/*:VRX Main */ /* Main */ Main: /* Process the arguments. Get the parent window. */ parse source . calledAs . parent = "" argCount = arg() argOff = 0 if( calledAs \= "COMMAND" )then do if argCount >= 1 then do parent = arg(1) argCount = argCount - 1 argOff = 1 end end; else do call VROptions 'ImplicitNames' call VROptions 'NoEchoQuit' end InitArgs.0 = argCount if( argCount > 0 )then do i = 1 to argCount InitArgs.i = arg( i + argOff ) end drop calledAs argCount argOff /* Load the windows */ call VRInit parse source . . spec _VREPrimaryWindowPath = , VRParseFileName( spec, "dpn" ) || ".VRW" _VREPrimaryWindow = , VRLoad( parent, _VREPrimaryWindowPath ) drop parent spec if( _VREPrimaryWindow == "" )then do call VRMessage "", "Cannot load window:" VRError(), , "Error!" _VREReturnValue = 32000 signal _VRELeaveMain end /* Process events */ call Init signal on halt do while( \ VRGet( _VREPrimaryWindow, "Shutdown" ) ) _VREEvent = VREvent() interpret _VREEvent end _VREHalt: _VREReturnValue = Fini() call VRDestroy _VREPrimaryWindow _VRELeaveMain: call VRFini exit _VREReturnValue VRLoadSecondary: __vrlsWait = abbrev( 'WAIT', translate(arg(2)), 1 ) if __vrlsWait then do call VRFlush end __vrlsHWnd = VRLoad( VRWindow(), VRWindowPath(), arg(1) ) if __vrlsHWnd = '' then signal __vrlsDone if __vrlsWait \= 1 then signal __vrlsDone call VRSet __vrlsHWnd, 'WindowMode', 'Modal' __vrlsTmp = __vrlsWindows.0 if( DataType(__vrlsTmp) \= 'NUM' ) then do __vrlsTmp = 1 end else do __vrlsTmp = __vrlsTmp + 1 end __vrlsWindows.__vrlsTmp = VRWindow( __vrlsHWnd ) __vrlsWindows.0 = __vrlsTmp do while( VRIsValidObject( VRWindow() ) = 1 ) __vrlsEvent = VREvent() interpret __vrlsEvent end __vrlsTmp = __vrlsWindows.0 __vrlsWindows.0 = __vrlsTmp - 1 call VRWindow __vrlsWindows.__vrlsTmp __vrlsHWnd = '' __vrlsDone: return __vrlsHWnd /*:VRX __VXREXX____APPENDS__ */ __VXREXX____APPENDS__: /* #append U:\Develop\Samba\guitools-1.0\shared\inittempdir.vrs #append U:\Develop\Samba\guitools-1.0\shared\sambainit.vrs #append U:\Develop\Samba\guitools-2.0\shared\nlv.vrs #append U:\Develop\Samba\guitools-1.0\shared\swat.vrs */ return /*:VRX _ActiveGroup */ _ActiveGroup: ActiveGroup = translate(arg(1)) ActiveGroupObj = VRGet("GB_"ActiveGroup, "Self") ok = VRset(ActiveGroupObj, "Visible", 1) return /*:VRX _bs2fs */ _bs2fs: procedure string = arg(1) return translate(string,'/','\') /*:VRX _CfgPageSetupSize */ _CfgPageSetupSize: if arg(1) = "GB_Global" then ok = VRset(arg(1), "Top", 0) else ok = VRset(arg(1), "Top", Fwidth) ok = VRset(arg(1), "Left",VRGet("GB_SmbConfTree","Width") + 60) if arg(1) = "GB_Global" then ok = VRset(arg(1), "Height",VRGet("GB_SmbConfTree","height")+FWidth) else ok = VRset(arg(1), "Height",VRGet("GB_SmbConfTree","height")) ok = VRset(arg(1), "Width", VRGet("Main", "Width") - VRGet("GB_SmbConfTree","width") - 60- FWidth*2-24*2) return /*:VRX _ChooseDir */ _ChooseDir: Invoked = VRInfo("Object") InitDir = VRGet("EF_"||substr(VRGet(Invoked, "name"),5),"Value") if pos('\\',InitDir) > 0 then do Msg.Text = NLVGetMessage(63,InitDir) Msg.Type = "E" call _ShowMsg return end VarPos = pos('%', InitDir) if VarPos > 0 then do VarChar = substr(InitDir,VarPos,2) InitDir = left(InitDir,VarPos-1) say VarChar end NewPath = _dirDialog('Choose path for 'VRGet("DT_Shares","Caption"),_fs2bs(InitDir)) if NewPath = "" then return if VarPos > 0 then NewPath = NewPath'\'VarChar ok = VRset("EF_"||substr(VRGet(Invoked, "name"),5),"value",NewPath) return /*:VRX _CreateVocObject */ _CreateVocObject: IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say "_CreateVocObject() started" If VRIsValidObject(VocObjType"_"upVoc ) then Success = 1 else do /* Creative descriptive text */ Objs = Objs + 1 Voc.V = translate(left(Voc.V,1))||substr(Voc.V,2) CreatedObjs.Objs = VRCreate(ActiveGroupObj, "DescriptiveText", "Name", "DT_"upVoc, 'Caption', Voc.V, "Top", ObjYPos+50 , "Left", 120+72, "Visible", 1, "AutoSize", 1) select when pos("\\",Val.V) > 0 then nop when pos(" dir",Voc.V) > 0 then ok = VRSet(CreatedObjs.Objs, "Forecolor", "Black") when pos("file",Voc.V) > 0 then ok = VRSet(CreatedObjs.Objs, "Forecolor", "Black") when pos("path",Voc.V) > 0 then ok = VRSet(CreatedObjs.Objs, "Forecolor", "Black") otherwise nop /* do not beautify */ end DT_Handle = CreatedObjs.Objs /* The CB or EF */ Objs = Objs + 1 select when VocObjType = "CB" then do CreatedObjs.Objs = VRCreate(ActiveGroupObj, "Checkbox", "Name", VocObjType"_"upVoc, "Top", ObjYPos+30, "AutoSize", 1) ok = VRSet(VocObjType"_"upVoc, "Click", "call _ShareObject_Changed") end otherwise do CreatedObjs.Objs = VRCreate(ActiveGroupObj, "EntryField", "Name", VocObjType"_"upVoc, "Top", ObjYPos , "Width", 2800, "Height", "253") ok = VRSet(VocObjType"_"upVoc, "Change", "call _ShareObject_Changed") end end Success = (CreatedObjs.OBjs <> "") if Success then do /* SUccess */ ok = VRSet(VocObjType"_"upVoc, "Left", max(1500, 120*2+VRGet(DT_handle,"Width"))) if VocObjType = "EF" & upCurSection ="GLOBAL" then do OWidth = 2800-max(0,VRGet(VocObjType"_"upVoc, "Left")-1500) if datatype(Val.V) = "NUM" then OWidth = length(Val.V)*90+200 else OWidth = length(Val.V)*90+440 if Val.V = "" then OWidth = 1500 ok = VRSet(VocObjType"_"upVoc, "Width", OWidth) if (pos("_DIRECTORY",upVoc) > 0 | pos("_PATH",upVoc) > 0) & pos("MODE",upVoc) = 0 & pos("MASK",upVoc) = 0 then do Objs = Objs + 1 CreatedObjs.Objs = VRCreate(ActiveGroupObj, "ImagePushButton", "Name", "IPB_"upVoc, "Top", ObjYPos+30, "AutoSize", 0 , "PicturePath", "#2;#3", "Left", VRGet(VocObjType"_"upVoc,"Left")+VRGet(VocObjType"_"upVoc,"Width")+72) ok = VRSet("IPB_"upVoc, "Click", "call _ChooseDir") ok = VRSet("IPB_"upVoc,"Width" ,VRMethod( "Screen", "PixelsToTwips", 20 )) ok = VRSet("IPB_"upVoc,"Height",VRMethod( "Screen", "PixelsToTwips", 20 )) end end /* ok = VRSet(VocObjType"_"upVoc, "BackColor", "Red") */ ok = VRSet(VocObjType"_"upVoc, "Visible", 1) CreatedObjs.0 = Objs ObjYPos= ObjYPos + ObjDelta end else do say "Failed to Create "||VocObjType"_"upVoc||' in 'ActiveGroupObj end end IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say ' Object: "'VocObjType'_'upVoc'" Value: "'Val.V'" Handle:"'CreatedObjs.Objs'"' IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say "_CreateVocObject() done" return Success /*:VRX _dirdialog */ _DirDialog: procedure Title = arg(1) InitDir = arg(2) RC = RxFuncQuery("DRCtrlPickDirectory") if RC = 0 then do /* use DrCtrl if available */ MyDir=DRCtrlPickDirectory(InitDir, Title) end else do MyDir = VRFileDialog(VRWindow,Title, 'o', InitDir||'\dummy') if MyDir <> '' then MyDir = strip(filespec('D',MyDir)||Filespec('P',MyDir),'T','\') end return MyDir /*:VRX _FindIBMLANPath */ _FindIBMLANPath: say '_FindIBMLANPath() started.' ibmlanini = SysBootDrive()'\IBMLAN\IBMLAN.INI' ibmlaniniexists = VRFileExists(ibmlanini) say ' Does "'ibmlanini'" exist? 'ibmlaniniexists' (1=Yes, 0=No)' lsshareini = SysBootDrive()'\IBMLAN\LSSHARE.INI' lsshareiniexists = VRFileExists(lsshareini) say ' Does "'lsshareini'" exist? 'lsshareiniexists' (1=Yes, 0=No)' say '_FindIBMLANPath() done.' return /*:VRX _fs2bs */ _fs2bs: procedure string = arg(1) return translate(string,'\','/') /*:VRX _GroupCreate */ _GroupCreate: /* Create kLIBC group file */ ok = SysFileDelete(samba.!group) call lineout samba.!group, '# Created by SSCC ver. 'word(VRGet("Main","Hinttext"),2) call lineout samba.!group, '# syntax:' call lineout samba.!group, '# groupname:password:GID:user[,user,...,]' call lineout samba.!group, 'admin:*:512:root,' call lineout samba.!group, 'users:*:513:' call lineout samba.!group, 'guests:*:514:' call lineout samba.!group, 'machines:*:515:' call lineout samba.!group, 'dc:*:516:' call lineout samba.!group, 'certadmin:*:517:' call lineout samba.!group, 'schemeadmin:*:518:' call lineout samba.!group, 'entadmin:*:519:' call lineout samba.!group, 'poladmin:*:520:' ok = stream(samba.!group,'c','close') return /*:VRX _GUIInit */ _GUIInit: if datatype(Top) = 'NUM' then do ok = VRset("Main","Top",Top) ok = VRset("Main","Left",Left) ok = VRset("Main","Width",Width) ok = VRset("Main","Height",Height) end else ok = VRset("Main","Width", 9250) settings.!curfcolor = VRGetIni('PM_Default_Colors', 'ActiveTitleText', 'User', 'NoClose') settings.!curbcolor = VRGetIni('PM_Default_Colors', 'ActiveTitleTextBgnd', 'User') ok = VRSet("DT_SmbConfTree","BACKCOLOR", settings.!curbcolor ) ok = VRSet("DT_SmbConfTree","FORECOLOR", settings.!curfcolor ) ok = VRSet("EF_Binaries_Version","value",samba.!version) ok = VRSet("EF_Binaries_Path","value",samba.!bin) ok = VRSet("EF_Scripts_Path","value",samba.!tools) ok = VRSet("EF_UnixRoot_Path","value",UnixRoot) ok = VRSet("EF_ETC_Path","value",ETC) ok = VRSet("CN_SmbConf","Caption", smbconf) ok = VRSet("IPB_ChooseDir","Width" ,VRMethod( "Screen", "PixelsToTwips", 20 )) ok = VRSet("IPB_ChooseDir","Height",VRMethod( "Screen", "PixelsToTwips", 20 )) ok = VRSet("IPB_NewItem","Width" ,VRMethod( "Screen", "PixelsToTwips", 20 )) ok = VRSet("IPB_NewItem","Height",VRMethod( "Screen", "PixelsToTwips", 20 )) ok = VRSet("Menu_File_Import_IBMPeer", "Enabled", lsshareiniexists * ibmlaniniexists ) ok = VRSet("Menu_Options_MiniIcons","Checked", \advanced.!bigicons) ok = VRset("CN_smbconf","MiniIcons", \advanced.!bigicons) if _ChkTempFreeSpace() < 262144 then do Msg.Type = "W" Msg.Text = NLVGetMessage(116, TempDir) call _ShowMsg end ok = VRSet("Menu_File_PrintCap","Enabled", \IsCupsPrintcap) if \IsCupsPrintcap then call _PrintCapCreate if SmbConfExists then call _SmbConfLoad else ok = VRSet("TM_Installer","Enabled", 1) return /*:VRX _GUIInitNLV */ _GUIInitNLV: say '_GUIInitNLV started' CALL NLVSetup CALL NLVSetText 'Main', 'Caption', 1 Msg.Title = VRGet("Main", "Caption") CALL NLVSetText 'PB_Reload', 'Caption', 11 CALL NLVSetText 'PB_Reload', 'Hinttext', 111 CALL NLVSetText 'PB_Save', 'Caption', 12 CALL NLVSetText 'PB_Save', 'Hinttext', 112 CALL NLVSetText 'PB_Undo', 'Caption', 9 CALL NLVSetText 'PB_Undo', 'Hinttext', 109 CALL NLVSetText 'PB_Cancel', 'Caption', 10 CALL NLVSetText 'PB_Cancel', 'Hinttext', 110 CALL NLVSetText 'PB_Help', 'Caption', 4 CALL NLVSetText 'PB_Help', 'Hinttext', 104 CALL NLVSetText 'PB_Add_Voc_OK', 'Caption', 2 CALL NLVSetText 'PB_Add_Voc_OK', 'Hinttext', 102 CALL NLVSetText 'PB_Add_Voc_Cancel','Caption', 3 CALL NLVSetText 'PB_Add_Voc_Cancel','Hinttext', 103 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_File', 'Caption', 21 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_Options', 'Caption', 22 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_Help', 'Caption', 23 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_File_Import_IBMPeer', 'Caption', 24 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_File_Reset', 'Caption', 25 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_File_Debug', 'Caption', 26 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_File_ImportHosts', 'Caption', 36 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_File_PrintCap', 'Caption', 37 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_File_SmbUpdate', 'Caption', 44 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_File_Exit', 'Caption', 27 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_Options_SimpleMode', 'Caption', 28 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_Options_ExportMode', 'Caption', 29 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_Options_MiniIcons', 'Caption', 74 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_Help_smbconf', 'Caption', 30 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_Help_About', 'Caption', 31 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_Action', 'Caption', 32 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_Action_AddHomes', 'Caption', 33 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_Action_AddNetlogon', 'Caption', 34 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_Action_AddProfiles', 'Caption', 35 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_Action_AddProfiles', 'Caption', 35 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_Action_EraseTransient','Caption', 47 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_ShareContext_AddPrinter', 'Caption', 40 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_ShareContext_Add', 'Caption', 41 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_ShareContext_RemovePrinter','Caption', 42 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_ShareContext_Remove', 'Caption', 43 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_ShareContext_RenamePrinter','Caption', 48 CALL NLVSetText 'Menu_ShareContext_Rename', 'Caption', 49 CALL NLVSetText 'DT_Help', 'Caption', 80 CALL NLVSetText 'DT_Heading', 'Caption', 81 CALL NLVSetText 'DT_Binaries_Version', 'Caption', 82 CALL NLVSetText 'DT_Binaries_Path', 'Caption', 83 CALL NLVSetText 'DT_Scripts_Path', 'Caption', 84 /* CALL NLVSetText 'DT_SmbConfTree', 'Caption', 73 */ say NLVGetMessage(73) ok = VRSet("DT_SmbConfTree","Caption", NLVGetMessage(73)) Drive = NLVGetMessage(38) say '_GUIInitNLV done' return /*:VRX _INIRead */ _INIRead: IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say '_INIRead() started' OurINI = strip(VRParseFileName(VRget("Application","Program"),'DP')'\SSCC.INI',,'\') ok = SysFileTree(OurINI, INIFound.,'FO') if INIFound.0 = 1 then OurINI = VRParseFileName(INIFound.1,'DPNE') say 'OurINI ='OurINI Top = VRGetIni( "Pos", "Top", OurINI , 'NoClose') Left = VRGetIni( "Pos", "Left", OurINI , 'NoClose') Width = VRGetIni( "Pos", "Width", OurINI , 'NoClose') Height= VRGetIni( "Pos", "Height", OurINI , 'NoClose') options.!debug = VRGetIni( "Options", "Debug", OurINI, 'NoClose') if options.!debug = "" then options.!debug = 0 ok = VRSet("Menu_File_Debug","Checked",options.!Debug) if options.!Debug then ok = VRREdirectStdIO("ON") else ok = VRREdirectStdIO("OFF") options.!builddir = VRGetIni( "Options", "BuildDir", OurINI, 'NoClose') if options.!builddir = "" then options.!builddir = "" advanced.!bigicons = VRGetIni( "Options", "BigIcons", OurINI) if advanced.!bigicons = "" then advanced.!bigicons = 1 /* Initialize several variables */ indent = '09'x ManageDaemons = 1 /* these were formerly defined in smb.conf */ CreatedObjs.0 = 0 ChangeList = "" ValueChanged = 0 CurSection = "" CreatedObjs.0 = 0 ActiveGroup = "Global" InstallMode = 0 /* Normally 0 for configure mode, /Install switch overrides this */ UseTDBSam = 0 /* only for installermode */ CreatePDC = 0 /* only for installermode */ FWidth = 32 IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say '_INIRead() done' return /*:VRX _INIWrite */ _INIWrite: ok = VRSetIni( "Pos", "Top", VRGet("Main","Top"), OurINI, 'NoClose') ok = VRSetIni( "Pos", "Left", VRGet("Main","Left"), OurINI, 'NoClose') ok = VRSetIni( "Pos", "Width", VRGet("Main","Width"), OurINI, 'NoClose') ok = VRSetIni( "Pos", "Height", VRGet("Main","Height"), OurINI, 'NoClose') ok = VRSetIni( "Options", "BuildDir", options.!builddir, OurINI, 'NoClose') ok = VRSetIni( "Options", "Debug", options.!debug, OurINI, 'NoClose') ok = VRSetIni( "Options", "BigIcons", \VRGet("Menu_Options_MiniIcons","Checked"),OurINI) return /*:VRX _InstallerMode */ _InstallerMode: ok = VRSet("Main", "Visible", 1) window = VRLoadSecondary( "Installer", "W" ) ok = VRSet("Main", "Visible", 1) return /*:VRX _LMHostsImport */ _LMHostsImport: hosts = ETC'\hosts' lmhosts = ETC'\samba\lmhosts' ok = SysFileDelete(lmhosts) call lineout lmhosts,'# Created by SSCC ver. 'word(VRGet("Main","Hinttext"),2)' on 'date()' at 'time() call lineout lmhosts,'# Syntax:' call lineout lmhosts,'# IP-address NetBIOS-name' do until lines(hosts) = 0 hostsline = linein(hosts) parse var hostsline IP FQDN Alias parse var FQDN hostname'.'domain if IP <> '' then do say left(IP, 25)||hostname call lineout lmhosts, left(IP, 25)||hostname end end ok = stream(hosts,'c','close') ok = stream(lmhosts,'c','close') Msg.Text = NLVGetMessage(50, lmhosts) msg.Type = 'I' call _ShowMsg return /*:VRX _LoadOtherFuncs */ _LoadOtherFuncs: if options.!Debug = 1 then ok = VRREdirectStdIO("ON") else ok = VRREdirectStdIO("OFF") call RxFuncAdd 'SysLoadFuncs', 'RexxUtil', 'SysLoadFuncs' call SysLoadFuncs call rxfuncadd 'IniLoadFuncs', 'REXXINI', 'IniLoadFuncs' call IniLoadFuncs call RxFuncAdd 'PRLoadFuncs', 'PR1UTIL', 'PRLoadFuncs' call PRLoadFuncs /* Deal with DRCtrlxxx */ RC = RxFuncQuery("DRCtrlPickDirectory") if RC = 1 then do /* DRCtrlXXX not already registered */ /* Load DRCtrl functions */ ok = RxFuncAdd('DRCtrlLoadFuncs', 'drctl017', 'DRCtrlLoadFuncs') if ok = 0 then CALL DRCtrlLoadFuncs end return /*:VRX _MasterPasswdCreate */ _MasterPasswdCreate: call lineout samba.!masterpasswd, '# Created by SSCC ver. 'word(VRGet("Main","Hinttext"),2) call lineout samba.!masterpasswd, '# syntax:' call lineout samba.!masterpasswd, '# username:passwd:UID:GID:login-class:chg pw x sec:deact x sec:GECOS:home:shell' call lineout samba.!masterpasswd, 'root:*:0:513::0:0:root:/nonexistent:/usr/sbin/nologin' call lineout samba.!masterpasswd, 'guest:*:65534:65534::0:0:guest:/nonexistent:/usr/sbin/nologin' ok = stream(samba.!masterpasswd,'c','close') return /*:VRX _MsgYesNo */ _MsgYesNo: IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say '_MsgYesNo() started' IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say ' Msgbox:"'Msg.Text'"' buttons.0 = 2 buttons.1 = NLVGetMessage('6') buttons.2 = NLVGetMessage('7') default = 2 buttons.default = buttons.2 esc = 2 buttons.esc = buttons.2 RC = VRMessage( VRWindow(), Msg.Text, Msg.Title,"Q","buttons.",default, esc ) IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say ' Answer: 'RC' ( 1 = Yes, 2 = No)' IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say '_MsgYesNo() done' return RC /*:VRX _MyIniEnum */ _MyIniEnum: procedure expose sections. Voc. Val. CurSection = arg(1) do I = 1 to sections.0 say I':'sections.I if sections.I = Cursection then leave end if I <= sections.0 then do say 'sections.'I'.0='sections.I.0 Voc.0 = sections.I.0 Val.0 = sections.I.0 do J = 1 to Voc.0 parse var sections.I.J Voc.J'='Val.J Voc.J = strip(Voc.J) Val.J = strip(Val.J) end end return /*:VRX _MyIniEnumSections */ _MyIniEnumSections: procedure expose sections. say '_MyIniEnumSections() started' smbconf = arg(1) sections. = "" I = 0 J = 0 do until lines(smbconf) = 0 smbconfline = strip(translate(linein(smbconf),' ','09'x)) select when left(smbconfline,1) =' ' then nop /* empty line */ when left(smbconfline,1) =';' then nop /* Comment */ when left(smbconfline,1) ='#' then nop /* Comment */ when left(smbconfline,1) ='[' then do /* Section */ sections.I.0 = J I = I + 1 J = 0 parse var smbconfline '['CurSection']' sections.I = CurSection say ' 'CurSection end otherwise do /* Option */ parse var smbconfline option'='value J = J + 1 sections.I.J = smbconfline option = translate(strip(option),'_!?',' :$') value = strip(value) OptStr = CurSection'.'option'="'Value'"' /* say OptStr */ end end end sections.0 = I sections.I.0 = J ok = stream(smbconf,'c','close') say '_MyIniEnumSections() done.' return /*:VRX _NLVSetup */ _NLVSetup: call NLVSetup RETURN /*:VRX _ParseCommandLine */ _ParseCommandLine: IF options.!debug == 1 THEN SAY "_ParseCommandLine() started" CmdLine = VRGet("Application","Commandline") IF options.!debug == 1 THEN SAY ' original commandline ="'CmdLine'"' upCmdLine = translate(CmdLine) InstPos = pos('/INSTALL',upCmdLine) if InstPos > 0 then do IF options.!debug == 1 THEN SAY " /install switch detected" InstallMode = 1 end IF options.!debug == 1 THEN SAY "_ParseCommandLine() done" return /*:VRX _PrintCapCreate */ _PrintCapCreate: ok = SysFileDelete(samba.!printcap) ok = SysIni('SYSTEM', 'PM_SPOOLER_QUEUE_DESCR', 'ALL:','printers.') call lineout samba.!printcap, '# Created by SSCC ver. 'word(VRGet("Main","Hinttext"),2)' on 'date()' at 'time() call lineout samba.!printcap, '# syntax:' call lineout samba.!printcap, '# Printerqueue|printername' do I = 1 to printers.0 queue = printers.I name = strip(strip(SysIni('SYSTEM', 'PM_SPOOLER_QUEUE_DESCR', printers.I),'T','00'x),,';') call lineout samba.!printcap, queue'|'name end ok = stream(samba.!printcap,'c','close') return /*:VRX _SambaCheckComponents */ _SambaCheckComponents: IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say '_SambaCheckComponents() started' /* set deprecated variables */ smbconf = samba.!smbconf printcap = samba.!printcap /* detect presence of several components and act accordingly */ SmbConfExists = VRFileExists(samba.!smbconf) IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say ' Does "'smbconf'" exist? 'SmbConfExists' (1=Yes, 0=No)' IsCupsPrintcap = 0 if VRFileExists(samba.!printcap) then do printcapline = translate(linein(samba.!printcap)) if pos("CUPS",printcapline) > 0 then IsCupsPrintcap = 1 ok = stream(samba.!printcap,'c','close') end IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say ' Is printcap from CUPS? 'IsCupsPrintcap' (1=Yes, 0=No)' if \VRFileExists(samba.!smbcmd) then do Msg.Title = NLVGetMessage('1') Msg.Type = "E" Msg.Text = NLVGetMessage(53, samba.!smbcmd)' - 'NLVGetMessage(55) call _ShowMsg ManageDaemons = 0 end IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say ' Is "'samba.!smbcmd'" present, able to manage daemons = 'ManageDaemons' (1=Yes, 0=No)' if \VRFileExists(samba.!testparmexe) then do Msg.Title = NLVGetMessage('1') Msg.Text = NLVGetMessage(53,samba.!testparmexe)' - 'NLVGetMessage(54) Msg.Type = "E" call _ShowMsg call Quit end IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say ' Is "'samba.!testparmexe'" present, continuing.' if \VRFileExists(samba.!smbpasswdexe) then do Msg.Title = NLVGetMessage('1') Msg.Text = NLVGetMessage(53,samba.!smbpasswdexe)' - 'NLVGetMessage(54) Msg.Type = "E" call _ShowMsg call Quit end IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say ' Is "'samba.!smbpasswdexe'" is present, continuing.' if SmbConfExists then do call _SmbConfBackup if InstallMode then do window = VRLoadSecondary( "RemoveConfig", "W" ) end end if \VRFileExists(swatusers) & swatauth = 1 & InstallMode = 0 then do Msg.Text = NLVGetMessage(115, swatusers) Msg.Type = "W" call _ShowMsg end IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say ' Does "'samba.!smbconf'" still exist? 'SmbConfExists' (1=Yes, 0=No)' IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say ' Running in InstallMode = 'InstallMode' (1=Yes, 0=No)' IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say '_SambaCheckComponents() done' return /* Msg.Text = NLVGetMessage(56, samba.!smbconf) Msg.Type = "Q" ok = _MsgYesNo() if ok = 1 then do ok = SysFileDelete(samba.!smbconf) SmbConfExists = 0 Msg.Text = "Also reinitialize backend?" /* NLVGetMessage(56, samba.!smbconf) */ Msg.Type = "Q" ok = _MsgYesNo() if ok = 1 then do ok = SysFileTree(ETC"\samba\*.?db",xdb.,'FOS') do I = 1 to xdb.0 ok = SysFileDelete(xdb.I) if ok <> 0 then do Msg.Text = "Error "ok" deleting "xdb.I"!" Msg.Type = "W" call _ShowMsg end end end end else InstallMode = 0 */ /*:VRX _SambaGroupMapInst */ _SambaGroupMapInst: IF options.!debug == 1 THEN SAY "_SambaGroupMapInst() started" /* These group mappings are obligatory */ IF options.!debug == 1 THEN SAY " Mapping Required domain groups" address cmd samba.!netexe' groupmap add rid=512 ntgroup="Domain Admins" unixgroup="admin" type=domain comment="Domain Administrators"' address cmd samba.!netexe' groupmap add rid=513 ntgroup="Domain Users" unixgroup="users" type=domain comment="Domain Users"' address cmd samba.!netexe' groupmap add rid=514 ntgroup="Domain Guests" unixgroup="guests" type=domain comment="Domain Guests"' /* These group mappings are optional */ IF options.!debug == 1 THEN SAY " Mapping Optional domain groups" address cmd samba.!netexe' groupmap add rid=515 ntgroup="Domain Computers" unixgroup="machines" type=domain comment="Domain Computers"' address cmd samba.!netexe' groupmap add rid=516 ntgroup="Domain Controllers" unixgroup="dc" type=domain comment="Domain Controllers"' address cmd samba.!netexe' groupmap add rid=517 ntgroup="Domain Certificate Admins" unixgroup="certadmin" type=domain comment="Domain Certificate Administrators"' address cmd samba.!netexe' groupmap add rid=518 ntgroup="Domain Schema Admins" unixgroup="schemeadmin" type=domain comment="Domain Schema Administrators"' address cmd samba.!netexe' groupmap add rid=519 ntgroup="Domain Enterprise Admins" unixgroup="entadmin" type=domain comment="Domain Enterprise Administrators"' address cmd samba.!netexe' groupmap add rid=520 ntgroup="Domain Policy Admins" unixgroup="poladmin" type=domain comment="Domain Policy Administrators"' /* The following ones are unsupported at the moment - use at your own risk */ /* IF options.!debug == 1 THEN SAY say " Mapping Builtin groups" address cmd samba.!netexe' groupmap add rid=544 ntgroup="Builtin Admins" unixgroup="ntadmin" type=builtin address cmd samba.!netexe' groupmap add rid=545 ntgroup="Builtin Users" unixgroup="ntusers" type=builtin address cmd samba.!netexe' groupmap add rid=546 ntgroup="Builtin Guests" unixgroup="ntguests" type=builtin address cmd samba.!netexe' groupmap add rid=547 ntgroup="Builtin Power Users" unixgroup="" type=builtin address cmd samba.!netexe' groupmap add rid=548 ntgroup="Builtin Account Operators" unixgroup="" type=builtin address cmd samba.!netexe' groupmap add rid=549 ntgroup="Builtin System Operators" unixgroup="operator" type=builtin address cmd samba.!netexe' groupmap add rid=550 ntgroup="Builtin Print Operators" unixgroup="lp" type=builtin address cmd samba.!netexe' groupmap add rid=551 ntgroup="Builtin Backup Operators" unixgroup="backup" type=builtin address cmd samba.!netexe' groupmap add rid=552 ntgroup="Builtin Replicator" unixgroup="" type=builtin address cmd samba.!netexe' groupmap add rid=553 ntgroup="Builtin RAS Servers" unixgroup="" type=builtin */ IF options.!debug == 1 THEN SAY "_SambaGroupMapInst() done" return /*:VRX _SambaGuestCreate */ _SambaGuestCreate: IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say "_SambaGuestCreate() started" IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say ' 'samba.!smbpasswdexe' -a guest -n' samba.!smbpasswdexe' -a guest -n -D 0 2>'samba.!error' 1>'samba.!message if rc = 0 then call _SambaShowMsg else call _SambaShowError IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say "_SambaGuestCreate() done" return /*:VRX _SambaRootPWCheck */ _SambaRootPWCheck: if VRGet("EF_RootPassword","Value") ="" then do Msg.type = "E" Msg.Text = NLVGetMessage(57, "root") call _ShowMsg return 0 end if VRGet("EF_RootPassword_repeat","Value") ="" then do Msg.type = "E" Msg.Text = NLVGetMessage(58,"root") call _ShowMsg return 0 end if VRGet("EF_RootPassword","Value") <> VRGet("EF_RootPassword_repeat","Value") then do Msg.type = "E" Msg.Text = NLVGetMessage(59, "root") call _ShowMsg return 0 end return 1 /*:VRX _SambaRootPWSet */ _SambaRootPWSet: IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say "_SambaRootPWSet() started" /* Write root password to a temp file */ pwdfile = TempDir'newpwd' call lineout pwdfile, VRGet("EF_RootPassword","value") call lineout pwdfile, VRGet("EF_RootPassword","value") ok = stream(pwdfile,"c","close") /* Create the root account */ IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say ' 'samba.!smbpasswdexe' -a root -s <'pwdfile samba.!smbpasswdexe' -a root -s -D 0 <'pwdfile' 2>'samba.!error' 1>'samba.!message if rc = 0 then call _SambaShowMsg else call _SambaShowError /* Remove the temp password file */ ok = SysFileDelete(pwdfile) /* Deal with swat */ /* FixMe: We do not need htpasswd.exe anymore as we use rxcrypt.dll */ if swatauth then do /* we always remove the old swat */ say ' 'samba.!htpasswdexe' -D "'swatusers'" root' address cmd samba.!htpasswdexe' -D "'swatusers'" root' /* ' 2>'samba.!error' 1>'samba.!msg if rc <> 0 then call _SambaShowError; else call _SambaShowMsg */ if VRFileExists(swatusers) then cFlag = ""; else cFlag="c" say ' 'samba.!htpasswdexe' -b'cFLag' "'swatusers'" root **********' address cmd samba.!htpasswdexe' -b'cFlag' "'swatusers'" root 'VRGet("EF_RootPassword","value") /* ' 2>'samba.!error' 1>'samba.!msg if rc <> 0 then call _SambaShowError else call _SambaShowMsg */ end IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say "_SambaRootPWSet() done" return /*:VRX _SambaShowError */ _SambaShowError: procedure expose samba. settings. options. I = 0 do while lines(samba.!error) <> 0 I = I + 1 smberr.I = linein(samba.!error) say I':err:'smberr.I end ok = stream(Samba.!error,"c","close") ok = SysFileDelete(Samba.!error) smberr.0 = I /* we did not get any error text */ if smberr.0 = 0 then return Buttons.1 = "OK" Buttons.0 = 1 id = VRMessageStem( VRWindow(), "smberr.", VRGet("Main", "Caption") , "Error", "Buttons.", buttons.1, buttons.1 ) return /*:VRX _SambaShowMsg */ _SambaShowMsg: procedure expose samba. settings. options. I = 0 do while lines(samba.!message) <> 0 I = I + 1 smbmsg.I = linein(samba.!message) say I':msg:'smbmsg.I end ok = stream(Samba.!message,"c","close") ok = SysFileDelete(Samba.!message) smbmsg.0 = I /* we did not get any message */ if smbmsg.0 = 0 then return Buttons.1 = "OK" Buttons.0 = 1 id = VRMessageStem( VRWindow(), "smbmsg.", VRGet("Main", "Caption") , "I", "Buttons.", buttons.1, buttons.1 ) return /*:VRX _SambaUserCreate */ _SambaUserCreate: eCSUser = value("USER",,"OS2ENVIRONMENT") HostName = value("HOSTNAME",,"OS2ENVIRONMENT") if translate(eCSUser) = translate(Hostname) then do Msg.Text = NLVGetMessage(118, eCSUser) Msg.Type = "I" call _ShowMsg end if translate(eCSUser) <> "root" & translate(eCSUser) <> "guest" then do Msg.Text = NLVGetMessage(75, eCSUser) Msg.Type = "I" call _ShowMsg end return /*:VRX _SambaVersion */ _SambaVersion: say "_SambaVersion() started" address cmd samba.!smbd' -V >'samba.!msg samba.!version = linein(samba.!msg) say " Samba "samba.!version ok = stream(samba.!msg,"c","close") say "_SambaVersion() done" return /*:VRX _SaveChanges */ _SaveChanges: say '_SaveChanges() started for ['CurSection']' do I = 1 to words(ChangeList) ChangeObj = word(ChangeList,I) say "Changed object: "ChangeObj parse var ChangeObj ChangeObjType '_' ChangeVoc ChangeVoc = translate(ChangeVoc, ' ', '_') say "Changed voc: "ChangeVoc VocIdx = VRGet(ChangeObj,'Userdata') if ChangeObjType = "EF" then do NewVal = VRGet(ChangeObj, 'Value') parse var sections.CurSIdx.VocIdx OldVoc'='OldVal OldVoc = strip(oldVoc) sections.CurSIdx.VocIdx = OldVoc' = 'NewVal if VRGet(ChangeObj, 'Value') <> "" then do select when pos("\\", VRGet(ChangeObj, 'Value')) > 0 then ok = IniSet(ChangeVoc, VRGet(ChangeObj, 'Value'), CurSection, samba.!smbconf) when pos(" dir", ChangeVoc) > 0 then ok = IniSet(ChangeVoc, _bs2fs(VRGet(ChangeObj, 'Value')), CurSection, samba.!smbconf) when pos("file", ChangeVoc) > 0 then ok = IniSet(ChangeVoc, _bs2fs(VRGet(ChangeObj, 'Value')), CurSection, samba.!smbconf) when pos("path", ChangeVoc) > 0 then ok = IniSet(ChangeVoc, _bs2fs(VRGet(ChangeObj, 'Value')), CurSection, samba.!smbconf) /* when pos("command",ChangeVoc) > 0 then ok = IniSet(ChangeVoc, _bs2fs(VRGet(ChangeObj, 'Value')), CurSection, samba.!smbconf) */ /* when pos("script", ChangeVoc) > 0 then ok = IniSet(ChangeVoc, _bs2fs(VRGet(ChangeObj, 'Value')), CurSection, samba.!smbconf) */ otherwise ok = IniSet(ChangeVoc, VRGet(ChangeObj, 'Value'), CurSection, samba.!smbconf) end say "INISet ok = "ok end else do ok = IniDel( ChangeVoc, CurSection, samba.!smbconf ) say "INIDel ok = "ok if ok = "" then ok = 0 end end if ChangeObjType = "CB" then do If VRGet(ChangeObj, 'Set') then BoolVal = "Yes"; else BoolVal = "No" parse var sections.CurSIdx.VocIdx OldVoc'='OldVal OldVoc = strip(oldVoc) sections.CurSIdx.VocIdx = OldVoc' = 'BoolVal ok = IniSet(ChangeVoc, BoolVal, CurSection, samba.!smbconf) say "INISet ok = "ok" (Bool)" end end if ok = 0 then do Msg.Type = "I" Msg.Text = NLVGetMessage(51) end else do Msg.Type = "E" Msg.Text = NLVGetMessage(52) end call _ShowMsg call TM_Value_Trigger say '_SaveChanges() done' return /*:VRX _ShareObject_Changed */ _ShareObject_Changed: say "_ShareObject_Changed() started" ValueChanged = 1 if pos(VRGet(VRInfo("OBject"),"Name"), ChangeList) = 0 then Changelist = ChangeList' 'VRGet(VRInfo("OBject"),"Name") ok = VRSet("PB_Save", "Enabled", 1) say " ValueChanged = "ValueChanged say Changelist say "_ShareObject_Changed() done" return /*:VRX _SharesReset */ _SharesReset: say '_SharesReset started' ok = VRset("EF_path", "Value","") ok = VRFlush( , "EF_path" ) ok = VRset("CB_Browseable", "Set", 1) ok = VRFlush( , "CB_Browseable" ) ok = VRset("CB_Read_Only", "Set", 0) ok = VRFlush( , "CB_Read_Only") ok = VRset("CB_Guest_OK", "Set", 0) ok = VRFlush( , "CB_Guest_OK" ) do I = 1 to CreatedObjs.0 ok = VRDestroy(CreatedObjs.I) end say '_SharesReset done' return /*:VRX _ShowMsg */ _ShowMsg: Buttons.1 = "OK" Buttons.0 = 1 id = VRMessage( VRWindow(), Msg.Text, Msg.Title, Msg.Type, "Buttons.", buttons.1, buttons.1 ) return /*:VRX _Smb35Init */ _Smb35Init: IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say '_Smb35Init() started' say '1 -> 'samba.!smbpasswdexe' -a dummyuser -n -D 10' address cmd samba.!smbpasswdexe' -a dummyuser -n -D 10' say '2 -> 'samba.!smbpasswdexe' -x dummyuser -D 10' address cmd samba.!smbpasswdexe' -x dummyuser -D 10' say '3 -> 'samba.!pdbeditexe' --policies-reset -d=3' address cmd samba.!pdbeditexe' --policies-reset -d=3' say 'X -> ----------------------' IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say '_Smb35Init() done' return /*:VRX _SmbConfBackup */ _SmbConfBackup: ok = VRCopyFile( SmbConf, SmbConf"-backup" ) return /*:VRX _SmbConfCommitChanges */ _SmbConfCommitChanges: IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say '_SmbConfCommitChanges() started' src = TempDir'smb.conf' if stream(src,'c','query size') = 0 then do ok = VRCopyFile(smbconf,src) end trg = smbconf ok = SysFileDelete(smbconf) call lineout trg, '# Samba config file created using SSCC ver. 'word(VRGet("Main","Hinttext"),2) call lineout trg, '# from 'value("USER",,'OS2ENVIRONMENT')'@'value("HOSTNAME",,'OS2ENVIRONMENT') call lineout trg, '# Date: 'date()' 'time() lct = 0 do until lines(src) = 0 smbline = linein(src) if pos("idmap uid",smbline) > 0 then iterate if pos("idmap gid",smbline) > 0 then iterate if pos("idmap config",smbline) > 0 then iterate if pos("winbind separator",smbline) > 0 then iterate if pos("copy ",smbline) > 0 then iterate call lineout trg, smbline lct = lct + 1 end say "Lines saved "lct ok = stream(trg,'c','close') ok = stream(src,'c','close') ok = SysFileDelete(src) IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say '_SmbConfCommitChanges() done' return /*:VRX _SmbConfCreateDefault */ _SmbConfCreateDefault: ok = SysFileDelete(smbconf) /* Create a basic smb.conf */ call _SmbConfDefault_Global call _SmbConfDefault_Scripts if CreatePDC then do call _SmbConfDefault_NetLogon call _SmbConfDefault_Profiles end call _SmbConfDefault_Homes call _SmbConfDefault_SharePrinters call _SmbConfDefault_ShareDrives ok = stream(smbconf,'c','close') return /*:VRX _SmbConfCreateDefault_OldInstall */ _SmbConfCreateDefault_OldInstall: DriveList = SysDriveMap('C:','Local') ok = SysIni('SYSTEM', 'PM_SPOOLER_QUEUE_DESCR', 'ALL:','printers.') ok = VRSet("EF_NetBIOS_Name","Value", Value("HOSTNAME",,"OS2ENVIRONMENT")) DrivesOH.0 = 0 do I = 1 to words(DriveList) CurDrive = word(DriveList,I) Filesys = SysFilesystemType(Curdrive) DriveInfo=SysDriveInfo(CurDrive) parse var DriveInfo DrvLet CurFree CurSize CurLabel curlabel = strip(Curlabel) CurFree = word(Driveinfo,2) CurSize = word(Driveinfo,3) if Curlabel = "" then Curlabel = '?' if datatype(CurSize) = 'NUM' then do CurSize = CurSize/(1024*1024) CurFree = CurFree/(1024*1024) CurSize = format(CurSize,,0)'MB' CurFree = format(CurFree,,0)'MB' end else do CurSize = '?' CurFree = '?' end /* DrivesOH.I = VRCreate( "GB_Drives", "CheckBox", "Name", "CB_"left(CurDrive,1), "Top", 120, "Left", 1325+(I-1)*420, "Visible", 1, "Caption", CurDrive, "AutoSize", 1, "set", 1, "Userdata", FileSys, "HintText", CurDrive' ('Curlabel', 'FileSys') size: 'CurSize', free: 'CurFree) */ Shares.!drives.I = VRMethod( "CN_smbconf", "AddRecord", smbconf.!dirs,,left(CurDrive,1) ,"#4") if FileSys = '' | FileSys = 'CDFS' then do /* ok = VRSet(DrivesOH.I, "ForeColor", "Red") */ end /* if CurDrive = SysBootDrive() then ok = VRSet(DrivesOH.I, "Set", 0) if CurDrive = translate(left(samba.!bin,2)) then ok = VRSet(DrivesOH.I, "Set", 0) */ end DrivesOH.0 = I-1 PrintersOH.0 = 0 Colum = 1325 dx = 0 do I = 1 to printers.0 queue = printers.I name = strip(strip(SysIni('SYSTEM', 'PM_SPOOLER_QUEUE_DESCR', printers.I),'T','00'x),,';') /* PrintersOH.I = VRCreate( "GB_printers", "CheckBox", "Name", "CB_"queue, "Top", 120+(I-1-dx)*250, "Left", Colum, "Visible", 1, "Caption", Name, "AutoSize", 1, "set", 1, "UserData", Queue) */ Shares.!printers.I = VRMethod( "CN_smbconf", "AddRecord", smbconf.!printers,,queue,"#6") if I = 6 then do Colum = 4000 dx = 6 end end PrintersOH.0 = I-1 return /*:VRX _SmbConfDefault_Global */ _SmbConfDefault_Global: Migrate = (arg(1) = 1) if \Migrate then do /* when migrating these 4 lines are there already */ section = '[global]' call lineout smbconf, section call lineout smbconf, Indent||'workgroup = 'VRGet("EF_Workgroup_Initial","value") call lineout smbconf, Indent||'netbios name = 'value('HOSTNAME',,'OS2ENVIRONMENT') call lineout smbconf, Indent||'server string = %h Samba Server for eCS (OS/2)' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'comment = Samba Server for eCS (OS/2)' end call lineout smbconf, Indent||'dos charset = IBM-850' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'display charset = IBM-850' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'unix charset = IBM-850' CurCP = SysQueryProcessCodePage() if CurCP <> "850" then do Msg.Text = NLVGetMessage(117) Msg.Type = "W" call _ShowMsg end if UseTDBsam = 1 then do call lineout smbconf, Indent||'passdb backend = tdbsam' end call lineout smbconf, Indent||'log level = 2' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'log file = '||ETC||'\samba\log\log.smbd.%U.%M' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'null passwords = Yes' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'guest account = guest' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'security = user' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'load printers = No' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'time server = Yes' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'lock directory = '||ETC||'\samba\lock' /* This EA makes the testparm warning about browsing go away. Note: The EA is NOT marked critical as it should be, neverthelesse this fix works */ ok = SysPutEA(ETC||'\samba\lock',"MODE", "FEFF0400ED410000"x) call lineout smbconf, Indent||'ea support = Yes' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'store dos attributes = Yes' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'lm announce = Yes' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'wins support = Yes' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'wide links = No' ok = SysFileTree(samba.!printcap,exist.,'FO') if exist.0 = 1 then do call lineout smbconf, Indent||'printcap name = 'samba.!printcap end samba.!smbusermap = ETC||'\samba\private\smbusermap' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'username map = 'samba.!smbusermap if \VRFileExists(samba.!smbusermap) then call _SmbUserMapCreate if CreatePDC then do call lineout smbconf, Indent||'local master = Yes' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'preferred master = Yes' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'domain master = Yes' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'os level = 65' call lineout smbconf, ';'Indent||'domain groups =' call lineout smbconf, ';'Indent||'domain admin group = ' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'domain admin users = root' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'domain logons = Yes' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'logon home = \\%L\Profiles\%U' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'logon path = \\%L\Profiles\%U' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'logon drive = z:' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'logon script = %U.cmd' end else do call lineout smbconf, Indent||'create mask = 0777' end ok = stream(smbconf, 'c','close') return /*:VRX _SmbConfDefault_Homes */ _SmbConfDefault_Homes: /* Create Homes section */ call lineout smbconf, '[HOMES]' call lineout smbconf, Indent||"comment = Home directory" smbhome = samba.!bin'\homes' Home = strip(value('Home',,'OS2ENVIRONMENT'),'T','\') if Home <> '' then do User = value('USER',,'OS2ENVIRONMENT') if User <> '' then do if translate(User) = translate(Filespec('N',Home)) | translate(Filespec('N',Home)) = "DEFAULT" then smbHome = strip(filespec('D',Home)||filespec('P',Home),'T','\') end end ok = SysMkDir(smbhome) call lineout smbconf, Indent||"path = "_bs2fs(smbhome)'/%u' call lineout smbconf, Indent||"read only = No" call lineout smbconf, Indent||"browseable = No" call lineout smbconf, Indent ok = stream(smbconf, 'c','close') return /*:VRX _SmbConfDefault_Netlogon */ _SmbConfDefault_Netlogon: /* Create Netlogon section */ call lineout smbconf, '[NETLOGON]' call lineout smbconf, Indent||"comment = Netlogon service" smbnetlogon = samba.!bin'\netlogon' ok = SysMkDir(smbnetlogon) call lineout smbconf, Indent||"path = "_bs2fs(smbnetlogon) call lineout smbconf, Indent||"read only = Yes" call lineout smbconf, Indent||"browseable = Yes" call lineout smbconf, Indent||"share modes = No" call lineout smbconf, Indent ok = stream(smbconf, 'c','close') return /*:VRX _SmbConfDefault_Profiles */ _SmbConfDefault_Profiles: /* Create profiles section */ call lineout smbconf, '[profiles]' call lineout smbconf, Indent||"comment = profiles" smbprofiles = samba.!bin'\profiles' ok = SysMkDir(smbprofiles) call lineout smbconf, Indent||"path = "_bs2fs(smbprofiles) call lineout smbconf, Indent||"profile acls = Yes" call lineout smbconf, Indent||"read only = No" call lineout smbconf, Indent||"browseable = Yes" call lineout smbconf, Indent||"create mask = 0777" call lineout smbconf, Indent||"directory mask = 0777" call lineout smbconf, Indent ok = stream(smbconf, 'c','close') return /*:VRX _SmbConfDefault_Scripts */ _SmbConfDefault_Scripts: smbtools = samba.!bin /* user scripts */ call lineout smbconf, ';'||Indent||'user scripts' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'add user script = '||smbtools||'\usermod.cmd -a "%u"' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'delete user script = '||smbtools||'\usermod.cmd -x "%u"' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'rename user script = '||smbtools||'\usermod.cmd -r "%uold" "%unew"' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'add machine script = '||smbtools||'\usermod.cmd -a "%u"' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'set primary group script = '||smbtools||'\usermod.cmd -p "%u" "%g"' /* group scripts */ call lineout smbconf, ';'||Indent||'group scripts' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'add group script = '||smbtools||'\groupmod.cmd -a "%g"' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'delete group script = '||smbtools||'\groupmod.cmd -x "%g"' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'add user to group script = '||smbtools||'\groupmod.cmd -j "%g" "%u"' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'delete user from group script = '||smbtools||'\groupmod.cmd -l "%g" "%u"' /* share scripts */ call lineout smbconf, ';'||Indent||'share scripts' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'add share command = '||smbtools||'\addshare.cmd' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'change share command = '||smbtools||'\changeshare.cmd' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'delete share command = '||smbtools||'\delshare.cmd' /* other scripts */ call lineout smbconf, ';'||Indent||'other scripts' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'enumports command = '||smbtools||'\enumports.cmd' call lineout smbconf, Indent call lineout smbconf ok = stream(smbconf, 'c','close') return /*:VRX _SmbConfDefault_ShareDrives */ _SmbConfDefault_ShareDrives: DriveList = SysDriveMap('C:','Local') do I = 1 to words(DriveList) CurDrive = word(DriveList,I) say CurDrive Filesys = SysFilesystemType(Curdrive) DriveInfo=SysDriveInfo(CurDrive) parse var DriveInfo DrvLet CurFree CurSize CurLabel if FileSys = '' | FileSys = 'CDFS' then do read_write = 'read only = Yes' end else do read_write = 'read only = No' end if FileSys = '' then FileSys = 'CDFS' section = '['left(curdrive,1)']' comment = 'comment = 'Drive' 'CurDrive' ('FileSys')' path = 'path = 'Curdrive'/' guest_ok = 'guest ok = Yes' hide_files = 'hide files = /*. SF/root/' call lineout smbconf, section call lineout smbconf, Indent||comment call lineout smbconf, Indent||path call lineout smbconf, Indent||read_write call lineout smbconf, Indent||guest_ok call lineout smbconf, Indent||hide_files call lineout smbconf, Indent end ok = stream(smbconf, 'c','close') return /* browsable = 'browsable = Yes' printable = 'printable = No' public = 'public = Yes' call lineout smbconf, Indent||browsable call lineout smbconf, Indent||printable call lineout smbconf, Indent||public */ /*:VRX _SmbConfDefault_SharePrinters */ _SmbConfDefault_SharePrinters: ok = SysIni('SYSTEM', 'PM_SPOOLER_QUEUE_DESCR', 'ALL:','printers.') do I = 1 to printers.0 queue = printers.I name = strip(strip(SysIni('SYSTEM', 'PM_SPOOLER_QUEUE_DESCR', printers.I),'T','00'x),,';') /* call lineout samba.!printcap, queue'|'name */ section = '['queue']' path = 'path = 'ETC'\samba\spool\'queue ok = SysMkDir(ETC'\samba\spool\'queue) comment = 'comment = 'name create_mask = 'create mask = 0700' guest_ok = 'guest ok = Yes' printable = 'printable = Yes' print_command = 'print command = 'samba.!bin'\smbprint.exe "%s" "%p" "%J" "%c" "%z"' printer_name = 'printer name = 'queue call lineout smbconf, section call lineout smbconf, Indent||comment call lineout smbconf, Indent||path call lineout smbconf, Indent||create_mask call lineout smbconf, Indent||printable call lineout smbconf, Indent||print_command call lineout smbconf, Indent||printer_name call lineout smbconf, Indent||guest_ok call lineout smbconf, Indent end ok = stream(smbconf, 'c','close') ok = stream(samba.!printcap,'c','close') return /* browsable = 'browsable = Yes' call lineout smbconf, Indent||browsable */ /*:VRX _SmbConfLoad */ _SmbConfLoad: IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say '_SmbConfLoad() started' IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say ' Loading "'samba.!smbconf'" ('stream(samba.!smbconf,'c','query size')' bytes)' /* ok = IniEnumSections(sections., samba.!smbconf) */ section. = "" sections.0 = 0 call _MyIniEnumSections(samba.!smbconf) special = 'global printers netlogon print$ homes profiles' Specialstatus.0 = sections.0 PrintStatus.0 = sections.0 sectionhandles.0 = sections.0 recordhandle.0 = sections.0 do I = 1 to sections.0 IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say ' ['sections.I'] section loaded' if wordpos(translate(sections.I),translate(special)) > 0 Then SpecialStatus.I = 1 Else SpecialStatus.I = 0 PrintRes = IniGet("Printable", sections.I, samba.!smbconf) if Translate(PrintRes) = "YES" | Translate(PrintRes) = "TRUE" then PrintStatus.I = 1 else PrintStatus.I = 0 IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say ' ['sections.I'] status (special:'SpecialStatus.I', print:'Printstatus.I')' if Printstatus.I = 1 & SpecialStatus.I = 0 then do /* printer share */ recordhandle.I = VRMethod( "CN_smbconf", "AddRecord", smbconf.!printers,,sections.I,"#65:PMWP.DLL") ok = VRMethod("CN_smbconf","SetRecordAttr",recordhandle.I,"ReadOnly", 1) IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say ' ['sections.I'] added to shared printer tree' end if Printstatus.I = 0 & SpecialStatus.I = 0 then do /* directory share */ recordhandle.I = VRMethod( "CN_smbconf", "AddRecord", smbconf.!dirs,, sections.I,"#64:PMWP.DLL") ok = VRMethod("CN_smbconf","SetRecordAttr",recordhandle.I,"ReadOnly", 1) IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say ' ['sections.I'] added to shared folder tree' end if translate(sections.I) = 'PROFILES' then do recordhandle.I = smbconf.!profiles ok = VRMethod("CN_smbconf","SetRecordAttr",recordhandle.I,"Visible", 1) end if translate(sections.I) = 'NETLOGON' then do recordhandle.I = smbconf.!netlogon ok = VRMethod("CN_smbconf","SetRecordAttr",recordhandle.I,"Visible", 1) end if translate(sections.I) = 'HOMES' then do recordhandle.I = smbconf.!homes ok = VRMethod("CN_smbconf","SetRecordAttr",recordhandle.I,"Visible", 1) end if translate(sections.I) = 'GLOBAL' then recordhandle.I = smbconf.!global end ok = VRMethod("CN_smbconf","SetRecordAttr",smbconf.!root, "Collapsed", 0 ) IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say '_SmbConfLoad() done' return /* if VRGet("DT_AlreadySmbConf","Visible") then do smbline = strip(translate(linein(smbconf),' ','09'x)) do while translate(left(smbline,8)) <> "[GLOBAL]" smbline = strip(translate(linein(smbconf),' ','09'x)) end do until left(smbline,1) = '[' smbline = strip(translate(linein(smbconf),' ','09'x)) parse var smbline voc '=' val voc = strip(voc) val = strip(val) if translate(voc) = "WORKGROUP" then do ok = VRset("EF_WorkGroup", "Value", val) ok = VRSet("EF_WorkGroup", "BackColor", "(255,255,180)") end if translate(voc) = "NETBIOS NAME" then do ok = VRset("EF_NetBIOS_Name", "Value", val) ok = VRSet("EF_NetBIOS_Name", "BackColor", "(255,255,180)") end if translate(voc) = "SERVER STRING" then do ok = VRset("EF_Server_String", "Value", val) ok = VRSet("EF_server_string", "BackColor", "(255,255,180)") end end ok = stream(smbconf, 'c','close') end */ /*:VRX _SmbConfMigratePeer */ _SmbConfMigratePeer: Ok = SysFileDelete(smbconf) /* Migrate Peer To Samba */ /* IBMLAN.INI part */ ibmlanline = strip(translate(linein(ibmlanini),' ',Indent)) do while translate(left(ibmlanline,11)) <> "[REQUESTER]" ibmlanline = strip(translate(linein(ibmlanini),' ',Indent)) end call lineout smbconf, '[global]' do until left(ibmlanline,1) = '[' ibmlanline = strip(translate(linein(ibmlanini),' ',Indent)) parse var ibmlanline voc '=' val voc = strip(voc) val = strip(val) if translate(voc) = "DOMAIN" then do call lineout smbconf, Indent||'workgroup = 'val end if translate(voc) = "COMPUTERNAME" then do call lineout smbconf, Indent||'netbios name = 'val end end do while translate(left(ibmlanline,6)) <> '[PEER]' ibmlanline = strip(translate(linein(ibmlanini),' ',Indent)) end do until left(ibmlanline,1) = '[' | lines(ibmlanini) = 0 ibmlanline = strip(translate(linein(ibmlanini),' ',Indent)) parse var ibmlanline voc '=' val voc = strip(voc) val = strip(val) if translate(voc) = "SRVCOMMENT" then do call lineout smbconf, Indent||'server string = 'val call lineout smbconf, Indent||'comment = 'val end end call _SmbConfDefault_Global 1 /* 1 = migration mode */ call _SmbConfDefault_Scripts if CreatePDC then do call _SmbConfDefault_NetLogon call _SmbConfDefault_Profiles end call _SmbConfDefault_Homes /* LSSHARE.INI part */ ok = SysINI(lsshareini,"ALL:","Shares." ) SharePath.0 = shares.0 Comment.0 = shares.0 Type.0 = shares.0 ok = VRMethod( "Application", "ListPrinters", "printer." ) do I = 1 to shares.0 call lineout smbconf, '['Shares.I']' sharepath.I = SysINI(lsshareini, shares.I, 'Path') Type.I = c2d(left(SysINI(lsshareini, shares.I, 'Type'),1)) if Type.I = '1' then do /* We migrate a printer */ do J = 1 to printer.0 parse var printer.J PrinterName';'PrinterQueue';'PrinterDriver if PrinterQueue = Sharepath.I then leave end call lineout smbconf, Indent||'path = '_bs2fs(ETC'\samba\spool\'printerqueue) ok = SysMkDir(ETC'\samba\spool\'printerqueue) call lineout smbconf, Indent||'comment = 'Printername call lineout smbconf, Indent||'create mask = 0700' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'printer name = 'printerqueue call lineout smbconf, Indent||'printing = os2' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'printable = Yes' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'print command = 'samba.!bin'\smbprint.exe "%s" "%p" "%J" "%c" "%z"' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'browseable = Yes' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'guest ok = Yes' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'read only = No' end else do /* we migrate a folder */ Comment.I = SysINI(lsshareini, shares.I, 'Remark') call lineout smbconf, Indent||'comment = 'Comment.I call lineout smbconf, Indent||'path = 'translate(Sharepath.I,'/','\') call lineout smbconf, Indent||'read only = No' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'browseable = Yes' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'hide files = /*. SF/root/' end call lineout smbconf, " " end ok = stream(smbconf,'c','close') return /*:VRX _SmbConfRestore */ _SmbConfRestore: ok = VRCopyFile( SmbConf"-backup", SmbConf) return /*:VRX _SmbConfShareRemove */ _SmbConfShareRemove: Aborted = 0 ok = VRMethod( "CN_smbconf", "GetRecordList", "Selected", "SelectedHandle." ) if Selectedhandle.0 = 0 then return Msg.Title = NLVGetMessage(67) do I = 1 to sections.0 if recordhandle.I = SelectedHandle.1 then do if recordhandle.I = smbconf.!homes | recordhandle.I = smbconf.!global then do Msg.Text = NLVGetMessage(61, Sections.I) Msg.Type = 'E' call _ShowMsg Aborted = 1 return end Msg.Text = NLVGetMessage(62, Sections.I) Msg.Type = "Q" ok = _MsgYesNo() if ok = 2 then return NewSmbConf = TempDir'smb.conf' ok = SysFileDelete(NewSmbConf) smbline = strip(linein(smbconf)) do while left(translate(smbline),length(sections.I)+2) <> translate('['sections.I']') call lineout NewSmbConf, smbline smbline = strip(linein(smbconf)) end smbline = strip(linein(smbconf)) do while left(translate(smbline),1) <> '[' & lines(smbconf) <> 0 smbline = strip(linein(smbconf)) end do until lines(smbconf) = 0 call lineout NewSmbConf, smbline smbline = strip(linein(smbconf)) end call lineout NewSmbConf, smbline ok = stream(smbconf, 'c', 'close') ok = stream(Newsmbconf, 'c', 'close') ok = VRCopyFile( NewSmbConf, smbconf ) end end call _SmbConfTreeReset if _SambaRunning() then do Msg.Text = NLVGetMessage(69) Msg.Type = 'I' call _ShowMsg end return /*:VRX _SmbConfShareRename */ _SmbConfShareRename: Aborted = 0 ok = VRMethod( "CN_smbconf", "GetRecordList", "Selected", "SelectedHandle." ) if Selectedhandle.0 = 0 then return do I = 1 to sections.0 if recordhandle.I = SelectedHandle.1 then do if recordhandle.I = smbconf.!homes | recordhandle.I = smbconf.!global then do Msg.Text = NLVGetMessage(66, Sections.I) Msg.Type = 'E' call _ShowMsg Aborted = 1 return end Buttons.1 = NLVGetMessage(2) Buttons.2 = NLVGetMessage(3) Buttons.0 = 2 NewShareName = Sections.I id = VRPrompt( VRWindow(), NLVGetMessage(66), "NewShareName", NLVGetMessage(68), "Buttons.", buttons.1, buttons.2 ) if ID = 2 | NewShareName = "" then return NewSmbConf = TempDir'smb.conf' ok = SysFileDelete(NewSmbConf) smbline = strip(linein(smbconf)) do while left(translate(smbline),length(sections.I)+2) <> translate('['sections.I']') call lineout NewSmbConf, smbline smbline = strip(linein(smbconf)) end call lineout NewSmbConf, '['NewShareName']' smbline = strip(linein(smbconf)) do until lines(smbconf) = 0 call lineout NewSmbConf, smbline smbline = strip(linein(smbconf)) end call lineout NewSmbConf, smbline ok = stream(smbconf, 'c', 'close') ok = stream(Newsmbconf, 'c', 'close') ok = VRCopyFile( NewSmbConf, smbconf ) end end call _SmbConfTreeReset if _SambaRunning() then do Msg.Text = NLVGetMessage(69) Msg.Type = 'I' call _ShowMsg end return /*:VRX _SmbConfTreeInit */ _SmbConfTreeInit: IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say '_SmbConfTreeInit() started.' call _CfgPageSetupSize "GB_Help" call _CfgPageSetupSize "GB_Global" call _CfgPageSetupSize "GB_Shares" IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say ' Page setup done.' ok = VRMethod("CN_smbconf", "RemoveRecord", "ALL") smbconf.!root = VRMethod( "CN_smbconf", "AddRecord",,, "smb.conf","#33:PMWP.DLL") smbconf.!global = VRMethod( "CN_smbconf", "AddRecord", smbconf.!root,, "Global","#33:PMWP.DLL") smbconf.!homes = VRMethod( "CN_smbconf", "AddRecord", smbconf.!root,, "Homes","#33:PMWP.DLL") smbconf.!netlogon = VRMethod( "CN_smbconf", "AddRecord", smbconf.!root,, "Netlogon","#33:PMWP.DLL") smbconf.!profiles = VRMethod( "CN_smbconf", "AddRecord", smbconf.!root,, "Profiles","#33:PMWP.DLL") smbconf.!printers = VRMethod( "CN_smbconf", "AddRecord", smbconf.!root,, NLVGetMessage(45),"#93:PMWP.DLL") smbconf.!dirs = VRMethod( "CN_smbconf", "AddRecord", smbconf.!root,, NLVGetMessage(46),"#27:PMWP.DLL") IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say ' smb.conf sections created.' ok = VRMethod("CN_smbconf","SetRecordAttr",smbconf.!netlogon, "Visible", 0 , "ReadOnly", 1) ok = VRMethod("CN_smbconf","SetRecordAttr",smbconf.!profiles, "Visible", 0 , "ReadOnly", 1) ok = VRMethod("CN_smbconf","SetRecordAttr",smbconf.!homes, "Visible", 0 , "ReadOnly", 1) ok = VRMethod("CN_smbconf","SetRecordAttr",smbconf.!root, "Collapsed",1, "ReadOnly", 1 ) ok = VRMethod("CN_smbconf","SetRecordAttr",smbconf.!global, "ReadOnly", 1) ok = VRMethod("CN_smbconf","SetRecordAttr",smbconf.!printers, "ReadOnly", 1) ok = VRMethod("CN_smbconf","SetRecordAttr",smbconf.!dirs, "ReadOnly", 1) IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say ' visibility set.' IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say '_SmbConfTreeInit() done.' return /*:VRX _SmbConfTreeReset */ _SmbConfTreeReset: call _SharesReset ok = VRMethod( "CN_SmbConf", "RemoveRecord", smbconf.!root ) call _SmbConfTreeInit call _GUIInit return /*:VRX _SmbUserMapCreate */ _SmbUserMapCreate: call lineout samba.!smbusermap, '# Created by SSCC version 'word(VRGet("Main","Hinttext"),2)' on 'date()' at 'time() call lineout samba.!smbusermap, '# syntax:' call lineout samba.!smbusermap, '# Samba username = Windows username' call lineout samba.!smbusermap, 'root = Administrator' ok = stream(samba.!smbusermap,'c','close') return /*:VRX About_Close */ About_Close: call About_Fini return /*:VRX About_Create */ About_Create: call About_Init ok = VRSet("About","Caption", NLVGetMessage(31)) ok = VRSet("PB_AboutOK","Caption", NLVGetMessage(2)) SambaTeam.0 = 9 SambaTeam.1 = 'Silvan Scherrer' SambaTeam.2 = 'Herwig Bauernfeind' SambaTeam.3 = 'Vitali Pelenyov' SambaTeam.4 = 'Paul Smedley' SambaTeam.5 = 'Yuri Dario' SambaTeam.6 = 'Alex Taylor' SambaTeam.7 = 'Nikolay Kolosov' SambaTeam.8 = 'All the Samba people' SambaTeam.9 = 'All the netlabs people' ok = VRSet("About","Font", VRGet("GB_Help2","Font")) ok = VRMethod("LB_SambaTeam","AddStringList", "SambaTeam." ) ok = VRSet("DT_SambaTeam","Caption", NLVGetMessage(72)) ok = VRSet("MLE_Version","Value", NLVGetMessage(1)||'0D0A'x||VRGet("Main", "Hinttext")||'0D0A'x||'0D0A'x||SambaVer) return /*:VRX About_Fini */ About_Fini: window = VRInfo( "Window" ) call VRDestroy window drop window return /*:VRX About_Init */ About_Init: window = VRInfo( "Object" ) if( \VRIsChildOf( window, "Notebook" ) ) then do call VRMethod window, "CenterWindow" call VRSet window, "Visible", 1 call VRMethod window, "Activate" end drop window return /*:VRX CB_Browseable_Click */ CB_Browseable_Click: call _ShareObject_Changed return /*:VRX CB_EA_Support_Click */ CB_EA_Support_Click: call _ShareObject_Changed return /*:VRX CB_Guest_OK_Click */ CB_Guest_OK_Click: call _ShareObject_Changed return /*:VRX CB_LM_Announce_Click */ CB_LM_Announce_Click: call _ShareObject_Changed return /*:VRX CB_Null_passwords_Click */ CB_Null_passwords_Click: call _ShareObject_Changed return /*:VRX CB_Read_Only_Click */ CB_Read_Only_Click: call _ShareObject_Changed return /*:VRX CB_RemoveSmbConf_Click */ CB_RemoveSmbConf_Click: ok = VRSet("CB_RemoveBackend", "Enabled", VRGet("CB_RemoveSmbConf","set")) if VRGet("CB_RemoveBackend", "Enabled") = 0 then ok = VRSet("CB_RemoveBackend", "Set", 0) return /*:VRX CB_Store_DOS_attributes_Click */ CB_Store_DOS_attributes_Click: call _ShareObject_Changed return /*:VRX CB_Time_Server_Click */ CB_Time_Server_Click: call _ShareObject_Changed return /*:VRX CB_WINS_Support_Click */ CB_WINS_Support_Click: call _ShareObject_Changed return /*:VRX CN_smbconf_Click */ CN_smbconf_Click: IF options.!debug == 1 THEN SAY 'CN_smbconf_Click() started' IF options.!debug == 1 THEN SAY ' Using 'smbconf' ('stream(smbconf,'c','query size')' bytes)' if ValueChanged then do if CurSection <> "" then do Msg.Title = NLVGetMessage('1') Msg.Text = NLVGetMessage(60, CurSection) ok = _MsgYesNo() if ok = 1 then call _SaveChanges CurSection = "" end end Ok = VRset("Main", "Painting", 0) ok = VRset("GB_Help", "Visible", 0) ok = VRset("GB_Global", "Visible", 0) ok = VRset("GB_Shares", "Visible", 0) ok = VRMethod( "CN_smbconf", "GetRecordList", "Selected", "Prophandle." ) if PropHandle.0 = 0 then do IF options.!debug == 1 THEN SAY 'CN_smbconf_Click() aborted, no handle' Ok = VRset("Main", "Painting", 1) return end ParentHandle = VRMethod("CN_smbconf","GetRecordAttr", Prophandle.1,"Parent") if Prophandle.1 = smbconf.!root then ok = VRset("GB_Help", "Visible", 1) if Prophandle.1 = smbconf.!global | Parenthandle = smbconf.!global then call _ActiveGroup "Global" if Prophandle.1 = smbconf.!homes | Parenthandle = smbconf.!homes then call _ActiveGroup "Shares" if Prophandle.1 = smbconf.!netlogon | Parenthandle = smbconf.!netlogon then call _ActiveGroup "Shares" if Prophandle.1 = smbconf.!profiles | Parenthandle = smbconf.!profiles then call _ActiveGroup "Shares" if Prophandle.1 = smbconf.!dirs then call _ActiveGroup "Help" if Prophandle.1 = smbconf.!printers then call _ActiveGroup "Help" if Parenthandle = smbconf.!dirs then call _ActiveGroup "Shares" if Parenthandle = smbconf.!printers then call _ActiveGroup "Shares" call _SharesReset Ok = VRset("Main", "Painting", 1) ok = VRSet("TM_Value", "Enabled", 1) if Prophandle.1 = smbconf.!root | Prophandle.1 = smbconf.!dirs | Prophandle.1 = smbconf.!printers then do IF options.!debug == 1 THEN SAY 'CN_smbconf_Click() aborted, got parent handle' Ok = VRset("Main", "Painting", 1) return end IF options.!debug == 1 THEN SAY ' Got child handle, start populating now' ObjYPos = 1280+361+72-120 ObjXPos = 1325+72 ObjDelta= 380 CreatedObjs.0 = 0 Objs = 0 Page = 1 /* for global */ do I = 1 to sections.0 if Prophandle.1 <> recordhandle.I then iterate Ok = VRset("Main", "Painting", 0) CurSection = sections.I CurSIdx = I upCurSection = translate(CurSection) IF options.!debug == 1 THEN SAY ' Section ['sections.I']' if upCurSection = 'GLOBAL' then do ObjYPos = 1605+-120+361+361+361+361+361+361 ObjXPos = 1325 ObjDelta = 320 if Page = 1 then do if \VRIsValidObject("GB_"ActiveGroup"_1") then do ActiveGroupObj = VRCreate("GB_Global", "Window", "Name", "GL_GLOBAL_"Page, "Height", 1500, "Width", 1500, "Visible", 0, "Font", "9.WarpSans") IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say ' Neues Fenster VRCreate = 'ok ok = VRLoad( "GB_Global", VRWindowPath(), "GL_GLOBAL_"Page ) IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say ' VRLoad = 'ok ok = VRMethod("GB_Global", "InsertPage", "GL_GLOBAL_"Page, "+"Page) IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say ' InsertPage = 'ok /* ok = VRset("Main", "Painting", 1) Msg.Text = NLVGetMessage(114) Msg.Type = "I" call _ShowMsg return */ end ActiveGroupObj = VRGet("GB_"ActiveGroup"_1", "Self") end end else do if \VRIsValidObject("GB_"ActiveGroup) then do ok = VRset("Main", "Painting", 1) Msg.Text = NLVGetMessage(114) Msg.Type = "I" call _ShowMsg return end ActiveGroupObj = "GB_"ActiveGroup ok = VRSet("DT_"ActiveGroup,"Caption",sections.I) end say "CurSection="CurSection say "smbconf="smbconf /* ok = IniEnum("Voc", hdl) */ /* Old command: Fill the Voc stem with vocabulary */ call _MyIniEnum(CurSection) if upCurSection <> 'GLOBAL' then do ok = VRSet("CB_Read_Only", "set", 1) end do V = 1 to Voc.0 /* loop for every vocabulary */ ValueChanged = 0 ChangeList = "" /* get value for this vocabulary */ Val.V = IniGet(Voc.V, CurSection, samba.!smbconf) /* this is currently done by _MyIniEnum (which is probably not good) */ select when pos("\\",Val.V) > 0 then nop when pos(" dir",Voc.V) > 0 then Val.V = _fs2bs(Val.V) when pos("file",Voc.V) > 0 then Val.V = _fs2bs(Val.V) when pos("path",Voc.V) > 0 then Val.V = _fs2bs(Val.V) when pos("username map",Voc.V) > 0 then Val.V = _fs2bs(Val.V) otherwise nop /* do not beautify */ end IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say ' Process: "'Voc.V'" = "'Val.V'"' /* Proper format to ease checking and object creation */ upVal = translate(Val.V) upVoc = translate(translate(Voc.V,'_',' ')) if upVal = 'YES'| upVal = 'NO' then VocObjType = 'CB' else VocObjType = 'EF' /* Non configurable items */ if upVoc = "PRINTABLE" then iterate if pos('SCRIPT', upVoc) > 0 then iterate if pos('COMMAND', upVoc) > 0 then iterate if upVoc = "COMMENT" then do CurPage = Page CurActiveGroupObj = ActiveGroupObj if Page <> 1 then ActiveGroupObj = VRGet("GB_"ActiveGroup"_1", "Self") OldObjYPos = ObjYPos if upCurSection = "GLOBAL" then ObjYPos = 860-120 else ObjYPos = 860+361+72 if _CreateVocObject() then do ok = VRSet(VocObjType"_"upVoc, 'Value', Val.V) ok = VRFlush( , VocObjType"_"upVoc ) end ActiveGroupObj = CurActiveGroupObj Page = CurPage ObjYPos = OldObjYPos end else do /* Normalfall */ if _CreateVocObject() then do if upVal = "YES" | upVal = "NO" then do ok = VRset(VocObjType"_"upVoc,"Set", (upVal="YES")) ok = VRFlush( , VocObjType"_"upVoc ) end else do ok = VRSet(VocObjType"_"upVoc, 'Value', Val.V) ok = VRFlush( , VocObjType"_"upVoc ) if translate(VocObjType"_"upVoc) = VocObjType"_PRINTER_NAME" then do ok = VRSet(VocObjType"_"upVoc, 'ReadOnly', 1) ok = VRSet(VocObjType"_"upVoc, 'BackColor', 'PaleGray') end end end nop end ok = VRSet(VocObjType"_"upVoc, 'Userdata', V) if upCurSection = 'GLOBAL' then do if upVoc = "WINBIND_SEPARATOR" then do /* Workaround for Samba Ticket #57 */ ok = VRset("DT_WINBIND_SEPARATOR","Visible","0") ok = VRset("EF_WINBIND_SEPARATOR","Value","|") ok = VRFlush( , "EF_WINBIND_SEPARATOR" ) ok = VRset("EF_WINBIND_SEPARATOR","Visible",0) ObjYPos = ObjYPos - ObjDelta end if ObjYPos > VRGet("GB_Global","Height") - 1200 then do /* Ok = VRset("Main", "Painting", 1) */ Page = Page + 1 if Page = 2 then do Ok = VRset("Main", "Painting", 1) ok = VRSet("Main", 'Pointer', 'Wait' ) Ok = VRset("Main", "Painting", 0) end if \VRIsValidOBject("GL_GLOBAL_"Page) then do ActiveGroupObj = VRCreate("GB_Global", "Window", "Name", "GL_GLOBAL_"Page, "Height", 1500, "Width", 1500, "Visible", 0, "Font", "9.WarpSans") IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say ' Neues Fenster VRCreate = 'ok ok = VRLoad( "GB_Global", VRWindowPath(), "GL_GLOBAL_"Page ) IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say ' VRLoad = 'ok ok = VRMethod("GB_Global", "InsertPage", "GL_GLOBAL_"Page, "+"Page) IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say ' InsertPage = 'ok end else do ActiveGroupObj = VRGet("GL_GLOBAL_"Page, "Self") end ObjYPos = 0 IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say " Page ="page /* Ok = VRset("Main", "Painting", 0) */ end end end end if upCurSection = "GLOBAL" then do if VRGet("EF_Netbios_name","Value") = "" then do ok = VRset("EF_NETBIOS_NAME","Value",Value("HOSTNAME",,"OS2ENVIRONMENT")) ok = VRFlush( , "EF_NETBIOS_NAME" ) end if VRGet("EF_WorkGroup","Value") = "" then do ok = VRset("EF_WorkGroup","Value","WORKGROUP") ok = VRFlush( , "EF_WorkGroup" ) end end Ok = VRset("Main", "Painting", 1) ok = VRSet("Main", 'Pointer', '' ) IF options.!debug == 1 THEN SAY 'CN_smbconf_Click() done' return /*:VRX CN_smbconf_ContextMenu */ CN_smbconf_ContextMenu: ok = VRMethod( "CN_smbconf", "GetRecordList", "Selected", "Prophandle." ) if PropHandle.0 = 0 then return ParentHandle = VRMethod("CN_smbconf","GetRecordAttr", Prophandle.1,"Parent") ok = VRset("Menu_ShareContext_AddPrinter", "Visible", 0) ok = VRset("Menu_ShareContext_RenamePrinter", "Visible", 0) ok = VRset("Menu_ShareContext_RemovePrinter", "Visible", 0) ok = VRset("Menu_ShareContext_Add", "Visible", 0) ok = VRset("Menu_ShareContext_Rename", "Visible", 0) ok = VRset("Menu_ShareContext_Remove", "Visible", 0) if Prophandle.1 = smbconf.!root then ok = VRset("GB_Help", "Visible", 1) if Prophandle.1 = smbconf.!global | Parenthandle = smbconf.!global then return if Prophandle.1 = smbconf.!homes | Parenthandle = smbconf.!homes then return if Prophandle.1 = smbconf.!dirs then do ok = VRset("Menu_ShareContext_Add", "Visible", 1) end if Parenthandle = smbconf.!dirs then do ok = VRset("Menu_ShareContext_Add", "Visible", 1) ok = VRset("Menu_ShareContext_Rename", "Visible", 1) ok = VRset("Menu_ShareContext_Remove", "Visible", 1) end if Prophandle.1 = smbconf.!printers then do ok = VRset("Menu_ShareContext_AddPrinter", "Visible", 1) end if Parenthandle = smbconf.!printers then do ok = VRset("Menu_ShareContext_AddPrinter", "Visible", 1) ok = VRset("Menu_ShareContext_RenamePrinter", "Visible", 1) ok = VRset("Menu_ShareContext_RemovePrinter", "Visible", 1) end ok = VRMethod( "Menu_ShareContext", "Popup", , , "", "" ) return /*:VRX EF_display_charset_Change */ EF_display_charset_Change: call _ShareObject_Changed return /*:VRX EF_dos_charset_Change */ EF_dos_charset_Change: call _ShareObject_Changed return /*:VRX EF_Log_file_Change */ EF_Log_file_Change: call _ShareObject_Changed return /*:VRX EF_LOG_LEVEL_Change */ EF_LOG_LEVEL_Change: call _ShareObject_Changed return /*:VRX EF_NetBIOS_Name_Change */ EF_NetBIOS_Name_Change: call _ShareObject_Changed return /*:VRX EF_path_Change */ EF_path_Change: call _ShareObject_Changed return /*:VRX EF_SECURITY_Change */ EF_SECURITY_Change: call _ShareObject_Changed return /*:VRX EF_Server_String_Change */ EF_Server_String_Change: call _ShareObject_Changed return /*:VRX EF_Unix_charset_Change */ EF_Unix_charset_Change: call _ShareObject_Changed return /*:VRX EF_Workgroup_Change */ EF_Workgroup_Change: call _ShareObject_Changed return /*:VRX Fini */ Fini: window = VRWindow() call VRSet window, "Visible", 0 drop window return 0 /*:VRX GB_Global_1_Close */ GB_Global_1_Close: call GB_Global_1_Fini return /*:VRX GB_Global_1_Create */ GB_Global_1_Create: call GB_Global_1_Init return /*:VRX GB_Global_1_Fini */ GB_Global_1_Fini: window = VRInfo( "Window" ) call VRDestroy window drop window return /*:VRX GB_Global_1_Init */ GB_Global_1_Init: window = VRInfo( "Object" ) if( \VRIsChildOf( window, "Notebook" ) ) then do call VRMethod window, "CenterWindow" call VRSet window, "Visible", 1 call VRMethod window, "Activate" end drop window return /*:VRX Halt */ Halt: signal _VREHalt return /*:VRX Init */ Init: window = VRWindow() call VRMethod window, "CenterWindow" call VRSet window, "Visible", 1 call VRMethod window, "Activate" drop window return /*:VRX Installer_Close */ Installer_Close: Msg.Text = NLVGetMessage(114) Msg.Type = "I" call _ShowMsg call Installer_Fini return /*:VRX Installer_Create */ Installer_Create: call Installer_Init CALL NLVSetText 'Installer', 'Caption', 90 CALL NLVSetText 'DT_RootPasswordDescription', 'Caption', 91 CALL NLVSetText 'DT_RootPassword', 'Caption', 92 CALL NLVSetText 'DT_RootPassword_repeat', 'Caption', 93 CALL NLVSetText 'CB_NoRoot', 'Caption', 94 CALL NLVSetText 'DT_Backend', 'Caption', 95 CALL NLVSetText 'DT_ServerType', 'Caption', 96 CALL NLVSetText 'PB_Install_Default', 'Caption', 97 CALL NLVSetText 'PB_Install_Migration', 'Caption', 98 ok = VRSet("PB_Install_Migration", "Enabled", lsshareiniexists * ibmlaniniexists ) ok = VRSet("TM_Installer","Enabled", 0) if stream(samba.!group,'c','query exists') = "" | stream(samba.!group,'c','query size') < 120 then do call _GroupCreate end if stream(samba.!masterpasswd,'c','query exists') = "" | stream(samba.!group,'c','query size') < 230 then do call _MasterPasswdCreate call _PasswordDBRewrite ok = VRSet("CB_NoRoot","Enabled", 0) end if stream(samba.!pwddb,'c','query exists') = "" | stream(samba.!spwddb,'c','query exists') = "" then do call _PasswordDBRewrite ok = VRSet("CB_NoRoot","Enabled", 0) end if \VRFileExists(ETC'\samba\private\secrets.tdb') then do ok = VRSet("CB_NoRoot","Enabled", 0) end UseTDBsam = 1 CreatePDC = 0 return /*:VRX Installer_Fini */ Installer_Fini: window = VRInfo( "Window" ) call VRDestroy window drop window return /*:VRX Installer_Init */ Installer_Init: window = VRInfo( "Object" ) if( \VRIsChildOf( window, "Notebook" ) ) then do call VRMethod window, "CenterWindow" call VRSet window, "Visible", 1 call VRMethod window, "Activate" end drop window return /*:VRX IPB_ChooseDir_Click */ IPB_ChooseDir_Click: InitDir = VRGet("EF_Path","Value") VarPos = pos('%', InitDir) if VarPos > 0 then do VarChar = substr(InitDir,VarPos,2) InitDir = left(InitDir,VarPos-1) say VarChar end NewPath = _dirDialog('Choose path for 'VRGet("DT_Shares","Caption"),_fs2bs(InitDir)) if NewPath = "" then return if VarPos > 0 then NewPath = NewPath'\'VarChar ok = VRset("EF_Path","value",NewPath) return /*:VRX IPB_NewItem_Click */ IPB_NewItem_Click: smbconfopt = samba.!tools'\smbconf.opt' say smbconfopt do until lines(smbconfopt) = 0 smbconfline = linein(smbconfopt) say smbconfline I = I + 1 opt.I = smbconfline end opt.0 = I ok = stream(smbconfopt,'c','close') ok = VRMethod("DDCB_Add_Voc","Reset") ok = VRMethod("DDCB_Add_Voc","AddStringList", opt.) ok = VRSet("DDCB_Add_Voc","Top",ObjYPos-380) ok = VRSet("EF_Add_Voc","Top",ObjYPos-380) ok = VRSet("PB_Add_Voc_OK","Top",ObjYPos) ok = VRSet("PB_Add_Voc_Cancel","Top",ObjYPos) ok = VRSet("DDCB_ADD_Voc","Visible",1) ok = VRSet("EF_ADD_Voc","Visible",1) ok = VRSet("PB_Add_Voc_OK","Visible",1) ok = VRSet("PB_add_Voc_Cancel","Visible",1) return /*:VRX Main_Close */ Main_Close: call Quit return /*:VRX Main_Create */ Main_Create: ok = VRREdirectStdIO("ON") options.!debug = 1 call _LoadOtherFuncs call _INIRead call _ParseCommandLine call _InitTempDir call _SambaInit call _SambaExtendSearchPath call _GUIInitNLV call _FindHtpasswd call Main_Resize call _SambaCheckComponents call _SambaVersion call _FindIBMLANPath call _SmbConfTreeInit /* creates the records for default sections */ /* Installation mode is triggered by a timer activated in GUIInit, when no smb.conf exists */ call _GUIInit return /*:VRX Main_Resize */ Main_Resize: IF options.!debug == 1 THEN SAY "Main_Resize() started" Ok = VRset("Main", "Painting", 0) /* /* Basic measurements */ main_iwidth = VRGet("Main","InteriorWidth") /* Width of window client-area */ main_iheight = VRGet("Main","InteriorHeight") /* Height of window client-area */ if main_iheight < 5500 then ok = VRSet("Main","Height",6200) sbar_height = VRGet("GB_STATUSBAR","Height") /* Height of status-bar */ split_left = VRGet("SPLIT_Main","Left") /* Position of the left edge of the split-bar */ marginx2 = margin * 2 /* Common margin around controls */ pbtn_height = 400 /* Height of the panels' internal button areas */ pane_height = main_iheight - sbar_height - (margin * 4) /* Height of a split-bar panel */ lpane_width = split_left - margin /* Width of the left split-bar panel */ rpane_width = main_iwidth - split_left - 60 - margin /* Width of the right split-bar panel */ */ /* ab hier alt */ ok = VRSet("GB_SmbConfTree","Top", FWidth) ok = VRSet("GB_SmbConfTree","Left", FWidth-24) ok = VRSet("GB_SmbConfTree","Height", VRGet("Main", "Height") -1350) ok = VRset("GB_SmbConfTree3","Top", FWidth) ok = VRset("GB_SmbConfTree3","Left", FWidth) ok = VRset("GB_SmbConfTree3","Height", 245 ) ok = VRset("GB_SmbConfTree3","Width", VRGet("GB_SmbConfTree","Width") -(FWidth*2)) ok = VRset("DT_SmbConfTree","Top", 8) ok = VRset("DT_SmbConfTree","Left", 8) ok = VRset("DT_SmbConfTree","Height", 213) ok = VRset("DT_SmbConfTree","Width", VRGet("GB_SmbConfTree3","Width") - 24) ok = VRset("GB_SmbConfTree2","Left", FWidth) ok = VRset("GB_SmbConfTree2","Top", 245 + FWidth*2) ok = VRset("GB_SmbConfTree2","Width", VRGet("GB_SmbConfTree","Width")-FWidth*2) ok = VRset("GB_SmbConfTree2","Height", VRGet("GB_SmbConfTree","Height")-FWidth*3-245) ok = VRset("CN_SmbConf", "Top", FWidth) ok = VRset("CN_SmbConf", "Left", FWidth) ok = VRset("CN_SmbConf", "Width", VRGet("GB_SmbConfTree2","Width") -(FWidth*2)) ok = VRset("CN_SmbConf", "Height", VRGet("GB_SmbConfTree2","Height")-(FWidth*2)) ok = VRset("GB_Help", "Top", FWidth) ok = VRset("GB_Help", "Left", VRGet("GB_SmbConfTree","Width") + 60) ok = VRSet("GB_Help", "Height", VRGet("GB_SmbConfTree","Height")) ok = VRSet("GB_Help", "Width", VRGet("Main", "Width") - VRGet("GB_SmbConfTree","width") - 60- FWidth*2-24*2) ok = VRset("GB_Help3","Top", FWidth) ok = VRset("GB_Help3","Left", FWidth) ok = VRset("GB_Help3","Height", 245 ) ok = VRset("GB_Help3","Width", VRGet("GB_Help","Width") -(FWidth*2)) ok = VRset("GB_Help2","Left", FWidth) ok = VRset("GB_Help2","Top", 245 + FWidth*2) ok = VRset("GB_Help2","Width", VRGet("GB_Help","Width")-FWidth*2) ok = VRset("GB_Help2","Height", VRGet("GB_Help","Height")-FWidth*3-245) ok = VRset("DT_Help","Top", 8) ok = VRset("DT_Help","Left", 8) ok = VRset("DT_Help","Height", 213) ok = VRset("DT_Help","Width", VRGet("GB_Help3","Width") - 24) ok = VRset("GB_Shares", "Top", FWidth) ok = VRset("GB_Shares", "Left", VRGet("GB_SmbConfTree","Width") + 60) ok = VRSet("GB_Shares", "Height", VRGet("GB_SmbConfTree","Height")) ok = VRSet("GB_Shares", "Width", VRGet("Main", "Width") - VRGet("GB_SmbConfTree","width") - 60- FWidth*2-24*2) ok = VRset("GB_Shares3","Top", FWidth) ok = VRset("GB_Shares3","Left", FWidth) ok = VRset("GB_Shares3","Height", 245 ) ok = VRset("GB_Shares3","Width", VRGet("GB_Shares","Width") -(FWidth*2)) ok = VRset("GB_Shares2","Left", FWidth) ok = VRset("GB_Shares2","Top", 245 + FWidth*2) ok = VRset("GB_Shares2","Width", VRGet("GB_Shares","Width")-FWidth*2) ok = VRset("GB_Shares2","Height", VRGet("GB_Shares","Height")-FWidth*3-245) ok = VRset("DT_Shares", "Top", 8) ok = VRset("DT_Shares", "Left", 8) ok = VRset("DT_Shares", "Height", 213) ok = VRset("DT_Shares", "Width", VRGet("GB_Shares3","Width") - 24) ok = VRSet("GB_Global", "Height", VRGet("GB_SmbConfTree","Height")) ok = VRSet("GB_Global", "Width", VRGet("GB_Shares", "Width")) MButton.bTop = VRGet("GB_SmbConfTree","height")+FWidth*2 MButton.bLeft = VRGet("GB_Shares","Left") MButton.bWidth = VRGet("PB_Save","Width") if MButton.bTop < 1300 & MButton.bLeft < 1300 then do MButton.bTop = 4842 MButton.bLeft = 3758 MButton.bWidth = 1241 FWidth = 32 end ok = VRSet("PB_Reload", "Top", MButton.bTop) ok = VRSet("PB_Reload", "Left", MButton.bLeft) ok = VRSet("PB_Reload", "Width", MButton.bWidth) ok = VRSet("PB_Save", "Top", MButton.bTop) ok = VRSet("PB_Save", "Left", MButton.bLeft+1*FWidth+MButton.bWidth) ok = VRSet("PB_Reload", "Width", MButton.bWidth) ok = VRSet("PB_Undo", "Top", MButton.bTop) ok = VRSet("PB_Undo", "Left", MButton.bLeft+2*FWidth+MButton.bWidth*2) ok = VRSet("PB_Undo", "Width", MButton.bWidth) ok = VRSet("PB_Cancel", "Top", MButton.bTop) ok = VRSet("PB_Cancel", "Left", MButton.bLeft+3*FWidth+MButton.bWidth*3) ok = VRSet("PB_Cancel", "Width", MButton.bWidth) /* ok = VRSet("PB_Help", "Top", MButton.bTop) ok = VRSet("PB_Help", "Left", MButton.bLeft+6*FWidth+MButton.bWidth*3) ok = VRSet("PB_Help", "Width", MButton.bWidth) */ drop MButton.b Top = VRGet("Main","Top") Left = VRGet("Main","Left") Width = VRGet("Main","Width") Height = VRGet("Main","Height") if ActiveGroup = "Global" then do end IF options.!debug == 1 THEN SAY " Window size = "VRGet("Main","Width")', 'VRGet("Main","Height") /* check and empty event queue, trash spurious resize events */ EventString = '' TrashedResize = 0 do until EventString = 'nop' EventString = VREvent('N') say ' Event: "'EventString'" ('TrashedResize')' if EventString <> 'nop' then do if EventString = 'CALL Main_Resize' then TrashedResize = TrashedResize + 1 else interpret eventString end end if TrashedResize >= 2 then CALL Main_Resize IF options.!debug == 1 THEN SAY " Window size = "VRGet("Main","Width")', 'VRGet("Main","Height") Ok = VRset("Main", "Painting", 1) IF options.!debug == 1 THEN SAY "Main_Resize() done" return /*:VRX Menu_Action_AddHomes_Click */ Menu_Action_AddHomes_Click: call _SmbConfDefault_Homes call _SmbConfTreeInit call _SmbConfLoad return /*:VRX Menu_Action_AddNetLogon_Click */ Menu_Action_AddNetLogon_Click: call _SmbConfDefault_Netlogon call _SmbConfTreeInit call _SmbConfLoad return /*:VRX Menu_Action_AddProfiles_Click */ Menu_Action_AddProfiles_Click: call _SmbConfDefault_Profiles call _SmbConfTreeInit call _SmbConfLoad return /*:VRX Menu_Action_EraseTransient_Click */ Menu_Action_EraseTransient_Click: if _SambaRunning() then do Msg.Text = NLVGetMessage(70) Msg.Type = "E" ok = _ShowMsg() return end ok = VRMethod("CN_smbconf","SetRecordAttr", smbconf.!global, "Selected", 1) call CN_smbconf_Click if VRIsValidObject( "EF_LOCK_DIRECTORY" ) then do LockDir = VRGet("EF_Lock_Directory","Value") Msg.Text = NLVGetMessage(71) Msg.Type = "Q" ok = _MsgYesNo() if ok <> 1 then return ok = SysFileDelete(LockDir"\gencache.tdb") ok = SysFileDelete(LockDir"\brlock.tdb") ok = SysFileDelete(LockDir"\unexpected.tdb") ok = SysFileDelete(LockDir"\connections.tdb") ok = SysFileDelete(LockDir"\locking.tdb") ok = SysFileDelete(LockDir"\messages.tdb") end return /*:VRX Menu_File_Debug_Click */ Menu_File_Debug_Click: options.!debug = VRGet("Menu_File_debug","Checked") /* The following 2 lines are unnecessary for a checkbox ! */ ok = VRSet("Menu_File_debug","Checked",\options.!debug) options.!debug = \options.!debug if options.!debug then ok = VRRedirectStdIO("On") else ok = VRRedirectStdIO("OFF") return /*:VRX Menu_File_Exit_Click */ Menu_File_Exit_Click: call Quit return /*:VRX Menu_File_Import_IBMPeer_Click */ Menu_File_Import_IBMPeer_Click: call _SmbConfMigratePeer ok = SysFileTree(smbconf,exist.,'FO') SmbConfExists = exist.0 call _SmbConfTreeReset return /*:VRX Menu_File_ImportHosts_Click */ Menu_File_ImportHosts_Click: if VRFileExists(ETC'\samba\lmhosts') then do Msg.Text = NLVGetMessage(56, ETC'\samba\lmhosts') Msg.Type = 'Q' if _MsgYesNo() = 1 then do call _LMHostsImport end end else call _LMHostsImport return /*:VRX Menu_File_PrintCap_Click */ Menu_File_PrintCap_Click: call _PrintcapCreate Msg.Text = NLVGetMessage(50, samba.!printcap) msg.Type = 'I' call _ShowMsg return /*:VRX Menu_File_reset_Click */ Menu_File_reset_Click: call _SmbConfCreateDefault ok = SysFileTree(smbconf,exist.,'FO') SmbConfExists = exist.0 call _SmbConfTreeReset return /*:VRX Menu_File_SmbUpdate_Click */ Menu_File_SmbUpdate_Click: BuildFile = VRFileDialog( VRWindow(), NLVGetMessage(64), "Open", options.!builddir"\samba-*zip", , , ) if BuildFile = '' then return options.!builddir = VRParseFilename(buildfile,'DP') address CMD samba.!smbcmd' stop' OldDir = Directory(Strip(samba.!bin,'T','\')) ok = VRRedirectStdIO('ON') address cmd 'unzip.exe -oCj 'BuildFile' *.exe *.dll' say 'unzip RC = 'RC if RC <> 0 then address cmd 'PAUSE' IF options.!debug <> 1 THEN ok = VRRedirectStdIO('OFF') ok = directory(OldDir) call _SambaVersion ok = VRSet("EF_Binaries_Version","value",samba.!version) address CMD samba.!smbcmd' start' return /*:VRX Menu_Help_About_Click */ Menu_Help_About_Click: say ' 'samba.!smbd' -V --debuglevel=0 2>'samba.!error' 1>'smboutput address cmd samba.!smbd' -V --debuglevel=0 2>'samba.!error' 1>'smboutput SambaVer = "Samba "||strip(linein(smboutput)) ok = stream(smboutput,'c','close') window = VRLoadSecondary( "About", "W" ) return /*:VRX Menu_Options_ExportMode_Click */ Menu_Options_ExportMode_Click: say 'ExpertMode_Click started' say samba.!testparmexe' -v -s 1>'TempDir'smb.conf 2>'TempDir'sscc.testparm' address cmd samba.!testparmexe' -v -s 1>'TempDir'smb.conf 2>'TempDir'sscc.testparm' say 'VRCopyFile('TempDir'smb.conf, 'smbconf' )' say " smb.conf GrӇe: "stream(smbconf,'c','QUERY SIZE') ok = VRCopyFile( TempDir'smb.conf', smbconf ) say " smb.conf GrӇe: "stream(smbconf,'c','QUERY SIZE') say 'Copy ok ='ok' (1 = success, 0 = failure)' call _SmbConfTreeReset call Main_Resize say 'ExpertMode_Click done' return /*:VRX Menu_Options_MiniIcons_Click */ Menu_Options_MiniIcons_Click: advanced.!bigicons = \advanced.!bigicons ok = VRset("CN_SMBCONF", "MiniIcons", \advanced.!bigicons) ok = VRset("Menu_Options_MiniIcons", "Checked", \advanced.!bigicons) return /*:VRX Menu_Options_SimpleMode_Click */ Menu_Options_SimpleMode_Click: say 'SimpleMode_Click started' /* Workaround for testparm bugs */ say 'VRCopyFile('smbconf', 'TempDir'smb.conf )' ok = VRCopyFile( smbconf, TempDir'smb.conf') call _SmbConfCommitChanges say samba.!testparmexe' -s 1>'TempDir'smb.conf 2>'TempDir'sscc.testparm' address cmd samba.!testparmexe' -s 1>'TempDir'smb.conf 2>'TempDir'sscc.testparm' NewSize = stream(TempDir"smb.conf",'c','QUERY SIZE') say " "TempDir"smb.conf GrӇe: "NewSize if NewSize = 0 then 'pause' say " smb.conf GrӇe: "stream(smbconf,'c','QUERY SIZE') say 'VRCopyFile('TempDir'smb.conf, 'smbconf' )' ok = VRCopyFile( TempDir'smb.conf' , smbconf ) say " smb.conf GrӇe: "stream(smbconf,'c','QUERY SIZE') say 'Copy ok ='ok' (1 = success, 0 = failure)' call _SmbConfTreeReset do I = Page to 3 by -1 ok = VRMethod( "GB_Global", "DeletePage", I ) ok = VRDestroy("GL_GLOBAL_"I) end Page = 2 call Main_resize say 'SimpleMode_Click done' return /*:VRX Menu_ShareContext_Add_Click */ Menu_ShareContext_Add_Click: NewShareDir = _dirDialog() if NewShareDir = "" then return NewShareName = filespec("N",NewShareDir) Buttons.1 = "OK" Buttons.2 = "Abort" Buttons.0 = 2 id = VRPrompt( VRWindow(), "Enter name for new share", "NewShareName", "Add new Samba share", "Buttons.", buttons.1, buttons.2 ) if ID = 2 | NewShareName = "" then return NewShareHandle = VRMethod( "CN_smbconf", "AddRecord", smbconf.!dirs,, NewShareName,"#4") call lineout smbconf, '['NewShareName']' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'path = '_bs2fs(NewShareDir) call lineout smbconf, Indent||'comment = 'NewShareName' directory' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'browseable = Yes' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'read only = Yes' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'hide files = /*.?SF/' call lineout smbconf call _SmbConfTreeReset Msg.Text = NLVGetMessage(69) Msg.Type = 'I' call _ShowMsg ok = VRMethod("CN_smbconf","SetRecordAttr",smbconf.!dirs, "Collapsed", 0 ) ok = VRMethod("CN_smbconf","SetRecordAttr",NewShareHandle, "Selected", 1 ) return /*:VRX Menu_ShareContext_AddPrinter_Click */ Menu_ShareContext_AddPrinter_Click: AbortPrinter = 1 window = VRLoadSecondary( "PrinterSelection", "W" ) if AbortPrinter then return parse var SharePrinter PrinterName';'PrinterQueue';'PrinterDriver NewShareHandle = VRMethod( "CN_smbconf", "AddRecord", smbconf.!printers,, PrinterQueue,"#4") call lineout smbconf, '['PrinterQueue']' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'path = '_bs2fs(ETC'\samba\spool\'printerqueue) ok = SysMkDir(ETC'\samba\spool\'printerqueue) call lineout smbconf, Indent||'comment = 'Printername call lineout smbconf, Indent||'create mask = 0700' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'printer name = 'printerqueue call lineout smbconf, Indent||'printing = os2' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'printable = Yes' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'print command = 'samba.!bin'\smbprint.exe "%s" "%p" "%J" "%c" "%z"' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'browseable = Yes' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'guest ok = Yes' call lineout smbconf, Indent||'read only = No' call lineout smbconf call _SmbConfTreeReset Msg.Text = NLVGetMessage(69) Msg.Type = 'I' call _ShowMsg ok = VRMethod("CN_smbconf","SetRecordAttr",smbconf.!printers, "Collapsed", 0 ) ok = VRMethod("CN_smbconf","SetRecordAttr",NewShareHandle, "Selected", 1 ) return /*:VRX Menu_ShareContext_Remove_Click */ Menu_ShareContext_Remove_Click: call _SmbConfShareRemove if \Aborted then ok = VRMethod("CN_smbconf","SetRecordAttr",smbconf.!dirs, "Collapsed", 0 ) return /*:VRX Menu_ShareContext_RemovePrinter_Click */ Menu_ShareContext_RemovePrinter_Click: call _SmbConfShareRemove if \Aborted then ok = VRMethod("CN_smbconf","SetRecordAttr",smbconf.!printers, "Collapsed", 0 ) return /*:VRX Menu_ShareContext_Rename_Click */ Menu_ShareContext_Rename_Click: call _SmbConfShareRename if \Aborted then ok = VRMethod("CN_smbconf","SetRecordAttr",smbconf.!dirs, "Collapsed", 0 ) return /*:VRX Menu_ShareContext_RenamePrinter_Click */ Menu_ShareContext_RenamePrinter_Click: call _SmbConfShareRename if \Aborted then ok = VRMethod("CN_smbconf","SetRecordAttr",smbconf.!printers, "Collapsed", 0 ) return /*:VRX PB_1_Click */ PB_1_Click: ok = VRREdirectStdIO("ON") Buttons.1 = NLVGetMessage(2) Buttons.2 = NLVGetMessage(3) Buttons.0 = 2 command = 'd:\samba\smbpasswd.exe' id = VRPrompt( VRWindow(), "Console", "command", "Console", "Buttons.", buttons.1, buttons.2 ) if id = 2 then return say command address cmd command /* samba.!netexe' rpc 'command' 'DebugLevel' 'UserCred' 2>'samba.!error' 1>'samba.!msg */ /* if RC <> 0 then call _SambaShowError; else call _SambaShowMsg */ return /*:VRX PB_AboutOK_Click */ PB_AboutOK_Click: call About_Close return /*:VRX PB_Add_Voc_Cancel_Click */ PB_Add_Voc_Cancel_Click: drop opt. ok = VRSet("DDCB_Add_Voc","Value","") ok = VRSet("EF_Add_Voc", "Value","") ok = VRSet("DDCB_ADD_Voc","Visible",0) ok = VRSet("EF_ADD_Voc","Visible",0) ok = VRSet("PB_Add_Voc_OK","Visible",0) ok = VRSet("PB_add_Voc_Cancel","Visible",0) return /*:VRX PB_Add_Voc_OK_Click */ PB_Add_Voc_OK_Click: NewVoc = VRGet("DDCB_Add_Voc","Value") NewValue=VRGet("EF_Add_Voc", "Value") call IniSet NewVoc, NewValue, CurSection, samba.!smbconf drop opt. ok = VRSet("DDCB_Add_Voc","Value","") ok = VRSet("EF_Add_Voc", "Value","") ok = VRSet("DDCB_ADD_Voc","Visible",0) ok = VRSet("EF_ADD_Voc","Visible",0) ok = VRSet("PB_Add_Voc_OK","Visible",0) ok = VRSet("PB_add_Voc_Cancel","Visible",0) call Menu_Options_SimpleMode_Click return /*:VRX PB_Cancel_Click */ PB_Cancel_Click: IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say 'PB_Cancel_Click() started' if VRGet("PB_Save","Enabled") then call PB_Save_Click 'pause' call Quit IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say 'PB_Cancel_Click() done' return /*:VRX PB_Help_Click */ PB_Help_Click: return /*:VRX PB_Install_Default_Click */ PB_Install_Default_Click: if VRGet("EF_Workgroup_Initial","Value") = "" then return if \VRGet("CB_NoRoot","Set") then do if \_SambaRootPWCheck() then return end call _SmbConfCreateDefault /* call _Smb35Init */ ok = SysFileTree(smbconf,exist.,'FO') SmbConfExists = exist.0 call _SmbConfBackup call _SmbConfTreeReset if \VRGet("CB_NoRoot","Set") then do call _SambaRootPWSet end call _SambaGuestCreate call _SambaUserCreate ok = VRSet("Main", 'Pointer', 'WAIT' ) call _SambaGroupMapInst ok = VRSet("Main", 'Pointer', '' ) /* call Menu_File_ImportHosts_Click */ call Installer_Close return /*:VRX PB_Install_Migration_Click */ PB_Install_Migration_Click: if VRGet("EF_Workgroup_Initial","Value") = "" then return if \VRGet("CB_NoRoot","Set") then do if \_SambaRootPWCheck() then return end call _SmbConfMigratePeer ok = SysFileTree(smbconf,exist.,'FO') SmbConfExists = exist.0 call _SmbConfBackup call _SmbConfTreeReset if \VRGet("CB_NoRoot","Set") then do call _SambaRootPWSet end call _SambaGuestCreate call _SambaUserCreate ok = VRSet("Main", 'Pointer', 'WAIT' ) call _SambaGroupMapInst ok = VRSet("Main", 'Pointer', '' ) /* call Menu_File_ImportHosts_Click */ call Installer_Close return /*:VRX PB_Printer_Abort_Click */ PB_Printer_Abort_Click: call PrinterSelection_Close return /*:VRX PB_Printer_OK_Click */ PB_Printer_OK_Click: SharePrinter = RawPrinter(VRGet("LB_Printers","SelectedString")) AbortPrinter = 0 say SharePrinter call PrinterSelection_Close return RawPrinter: do I = 1 to printer.0 until PurePrinter(printer.I) = arg(1) end return printer.I /*:VRX PB_Reload_Click */ PB_Reload_Click: call PB_Save_Click call beep 960, 1 address CMD samba.!smbcmd' reload' return /*:VRX PB_RemoveContinue_Click */ PB_RemoveContinue_Click: if VRGet("CB_RemoveSmbConf","set") then do ok = SysFileDelete(samba.!smbconf) SmbConfExists = 0 Installmode = 1 end else Installmode = 0 if VRGet("CB_RemoveBackend","set") then do ok = SysFileTree(ETC"\samba\*.?db",xdb.,'FOS') do I = 1 to xdb.0 ok = SysFileDelete(xdb.I) if ok <> 0 then do Msg.Text = "Error "ok" deleting "xdb.I"!" Msg.Type = "W" call _ShowMsg end end end if VRGet("CB_RemoveLMHosts","set") then do call _LMHostsImport end call RemoveConfig_Close return /*:VRX PB_Save_Click */ PB_Save_Click: IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say 'PB_Save_Click() started' if ValueChanged then do if CurSection <> "" then do call _SaveChanges ok = VRSet("PB_Save", "Enabled", 0) call CN_smbconf_Click end end IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say 'PB_Save_Click() done' return /*:VRX PB_StartStop_Click */ PB_StartStop_Click: call PB_Save_Click call beep 960, 1 address CMD samba.!smbcmd' reload' return /*:VRX PB_Undo_Click */ PB_Undo_Click: call _SmbConfRestore SmbConfExists = 1 call _SmbConfTreeReset return /*:VRX PrinterSelection_Close */ PrinterSelection_Close: call PrinterSelection_Fini return /*:VRX PrinterSelection_Create */ PrinterSelection_Create: call PrinterSelection_Init ok = VRMethod( "Application", "ListPrinters", "printer." ) CALL NLVSetText 'Printerselection', 'Caption', 40 CALL NLVSetText 'PB_Printer_OK', 'Caption', 2 CALL NLVSetText 'PB_Printer_Abort', 'Caption', 3 do I = 1 to printer.0 ok = VRMethod("LB_Printers","AddString",PurePrinter(printer.I)) if PurePrinter(printer.!default) = PurePrinter(printer.I) then ok = VRSet("LB_Printers","Selected",I) end return /*:VRX PrinterSelection_Fini */ PrinterSelection_Fini: window = VRInfo( "Window" ) call VRDestroy window drop window return /*:VRX PrinterSelection_Init */ PrinterSelection_Init: window = VRInfo( "Object" ) if( \VRIsChildOf( window, "Notebook" ) ) then do call VRMethod window, "CenterWindow" call VRSet window, "Visible", 1 call VRMethod window, "Activate" end drop window return /*:VRX PurePrinter */ PurePrinter: return substr(arg(1),1,pos(';',arg(1))-1) /*:VRX Quit */ Quit: IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say "Quit() start" if VRGet("Main","WindowState") = "Maximized"|, VRGet("Main","WindowState") = "Minimized" then ok = VRMethod("Main", "Restore") if samba.!testparmexe <> "" then do address cmd samba.!testparmexe' -s 1>'TempDir'smb.conf 2>'TempDir'sscc.testparm' call _SmbConfCommitChanges end call _INIWrite call _SambaFinish ok = SysFileDelete(TempDir'sscc.testparm') ok = SysFileDelete(smboutput) IF options.!debug == 1 THEN say "Quit() done" /* ok = VRRedirectStdio('OFF') */ window = VRWindow() call VRSet window, "Shutdown", 1 drop window return /*:VRX RB_PDC_Click */ RB_PDC_Click: CreatePDC = VRGet("RB_PDC","Set") return /*:VRX RB_smbpasswd_Click */ RB_smbpasswd_Click: UseTDBsam = 0 return /*:VRX RB_Standalone_Click */ RB_Standalone_Click: CreatePDC = \VRGet("RB_Standalone","Set") return /*:VRX RB_tdbsam_Click */ RB_tdbsam_Click: UseTDBsam = 1 return /*:VRX RemoveConfig_Close */ RemoveConfig_Close: call RemoveConfig_Fini return /*:VRX RemoveConfig_Create */ RemoveConfig_Create: call RemoveConfig_Init CALL NLVSetText 'RemoveConfig', 'Caption', 90 CALL NLVSetText 'PB_RemoveContinue', 'Caption', 14 ok = VRset("CB_RemoveSmbConf","Caption", NLVGetMessage(56, 'smb.conf')) ok = VRset("CB_RemoveBackend","Caption", NLVGetMessage(56, 'Backend')) ok = VRset("CB_RemoveLMHosts","Caption", NLVGetMessage(56, 'lmhosts')) /* Check if ?db backend files exist */ ok = SysFileTree(ETC"\samba\*.?db",xdb.,'FOS') if xdb.0 = 0 then ok = VRset("CB_RemoveBackend","Enabled", 0) /* Check if LMHOsts exists */ ok = VRset("CB_RemoveLMHosts","Enabled", VRFileExists(ETC'\samba\lmhosts')) return /*:VRX RemoveConfig_Fini */ RemoveConfig_Fini: window = VRInfo( "Window" ) call VRDestroy window drop window return /*:VRX RemoveConfig_Init */ RemoveConfig_Init: window = VRInfo( "Object" ) if( \VRIsChildOf( window, "Notebook" ) ) then do call VRMethod window, "CenterWindow" call VRSet window, "Visible", 1 call VRMethod window, "Activate" end drop window return /*:VRX TM_Installer_Trigger */ TM_Installer_Trigger: call _InstallerMode return /*:VRX TM_Value_Trigger */ TM_Value_Trigger: say "TM_Value_Trigger started" ValueChanged = 0 ok = VRSet("PB_Save", "Enabled", 0) ChangeList = "" ok = VRSet("TM_Value", "Enabled", 0) say "TM_Value_Trigger done" return