do call _GetSMBObjectProperties rh if SMBObj.parentrh = "" then ok = VRSet("EF_NETWORK","Value", "") /* The workgroup might be unknown at this moment */ else ok = VRSet("EF_NETWORK","Value", VRMethod("CN_SMBTREE","GetRecordAttr",SMBObj.parentRH,"Caption")) call _GetSMBObjectShares SMBObj.rh if SMBObj.shares.0 > 0 then do ok = VRMethod("EF_SHARE", "AddStringList", "SMBObj.shares.") end end else do call _RefreshWorkgroups smbtree.!machine = _AddSleepingMachine(machine,"","") call _UserCredUpdate call _RefreshShares ok = VRSet( "CN_smbtree", "Painting", 1 ) ok = VRSet("Main", 'Pointer', '' ) ok = VRSet("CN_smbtree","Enabled", 1) ok = VRSet("TM_Throbber","Enabled", 0) ok = VRSet("Pict_Throbber","Visible", 0) end LastServer = VRGet("EF_SERVER","value") if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' EF_SERVER_Change done' return /*:VRX EF_USER1_KeyPress */ EF_USER1_KeyPress: if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' EF_USER1_KeyPress started' obj = VRInfo( "Object" ) keystr = VRGet( obj, "KeyString" ) say keystr select when keystr = "{Enter}" then ok = VRMethod( "EF_Password1", "SetFocus" ) when keystr = "{Newline}" then ok = VRMethod( "EF_Password1", "SetFocus" ) when keystr = "{Esc}" then call PB_LOGIN_CANCEL_Click otherwise nop end if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' EF_USER1_KeyPress done' return /*:VRX EF_USER_Change */ EF_USER_Change: Now = VRGet("EF_USER","value") if Now = "" | Now = LastUser then return ok = SysSleep(1) LastUser = Now if Now <> VRGet("EF_USER","value") then return call _UserCredUpdate return /*:VRX EF_WINS_SERVER_Change */ EF_WINS_SERVER_Change: advanced.!smbconfchanged = 1 return /*:VRX Fini */ Fini: window = VRWindow() call VRSet window, "Visible", 0 drop window return 0 /*:VRX GetChildren */ GetChildren: PROCEDURE EXPOSE existrec. exc options. icons. fs. cd. samba. if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' GetChildren started' PARSE ARG node, parec CALL _Dynamic "CALL "fs.!prefix"RxGetMount node, 'info.', 'points.', 'res.'" IF info.2 > 0 THEN icon = icons.!active ELSE icon = icons.!passive rh = VRMethod("CN_CURRENT", 'AddRecord', parec, 'Last', info.0, icon ) IF rh == '' | datatype(res.0) <> "NUM" THEN RETURN exc = exc + 1 existrec.exc = rh userdata = node';'info.2 DO i = 1 TO res.0 userdata = ParseResourceData( userdata, res.i ) END if userdata = "UNKNOWN" then ok = VRMethod("CN_CURRENT", 'RemoveRecord', rh) else do CALL VRMethod "CN_CURRENT", 'SetRecordAttr', rh, 'UserData', userdata if options.currentdata = userdata then ok = VRMethod("CN_CURRENT", 'SetRecordAttr', rh, 'Selected', 1) end DO i = 1 TO points.0 childnode = node || points.i || '\' CALL GetChildren childnode, rh END if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' GetChildren done' RETURN /*:VRX GetMountPoints */ GetMountPoints: PROCEDURE EXPOSE existrec. options. icons. fs. cd. samba. if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' GetMountPoints started' /* CALL VRSet "CN_CURRENT", 'Painting', 0 */ /* if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"GetMountPoints: SysDriveMap(USED) started" */ drvs = SysDriveMap('C:', 'USED') /* was "REMOTE" */ /* if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"GetMountPoints: SysDriveMap(USED) done" */ ac = 0 DO i = 1 TO WORDS( drvs ) fs = TRANSLATE( SysFileSystemType( WORD( drvs, i ))) IF fs == fs.!fileSystemtype THEN DO ac = ac + 1 attached.ac = WORD( drvs, i ) END END attached.0 = ac exc = 0 DO i = 1 TO attached.0 node = attached.i'\' CALL VRMethod 'CB_DRIVES', 'AddString', attached.i CALL _Dynamic "CALL "fs.!prefix"RxGetMount node, 'info.', 'points.', 'res.'" IF info.2 > 0 THEN icon = icons.!drive ELSE icon = icons.!drive_inactive rh = VRMethod("CN_CURRENT", 'AddRecord',, 'Last', attached.i, icon ) IF rh == '' THEN ITERATE exc = exc + 1 existrec.exc = rh userdata = node';'info.2 DO j = 1 TO res.0 userdata = ParseResourceData( userdata, res.j ) END /* if options.!debug == 1 then say ' "'attached.i'" "'userdata'"' */ CALL VRMethod "CN_CURRENT", 'SetRecordAttr', rh, 'UserData', userdata /* , 'FileName', 'TESTER.EVP' */ if options.currentdata = userdata then ok = VRMethod("CN_CURRENT", 'SetRecordAttr', rh, 'Selected', 1) CALL VRMethod "CN_CURRENT", 'SetRecordAttr', rh, 'Expanded', 1 DO j = 1 TO points.0 childnode = node || points.j || '\' CALL GetChildren childnode, rh END END existrec.0 = exc /* CALL VRSet "CN_CURRENT", 'Painting', 1 */ if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"GetMountPoints done" RETURN /*:VRX Halt */ Halt: signal _VREHalt return /*:VRX Init */ Init: /* Herwig */ /* CALL VRSet 'Console', 'WindowListTitle', '' */ window = VRWindow() call VRSet window, "Visible", 0 call VRMethod window, "Activate" drop window RETURN /*:VRX LoadFileSysFuncs */ LoadFileSysFuncs: if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' LoadFileSysFuncs() started' Fatal = 1 RestartCount = 0 FoundEVFS = 1 FoundND = 1 program = VRGet("Application", "Program") if program = "" then parse source . . program say "Program = '"program"'" program = translate(VRParseFileName(Program,'N')) say "Program = '"program"'" if SysSearchPath("PATH", "EVFSCTL.EXE") = "" | program = "SMBGUI" then do FoundEVFS = 0 ForceNDFS = 1 end CtlRestart: if \ForceNDFS then signal NoNetDrive ForceNDFS: if options.!debug == 1 then say ' NDFS check entered' call RxFuncAdd 'NdRxLoadFuncs', 'NDCALLS', 'NdRxLoadFuncs' SIGNAL ON SYNTAX NAME NoNetdrive call NdRxLoadFuncs FoundND = 1 SIGNAL OFF SYNTAX fs.!prefix = 'ND' fs.!fileSystemtype = "NDFS32" fs.!profileext = "ndc" signal CommonToBothFS NoNetdrive: if options.!debug == 1 then say ' NDFS not found' CALL RxFuncAdd 'EvfsRxLoadFuncs', 'EVFSCALL.DLL', 'EvfsRxLoadFuncs' SIGNAL ON SYNTAX NAME NoEVFSCALL CALL EvfsRxLoadFuncs FoundEVFS = 1 SIGNAL OFF SYNTAX fs.!prefix = 'EVFS' fs.!fileSystemtype = "EVFS" fs.!profileext = "evp" CommonToBothFS: if options.!debug == 1 then say ' Common version check' CALL _Dynamic "fsstat = "fs.!prefix"RxQueryIFS()" if fsstat = 252 then CALL _Dynamic "Found"fs.!prefix" = 0" if word(fsstat,1) = '0' then do PARSE VAR fsstat '0 'fsname fsver fsctl . fs.!name = fsname fs.!version = fsver if options.!debug == 1 then DO say ' fs.!prefix = 'fs.!prefix say ' fs.!name = 'fs.!Name say ' Version = 'fsver say ' fsctl = 'fsctl end end else do if FoundND = 0 & FoundEVFS = 0 then do CALL VRMessage 'Main', 'FATAL: Neither EVFS nor Netdrive found: 'fs.!prefix'RxQueryIFS()='fsstat, NLVGetMessage( 5 ), 'E' signal Halt end signal ForceNDFS end IF fsctl \= 1 THEN DO if ReStartCount = 0 then do 'detach 'fs.!prefix'ctl.exe' RestartCount = 1 ok = SysSleep(1) signal CtlRestart end else do CALL VRMessage 'Main', NLVGetMessage( 101 ), NLVGetMessage( 5 ), 'E' signal Halt end END Fatal = 0 if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' LoadFileSysFuncs() done' return /*:VRX Main_Close */ Main_Close: CALL Quit RETURN /*:VRX Main_Create */ Main_Create: options.!debug = 1 if options.!debug == 1 then do ok = VRRedirectStdIO("ON") say time()' Main_Create started' end else ok = VRRedirectStdIO("OFF") call _InitTempDir call _LoadOtherFuncs call NLVSetup call _StemsInit call _TabbedDialogSetup call _ContainersInit call _GUIInit CALL _ParseCommandLine CALL LoadFileSysFuncs CALL _CltInit CALL _INILoad call _TabFix 1 call SW_ADVANCED_Init_Content call SW_SMBTREE_Init_Content call SW_CONDET_Init_Content call SW_SETTINGS_Init_Content CALL Refresh if advanced.!savepassive == 1 then CALL _PassiveLoad IF options.!timesync == 1 THEN CALL _TimeSync IF options.!autoload == 1 THEN CALL Menu_File_Load_Click CALL VRSet "CB_MOUNT", "Selected", 1 CALL VRSet "CB_DRIVES", "Selected", 1 IF options.!autoclose == 1 THEN CALL TM_AutoClose_Trigger ELSE do if advanced.!browseauth == 1 then do /* FIXME: unclear why we have to do the following 4 lines here */ call SW_SETTINGS_Init call SW_SETTINGS_Init_Content call SW_ADVANCED_Init call SW_ADVANCED_Init_Content window = VRLoadSecondary( "SW_LOGIN", "W" ) call Main_Resize end if advanced.!browseimme == 1 then call PB_SMBTREE_REFRESH_Click end if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' Main_Create done' return /*:VRX Main_KeyPress */ Main_KeyPress: key = VRGet('Main', 'KeyString') IF key == '{F5}' THEN CALL Refresh RETURN /*:VRX Main_Resize */ Main_Resize: if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' Main_Resize started' ok = VRset("Main","Painting", 0) /* Basic measurements */ main_iwidth = VRGet("Main","InteriorWidth") /* Width of window client-area */ main_iheight = VRGet("Main","InteriorHeight") /* Height of window client-area */ /** This caused weird resizing glitches, horrible jittering, etc. Instead, ** what we now do (further down) is set a minimum size in twips for the right ** pane, below which it simply stops resizing and switches to clipping. (The ** left pane resizes all its controls dynamically anyway.) This better matches ** standard application behaviour, and makes resizing behave more smoothly. * * if VRMethod( "Screen", "TwipsToPixels", main_iheight) < 600 then * ok = VRSet("Main","Height",VRMethod( "Screen", "PixelsToTwips", 580)) * if VRMethod( "Screen", "TwipsToPixels", main_iwidth) < 730 then * ok = VRSet("Main","Width", VRMethod( "Screen", "PixelsToTwips", 730)) */ sbar_height = VRGet("GB_STATUSBAR","Height") /* Height of status-bar */ split_left = VRGet("SPLIT_Main","Left") /* Position of the left edge of the split-bar */ marginx2 = margin * 2 /* Common margin around controls */ pbtn_height = 400 /* Height of the panels' internal button areas */ pane_height = main_iheight - sbar_height - (margin * 4) /* Height of a split-bar panel */ lpane_width = split_left - margin /* Width of the left split-bar panel */ rpane_width = main_iwidth - split_left - 60 - margin /* Width of the right split-bar panel */ /* Tabbed Dialog = right pane */ ok = VRset("TDL_1", "Top", marginx2) ok = VRset("TDL_1", "Left", split_left + 60) ok = VRset("TDL_1", "Width", rpane_width ) ok = VRset("TDL_1", "Height", pane_height ) /* Current Panel */ ok = VRSet("GB_CURRENT", "Visible", 1 ) ok = VRSet("GB_CURRENT", "Top", marginx2 ) ok = VRSet("GB_CURRENT", "Left", margin ) ok = VRSet("GB_CURRENT", "Width", lpane_width ) ok = VRSet("GB_CURRENT", "Height", pane_height ) ok = VRset("GB_CURRENT3", "Top", margin ) ok = VRset("GB_CURRENT3", "Left", margin ) ok = VRset("GB_CURRENT3", "Height", 245 ) ok = VRset("GB_CURRENT3", "Width", lpane_width - marginx2) ok = VRset("DT_CURRENT", "Top", 8 ) ok = VRset("DT_CURRENT", "Left", 8 ) ok = VRset("DT_CURRENT", "Height", 213 ) ok = VRset("DT_CURRENT", "Width", (lpane_width - marginx2) - 24 ) ok = VRset("GB_CURRENT2", "Left", margin ) ok = VRset("GB_CURRENT2", "Top", 245 + marginx2 ) ok = VRset("GB_CURRENT2", "Width", lpane_width - marginx2) ok = VRset("GB_CURRENT2", "Height", pane_height - (margin * 5) - pbtn_height - 245 ) ok = VRset("CN_CURRENT", "Top", margin ) ok = VRset("CN_CURRENT", "Left", margin ) ok = VRset("CN_CURRENT", "Width", VRGet("GB_CURRENT2","Width") - marginx2) ok = VRset("CN_CURRENT", "Height", VRGet("GB_CURRENT2","Height") - marginx2) ok = VRset("PB_DETACH", "Left", margin ) ok = VRset("PB_DETACH", "Top", pane_height - pbtn_height - marginx2 ) ok = VRset("PB_DETACH", "Width", min((lpane_width-margin*3) % 2, 1313) ) ok = VRset("PB_UNMOUNT", "Left", VRGet("PB_DETACH","Width") + marginx2) ok = VRset("PB_UNMOUNT", "Top", pane_height - pbtn_height - marginx2 ) ok = VRset("PB_UNMOUNT", "Width", min((lpane_width-margin*3) % 2, 1313) ) /* Splitbar - reduced in size to make it more noticable */ ok = VRset("SPLIT_Main", "Visible", 1 ) ok = VRset("SPLIT_Main", "Top", marginx2 + (pane_height-1200)%2 ) ok = VRset("SPLIT_Main", "Height", 1200 /* pane_height */ ) /* Statusbar */ ok = VRSet("GB_STATUSBAR", "Left", margin ) ok = VRSet("GB_STATUSBAR", "Top", main_iheight - sbar_height - margin ) ok = VRSet("GB_STATUSBAR", "Width", lpane_width + 50 + rpane_width ) ok = VRset("DT_STATUSBAR", "Top", 12 ) ok = VRset("DT_STATUSBAR", "Left", 12 ) ok = VRset("DT_STATUSBAR", "Height", VRGet("GB_STATUSBAR","Height") -24 ) ok = VRset("DT_STATUSBAR", "Width", (lpane_width + 50 + rpane_width) - 24 ) /* Modified for notebook pages */ pane_height = marginx2 + pane_height -1180 rpane_width = marginx2 + rpane_width -760 /* Use this as the width for the container pages, which don't have as strict a minimum width */ rcnr_width = rpane_width /* Minimum size of right panel (based on SW_DIALOG which is the largest) */ if pane_height < 5360 then pane_height = 5360 if rpane_width < 6010 then rpane_width = 6010 /* Dialog page */ ok = VRSet("GB_DIALOG", "Top", margin /* marginx2 */ ) ok = VRSet("GB_DIALOG", "Left", margin /* marginx2 */ /* split_left + 60 */ ) ok = VRset("GB_DIALOG", "Height", pane_height ) ok = VRset("GB_DIALOG", "Width", rpane_width ) ok = VRset("PB_MOUNT", "Left", margin ) ok = VRset("PB_MOUNT", "Top", pane_height - pbtn_height - marginx2) ok = VRset("PB_EDIT_CANCEL", "Left", VRGet("PB_MOUNT","Width") + marginx2) ok = VRset("PB_EDIT_CANCEL", "Top", pane_height - pbtn_height - marginx2) ok = VRset("PB_DIALOG_HELP", "Left", rpane_width - marginx2 - VRGet("PB_DIALOG_HELP","Width") + 24) ok = VRset("PB_DIALOG_HELP", "Top", pane_height - pbtn_height - marginx2) ok = VRset("GB_SHARE", "Left", margin ) ok = VRset("GB_SHARE", "Top", marginx2 /* 245 + marginx2 */ ) ok = VRset("GB_SHARE", "Height", 2252 ) ok = VRset("GB_SHARE", "Width", rpane_width - marginx2 ) ok = VRset("GB_AUTH", "Left", margin ) ok = VRset("GB_AUTH", "Top", margin * 3 + VRGet("GB_SHARE","Height") /* 245 + (margin * 3) + VRGet("GB_SHARE","Height") */ ) ok = VRset("GB_AUTH", "Width", rpane_width - marginx2 ) ok = VRset("GB_MPOINT","Left", margin ) ok = VRset("GB_MPOINT","Top", /* 245 + */ (margin * 4) + VRGet("GB_SHARE","Height") + VRGet("GB_AUTH","Height")) ok = VRset("GB_MPOINT","Width", rpane_width - marginx2 ) /* Advanced page */ ok = VRSet("GB_ADVANCED", "Top", margin /* marginx2 */ ) ok = VRSet("GB_ADVANCED", "Left", margin /* marginx2 */ /* split_left + 60 */ ) ok = VRset("GB_ADVANCED", "Height", pane_height ) ok = VRset("GB_ADVANCED", "Width", rpane_width ) ok = VRset("GB_ADVANCED2", "Left", margin ) ok = VRset("GB_ADVANCED2", "Top", /* 245 + */ marginx2) ok = VRset("GB_ADVANCED2", "Width", rpane_width - marginx2) ok = VRset("GB_ADVANCED2", "Height", pane_height - (margin * 5) - pbtn_height /* - 245 */ ) ok = VRset("PB_ADVANCED_APPLY", "Left", margin ) ok = VRset("PB_ADVANCED_APPLY", "Top", pane_height - pbtn_height - marginx2) ok = VRset("PB_ADVANCED_UNDO", "Left", VRGet("PB_SMBTREE_CONNECT","Width") + marginx2) ok = VRset("PB_ADVANCED_UNDO", "Top", pane_height - pbtn_height - marginx2) ok = VRset("PB_ADVANCED_HELP", "Left", rpane_width - marginx2 - VRGet("PB_SMBTREE_HELP","Width") + 24) ok = VRset("PB_ADVANCED_HELP", "Top", pane_height - pbtn_height - marginx2) /* SMBTree page */ ok = VRSet("GB_SMBTREE", "Top", margin /* x2 */ ) ok = VRSet("GB_SMBTREE", "Left", margin /* x2 */ /* split_left + 60 */ ) ok = VRset("GB_SMBTREE", "Height", pane_height ) ok = VRset("GB_SMBTREE", "Width", rcnr_width ) ok = VRset("GB_SMBTREE2","Left", margin ) ok = VRset("GB_SMBTREE2","Top", /* 45 + */ marginx2 ) ok = VRset("GB_SMBTREE2","Width", rcnr_width - marginx2) ok = VRset("GB_SMBTREE2","Height", pane_height - (margin * 5) - pbtn_height /* - 245 */ ) ok = VRset("CN_SMBTREE", "Top", margin ) ok = VRset("CN_SMBTREE", "Left", margin ) ok = VRset("CN_SMBTREE", "Width", VRGet("GB_SMBTREE2","Width") - marginx2) ok = VRset("CN_SMBTREE", "Height", VRGet("GB_SMBTREE2","Height") - marginx2) ok = VRset("PB_SMBTREE_CONNECT", "Left", margin ) ok = VRset("PB_SMBTREE_CONNECT", "Top", pane_height - pbtn_height - marginx2) ok = VRset("PB_SMBTREE_REFRESH", "Left", VRGet("PB_SMBTREE_CONNECT","Width") + marginx2) ok = VRset("PB_SMBTREE_REFRESH", "Top", pane_height - pbtn_height - marginx2) hlpmin = VRGet("PB_SMBTREE_REFRESH", "Left") + VRGet("PB_SMBTREE_REFRESH","Width") + marginx2 hlppos = rcnr_width - marginx2 - VRGet("PB_SMBTREE_HELP","Width") + 24 IF hlppos < hlpmin THEN hlppos = hlpmin ok = VRset("PB_SMBTREE_HELP", "Left", hlppos ) ok = VRset("PB_SMBTREE_HELP", "Top", pane_height - pbtn_height - marginx2) ok = VRset("PICT_THROBBER", "Top", VRGet("CN_SMBTREE","Height") % 2 - 100 ) ok = VRset("PICT_THROBBER", "Left", VRGet("CN_SMBTREE","Width") % 2 - 200 ) /* Connection details page */ ok = VRSet("GB_CONDET", "Top", margin /* x2 */ ) ok = VRSet("GB_CONDET", "Left", margin /* x2 */ /* split_left + 60 */ ) ok = VRset("GB_CONDET", "Height", pane_height ) ok = VRset("GB_CONDET", "Width", rcnr_width ) ok = VRset("GB_CONDET2", "Left", margin ) ok = VRset("GB_CONDET2", "Top", /* 245 + */ marginx2) ok = VRset("GB_CONDET2", "Width", rcnr_width - marginx2) ok = VRset("GB_CONDET2", "Height", pane_height - (margin * 5) - pbtn_height /* - 245 */ ) ok = VRset("CN_CONDET", "Top", margin ) ok = VRset("CN_CONDET", "Left", margin ) ok = VRset("CN_CONDET", "Width", VRGet("GB_CONDET2","Width") - marginx2) ok = VRset("CN_CONDET", "Height", VRGet("GB_CONDET2","Height") - marginx2) ok = VRset("PB_CONDET_SAVE", "Left", margin ) ok = VRset("PB_CONDET_SAVE", "Top", pane_height - pbtn_height - marginx2 ) ok = VRset("PB_CONDET_LOAD", "Left", VRGet("PB_CONDET_SAVE","Width") + marginx2) ok = VRset("PB_CONDET_LOAD", "Top", pane_height - pbtn_height - marginx2 ) hlpmin = VRGet("PB_CONDET_LOAD", "Left") + VRGet("PB_CONDET_LOAD","Width") + marginx2 hlppos = rcnr_width - marginx2 - VRGet("PB_CONDET_HELP","Width") + 24 IF hlppos < hlpmin THEN hlppos = hlpmin ok = VRset("PB_CONDET_HELP", "Left", hlppos ) ok = VRset("PB_CONDET_HELP", "Top", pane_height - pbtn_height - marginx2) /* Global settings page */ ok = VRSet("GB_GLOBAL", "Top", margin /* x2 */ ) ok = VRSet("GB_GLOBAL", "Left", margin /* x2 */ /* split_left + 60 */ ) ok = VRset("GB_GLOBAL", "Height", pane_height ) ok = VRset("GB_GLOBAL", "Width", rpane_width ) ok = VRset("GB_GLOBAL2", "Left", margin ) ok = VRset("GB_GLOBAL2", "Top", marginx2 /* 245 + marginx2 */ ) ok = VRset("GB_GLOBAL2", "Width", rpane_width - marginx2 ) ok = VRset("GB_RESOLUTION", "Left", margin ) ok = VRset("GB_RESOLUTION", "Top", margin * 3 + VRGet("GB_GLOBAL2","Height") /* 245 + (margin * 3) + VRGet("GB_GLOBAL2","Height") */ ) ok = VRset("GB_RESOLUTION", "Width", rpane_width - marginx2 ) ok = VRset("GB_LOGGING","Left", margin ) ok = VRset("GB_LOGGING","Top", /* 245 + */ (margin * 4) + VRGet("GB_GLOBAL2","Height") + VRGet("GB_RESOLUTION","Height")) ok = VRset("GB_LOGGING","Width", rpane_width - marginx2 ) ok = VRset("PB_SETTINGS_APPLY", "Left", margin ) ok = VRset("PB_SETTINGS_APPLY", "Top", pane_height - pbtn_height - marginx2 ) ok = VRset("PB_SETTINGS_APPLY", "Height", pbtn_height) ok = VRset("PB_SETTINGS_UNDO", "Left", VRGet("PB_CONDET_SAVE","Width") + marginx2) ok = VRset("PB_SETTINGS_UNDO", "Top", pane_height - pbtn_height - marginx2 ) ok = VRset("PB_SETTINGS_UNDO", "Height", pbtn_height) ok = VRset("PB_SETTINGS_HELP", "Left", rpane_width - marginx2 - VRGet("PB_CONDET_HELP","Width") + 24) ok = VRset("PB_SETTINGS_HELP", "Top", pane_height - pbtn_height - marginx2) ok = VRset("PB_SETTINGS_HELP", "Height", pbtn_height) /* SMB.CONF Settings page */ ok = VRSet("GB_SMBCONFX", "Top", margin /* x2 */ ) ok = VRSet("GB_SMBCONFX", "Left", margin /* x2 */ /* split_left + 60 */ ) ok = VRset("GB_SMBCONFX", "Height", pane_height ) ok = VRset("GB_SMBCONFX", "Width", rpane_width ) ok = VRset("GB_SMBCONF2", "Left", margin ) ok = VRset("GB_SMBCONF2", "Top", marginx2 ) ok = VRset("GB_SMBCONF2", "Width", rpane_width - marginx2 ) ok = VRset("GB_SMBCONF2", "Height", pane_height - (margin * 7) - pbtn_height /* - 245 */ ) ok = VRset("PB_SMBCONF_APPLY", "Left", margin ) ok = VRset("PB_SMBCONF_APPLY", "Top", pane_height - pbtn_height - marginx2 ) ok = VRset("PB_SMBCONF_APPLY", "Height", pbtn_height) ok = VRset("PB_SMBCONF_UNDO", "Left", VRGet("PB_CONDET_SAVE","Width") + marginx2) ok = VRset("PB_SMBCONF_UNDO", "Top", pane_height - pbtn_height - marginx2 ) ok = VRset("PB_SMBCONF_UNDO", "Height", pbtn_height) ok = VRset("PB_SMBCONF_HELP", "Left", rpane_width - marginx2 - VRGet("PB_CONDET_HELP","Width") + 24) ok = VRset("PB_SMBCONF_HELP", "Top", pane_height - pbtn_height - marginx2) ok = VRset("PB_SMBCONF_HELP", "Height", pbtn_height) /* DOne with pages */ ok = VRset("Main","Painting", 1) /* check and empty event queue, trash spurious resize events */ EventString = '' TrashedResize = 0 do until EventString = 'nop' EventString = VREvent('N') if EventString <> 'nop' then do if EventString = 'CALL Main_Resize' then TrashedResize = 1 else interpret eventString end end if TrashedResize then CALL Main_Resize if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' Main_Resize done' return /*:VRX Menu_Context_ChangeView_Click */ Menu_Context_ChangeView_Click: ok = VRSet("Cn_Current","View","NameTree") return /*:VRX Menu_Context_Detach_All_Click */ Menu_Context_Detach_All_Click: ok = VRMethod( "CN_CURRENT", "GetRecordList", "All", "umrh." ) do um = 1 to umrh.0 ok = VRMethod( "CN_CURRENT", "SetRecordAttr", umrh.um, "Selected", 1) call PB_DETACH_Click end drop um umrh. return /*:VRX Menu_Context_Detach_Click */ Menu_Context_Detach_Click: call PB_DETACH_Click return /*:VRX Menu_Context_Edit_Click */ Menu_Context_Edit_Click: if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' Menu_Context_Edit_Click started' /* call VRMethod "TDL_1", 'PostEvent', 'PageSelected', 'Page', 1 */ ok = VRset("TDL_1", 'Selected', 1) options.!editmode = 1 CALL VRSet "PB_EDIT_CANCEL","Visible", 1 CALL VRSet "PB_UNMOUNT","Enabled", 0 ok = VRMethod( "TDL_1", "SetTabText", 1, " "NLVGetMessage(33)" " ) /* CALL NLVSetText "DT_DIALOG","Caption",33 */ CALL VRSet "GB_CURRENT", "ENABLED", 0 ok = VRSet("CB_MOUNT","Value","") ok = VRSet("CB_MOUNT","Selected",1) ok = VRSet("CB_MOUNT","Value",mtype.1) parse var p_string p_workgroup':\\'p_server'\'p_share /* if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||p_workgroup */ if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' data '||data if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' domain '||p_workgroup if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' server '||p_server if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' share '||p_share if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' string '||p_string CALL VRSet "EF_SHARE", "VALUE", p_share CALL VRSet "EF_SERVER", "VALUE", p_server CALL VRSet "EF_NETWORK","VALUE", p_workgroup /* if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||p_node */ parse var p_node p_drive'\'p_directory'\' CALL VRSet "CB_DRIVES", "Value", p_drive CALL VRSet "EF_DIRECTORY", "Value", p_directory if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' Menu_Context_Edit_Click done' return /*:VRX Menu_Context_Open_Click */ Menu_Context_Open_Click: ok = VRSet("Menu_Context_Open_Default","Visible",0) return /*:VRX Menu_Context_Open_Default_Click */ Menu_Context_Open_Default_Click: if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"Menu_Context_Open_Click started" if \VRIsValidObject(rh) then return userdata = VRMethod( "CN_CURRENT", 'GetRecordAttr', rh, 'UserData') PARSE VAR userdata mountpoint ';' mounts ';' . if length(mountpoint) > 3 then mountpoint = strip(mountpoint,'T','\') ID = VRMethod( "Application", "StartThread", "wps_open", mountpoint, "DEFAULT" ) if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"Menu_Context_Open_Click done" return /*:VRX Menu_Context_Open_Detail_Click */ Menu_Context_Open_Detail_Click: if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"Menu_Context_Open_Details_Click started" if \VRIsValidObject(rh) then return userdata = VRMethod( "CN_CURRENT", 'GetRecordAttr', rh, 'UserData') PARSE VAR userdata mountpoint ';' mounts ';' . if length(mountpoint) > 3 then mountpoint = strip(mountpoint,'T','\') ID = VRMethod( "Application", "StartThread", "wps_open", mountpoint, "DETAILS" ) if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"Menu_Context_Open_Details_Click done" return /*:VRX Menu_Context_Open_Icon_Click */ Menu_Context_Open_Icon_Click: if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"Menu_Context_Open_Icon_Click started" if \VRIsValidObject(rh) then return userdata = VRMethod( "CN_CURRENT", 'GetRecordAttr', rh, 'UserData') PARSE VAR userdata mountpoint ';' mounts ';' . if length(mountpoint) > 3 then mountpoint = strip(mountpoint,'T','\') ID = VRMethod( "Application", "StartThread", "wps_open", mountpoint, "ICON" ) if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"Menu_Context_Open_Icon_Click done" return /*:VRX Menu_Context_Open_Settings_Click */ Menu_Context_Open_Settings_Click: if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"Menu_Context_Open_Settings_Click started" if \VRIsValidObject(rh) then return userdata = VRMethod( "CN_CURRENT", 'GetRecordAttr', rh, 'UserData') PARSE VAR userdata mountpoint ';' mounts ';' . if length(mountpoint) > 3 then mountpoint = strip(mountpoint,'T','\') ID = VRMethod( "Application", "StartThread", "wps_open", mountpoint, "SETTINGS" ) if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"Menu_Context_Open_Settings_Click done" return /*:VRX Menu_Context_Open_Splitview_Click */ Menu_Context_Open_Splitview_Click: if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"Menu_Context_Open_Splitview_Click started" if \VRIsValidObject(rh) then return userdata = VRMethod( "CN_CURRENT", 'GetRecordAttr', rh, 'UserData') PARSE VAR userdata mountpoint ';' mounts ';' . if length(mountpoint) > 3 then mountpoint = strip(mountpoint,'T','\') ID = VRMethod( "Application", "StartThread", "wps_open", mountpoint, "SPLITVIEW" ) if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"Menu_Context_Open_Splitview_Click done" return /*:VRX Menu_Context_Open_Tree_Click */ Menu_Context_Open_Tree_Click: if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"Menu_Context_Open_Tree_Click started" if \VRIsValidObject(rh) then return userdata = VRMethod( "CN_CURRENT", 'GetRecordAttr', rh, 'UserData') PARSE VAR userdata mountpoint ';' mounts ';' . if length(mountpoint) > 3 then mountpoint = strip(mountpoint,'T','\') ID = VRMethod( "Application", "StartThread", "wps_open", mountpoint, "TREE" ) if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"Menu_Context_Open_Tree_Click done" return /*:VRX Menu_Context_Refresh_Click */ Menu_Context_Refresh_Click: CALL Refresh return /*:VRX Menu_Context_Unmount_Click */ Menu_Context_Unmount_Click: call PB_UNMOUNT_Click return /*:VRX Menu_File_Autostart_Activate_Click */ Menu_File_Autostart_Activate_Click: options.!autostart = 1 Profile = VRParseFilename(settings.!ini,'DPN')'.'fs.!profileext ExeName = VRParseFileName(VRget("Application","Program"),'DPNE') if ExeName = "" then do parse source . . script ExeName = VRParseFilename(script,'DP')'\EVFSGUI.EXE' end StartupDir = VRParseFileName(VRget("Application","Program"),'DP') if StartupDir = "" then do parse source . . script StartUpDir = VRParseFilename(script,'DP') end ObjTitle = NLVGetMessage( 59 ) if ObjTitle = "" then ObjTitle = '[EVFS LAN-Connections]' CALL PB_CONDET_SAVE_Click rc = CreateObject( 'WPProgram', ObjTitle,'',, 'EXENAME='||ExeName||';'||, 'PROGTYPE=PM;'||, 'TITLE='ObjTitle';'||, 'PARAMETERS='Profile' -AUTOCLOSE -NOGUI;'||, 'STARTUPDIR='StartupDir';'||, 'NOPRINT=YES;'||, 'HIDEBUTTON=DEFAULT;'||, 'MINWIN=DEFAULT;'||, 'CCVIEW=DEFAULT;'||, 'DEFAULTVIEW=DEFAULT;'||, 'OBJECTID=',, 'REPLACE' ) IF rc == 1 THEN do Text = NLVGetMessage( 60 ) if Text = "" then Text = '[Created object in Autostart-Folder]' CALL VRMessage 'Main', Text, VRGet("Main", "Caption") end ELSE do Text = NLVGetMessage( 61 ) if Text = "" then Text = '[Could not create object in Autostart-Folder]' Title = NLVGetMessage( 5 ) if Title = "" then Title = '[Error]' CALL VRMessage 'Main', Text, Title, 'E' end options.!autostart = 0 return /*:VRX Menu_File_Autostart_Click */ Menu_File_Autostart_Click: return /*:VRX Menu_File_Autostart_Deactivate_Click */ Menu_File_Autostart_Deactivate_Click: ok = SysDestroyObject("") IF ok == 1 THEN do Text = NLVGetMessage( 79 ) if Text = "" then Text = '[Autostart object created successfully]' CALL VRMessage 'Main', Text, VRGet("Main", "Caption") end ELSE do Text = NLVGetMessage( 78 ) if Text = "" then Text = '[Could find Autostart object]' Title = NLVGetMessage( 5 ) if Title = "" then Title = '[Error]' CALL VRMessage 'Main', Text, Title, 'E' end return /*:VRX Menu_File_Click */ Menu_File_Click: ok = VRSet("Menu_File_LMHosts_Reset", "Enabled", VRFileExists( samba.!lmhosts )) ok = VRSet("Menu_File_ucCred_Reset", "Enabled", (VRGet("Pict_PWINMEM","PicturePath") = "#36")) return /*:VRX Menu_File_Close_Click */ Menu_File_Close_Click: call Quit return /*:VRX Menu_File_Daemon_Start_Click */ Menu_File_Daemon_Start_Click: if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' Menu_File_Daemon_Start_Click started' if VRFileExists(SysBootDrive()"\ndpsmb.dbg") then do btns.0 = 2 btns.1 = NLVGetMessage( 6 ) btns.2 = NLVGetMessage( 7 ) confirm = VRMessage('Main', NLVGetMessage( 119 ), NLVGetMessage( 8 ), 'Q', 'btns.', 1, 2 ) IF confirm == 1 THEN do logFiles = value("LOGFILES",,"OS2ENVIRONMENT") ok1 = SysFileDelete(Logfiles||'\log.smbc') ok2 = SysFileDelete(Logfiles||'\log.ndpsmb') if ok1 <> 0 | ok2 <> 0 then do ok = VRMessage('Main', NLVGetMessage(5)' 'Logfiles||'\log.smbc RC='ok1||'0D0A'x||NLVGetMessage(5)' 'Logfiles||'\log.ndpsmb RC='ok2, NLVGetMessage( 5 ), 'E') end drop ok1 ok2 end end address cmd 'detach 'fs.!prefix'CTL.EXE' ok = VRset("GB_CURRENT","Enabled", 1) ok = VRset("TDL_1","Enabled", 1) CALL REFRESH ok = VRSet("Menu_File_Daemon_Start","Enabled",0) ok = VRSet("Menu_File_Daemon_Stop","Enabled",1) if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' Menu_File_Daemon_Start_Click done' return /*:VRX Menu_File_Daemon_Stop_Click */ Menu_File_Daemon_Stop_Click: if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' Menu_File_Daemon_Stop_Click started' ok = PRProcessList(proc) do I = 1 to proc.0 CurProc = VRParseFileName(proc.i.name,'NE') if CurProc = fs.!prefix"CTL.EXE" then do call charout , ' 'CurProc' RC=' ok = PRKillProcess(1,proc.i.pid) say ok end end ok = VRset("GB_CURRENT","Enabled", 0) ok = VRset("TDL_1","Enabled", 0) ok = VRSet("Menu_File_Daemon_Start","Enabled",1) ok = VRSet("Menu_File_Daemon_Stop","Enabled",0) if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' Menu_File_Daemon_Stop_Click stopped' return /*:VRX Menu_File_LMHosts_Reset_Click */ Menu_File_LMHosts_Reset_Click: call _LMHostsReset return /*:VRX Menu_File_Load_Click */ Menu_File_Load_Click: PROCEDURE EXPOSE settings. options. icons. advanced. vfs. Profile fs. cd. samba. IF options.!autoload == 1 then filename = Profile else filename = VRFileDialog('Main', NLVGetMessage( 55 ), 'L', '*.'fs.!profileext) IF filename == '' THEN RETURN IF STREAM( filename, 'C', 'QUERY EXISTS') == '' THEN DO CALL VRMessage 'Main', NLVGetMessage( 56, filename ), NLVGetMessage( 5 ), 'E' RETURN END CALL LINEIN filename, 1, 0 DO WHILE LINES( filename ) /* Fix Ticket #202 in order to allow blanks in sharenames */ resline = LINEIN( filename ) nodelen = pos('\\',resline)-2 node = left(resline,nodelen) rwFlag = word(resline,words(resline)) resource = substr(resline,nodelen+2,length(resline)-(nodelen+2)-(length(rwFlag)+1)+1) drop resline drop nodelen vfs.!drive = FILESPEC('DRIVE', node ) vfs.!mountpoint = STRIP( node, 'T', '\') /* In case we only have a volume we reattach the backslash, otherwise restore will fail */ if vfs.!drive = vfs.!mountpoint then vfs.!mountpoint = vfs.!mountpoint||'\' call ParseResParmString options.!workgroup = p_workgroup options.!server = p_server options.!share = p_share options.!user = p_user options.!password = p_password options.!spassword = p_spassword options.!master = p_master options.!mastertype = p_mtype /* options.!memlen = p_memlen options.!logfile = p_logfile options.!loglevel = p_loglevel */ options.!cachetimeout = p_cachetimeout options.!cachelistings = p_cachelistings options.!easupport = p_easupport IF rwFlag == 'R' THEN options.!readonly = 1 ELSE options.!readonly = 0 CALL Mount END CALL STREAM filename, 'C', 'CLOSE' options.!autoload = 0 CALL Refresh RETURN /*:VRX Menu_File_Save_Click */ Menu_File_Save_Click: call PB_CONDET_SAVE_Click return /*:VRX Menu_File_ucCred_Reset_Click */ Menu_File_ucCred_Reset_Click: if _ucChkUc() then ok = _ucDelUc() ok = VRSet("Pict_PWINMEM","PicturePath","#37") ok = VRSet("EF_USER", "Value","") ok = VRSet("EF_PASSWORD","Value","") call _UserCredUpdate return /*:VRX Menu_Help_About_Click */ Menu_Help_About_Click: ok = VRLoadSecondary("SW_ABOUT", "W") return /*:VRX Menu_Help_Extended_Click */ Menu_Help_Extended_Click: ok = VRMethod( "Main", "InvokeHelp" ) return /*:VRX Menu_Selected_Connect_Click */ Menu_Selected_Connect_Click: call PB_SMBTREE_CONNECT_Click return /*:VRX Menu_Selected_Default_Workgroup_Click */ Menu_Selected_Default_Workgroup_Click: if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"Menu_Selected_Default_Workgroup_Click started" if options.!debug == 1 then say ' SMBObj.rh = "'SMBObj.rh'"' Success = 0 if SMBObj.rh <> "" then do if options.!debug == 1 then say ' SMBObj.udatatype = "'SMBObj.udatatype'"' Success = 1 select when SMBObj.udatatype = "WORKGROUP" then workgroupname = VRMethod("CN_SMBTREE","GetRecordAttr",SMBObj.rh,"Caption") when SMBObj.udatatype = "DISK" then workgroupname = VRMethod("CN_SMBTREE","GetRecordAttr",SMBObj.gparentrh,"Caption") when SMBObj.udatatype = "PRINTER" then workgroupname = VRMethod("CN_SMBTREE","GetRecordAttr",SMBObj.gparentrh,"Caption") when SMBObj.udatatype = "SERVER" then workgroupname = VRMethod("CN_SMBTREE","GetRecordAttr",SMBObj.parentrh,"Caption") otherwise Success = 0 end /* FIXME: switch over to REXXIni calls */ if Success = 1 then ok = TRSetIni("[global]","workgroup", workgroupname, samba.!smbconf) end Buttons.1 = NLVGetMessage(2) Buttons.0 = 1 if Success = 0 then do id = VRMessage( VRWindow(), NLVGetMessage(5), NLVGetMessage(75), "Error", "Buttons.", 1, 1 ) end else do id = VRMessage( VRWindow(), NLVGetMessage(117, workgroupname), NLVGetMessage(75), "Information", "Buttons.", 1, 1 ) end if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"Menu_Selected_Default_Workgroup_Click done" return /*:VRX Menu_Selected_DetailsView_Click */ Menu_Selected_DetailsView_Click: ok = VRSet("CN_smbtree", "View", "Detail") return /*:VRX Menu_Selected_Info_Click */ Menu_Selected_Info_Click: if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' Menu_Selected_Info_Click started' ok = VRMethod( "CN_SMBTREE", "GetRecordList", "SourceOrSelected", "SelRH." ) if SelRH.0 = 0 then do if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' Menu_Selected_Info_Click aborted' return end call _GetSMBObjectProperties SelRH.1 window = VRLoadSecondary( "SW_INFO", "W" ) if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' Menu_Selected_Info_Click done' return /*:VRX Menu_Selected_Refresh_Click */ Menu_Selected_Refresh_Click: ok = VRMethod( "CN_smbtree", "SetRecordAttr", SMBObj.rh, "Icon","#61:PMWP.DLL") call _DelSMBObjectShares SMBObj.rh machine = SMBObj.resname ok = VRSet("TM_RefreshTreeDisplay", "Delay", 1000) call _RefreshShares return /*:VRX Menu_Selected_Remove_Click */ Menu_Selected_Remove_Click: ok = VRMethod( "CN_CONDET", "GetRecordList", "SourceOrSelected", "selrec." ) if selrec.0 = 0 then return do I = 1 to selrec.0 if VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "GetFieldData", selrec.I, cd.statusfh) = icons.!passive then do CALL VRMethod "CN_CONDET", 'RemoveRecord', selrec.I end else do mountpoint = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "GetFieldData", selrec.I, cd.mpointfh) mpidx = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "GetFieldData", selrec.I, cd.mpidxfh) if mpidx = 1 then do btns.0 = 2 btns.1 = NLVGetMessage( 6 ) btns.2 = NLVGetMessage( 7 ) confirm = VRMessage('Main', NLVGetMessage( 72, mountpoint ), NLVGetMessage( 8 ), 'Q', 'btns.', 1, 2 ) IF confirm \= 1 THEN RETURN CALL _Dynamic "ok = "fs.!prefix"RxUnmount('"mountpoint"', "mpidx")" CALL VRMethod "CN_CONDET", 'RemoveRecord', selrec.I CALL Refresh end else do CALL VRMessage 'Main', NLVGetMessage( 71 ) , NLVGetMessage( 89 )||" "||mountpoint , 'E' end end end return /*:VRX Menu_Selected_Retry_Click */ Menu_Selected_Retry_Click: PROCEDURE EXPOSE settings. options. icons. vfs. fs. advanced. cd. samba. mtype. ok = VRMethod( "CN_CONDET", "GetRecordList", "SourceOrSelected", "srcrec." ) if srcrec.0 = 0 then return srcrec = srcrec.1 p_mpoint = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "GetFieldData", srcrec, CD.MpointFH) p_workgroup = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "GetFieldData", srcrec, cd.workgrpFH ) p_server = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "GetFieldData", srcrec, CD.ServerFH) p_share = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "GetFieldData", srcrec, CD.ShareFH) p_user = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "GetFieldData", srcrec, CD.UserFH) p_password = x2c(VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "GetFieldData", srcrec, CD.SpasswordFH)) ShareLevel = 1 if p_share = "" then ShareLevel = 2 if p_server = "" then ShareLevel = 3 if p_workgroup = "" then ShareLevel = 4 ok = VRSet("CB_MOUNT", "Selected", Sharelevel ) ok = VRset("CB_MOUNT", "Value", mtype.sharelevel) call _UpdateObject "EF_SERVER", p_server ok = VRset("EF_SHARE" , "Value", p_share) ok = VRset("EF_NETWORK", "Value", p_workgroup) ok = VRset("EF_USER" , "Value", p_user) ok = VRset("EF_PASSWORD", "Value", p_password) parse var p_mpoint p_drv '\' p_dir p_dir = strip(p_dir,'T','\') ok = VRset("CB_DRIVES" , "Value", p_drv) ok = VRset("EF_DIRECTORY" , "Value", p_dir) CALL PB_MOUNT_Click /* if VRMethod( "CN_CONDET", "ValidateRecord", srcRec) = 1 then do if VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "GetRecordAttr", srcRec, "Icon") = icons.!passive then ok = VRMethod( "CN_CONDET", "RemoveRecord", srcRec) end */ return /*:VRX Menu_Selected_TimeSync_Click */ Menu_Selected_TimeSync_Click: if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' Menu_Selected_TimeSync_Click started' ok = VRMethod( "CN_SMBTREE", "GetRecordList", "SourceOrSelected", "SelRH." ) if SelRH.0 = 0 then do if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' Menu_Selected_TimeSync_Click aborted' return end call _GetSMBObjectProperties SelRH.1 options.!timesrv = SMBObj.resname call _TimeSync if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' Menu_Selected_TimeSync_Click done' return /*:VRX Menu_Selected_TreeView_Click */ Menu_Selected_TreeView_Click: ok = VRSet("CN_smbtree", "View", "IconTree") return /*:VRX Mount */ Mount: PROCEDURE EXPOSE settings. options. icons. vfs. fs. advanced. cd. samba. if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' Mount procedure started' /* Set mouse pointer to wait - this operation might take a few seconds */ call VRSet VRWindow(), 'Pointer', 'Wait' /* Disabled, because we merge profile now - in earlier revisions we replaced it but only for preexisting drives - this made only sense as long as we were unable to detect double connections - this could be made an option! IF options.!autoload then do CALL _Dynamic "ok = "fs.!prefix"RxDetach('"vfs.!drive"')" if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||'Autoload Detach "'vfs.!drive'" =' ok end */ /* Attach the virtual drive - only if drive is not already attached */ if pos(vfs.!drive,MyFreeDriveMap("C:","FREE")) > 0 then do CALL _Dynamic "ok = "fs.!prefix"RxAttach('"vfs.!drive"')" if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||'Attach "'vfs.!drive'" =' ok end /* Create the mount point and store whether it was created or already existed */ CALL _Dynamic "CreateMP = "fs.!prefix"RxCreateMountPoint('"vfs.!mountpoint"')" if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||'Create "'vfs.!mountpoint'" = 'CreateMP /* Build the resource parameter string */ src = '' IF options.!workgroup \= '' THEN src = src';WORKGROUP='options.!workgroup IF options.!server \= '' THEN src = src';SERVER='options.!server IF options.!share \= '' THEN src = src';SHARE='options.!share IF options.!user \= '' THEN src = src';USER='options.!user IF options.!password \= '' THEN src = src';PASSWORD='options.!password IF options.!spassword \= '' THEN src = src';SPASSWORD='options.!spassword IF options.!master \= '' THEN src = src';MASTER='options.!master IF options.!mastertype \= '' THEN src = src';MASTERTYPE='options.!mastertype /* IF options.!memlen \= '' THEN src = src';MEMLEN='options.!memlen IF options.!logfile \= '' THEN src = src';LOGFILE='options.!logfile IF options.!loglevel \= '' THEN src = src';LOGLEVEL='options.!loglevel */ IF options.!cachetimeout \= '' THEN src = src';CTO='options.!cachetimeout IF options.!cachelistings \= '' THEN src = src';CLD='options.!cachelistings IF options.!easupport \= '' THEN src = src';EASUPPORT='options.!easupport IF options.!readonly = 1 then rwFlag = 'R'; else rwFlag = 'W' parse var vfs.!mountpoint mpoint ';' . mpoint = strip(mpoint,'T','\')||'\' if options.!master = "" then options.!master = "WORKGROUP" if options.!mtype = "" then options.!mtype = "1" if options.!loglevel = "" then options.!loglevel = "0" if options.!memlen = "" then options.!memlen = "2" if options.!cachetimeout = "" then options.!cachetimeout = "10" if options.!cachelistings = "" then options.!cachelistings = "32" if options.!easupport= "" | options.!easupport= " " then options.!easupport = strip(options.!easupport) if options.!password <> "" & options.!spassword = "" then do options.!spassword = c2x(options.!password) options.!password = "" end hashstr = mpoint' 'translate(options.!workgroup)' 'translate(options.!server)' 'translate(options.!share)' 'options.!user' 'options.!spassword' 'options.!easupport' 'rwFlag md5 = rexx_md5(hashstr) CALL VRMethod "CN_CONDET", 'GetRecordList', 'All', 'records.' DO i = 1 TO records.0 hash = VRMethod("CN_CONDET","GetFieldData", records.i, cd.hashfh) if options.!debug == 1 then say VRMethod("CN_CONDET","GetFieldData", records.i, CD.mpointFH)'->'hash if options.!debug == 1 then say mpoint'->'md5 if hash = md5 then do If VRMethod("CN_CONDET","GetFieldData", records.i, cd.statusfh) = icons.!active then do /* Same hash, status active */ say "Double connection detected!!" if options.!spassword <> "" then upw = ":********" else upw = "" buttons.0 = 2 buttons.1 = NLVGetMessage(9) buttons.2 = NLVGetMessage(3) Answer = VRMessage('Main',NLVGetMessage(64) , NLVGetMessage( 36,options.!user||upw'@'options.!workgroup'\\'options.!server'\'options.!share, vfs.!mountpoint ), 'W','buttons.') if Answer = 2 then do call VRSet VRWindow(), 'Pointer', '' say "Double connection - do not mount!!" return end end else do /* Same hash, status passive - we have to remove it */ ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "RemoveRecord", records.i ) end end end cd.lastrh = "" ok = ParseResourceData(vfs.!mountpoint,'SMBFS SMBFS64 \\'options.!workgroup':'options.!server'\'options.!share'@'options.!user||src' 'rwFlag) /* Now mount the resource */ CALL _Dynamic "ok = "fs.!prefix"RxMount('SMBFS','"vfs.!mountpoint"', '"src"', '"rwFlag"')" if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||'Mount "'vfs.!mountpoint'" =' ok if ok <> 0 then do if options.!password <> "" then upw = ":********" else upw = "" buttons.0 = 2 buttons.1 = NLVGetMessage(2) buttons.2 = NLVGetMessage(37) Answer = VRMessage('Main', SysGetMessage(ok), NLVGetMessage( 36, options.!user||upw'@'options.!workgroup'\\'options.!server'\'options.!share, vfs.!mountpoint ), 'W','buttons.') if Answer = 2 then do /* Show explanation */ xx = VRMessage('Main', NLVGetMessage( 36, options.!user||upw'@'options.!workgroup'\\'options.!server'\'options.!share, vfs.!mountpoint )||'0D0A'x||'0D0A'x||SysGetMessage(ok)||'0D0A'x||'0D0A'x||SysGetMessage(ok, 'OSO001H.MSG'), NLVGetMessage(37), 'W') end if cd.lastrh <> '' then do ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldData", cd.lastrh, cd.statusfh, icons.!passive) /* Passive Connection icon */ ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetRecordAttr", cd.lastrh, "Icon", icons.!passive) /* Passive Connection icon */ ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldData", cd.lastrh, cd.passwordfh, '') /* remove pain text password */ end /* In case the mountpoint was created for this failed operation, it is (optionally) removed again */ if CreateMP = 0 & advanced.!alwaysmp <> 1 then do CALL _Dynamic "ok = "fs.!prefix"RxDeleteMountPoint('"vfs.!mountpoint"')" if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||'Remove "'vfs.!mountpoint'" = 'ok end end else do if options.!storecreds = 1 then do ok = VRSet("EF_User", "Value",options.!user) ok = VRSet("EF_Password","Value",x2c(options.!spassword)) end end drop CreateMP /* not required anymore */ /* Obsolete - the IOCtl will not be implemented this way in the plugin The REXX function is present, but is has no counterpart in the plugin ok = EvfsRxIoctl( 100 , vfs.!mountpoint, outstring) if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||'RxIoctl "'vfs.!mountpoint'" = 'ok', 'outstring */ /* Set mouse pointer to default again */ call VRSet VRWindow(), 'Pointer', '' if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' Mount procedure done' RETURN ok /*:VRX MyFreeDriveMap */ MyFreeDriveMap: procedure expose options. icons. fs. samba. if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' MyFreeDriveMap(proc) started' alldrives = "C: D: E: F: G: H: I: J: K: L: M: N: O: P: Q: R: S: T: U: V: W: X: Y: Z:" /* if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"SysDriveMap(USED) started" */ useddrives= SysDriveMap("C:","USED") /* if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"SysDriveMap(USED) done" */ Alldr = words(alldrives) FreeDriveMap = "" do I = 1 to AllDr if word(alldrives,1) = word(useddrives,1) then do Useddrives = subword(useddrives,2) Alldrives = subword(Alldrives,2) end else do FreeDriveMap = FreeDriveMap||word(alldrives,1)||' ' Alldrives = subword(Alldrives,2) end end if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' MyFreeDriveMap(proc) done, result "'FreeDriveMap'"' return FreeDriveMap /*:VRX NoEVFSCALL */ NoEVFSCALL: CALL VRMessage 'Main', NLVGetMessage( 100 ), NLVGetMessage( 5 ), 'E' signal Halt RETURN /*:VRX ParseResourceData */ ParseResourceData: PROCEDURE EXPOSE userdata options. icons. advanced. fs. cd. samba. PARSE ARG userdata, resource if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' ParseResourceData started' if options.!debug == 1 then say ' receiving "'userdata'" "'resource'" length ('length(resource)')' /* WARNING! resource has a maximal length of 255 and is truncated otherwise */ /* PARSE VAR resource . ';WORKGROUP='p_workgroup';SERVER='p_server';SHARE='p_share';' . */ if left(word(resource,1),5) <> "SMBFS" then do /* Support for other filesystems would come here! */ userData = "UNKNOWN" end else do cd.lastrh = VRMethod("CN_CONDET","AddRecord") PARSE VAR userdata p_mpoint ';' p_mpidx ';' . p_mpoint = strip(p_mpoint,'T','\')||'\' p_rw = word(resource, words(resource)) /* Workaround for truncated resource string */ if length(p_rw) > 1 then do /* The resource string must have been truncated p_rw is already wrong and p_easupport will most likely be also wrong (look below for workaround!) */ p_rw ="W" /* this is guessed only!!! */ if options.!debug == 1 then say ' WARNING! Detected truncated resource string - shorten workgroup name, server name, share name until this message goes away!' end /* this should be done unconditionally if the resource string is never truncated */ else resource = left(resource,length(resource)-length(p_rw)) call ParseResParmString if p_master = "" then p_master = "WORKGROUP" if p_mtype = "" then p_mtype = "1" if p_loglevel = "" then p_loglevel = "0" if p_memlen = "" then p_memlen = "2" /* Also works around for a truncated resource string! */ if p_easupport= "" | p_easupport= " " then p_easupport = strip(options.!easupport) if p_password <> "" & p_spassword = "" then do p_spassword = c2x(p_password) p_password = "" end ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldData", cd.lastrh, cd.mpointFH, p_mpoint, cd.mpidxfh, p_mpidx, cd.workgrpFH , p_workgroup, cd.serverfh, p_server, cd.sharefh, p_share, cd.userfh, p_user) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldData", cd.lastrh, cd.passwordfh, p_password, cd.spasswordfh, p_spassword, cd.masterfh, p_master, cd.mtypefh, p_mtype) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldData", cd.lastrh, cd.ctoFH, p_cachetimeout, cd.cldFH, p_cachelistings) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldData", cd.lastrh, cd.memlenfh, p_memlen, cd.easupportfh, p_easupport, cd.logfilefh, p_logfile, cd.loglevelfh, p_loglevel, cd.rwfh, p_rw) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldData", cd.lastrh, cd.statusfh, icons.!active) /* Active */ ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetRecordAttr", cd.lastrh, "Icon", icons.!active) /* Active */ hashstr = p_mpoint' 'translate(p_workgroup)' 'translate(p_server)' 'translate(p_share)' 'p_user' 'p_spassword' 'p_easupport' 'p_rw md5 = rexx_md5(hashstr) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldData", cd.lastrh, cd.hashfh,md5) SELECT WHEN p_share == '' & p_server \= '' THEN DO /* all shares on server */ IF p_workgroup == '' THEN userdata = userdata';\\'p_server'\*' ELSE userdata = userdata';'p_workgroup':\\'p_server'\*' END WHEN p_server == '' & p_workgroup \= '' THEN /* all servers in workgroup */ userdata = userdata';'p_workgroup':\\*' WHEN p_server == '' & p_workgroup == '' THEN /* all workgroups */ userdata = userdata';*:\\*' OTHERWISE DO IF p_workgroup == '' THEN userdata = userdata';\\'p_server'\'p_share ELSE userdata = userdata';'p_workgroup':\\'p_server'\'p_share END END end if options.!debug == 1 then say ' returning "'userdata'"' if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' ParseResourceData done' RETURN userdata /*:VRX ParseResParmString */ ParseResParmString: PARSE VAR resource . ';WORKGROUP=' p_workgroup ';' . PARSE VAR resource . ';SERVER=' p_server ';' . PARSE VAR resource . ';SHARE=' p_share ';' . PARSE VAR resource . ';USER=' p_user ';' . PARSE VAR resource . ';PASSWORD=' p_password ';' . PARSE VAR resource . ';SPASSWORD=' p_spassword ';' . PARSE VAR resource . ';MASTER=' p_master ';' . PARSE VAR resource . ';MASTERTYPE=' p_mtype ';' . PARSE VAR resource . ';MEMLEN=' p_memlen ';' . PARSE VAR resource . ';LOGFILE=' p_logfile ';' . PARSE VAR resource . ';LOGLEVEL=' p_loglevel ';' . PARSE VAR resource . ';CTO=' p_cachetimeout ';' . PARSE VAR resource . ';CLD=' p_cachelistings ';' . PARSE VAR resource . ';EASUPPORT=' p_easupport ' ' return /*:VRX PB_ABOUT_CLOSE_Click */ PB_ABOUT_CLOSE_Click: CALL SW_ABOUT_Close return /*:VRX PB_ABOUT_COPY_Click */ PB_ABOUT_COPY_Click: if VRGet("CB_TRAC","set") then DO remainstr = AboutStr AboutStr = '' DO WHILE remainstr <> '' PARSE VAR remainstr _part '0d0a'x remainstr AboutStr = AboutStr || _part ||'[[BR]]'||'0d0a'x END END ok = VRMethod( "Application", "PutClipboard", AboutStr ) if options.!debug == 1 then call beep 880*2,10 CALL SW_ABOUT_Close return /*:VRX PB_ADVANCED_APPLY_Click */ PB_ADVANCED_APPLY_Click: advanced.!easupport = VRGet( "CB_EAS", "Set" ) advanced.!readonly = VRGet( "CB_READONLY", "Set" ) advanced.!alwaysmp = VRGet( "CB_ALWAYSMP", "Set" ) advanced.!cachetimeout = VRGet( "SPIN_CACHETIMEOUT", "Value" ) advanced.!cachelistings = VRGet( "SPIN_CACHELISTINGS", "Value" ) /* Obsolete */ advanced.!memlen = VRGet( "SPB_MEMLEN", "Value" ) return /*:VRX PB_ADVANCED_HELP_Click */ PB_ADVANCED_HELP_Click: CALL VRMethod 'SW_ADVANCED', 'InvokeHelp' return /*:VRX PB_ADVANCED_UNDO_Click */ PB_ADVANCED_UNDO_Click: CALL SW_ADVANCED_Init_Content RETURN /*:VRX PB_ClearCred_Click */ PB_ClearCred_Click: call Menu_File_ucCred_Reset_Click return /*:VRX PB_CONDET_HELP_Click */ PB_CONDET_HELP_Click: CALL VRMethod 'GB_CONDET', 'InvokeHelp' return /*:VRX PB_CONDET_LOAD_Click */ PB_CONDET_LOAD_Click: if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"PB_CONDET_LOAD_Click started" call Menu_File_Load_Click if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"PB_CONDET_LOAD_Click done" RETURN /*:VRX PB_CONDET_SAVE_Click */ PB_CONDET_SAVE_Click: PROCEDURE EXPOSE settings. options. icons. Profile fs. cd. advanced. samba. if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"PB_CONDET_SAVE_Click started" if options.!autostart == 0 THEN filename = VRFileDialog('Main', NLVGetMessage( 50 ), 'S', '*.'fs.!profileext) ELSE filename = Profile IF filename == '' THEN RETURN IF STREAM( filename, 'C', 'QUERY EXISTS') \= '' THEN DO btns.0 = 2 btns.1 = NLVGetMessage( 6 ) if btns.1 = "" then btns.1 = '[Yes]' btns.2 = NLVGetMessage( 7 ) if btns.2 = "" then btns.2 = '[No]' Title = NLVGetMessage( 53 ) if Title = "" then Title = "[File exists]" Text = NLVGetMessage( 54, filename ) if Text = "" then Text = "[File "filename" exists? Overwrite?]" confirm = VRMessage('Main', Text, Title, 'W', 'btns.', 1, 2 ) IF confirm \= 1 THEN RETURN CALL VRChAttr filename,, 'HSR' CALL VRDeleteFile filename END CALL VRMethod "CN_CONDET", 'GetRecordList', 'All', 'records.' DO i = 1 TO records.0 resource = "" resource = resource||VRMethod("CN_CONDET","GetFieldData", records.i, cd.mpointfh)||" " resource = resource||'\\'||VRMethod("CN_CONDET","GetFieldData", records.i, cd.workgrpFH ) resource = resource||':'||VRMethod("CN_CONDET","GetFieldData", records.i, cd.serverfh) resource = resource||'\'||VRMethod("CN_CONDET","GetFieldData", records.i, cd.sharefh) resource = resource||'@'||VRMethod("CN_CONDET","GetFieldData", records.i, cd.userfh) resource = resource||';WORKGROUP='||VRMethod("CN_CONDET","GetFieldData", records.i, cd.workgrpFH ) resource = resource||';SERVER='||VRMethod("CN_CONDET","GetFieldData", records.i, cd.serverfh) resource = resource||';SHARE='||VRMethod("CN_CONDET","GetFieldData", records.i, cd.sharefh) resource = resource||';USER='||VRMethod("CN_CONDET","GetFieldData", records.i, cd.userfh) resource = resource||';PASSWORD='||VRMethod("CN_CONDET","GetFieldData", records.i, cd.passwordfh) resource = resource||';SPASSWORD='||VRMethod("CN_CONDET","GetFieldData", records.i, cd.spasswordfh) resource = resource||';MASTER='||VRMethod("CN_CONDET","GetFieldData", records.i, cd.masterfh) resource = resource||';MASTERTYPE='||VRMethod("CN_CONDET","GetFieldData", records.i, cd.mtypefh) resource = resource||';CTO='||VRMethod("CN_CONDET","GetFieldData", records.i, cd.ctoFH) resource = resource||';CLD='||VRMethod("CN_CONDET","GetFieldData", records.i, cd.cldFH) /* resource = resource||';MEMLEN='||VRMethod("CN_CONDET","GetFieldData", records.i, cd.memlenfh) resource = resource||';LOGFILE='||VRMethod("CN_CONDET","GetFieldData", records.i, cd.logfilefh) resource = resource||';LOGLEVEL='||VRMethod("CN_CONDET","GetFieldData", records.i, cd.loglevelfh) */ resource = resource||';EASUPPORT='||VRMethod("CN_CONDET","GetFieldData", records.i, cd.easupportfh) resource = resource||' '||VRMethod("CN_CONDET","GetFieldData", records.i, cd.rwfh) call lineout filename, resource END CALL STREAM filename, 'C', 'CLOSE' if options.!autostart == 0 THEN do Title = NLVGetMessage( 51 ) if Title = "" then Title = "[Profile saved]" Text = NLVGetMessage( 52, filename ) if Text = "" then Text = "[Profile saved to "filename"!]" CALL VRMessage 'Main', Text , Title, 'I' end if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"PB_CONDET_SAVE_Click done" RETURN /*:VRX PB_DETACH_Click */ PB_DETACH_Click: PROCEDURE EXPOSE settings. options. icons. fs. cd. samba. if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"PB_DETACH_Click started" CALL VRMethod "CN_CURRENT", 'GetRecordList', 'Selected', 'select.' IF select.0 < 1 THEN RETURN userdata = VRMethod( "CN_CURRENT", 'GetRecordAttr', select.1, 'UserData') PARSE VAR userdata mountpoint ';' mounts ';' . drive = STRIP( mountpoint, 'T', '\') btns.0 = 2 btns.1 = NLVGetMessage( 6 ) btns.2 = NLVGetMessage( 7 ) confirm = VRMessage('Main', NLVGetMessage( 58, drive ), NLVGetMessage( 8 ), 'Q', 'btns.', 1, 2 ) IF confirm \= 1 THEN RETURN /* TODO: ?? Unmount & delete all child mountpoints? - Do we need this? */ /* FIXME: This is potentially dangerous on Netdrive - what happens with unknown mount types? */ /* FIXME: Unclear under which circumstances we have an alpha value here (which crahed EVFSGUI) */ if datatype(mounts) = 'NUM' then do /* Unmount any resources */ DO i = 1 TO mounts CALL _Dynamic "ok = "fs.!prefix"RxUnmount('"mountpoint"', "i-1")" END end else if options.!debug == 1 then say ' '||"mounts = "mounts CALL _Dynamic "ok = "fs.!prefix"RxDetach('"drive"')" CALL Refresh if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"PB_DETACH_Click done" RETURN /*:VRX PB_DIALOG_HELP_Click */ PB_DIALOG_HELP_Click: CALL VRMethod 'GB_DIALOG', 'InvokeHelp' return /*:VRX PB_EDIT_CANCEL_Click */ PB_EDIT_CANCEL_Click: options.!editmode = 0 CALL VRSet "PB_UNMOUNT","Enabled", 1 CALL VRSet "GB_CURRENT", "ENABLED", 1 ok = VRSet("PB_EDIT_CANCEL","Visible", 0) ok = VRMethod( "TDL_1", "SetTabText", 1, " "NLVGetMessage(13)" " ) /* CALL NLVSetText 'DT_DIALOG', "Caption", 13 */ RETURN 0 /*:VRX PB_INFO_OK_Click */ PB_INFO_OK_Click: call SW_INFO_Close RETURN /*:VRX PB_LOGIN_CANCEL_Click */ PB_LOGIN_CANCEL_Click: credentials.!entered = 0 call SW_LOGIN_Close RETURN /*:VRX PB_LOGIN_OK_Click */ PB_LOGIN_OK_Click: ok = VRSet("EF_USER","Value",VRGet("EF_USER1","Value")) ok = VRSet("EF_PASSWORD","Value",VRGet("EF_PASSWORD1","Value")) options.!storecreds = VRGet("CB_STORECREDS1","Set") credentials.!entered = 1 if p_server <> "" then do ok = _rpcqueryuser(p_server, VRGet("EF_USER1","Value"), VRGet("EF_PASSWORD1","Value"), VRGet("EF_USER1","Value")) if word(ok,1) = "1" then do ok = VRSet("DT_STATUSBAR","Caption", NLVGetMessage(107, rpc.queryuser.FULL_NAME)) say 'rpc.queryuser.DIR_DRIVE = "'rpc.queryuser.DIR_DRIVE'"' say 'rpc.queryuser.LOGON_SCRIPT = "'rpc.queryuser.LOGON_SCRIPT'"' end else do CALL VRMessage 'Main', VRGet("EF_USER1","Value")" \\"p_server": "rpc.queryuser.LOGONSTATUS, NLVGetMessage(5), "E" end end call SW_LOGIN_Close RETURN /*:VRX PB_MOUNT_Click */ PB_MOUNT_Click: if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"PB_MOUNT_Click started" ok = VRSet("TM_RefreshCurrentDisplay","Enabled", 0) say " network = "network if options.!editmode = 1 then do CALL PB_UNMOUNT_Click options.!editmode = 0 ok = VRMethod("TDL_1","SetTabText", " "strip(NLVGetMessage(13))" ") /* CALL NLVSetText 'DT_DIALOG', "Caption", 13 */ CALL VRSet "PB_UNMOUNT","Enabled", 1 CALL VRSet "GB_CURRENT", "ENABLED", 1 end options.!workgroup = '' options.!server = '' options.!share = '' options.!user = '' options.!password = '' options.!master = '' options.!mastertype = '' options.!memlen = advanced.!memlen options.!easupport = advanced.!easupport options.!readonly = advanced.!readonly options.!loglevel = advanced.!loglevel options.!logfile = advanced.!logfile options.!cachetimeout = advanced.!cachetimeout options.!cachelistings = advanced.!cachelistings vfs.!drive = '' vfs.!mountpoint = '' stype = VRGet( "CB_MOUNT", "Selected" ) share = STRIP( VRGet( "EF_SHARE", "Value" )) server = STRIP( VRGet( "EF_SERVER", "Value" )) network = STRIP( VRGet( "EF_NETWORK", "Value" )) mtype = VRGet( "CHK_MTYPE", "Set" ) userid = STRIP( VRGet( "EF_USER", "Value" )) password = STRIP( VRGet( "EF_PASSWORD", "Value" )) mdrive = VRGet( "CB_DRIVES", "SelectedText" ) if mdrive = "" then mdrive = VRGet( "CB_DRIVES", "Value" ) mpath = STRIP( VRGet( "EF_DIRECTORY", "Value" )) IF ( stype < 1 | stype > 4 ) THEN stype = 1 /* The required/optional/ignored parameters depend on the type of mount * requested. (Note, however, that the user, password, easupport and * memlen parameters are always optional.) */ SELECT /* Scenario 1: Mount a single share. * Required: share, server * Optional: workgroup * Unused: master, mastertype */ WHEN stype = 1 THEN DO IF server == '' | share == '' THEN DO /* error */ RETURN 1 END options.!server = server options.!share = share options.!workgroup = network END /* Scenario 2: Mount all shares on a server. * Required: server * Optional: workgroup * Unused: share, master, mastertype */ WHEN stype = 2 THEN DO IF server == '' THEN DO /* error */ RETURN 1 END options.!server = server options.!workgroup = network END /* Scenario 3: Mount all servers in a workgroup. * Required: workgroup * Optional: - * Unused: share, server, master, mastertype */ WHEN stype = 3 THEN DO IF workgroup == '' THEN DO /* error */ RETURN 1 END options.!workgroup = network END /* Scenario 4: Mount all workgroups known to a master. * Required: master, mastertype * Optional: - * Unused: share, server, workgroup */ WHEN stype = 4 THEN DO IF master == '' | mastertype == '' THEN DO /* error */ RETURN 1 END options.!master = network options.!mastertype = mtype END END options.!user = userid options.!password = password vfs.!drive = mdrive vfs.!mountpoint = mdrive'\'mpath CALL Mount CALL Refresh ok = VRSet("TM_RefreshCurrentDisplay","Enabled", 1) if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"PB_MOUNT_Click done" RETURN 0 /*:VRX PB_NEWMOUNTPOINTCANCEL_Click */ PB_NEWMOUNTPOINTCANCEL_Click: ok = VRSet("CB_DRIVES","Value","") ok = VRSet("EF_DIRECTORY","Value","") call SW_MOUNTPOINT_Close RETURN 0 /*:VRX PB_NEWMOUNTPOINTOK_Click */ PB_NEWMOUNTPOINTOK_Click: ok = VRSet("CB_DRIVES","Value",VRGet("CB_DRIVES1","Value")) ok = VRSet("EF_DIRECTORY","Value",VRGet("EF_DIRECTORY1","Value")) advanced.!readonly = VRGet("CB_READONLY1","Set") advanced.!easupport = VRGet("CB_EAS1","Set") advanced.!alwaysmp = VRGet("CB_ALWAYSMP1","Set") advanced.!cachetimeout = VRGet( "SPIN_CACHETIMEOUT1", "Value" ) advanced.!cachelistings = VRGet( "SPIN_CACHELISTINGS1", "Value" ) call SW_MOUNTPOINT_Close RETURN /*:VRX PB_NEWPORTCANCEL_Click */ PB_NEWPORTCANCEL_Click: /* ok = VRSet("CB_DRIVES","Value","") ok = VRSet("EF_DIRECTORY","Value","") call SW_MOUNTPOINT_Close */ RETURN 0 /*:VRX PB_NEWPORTCONNECT_Click */ PB_NEWPORTCONNECT_Click: /* ok = VRSet("CB_DRIVES","Value",VRGet("CB_DRIVES1","Value")) ok = VRSet("EF_DIRECTORY","Value",VRGet("EF_DIRECTORY1","Value")) advanced.!readonly = VRGet("CB_READONLY1","Set") advanced.!easupport = VRGet("CB_EAS1","Set") advanced.!alwaysmp = VRGet("CB_ALWAYSMP1","Set") advanced.!cachetimeout = VRGet( "SPIN_CACHETIMEOUT1", "Value" ) advanced.!cachelistings = VRGet( "SPIN_CACHELISTINGS1", "Value" ) call SW_MOUNTPOINT_Close */ RETURN /*:VRX PB_PROGRESS_ABORT_Click */ PB_PROGRESS_ABORT_Click: options.!delay = 0 options.!autoload = 0 options.!autoclose = 0 call SW_PROGRESS_Close return /*:VRX PB_SETTINGS_APPLY_Click */ PB_SETTINGS_APPLY_Click: advanced.!loglevel = VRGet("SPIN_LOGLEVEL", "Value" ) advanced.!logfile = VRGet("EF_LOGFILE", "Value" ) advanced.!browseauth = VRGet("CB_BROWSEAUTH", "Set" ) advanced.!browseimme = VRGet("CB_BROWSEIMME", "Set" ) advanced.!special = VRGet("CB_SPECIAL", "Set" ) advanced.!savepassive = VRGet("CB_SAVEPASSIVE","Set" ) advanced.!lmhosts = VRGet("CB_LMHOSTS", "Set" ) advanced.!broadcast = VRGet("CB_BROADCAST", "Set" ) advanced.!miniicons = VRGet("CB_MINIICONS", "Set" ) /* Note: CB_LOGGING has its own event tied to the click */ options.!storecreds = VRGet("CB_STORECREDS", "Set" ) options.!debug = VRGet("CB_DEBUG", "Set" ) if options.!debug == 1 then do /* Turn on additional columns in connection details view */ ok = VRRedirectStdio("ON") ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldAttr", cd.mpidxfh , "Visible", 1) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldAttr", cd.passwordfh , "Visible", 1) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldAttr", cd.spasswordfh , "Visible", 1) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldAttr", cd.masterFH , "Visible", 1) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldAttr", cd.mtypeFH , "Visible", 1) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldAttr", cd.memlenfh , "Visible", 1) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldAttr", cd.logfilefh , "Visible", 1) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldAttr", cd.loglevelfh , "Visible", 1) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldAttr", cd.hashfh , "Visible", 1) end else do /* Turn on additional columns in connection details view */ ok = VRRedirectStdio("OFF") ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldAttr", cd.mpidxfh , "Visible", 0) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldAttr", cd.passwordfh , "Visible", 0) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldAttr", cd.spasswordfh , "Visible", 0) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldAttr", cd.masterFH , "Visible", 0) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldAttr", cd.mtypeFH , "Visible", 0) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldAttr", cd.memlenfh , "Visible", 0) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldAttr", cd.logfilefh , "Visible", 0) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldAttr", cd.loglevelfh , "Visible", 0) ok = VRMethod("CN_CONDET", "SetFieldAttr", cd.hashfh , "Visible", 0) end ok = VRset("CN_CURRENT", "MiniIcons", advanced.!miniicons) ok = VRset("CN_SMBTREE", "MiniIcons", advanced.!miniicons) ok = VRset("CN_CONDET", "MiniIcons", advanced.!miniicons) if advanced.!lmhosts = 1 then do call _LMHostsRead call _LMHostsUpdate end if advanced.!smbconfchanged = 1 then do name_resolve_order = VRGet("SPIN_NRO1","value")' 'VRGet("SPIN_NRO2","value")' 'VRGet("SPIN_NRO3","value")' 'VRGet("SPIN_NRO4","value") handle = IniOpen('global', samba.!smbconf) call IniSet 'name resolve order', name_resolve_order, handle /* FIXME: Throw an error in this case */ if \_IsValidIPAddress(VRGet("EF_WINS_SERVER","Value")) then ok = VRSet("EF_WINS_SERVER","Value","") call IniSet 'wins server', VRGet("EF_WINS_SERVER","Value"), handle call IniSave handle call IniClose handle advanced.!smbconfchanged = 0 ok = VRSet("PB_SETTINGS_UNDO","Enabled", 0) end if options.!storecreds = 0 then call Menu_File_ucCred_Reset_Click return /*:VRX PB_SETTINGS_HELP_Click */ PB_SETTINGS_HELP_Click: CALL VRMethod 'SW_SETTINGS', 'InvokeHelp' return /*:VRX PB_SETTINGS_UNDO_Click */ PB_SETTINGS_UNDO_Click: call SW_SETTINGS_Init_Content return /*:VRX PB_SMBCONF_APPLY_Click */ PB_SMBCONF_APPLY_Click: if advanced.!smbconfchanged = 1 then do client_lanman_auth = VRGet("CB_client_lanman_auth","Set") client_plaintext_auth = VRGet("CB_client_plaintext_auth","Set") client_use_spnego = VRGet("CB_client_use_spnego","Set") client_use_spnego_principal = VRGet("CB_client_use_spnego_principal","Set") handle = IniOpen('global', samba.!smbconf) call IniSet 'client lanman auth', YesNo(client_lanman_auth), handle call IniSet 'client plaintext auth', YesNo(client_plaintext_auth), handle call IniSet 'client use spnego', YesNo(client_use_spnego), handle call IniSet 'client use spnego principal', YesNo(client_use_spnego_principal), handle call IniSave handle call IniClose handle advanced.!smbconfchanged = 0 ok = VRSet("PB_SMBCONF_UNDO","Enabled", 0) end return /*:VRX PB_SMBCONF_HELP_Click */ PB_SMBCONF_HELP_Click: CALL VRMethod 'SW_SETTINGS', 'InvokeHelp' return /*:VRX PB_SMBCONF_UNDO_Click */ PB_SMBCONF_UNDO_Click: call SW_SETTINGS_Init_Content return /*:VRX PB_SMBTREE_CONNECT_Click */ PB_SMBTREE_CONNECT_Click: PROCEDURE EXPOSE settings. options. icons. fs. advanced. cd. samba. mtype. if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"PB_CONNECT_Click started" ok = VRMethod( "CN_SMBTREE", "GetRecordList", "SourceOrSelected", "SelRH." ) if SelRH.0 = 0 then do if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"PB_CONNECT_Click aborted" return end p_workgroup = '' p_server = '' p_share = '' srcFile = "" srcCtn = VRGet("CN_SMBTREE","Self") srcRec = SelRH.1 trgCtn = VRGet("CN_CURRENT","Self") trgRec = "" if options.!debug == 1 then do say ' srcCtn = "'srcCtn'"' if srcCtn <> "" then say ' srcCtn name = "'VRGet(srcCtn,'Name')'"' say ' srcRec = "'srcRec'"' say ' trgCtn = "'trgCtn'"' if trgCtn <> "" then say ' trgCtn name = "'VRGet(trgCtn,'Name')'"' say ' trgRec = "'trgRec'"' end ok = VRMethod("CB_MOUNT", "GetStringList", "ShareLevels." ) DragCapt = VRMethod(srcCtn, "GetRecordAttr", srcRec, "Caption") ParentRH = VRMethod(srcCtn, "GetRecordAttr", srcRec, "Parent") if ParentRH = "" then do /* A workgroup was dragged */ say "Workgroup dragged!" parse var DragCapt p_workgroup '0D0A'x . p_workgroup = strip(p_workgroup) ok = VRSet("EF_NETWORK","Value",strip(p_workgroup)) call _UpdateObject "EF_SERVER", "" ok = VRSet("EF_SHARE","Value","") ShareLevel = 3 end else do ParDragCapt = VRMethod(srcCtn, "GetRecordAttr", ParentRH, "Caption") GParentRH = VRMethod(srcCtn, "GetRecordAttr", ParentRH, "Parent") if GParentRH = "" then do /* A server was dragged */ say "Server dragged!" parse var ParDragCapt p_workgroup '0D0A'x . ok = VRSet("EF_NETWORK","Value",strip(p_workgroup)) p_workgroup = strip(p_workgroup) parse var DragCapt p_server '0D0A'x . p_server = strip(p_server) call _UpdateObject "EF_SERVER", p_server ok = VRSet("EF_Share","Value","") ShareLevel = 2 end else do /* A share was dragged */ say "Share dragged!" GParDragCapt = VRMethod(srcCtn, "GetRecordAttr", GParentRH, "Caption") parse var GParDragCapt p_workgroup '0D0A'x . p_workgroup = strip(p_workgroup) ok = VRSet("EF_NETWORK","Value",strip(p_workgroup)) parse var ParDragCapt p_server '0D0A'x . p_server = strip(p_server) call _UpdateObject "EF_SERVER", p_server parse var DragCapt p_share '0D0A'x . p_share = strip(p_share) ok = VRSet("EF_Share","Value",strip(p_share)) ShareLevel = 1 end end say 'p_workgroup = "'p_workgroup'"' say 'p_server = "'p_server'"' say 'p_share = "'p_share'"' ok = VRSet( "CB_MOUNT", "Selected", Sharelevel ) call CB_MOUNT_Change if trgRec = "" then do window = VRLoadSecondary( "SW_MOUNTPOINT", "W" ) if VRGet("CB_DRIVES","Value") = "" then return end else do TargetString = VRMethod(trgCtn, "GetRecordAttr", trgRec, "Caption") parTrgRH = VRMethod(trgCtn, "GetRecordAttr", trgRec, "Parent") do while parTrgRH <> "" partrgCapt = VRMethod(trgCtn, "GetRecordAttr", partrgRH, "Caption") TargetString = partrgCapt||'\'||TargetString parTrgRH = VRMethod(trgCtn, "GetRecordAttr", partrgRH , "Parent") end say 'TargetString = "'TargetString'"' ok = VRSet("CB_DRIVES","Value", left(TargetString,2)) ok = VRSet("EF_DIRECTORY","Value", substr(TargetString,4)) end window = VRLoadSecondary( "SW_LOGIN", "W" ) if credentials.!entered = 1 then call PB_MOUNT_CLICK if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"PB_CONNECT_Click done" RETURN /*:VRX PB_SMBTREE_HELP_Click */ PB_SMBTREE_HELP_Click: CALL VRMethod 'GB_SMBTREE', 'InvokeHelp' return /*:VRX PB_SMBTREE_REFRESH_Click */ PB_SMBTREE_REFRESH_Click: /* PROCEDURE EXPOSE settings. options. icons. fs. samba. debuglevel advanced. UserCred Refreshmode Tempdir */ if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"PB_REFRESH_Click started" if advanced.!browseauth = 1 & (UserCred = "--user=%" | UserCred = "" ) then do window = VRLoadSecondary( "SW_LOGIN", "W" ) end call _UserCredUpdate ok = VRset("Pict_Throbber", "Visible", 1) ok = VRset("Menu_Selected_Connect", "Visible", 0) ok = VRset("TM_Throbber", "Enabled", 1) ShowHidden = advanced.!special BroadCast = advanced.!broadcast ok = VRSet("TM_RefreshTreeDisplay", "Delay", 1000) ok = time('R') call _RefreshTree if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"PB_REFRESH_Click done" RETURN /*:VRX PB_UNMOUNT_Click */ PB_UNMOUNT_Click: PROCEDURE EXPOSE settings. options. icons. fs. cd. samba. if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"PB_UNMOUNT_Click started" if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||'options.!editmode = 'options.!editmode CALL VRMethod "CN_CURRENT", 'GetRecordList', 'Selected', 'select.' IF select.0 < 1 THEN RETURN userdata = VRMethod( "CN_CURRENT", 'GetRecordAttr', select.1, 'UserData') PARSE VAR userdata mountpoint ';' mounts ';' . say 'userdata="'userdata'"' IF mounts > 0 & options.!editmode = 0 THEN DO btns.0 = 2 btns.1 = NLVGetMessage( 6 ) btns.2 = NLVGetMessage( 7 ) confirm = VRMessage('Main', NLVGetMessage( 57, mountpoint ), NLVGetMessage( 8 ), 'Q', 'btns.', 1, 2 ) IF confirm \= 1 THEN RETURN END /* Unmount any resources */ DO i = 1 TO mounts CALL _Dynamic "ok = "fs.!prefix"RxUnmount('"mountpoint"', "i-1")" END /* Delete mountpoint */ parent = VRMethod("CN_CURRENT", 'GetRecordAttr', select.1, 'Parent') IF parent \= '' THEN DO CALL _Dynamic "ok = "fs.!prefix"RxDeleteMountPoint('"mountpoint"')" END CALL Refresh if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"PB_UNMOUNT_Click done" RETURN 0 /*:VRX Pict_PWINMEM_Click */ Pict_PWINMEM_Click: if VRGet("Pict_PWINMEM","PicturePath") = "#36" then do call Menu_File_ucCred_Reset_Click end return /*:VRX Quit */ Quit: if Fatal <> 1 then CALL _INISave /* ok = VRREdirectSTdio("OFF") */ window = VRWindow() call VRSet window, "Shutdown", 1 drop window RETURN /*:VRX Refresh */ Refresh: if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' Refresh started' CALL VRSet "CN_CURRENT", 'Painting', 0 CALL VRMethod "CN_CURRENT", 'RemoveRecord', 'All' /* Remove Active connections from details view */ ok = VRMethod( "CN_CONDET", "GetRecordList", 'All', "rh." ) do I = 1 to rh.0 /* This catches the bug we observed exactly once and were unable to reproduce! */ if cd.statusfh = 'CD.STATUSFH' then do if options.!debug == 1 then call beep 880, 50 if options.!debug == 1 then call beep 880, 50 if options.!debug == 1 then say " cd.statusfh is undefined - check why!!!!!!" leave end if options.!debug == 1 then say ' Icon.'i' = "'||VRMethod( "CN_CONDET", "GetFieldData", rh.i, cd.statusfh)'"' if VRMethod("CN_CONDET","GetFieldData", rh.i, cd.statusfh) = icons.!active then CALL VRMethod "CN_CONDET", 'RemoveRecord', rh.i end /* call _AddTemplates */ CALL VRSet "PB_DETACH", "Enabled", 0 CALL VRSet "PB_UNMOUNT", "Enabled", 0 ok = VRSet("MENU_CONTEXT_OPEN", "Visible", 0) /* ok = VRSet("MENU_CONTEXT_SEP1", "Visible", 0) */ ok = VRSet("MENU_CONTEXT_DETACH", "Visible", 0) ok = VRSet("MENU_CONTEXT_UNMOUNT", "Visible", 0) ok = VRSet("MENU_CONTEXT_EDIT", "Visible", 0) ok = VRSet("MENU_SELECTED_REMOVE", "Visible", 0) ok = VRSet("MENU_SELECTED_RETRY", "Visible", 0) if options.!debug == 1 then say ' Remove records, disable buttons done.' CALL VRMethod 'CB_DRIVES', 'Clear' CALL VRSet "CN_CURRENT", "Caption", fs.!Name' 'fs.!version /* Herwig B.: Attention! The SysDrivemap function with the "free" parameter causes hangs in case it is called repeatedly! */ drvs = MyFreeDriveMap('C:', 'FREE') DO i = 1 TO WORDS( drvs ) drvstem.i = WORD( drvs, i ) END drvstem.0 = WORDS( drvs ) /* Add any existing EVFS drives */ CALL GetMountPoints CALL VRMethod "CB_DRIVES", "AddStringList", "drvstem." CALL VRSet "CN_CURRENT", 'Painting', 1 if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' '||"Refresh done" RETURN 0 /*:VRX SPIN_NRO1_Change */ SPIN_NRO1_Change: advanced.!smbconfchanged = 1 return /*:VRX SPIN_NRO2_Change */ SPIN_NRO2_Change: advanced.!smbconfchanged = 1 return /*:VRX SPIN_NRO3_Change */ SPIN_NRO3_Change: advanced.!smbconfchanged = 1 return /*:VRX SPIN_NRO4_Change */ SPIN_NRO4_Change: advanced.!smbconfchanged = 1 return /*:VRX SPLIT_Main_Move */ SPLIT_Main_Move: ok = VRset("Main", "Painting", 0) NewPos = VRInfo("Left") OldPos = VRGet("SPLIT_Main","Left") ok = VRSet("SPLIT_Main","Left", NewPos) ok = VRset("GB_SMBTREE","Left", NewPos+60) call Main_Resize ok = VRset("Main", "Painting", 1) return /*:VRX SW_ABOUT_Close */ SW_ABOUT_Close: options.!tracmark = VRGet('CB_TRAC', 'Set') call SW_ABOUT_Fini return /*:VRX SW_ABOUT_Create */ SW_ABOUT_Create: call SW_ABOUT_Init CALL NLVSetText 'SW_ABOUT', "Caption", 1 CALL NLVSetText 'PB_ABOUT_CLOSE', "Caption", 29 CALL NLVSetText 'PB_ABOUT_COPY', "Caption", 121 CALL NLVSetText 'CB_TRAC', "Caption", 134 CALL VRSet 'CB_TRAC', 'Set', options.!tracmark ok = VRSet("DT_About","Caption", Program' (c) 2007-2016 Alexander Taylor'||'0D0A'x||'and Herwig Bauernfeind for bww bitwise works GmbH.') About.DscFH = VRMethod( "CN_ABOUT", "AddField", "String", "Component" ) About.ValFH = VRMethod( "CN_ABOUT", "AddField", "String", "Version" ) call _AboutSambaClientGetInfo return /*:VRX SW_ABOUT_Fini */ SW_ABOUT_Fini: window = VRInfo( "Window" ) call VRDestroy window drop window return /*:VRX SW_ABOUT_Init */ SW_ABOUT_Init: window = VRInfo( "Object" ) if( \VRIsChildOf( window, "TabbedDialog" ) ) then do call VRMethod window, "CenterWindow" call VRSet window, "Visible", 1 call VRMethod window, "Activate" end drop window return /*:VRX SW_ADVANCED_Close */ SW_ADVANCED_Close: call SW_ADVANCED_Fini return /*:VRX SW_ADVANCED_Create */ SW_ADVANCED_Create: call SW_ADVANCED_Init return /*:VRX SW_ADVANCED_Fini */ SW_ADVANCED_Fini: window = VRInfo( "Window" ) call VRDestroy window drop window return /*:VRX SW_ADVANCED_Init */ SW_ADVANCED_Init: /* Title bar */ CALL NLVSetText "SW_ADVANCED", "Caption", 40 /* Options */ CALL NLVSetText "GB_ADVANCED", "Caption", 43 CALL NLVSetText "CB_EAS", "Caption", 44 CALL NLVSetText "CB_READONLY", "Caption", 45 CALL NLVSetText "CB_ALWAYSMP", "Caption", 65 CALL NLVSetText "DT_CACHETIMEOUT", "Caption", 130 CALL NLVSetText "DT_CACHELISTINGS", "Caption", 131 /* Buttons */ CALL NLVSetText "PB_ADVANCED_APPLY", "Caption", 122 CALL NLVSetText "PB_ADVANCED_UNDO", "Caption", 123 CALL NLVSetText "PB_ADVANCED_HELP", "Caption", 4 CALL VRSet "SW_ADVANCED", "HelpTag", NLVGetMessage(40) /* call VRMethod "SW_ADVANCED", "CenterWindow" */ ok = VRSet("SW_ADVANCED", "Visible", 1) /* call VRMethod "SW_ADVANCED", "Activate" */ return /*:VRX SW_ADVANCED_Init_Content */ SW_ADVANCED_Init_Content: IF advanced.!easupport \= "" THEN ok = VRSet("CB_EAS", "Set", advanced.!easupport) IF advanced.!readonly \= "" THEN ok = VRSet("CB_READONLY","Set", advanced.!readonly) IF advanced.!alwaysmp \= "" THEN ok = VRSet("CB_ALWAYSMP","Set", advanced.!alwaysmp) IF advanced.!cachetimeout \= "" THEN ok = VRSet("SPIN_CACHETIMEOUT", "Value", advanced.!cachetimeout) IF advanced.!cachelistings \= "" THEN ok = VRSet("SPIN_CACHELISTINGS", "Value", advanced.!cachelistings) /* Obsolete */ IF advanced.!memlen \= "" THEN ok = VRSet("SPB_MEMLEN", "Value", advanced.!memlen) return /*:VRX SW_CONDET_Close */ SW_CONDET_Close: call SW_CONDET_Fini return /*:VRX SW_CONDET_Create */ SW_CONDET_Create: call SW_CONDET_Init return /*:VRX SW_CONDET_Fini */ SW_CONDET_Fini: window = VRInfo( "Window" ) call VRDestroy window drop window return /*:VRX SW_CONDET_Init */ SW_CONDET_Init: return /*:VRX SW_CONDET_Init_Content */ SW_CONDET_Init_Content: if VRGet("TM_Throbber","Enabled") = 1 then ok = VRset("Pict_Throbber", "Visible", 0) /* Hide any "foreign" menu entries */ ok = VRSet("Menu_Selected_Connect", "Visible", 0) return /*:VRX SW_DIALOG_Close */ SW_DIALOG_Close: call SW_DIALOG_Fini return /*:VRX SW_DIALOG_Create */ SW_DIALOG_Create: call SW_DIALOG_Init return /*:VRX SW_DIALOG_Fini */ SW_DIALOG_Fini: window = VRInfo( "Window" ) call VRDestroy window drop window return /*:VRX SW_DIALOG_Init */ SW_DIALOG_Init: LEDSize = VRMethod( "Screen", "PixelsToTwips", 16 ) ok = VRSet("Pict_PWINMEM","Top", VRGet("EF_USER","Top")+(VRGet("EF_USER","Height")-LEDSize)%2) ok = VRSet("Pict_PWINMEM","Width", LEDSize) ok = VRSet("Pict_PWINMEM","Height", LEDSize) return /*:VRX SW_DIALOG_Init_Content */ SW_DIALOG_Init_Content: /* obsolete */ if VRGet("TM_Throbber","Enabled") = 1 then ok = VRset("Pict_Throbber", "Visible", 0) ok = VRSet("Menu_Selected_Remove", "Visible", 0) ok = VRSet("Menu_Selected_Retry", "Visible", 0) ok = VRSet("Menu_Selected_Connect", "Visible", 0) call _DialogPopulate return /*:VRX SW_INFO_Close */ SW_INFO_Close: call SW_INFO_Fini return /*:VRX SW_INFO_Create */ SW_INFO_Create: if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' SW_INFO_Create started' call SW_INFO_Init CALL NLVSetText 'SW_INFO', "Caption", 92 CALL NLVSetText 'PB_INFO_OK', "Caption", 2 Info.TypeFH = VRMethod( "CN_INFO", "AddField", "String", "Type" ) Info.ValueFH = VRMethod( "CN_INFO", "AddField", "String", "Value" ) if options.!debug == 1 then do say ' Handle: "'SMBObj.rh'"' say ' Resource: "'SMBObj.resname'"' say ' Comment: "'SMBObj.comment'"' say ' Type: "'SMBObj.udatatype'"' say ' Message: "'SMBObj.udatamsg'"' say ' Icon: "'SMBObj.icon'"' end say "Vorher:"rpc.srvinfo.OS_VERSION drop rpc. say "Vorher:"rpc.srvinfo.OS_VERSION rpc_success = _rpcsrvinfo(SMBObj.resname,credentials.!username,credentials.!password) Info.!nbname = VRMethod( "CN_INFO", "AddRecord") Info.!comment = VRMethod( "CN_INFO", "AddRecord") Info.!domain = VRMethod( "CN_INFO", "AddRecord") Info.!DMBLMB = VRMethod( "CN_INFO", "AddRecord") if rpc_success = 1 then Info.!capabilities = VRMethod( "CN_INFO", "AddRecord") Info.!os = VRMethod( "CN_INFO", "AddRecord") Info.!server = VRMethod( "CN_INFO", "AddRecord") if rpc_success = 1 then Info.!version = VRMethod( "CN_INFO", "AddRecord") Info.!status = VRMethod( "CN_INFO", "AddRecord") Info.!IP = VRMethod( "CN_INFO", "AddRecord") Info.!MAC = VRMethod( "CN_INFO", "AddRecord") if rpc_success = 1 then do if rpc.srvinfo.OS_VERSION = 'RPC.SRVINFO.OS_VERSION' then rpc.srvinfo.OS_VERSION = '' ok = VRMethod( "CN_INFO", "SetFieldData", Info.!nbname, Info.TypeFH, strip(NLVGetMessage(137),'T',':'),Info.ValueFH, rpc.srvinfo.NETBIOSNAME) ok = VRMethod( "CN_INFO", "SetFieldData", Info.!comment,Info.TypeFH, strip(NLVGetMessage(125),'T',':'),Info.ValueFH, rpc.srvinfo.SERVERSTRING) ok = VRMethod( "CN_INFO", "SetFieldData", Info.!capabilities, Info.TypeFH, strip(NLVGetMessage(138),'T',':'),Info.ValueFH, rpc.srvinfo.CAPABILITIES) ok = VRMethod( "CN_INFO", "SetFieldData", Info.!version,Info.TypeFH, strip(NLVGetMessage(139),'T',':'),Info.ValueFH, rpc.srvinfo.OS_VERSION) ok = VRMethod( "CN_INFO", "SetFieldData", Info.!status, Info.TypeFH, strip(NLVGetMessage(67),'T',':'),Info.ValueFH, rpc.srvinfo.LOGONSTATUS ) /* we did not get these, but we know them anyway */ if rpc.srvinfo.NETBIOSNAME = "" then ok = VRMethod( "CN_INFO", "SetFieldData", Info.!nbname, Info.TypeFH, strip(NLVGetMessage(137),'T',':'),Info.ValueFH, SMBObj.resname) if rpc.srvinfo.SERVERSTRING = "" then ok = VRMethod( "CN_INFO", "SetFieldData", Info.!comment,Info.TypeFH, strip(NLVGetMessage(125),'T',':'),Info.ValueFH, SMBObj.comment) end else do ok = VRMethod( "CN_INFO", "SetFieldData", Info.!nbname, Info.TypeFH, strip(NLVGetMessage(137),'T',':'),Info.ValueFH, SMBObj.resname) ok = VRMethod( "CN_INFO", "SetFieldData", Info.!comment,Info.TypeFH, strip(NLVGetMessage(125),'T',':'),Info.ValueFH, SMBObj.comment) ok = VRMethod( "CN_INFO", "SetFieldData", Info.!status, Info.TypeFH, strip(NLVGetMessage(67),'T',':'), Info.ValueFH, SMBObj.udatamsg) end ok = VRMethod( "CN_INFO", "SetFieldData", Info.!domain, Info.TypeFH, strip(NLVGetMessage(21), 'T',':'),Info.ValueFH, VRMethod("CN_SMBTREE", "GetFieldData", SMBObj.RH, WorkGroupFH )) ok = VRMethod( "CN_INFO", "SetFieldData", Info.!os, Info.TypeFH, strip(NLVGetMessage(93), 'T',':'),Info.ValueFH, VRMethod("CN_SMBTREE", "GetFieldData", SMBObj.RH, OSFH )) ok = VRMethod( "CN_INFO", "SetFieldData", Info.!server, Info.TypeFH, strip(NLVGetMessage(19), 'T',':'),Info.ValueFH, VRMethod("CN_SMBTREE", "GetFieldData", SMBObj.RH, VersionFH )) ok = VRMethod( "CN_INFO", "SetFieldData", Info.!DMBLMB, Info.TypeFH, strip(NLVGetMessage(124),'T',':'),Info.ValueFH, VRMethod("CN_SMBTREE", "GetFieldData", SMBObj.RH, MBFH )) ok = VRMethod( "CN_INFO", "SetFieldData", Info.!IP, Info.TypeFH, "IP" ,Info.ValueFH, VRMethod("CN_SMBTREE", "GetFieldData", SMBObj.RH, IPFH )) ok = VRMethod( "CN_INFO", "SetFieldData", Info.!MAC, Info.TypeFH, "MAC" ,Info.ValueFH, VRMethod("CN_SMBTREE", "GetFieldData", SMBObj.RH, MacFH )) if options.!debug == 1 then say time()' SW_INFO_Create done' return /*:VRX SW_INFO_Fini */ SW_INFO_Fini: window = VRInfo( "Window" ) call VRDestroy window drop window return /*:VRX SW_INFO_Init */ SW_INFO_Init: window = VRInfo( "Object" ) if( \VRIsChildOf( window, "TabbedDialog" ) ) then do call VRMethod window, "CenterWindow" call VRSet window, "Visible", 1 call VRMethod window, "Activate" end drop window return /*:VRX SW_LOGIN_Close */ SW_LOGIN_Close: call SW_LOGIN_Fini return /*:VRX SW_LOGIN_Create */ SW_LOGIN_Create: call SW_LOGIN_Init ok = VRSet("SW_LOGIN","Caption",NLVGetMessage(136)' 'strip(p_workgroup' \\'p_server'\'p_share,'T','\')) CALL NLVSetText 'DT_USER1', "Caption", 25 CALL NLVSetText 'DT_PASSWORD1', "Caption", 26 CALL NLVSetText 'CB_STORECREDS1', "Caption", 135 CALL NLVSetText 'PB_LOGIN_OK', "Caption", 2 CALL NLVSetText 'PB_LOGIN_CANCEL',"Caption", 3 if VRIsValidObject(SMBObj.rh) then do select when pos("PDC",VRMethod("CN_smbtree", "GetFieldData", SMBObj.rh, MBFH)) > 0 then LoginIcon = "#63:PMWP.DLL" /* icons.!pdc */ when SMBObj.udatatype = "WORKGROUP" then LoginIcon = SMBObj.Icon when SMBObj.udatatype = "SERVER" then LoginIcon = SMBObj.Icon when SMBObj.udatatype = "DISK" then do if pos("PDC",VRMethod("CN_smbtree", "GetFieldData", SMBObj.parentrh, MBFH)) > 0 then LoginIcon = "#63:PMWP.DLL" /* icons.!pdc */ else LoginIcon = "#35:PMWP.DLL" /* icons.!pdc */ end otherwise LoginIcon = "#35:PMWP.DLL" /* icons.!machine_awake */ end say loginicon ok = VRSet("Pict_Login","PicturePath", LoginIcon) end ok = VRSet("EF_USER1","Value",VRGet("EF_USER","Value")) ok = VRSet("EF_PASSWORD1","Value",VRGet("EF_PASSWORD","Value")) ok = VRSet("CB_STORECREDS1","Set",options.!storecreds) return /*:VRX SW_LOGIN_Fini */ SW_LOGIN_Fini: window = VRInfo( "Window" ) call VRDestroy window drop window return /*:VRX SW_LOGIN_Init */ SW_LOGIN_Init: window = VRInfo( "Object" ) if( \VRIsChildOf( window, "TabbedDialog" ) ) then do call VRMethod window, "CenterWindow" call VRSet window, "Visible", 1 call VRMethod window, "Activate" end drop window return /*:VRX SW_LOGIN_KeyPress */ SW_LOGIN_KeyPress: obj = VRInfo( "Object" ) keystr = VRGet( obj, "KeyString" ) /* say keystr */ select when keystr = "{Enter}" then ok = VRMethod( "EF_LoginPassword", "SetFocus" ) when keystr = "{Newline}" then ok = VRMethod( "EF_LoginPassword", "SetFocus" ) when keystr = "{Esc}" then call PB_LOGIN_CANCEL_Click otherwise nop end return /*:VRX SW_MOUNTPOINT_Close */ SW_MOUNTPOINT_Close: call SW_MOUNTPOINT_Fini return /*:VRX SW_MOUNTPOINT_Create */ SW_MOUNTPOINT_Create: call SW_MOUNTPOINT_Init ok = VRSet("SW_MOUNTPOINT","Caption",strip(p_workgroup' \\'p_server'\'p_share,'T','\')) /* NLVGetMessage(14)' ' */ CALL NLVSetText 'DT_MPOINT1', "Caption", 27 CALL NLVSetText 'PB_NEWMOUNTPOINTOK', "Caption", 2 CALL NLVSetText 'PB_NEWMOUNTPOINTCANCEL',"Caption", 3 CALL NLVSetText 'CB_EAS1', "Caption", 44 CALL NLVSetText 'CB_READONLY1', "Caption", 45 CALL NLVSetText 'CB_ALWAYSMP1', "Caption", 65 CALL NLVSetText "DT_CACHETIMEOUT1", "Caption", 130 CALL NLVSetText "DT_CACHELISTINGS1", "Caption", 131 ok = VRMethod( "CB_DRIVES", "GetStringList", "freedrives." ) ok = VRMethod( "CB_DRIVES1", "AddStringList", "freedrives." ) ok = VRSet("CB_DRIVES1", "Value", VRGet("CB_Drives","Value")) if VRGet("EF_Directory","Value") = "" then ok = VRSet("EF_DIRECTORY1", "Value", VRGet("EF_Directory","Value")) ok = VRMethod("EF_DIRECTORY1","AddString",p_share) IF advanced.!easupport \= "" THEN ok = VRSet("CB_EAS1", "Set", advanced.!easupport) IF advanced.!readonly \= "" THEN ok = VRSet("CB_READONLY1", "Set", advanced.!readonly) IF advanced.!alwaysmp \= "" THEN ok = VRSet("CB_ALWAYSMP1", "Set", advanced.!alwaysmp) IF advanced.!cachetimeout \= "" THEN ok = VRSet("SPIN_CACHETIMEOUT1", "Value", advanced.!cachetimeout) IF advanced.!cachelistings \= "" THEN ok = VRSet("SPIN_CACHELISTINGS1","Value", advanced.!cachelistings) return /*:VRX SW_MOUNTPOINT_Fini */ SW_MOUNTPOINT_Fini: window = VRInfo( "Window" ) call VRDestroy window drop window return /*:VRX SW_MOUNTPOINT_Init */ SW_MOUNTPOINT_Init: window = VRInfo( "Object" ) if( \VRIsChildOf( window, "TabbedDialog" ) ) then do call VRMethod window, "CenterWindow" call VRSet window, "Visible", 1 call VRMethod window, "Activate" end drop window return /*:VRX SW_PORTCONNECT_Close */ SW_PORTCONNECT_Close: call SW_PORTCONNECT_Fini return /*:VRX SW_PORTCONNECT_Create */ SW_PORTCONNECT_Create: call SW_PORTCONNECT_Init ok = VRGetINI("PM_PORT_DRIVER","SMB","SYSTEM") if ok = "" then do end else do say "Samba Spooler Port driver installed!" ok = SysINI("SYSTEM","PM_SPOOLER_PORT","ALL:","ports") smbport.0 = 0 do I = 1 to ports.0 if left(ports.I,3) = "SMB" then do X = smbport.0 X = X + 1 smbport.0 = X smbport.X = ports.I end end do I = 1 to smbport.0 say smbport.I end end return /*:VRX SW_PORTCONNECT_Fini */ SW_PORTCONNECT_Fini: window = VRInfo( "Window" ) call VRDestroy window drop window return /*:VRX SW_PORTCONNECT_Init */ SW_PORTCONNECT_Init: window = VRInfo( "Object" ) if( \VRIsChildOf( window, "TabbedDialog" ) ) then do call VRMethod window, "CenterWindow" call VRSet window, "Visible", 1 call VRMethod window, "Activate" end drop window return /*:VRX SW_PROGRESS_Close */ SW_PROGRESS_Close: options.!delay = 0 call Main_Resize call VRSet 'Main', 'Visible', 1 call SW_PROGRESS_Fini return /*:VRX SW_PROGRESS_Create */ SW_PROGRESS_Create: call SW_PROGRESS_Init CALL NLVSetText 'SW_PROGRESS', "Caption", 1 CALL NLVSetText 'DT_PROGRESS', "Caption", 34 CALL NLVSetText 'PB_PROGRESS_ABORT', "Caption", 3 if options.!delay > 0 then ok = VRSet("TM_TheCloser","Delay", options.!delay*1000) CALL VRSet "TM_Progress_Throbber","Enabled", 1 CALL VRSet "TM_TheCloser","Enabled", 1 return /*:VRX SW_PROGRESS_Fini */ SW_PROGRESS_Fini: call VRDestroy "SW_PROGRESS" return /*:VRX SW_PROGRESS_Init */ SW_PROGRESS_Init: call VRMethod "SW_PROGRESS", "CenterWindow", "Parent" call VRSet "SW_PROGRESS", "Visible", 1 call VRMethod "SW_PROGRESS", "Activate" return /*:VRX SW_SETTINGS_Close */ SW_SETTINGS_Close: call SW_SETTINGS_Fini return /*:VRX SW_SETTINGS_Create */ SW_SETTINGS_Create: call SW_SETTINGS_Init return /*:VRX SW_SETTINGS_Fini */ SW_SETTINGS_Fini: window = VRInfo( "Window" ) call VRDestroy window drop window return /*:VRX SW_SETTINGS_Init */ SW_SETTINGS_Init: /* Title bar */ call NLVSetText "SW_SETTINGS", "Caption", 47 /* Options */ call NLVSetText "GB_GLOBAL", "Caption", 47 call NLVSetText "CB_DEBUG", "Caption", 42 call NLVSetText "CB_LOGGING", "Caption", 46 call NLVSetText "CB_BROWSEIMME", "Caption", 48 call NLVSetText "CB_BROWSEAUTH", "Caption", 49 call NLVSetText "CB_SPECIAL", "Caption", 66 call NLVSetText "CB_SAVEPASSIVE", "Caption", 73 call NLVSetText "CB_LMHOSTS", "Caption", 133 call NLVSetText "CB_BROADCAST", "Caption", 74 call NLVSetText "CB_MINIICONS", "Caption", 70 call NLVSetText "CB_STORECREDS", "Caption", 135 /* Buttons */ call NLVSetText "PB_SETTINGS_APPLY", "Caption", 122 call NLVSetText "PB_SETTINGS_UNDO", "Caption", 123 call NLVSetText "PB_SETTINGS_HELP", "Caption", 4 /* call VRSet "SW_ADVANCED", "HelpTag", NLVGetMessage(40) */ /* call VRMethod "SW_SETTINGS", "CenterWindow" */ ok = VRSet("SW_SETTINGS", "Visible", 1) /* call VRMethod "SW_SETTINGS", "Activate" */ return /*:VRX SW_SETTINGS_Init_Content */ SW_SETTINGS_Init_Content: ok = VRSet("PB_SETTINGS_UNDO","Enabled", 1) if advanced.!browseauth \= "" then ok = VRSet("CB_BROWSEAUTH", "Set", advanced.!browseauth) if advanced.!browseimme \= "" then ok = VRSet("CB_BROWSEIMME", "Set", advanced.!browseimme) if advanced.!broadcast \= "" then ok = VRSet("CB_BROADCAST", "Set", advanced.!broadcast) if advanced.!special \= "" then ok = VRSet("CB_SPECIAL", "Set", advanced.!special) if advanced.!savepassive \= "" then ok = VRSet("CB_SAVEPASSIVE","Set", advanced.!savepassive) if advanced.!lmhosts \= "" then ok = VRSet("CB_LMHOSTS", "Set", advanced.!lmhosts) call VRSet "CB_LOGGING", "Set", VRFileExists(SysBootDrive()"\ndpsmb.dbg") if options.!debug \= "" then ok = VRSet("CB_debug", "Set", options.!debug) if options.!storecreds \= "" then ok = VRSet("CB_STORECREDS", "Set", options.!storecreds) if advanced.!miniicons \= "" then ok = VRSet("CB_MINIICONS", "Set", advanced.!miniicons) /* Obsolete */ if advanced.!logfile \= "" then ok = VRSet("EF_LOGFILE", "Value", advanced.!logfile) if advanced.!loglevel \= "0" then ok = VRSet("SPIN_LOGLEVEL", "Value", advanced.!loglevel) call _SmbConfCreateShadowCopy wins_support = translate(IniGet('wins support', 'global', samba.!shadowsmbconf)) if wins_support = "YES" then do /* we are a WINS server ourself */ ok = VRSet("DT_WINS_SERVER","Enabled", 0) ok = VRSet("EF_WINS_SERVER","BackColor", "PaleGray") ok = VRSet("EF_WINS_SERVER","Value", "") ok = VRSet("EF_WINS_SERVER","Enabled", 0) end else do ok = VRSet("EF_WINS_SERVER","Value", IniGet('wins server', 'global', samba.!shadowsmbconf)) end name_resolve_order = IniGet('name resolve order', 'global', samba.!shadowsmbconf) do I = 1 to words(name_resolve_order) ok = VRSet("SPIN_NRO"||I, "value", word(name_resolve_order,I)) end advanced.!smbconfchanged = 0 return /*:VRX SW_SMBCONF_Close */ SW_SMBCONF_Close: call SW_SMBCONF_Fini return /*:VRX SW_SMBCONF_Create */ SW_SMBCONF_Create: call SW_SMBCONF_Init return /*:VRX SW_SMBCONF_Fini */ SW_SMBCONF_Fini: window = VRInfo( "Window" ) call VRDestroy window drop window return /*:VRX SW_SMBCONF_Init */ SW_SMBCONF_Init: /* Buttons */ call NLVSetText "PB_SMBCONF_APPLY", "Caption", 122 call NLVSetText "PB_SMBCONF_UNDO", "Caption", 123 call NLVSetText "PB_SMBCONF_HELP", "Caption", 4 return /*:VRX SW_SMBCONF_Init_Content */ SW_SMBCONF_Init_Content: call _SmbConfCreateShadowCopy client_lanman_auth = ZeroOne(IniGet('client lanman auth', 'global', samba.!shadowsmbconf)) client_plaintext_auth = ZeroOne(IniGet('client plaintext auth', 'global', samba.!shadowsmbconf)) client_use_spnego = ZeroOne(IniGet('client use spnego', 'global', samba.!shadowsmbconf)) client_use_spnego_principal = ZeroOne(IniGet('client use spnego principal', 'global', samba.!shadowsmbconf)) ok = VRSet("CB_client_lanman_auth","Set",client_lanman_auth) ok = VRSet("CB_client_plaintext_auth","Set",client_plaintext_auth) ok = VRSet("CB_client_use_spnego","Set",client_use_spnego) ok = VRSet("CB_client_use_spnego_principal","Set",client_use_spnego_principal) advanced.!smbconfchanged = 0 return /*:VRX SW_SMBTREE_Close */ SW_SMBTREE_Close: call SW_SMBTREE_Fini return /*:VRX SW_SMBTREE_Create */ SW_SMBTREE_Create: call SW_SMBTREE_Init return /*:VRX SW_SMBTREE_Fini */ SW_SMBTREE_Fini: window = VRInfo( "Window" ) call VRDestroy window drop window return /*:VRX SW_SMBTREE_Init */ SW_SMBTREE_Init: return /*:VRX SW_SMBTREE_Init_Content */ SW_SMBTREE_Init_Content: if VRGet("TM_Throbber","Enabled") = 1 then ok = VRset("Pict_Throbber", "Visible", 1) /* Hide any "foreign" menu entries */ ok = VRSet("Menu_Selected_Remove", "Visible", 0) ok = VRSet("Menu_Selected_Retry", "Visible", 0) return /*:VRX TDL_1_PageSelected */ TDL_1_PageSelected: page = VRInfo("Page") /* call _TabsStrip */ select when page = 1 then do /* dialog */ call _TabFix 1 end when page = 2 then do /* advanced */ call SW_ADVANCED_Init_Content end when page = 3 then do /* smbtree */ call SW_SMBTREE_Init_Content end when page = 4 then do /* condet */ call SW_CONDET_Init_Content end when page = 5 then do /* Settings */ call SW_SETTINGS_Init_Content end when page = 6 then do /* SMB.CONF */ call SW_SMBCONF_Init_Content end otherwise nop end return /*:VRX TM_AutoClose_Trigger */ TM_AutoClose_Trigger: call Quit return /*:VRX TM_Progress_Throbber_Trigger */ TM_Progress_Throbber_Trigger: pIdx = VRGet("Pict_Progress_Throbber","PicturePath") parse var pIdx '#' pidx pidx = pidx + 1 if pidx = 23 then pidx = 11 ok = VRSet("Pict_Progress_Throbber","PicturePath","#"pidx) return /*:VRX TM_RefreshCurrentDisplay_Trigger */ TM_RefreshCurrentDisplay_Trigger: if RefreshMode <> "" then return if _DaemonRunning() = 0 then do say " Daemon not running - disable GUI" ok = VRset("GB_CURRENT", "Enabled", 0) ok = VRset("TDL_1", "Enabled", 0) ok = VRSet("Menu_File_Daemon_Start","Enabled", 1) ok = VRSet("Menu_File_Daemon_Stop", "Enabled", 0) end else do say " Daemon running - enable GUI" ok = VRset("GB_CURRENT", "Enabled", 1) ok = VRset("TDL_1", "Enabled", 1) ok = VRSet("Menu_File_Daemon_Start","Enabled", 0) ok = VRSet("Menu_File_Daemon_Stop", "Enabled", 1) end CALL REFRESH return /*:VRX TM_RefreshTreeDisplay_Trigger */ TM_RefreshTreeDisplay_Trigger: ShowHidden = advanced.!special BroadCast = advanced.!broadcast DoLMHosts = advanced.!lmhosts select when RefreshMode = "TREE" then do call _RefreshTreeDisplay if smbtree.!workgroup <> 'SMBTREE.!WORKGROUP' then do ok = VRset("Menu_Selected_Connect", "Visible", VRMethod("CN_SMBTREE", "ValidateRecord", smbtree.!workgroup ) ) end end when RefreshMode = "SHARE" then do call _AddSharesDisplay end otherwise say "RefreshMode = "RefreshMode end call _DialogPopulate return /*:VRX TM_TheCloser_Trigger */ TM_TheCloser_Trigger: call SW_PROGRESS_Close return /*:VRX TM_Throbber_Trigger */ TM_Throbber_Trigger: pIdx = VRGet("Pict_Throbber","PicturePath") parse var pIdx '#' pidx pidx = pidx + 1 if pidx = 23 then pidx = 11 ok = VRSet("Pict_Throbber","PicturePath","#"pidx) return /*:VRX YesNo */ YesNo: procedure if arg(1) = 1 then answer = "Yes" else answer = "No" return answer /*:VRX ZeroOne */ ZeroOne: procedure if translate(arg(1)) = "YES" then answer = 1 else answer = 0 return answer