1 | #include "nversion.h"
2 |
3 | :userdoc.
4 |
5 | .nameit symbol=os text='<$OS>'
6 | .nameit symbol=nd text='<$ND> for &os.'
7 | .nameit symbol=ndcp text='<$ND> for &os. Control Panel'
8 | .nameit symbol=mp text='mount point'
9 | .nameit symbol=ressmb text='Samba Resource Properties'
10 | .nameit symbol=usage text='Usage'
11 | .nameit symbol=build text='Samba Client Plugin for &os. version <$NDPSMB_VERSION> build <$NDPSMB_BUILD>'
12 |
13 | :title.<$ND> for &os. Control Panel Help
14 |
15 | :docprof toc=123456.
16 | .******************************************************
17 | :h1.Introduction
18 | :p.
19 | Samba is an SMB/CIFS protocol file and print sharing client/server suite originally
20 | created for the UNIX world in order to access Windows and &os. servers and
21 | clients. &os. has several native implementations of SMB/CIFS client/server set - :hp1.IBM Peer:ehp1. (or :hp1.IBM LAN Requester:ehp1.,
22 | or :hp1.IBM File and Print Client:ehp1.) and :hp1.IBM LAN Manager:ehp1.. These products haven&csq.t been updated for a long time and
23 | have some compatibility problems with modern Windows SMB/CIFS implementations.
24 | :p.
25 | This package is the &os. port of the Samba client implemented as a plugin for&colon.
26 | :ul.
27 | :li.&nd. - a well known virtual file system for &os.
28 | :li.EVFS - the eComStation Virtual Filesystem for SMB
29 | :eul.:p.
30 | The Samba Client Plugin for &os. provides seamless access to SMB/CIFS file shares over the network using pure TCP/IP as the
31 | underlying transport protocol (no NetBIOS or NetBIOS over TCP/IP).
32 | :p.
33 | The Samba Client Plugin for &os. consists of one module&colon.
34 | :ul.
35 | :li.ndpsmb.dll - the <$ND> plugin itself
36 | :eul.
37 |
38 | .******************************************************
39 | :h1.License
40 | :p.
41 | Samba is freely available under the GNU General Public License v3. You may obtain the full source code either from the
42 | project&csq.s SVN repository (please refer to the Samba for &os. homepage for details about downloading the source) or from
43 | the Samba homepage (see :link reftype=hd res=003.Links:elink.).
44 | :p.
45 | The Samba Client Plugin for &os. is also available with full source code from the Samba for &os. SVN repository.
46 | :p.
47 | If you are using this plugin, we kindly ask you to support netlabs.org.
48 | Please refer to the Samba for &os. homepage to learn how you may do that.
49 | :h2 res=003.Links
50 | :p.
51 | :ul.
52 | :li.Samba for &os. Homepage (http&colon.&slr.&slr.svn.netlabs.org&slr.samba)
53 | :li.Kerberos for &os. Homepage (http&colon.&slr.&slr.svn.netlabs.org&slr.kerberos)
54 | :li.<$ND> Homepage (http&colon.&slr.&slr.www.bmtmicro.com&slr.netdrive)
55 | :li.Samba Homepage (http&colon.&slr.&slr.www.samba.org)
56 | :li.MIT Kerberos Homepage (http&colon.&slr.&slr.web.mit.edu&slr.kerberos)
57 | :li.Heimdal Kerberos Homepage (http&colon.&slr.&slr.www.h5l.org)
58 | :eul.
59 |
60 | .*******************************************************
61 | :h1 res=1000 group=2 x=left y=top width=100% height=100% scroll=both.&ressmb.
62 | :i1 id=ressmb.&ressmb.
63 | :ul.
64 | :li.:link reftype=hd res=100.&ressmb.:elink.
65 | :li.:link reftype=hd res=101.&usage.:elink.
66 | :eul.
67 | :h2 res=100.&ressmb.
68 | :p.
69 | The parameters for an SMB/CIFS FS resource are&colon.
70 | :parml.
71 | :pt.:hp2.Workgroup/Domain:ehp2.
72 | :pd.The name of the workgroup or domain of the server.
73 | :warning text='Default:'.
74 | :hp1.blank:ehp1.
75 | :ewarning.
76 |
77 | :pt.:hp2.Server:ehp2.
78 | :pd.The name or IP address of the server hosting the resource (share).
79 | :warning text='Default:'.
80 | :hp1.blank:ehp1.
81 | :ewarning.
82 |
83 | :pt.:hp2.Share:ehp2.
84 | :pd.The name of the desired server resource (share).
85 | :warning text='Default:'.
86 | :hp1.blank:ehp1.
87 | :ewarning.
88 |
89 | :pt.:hp2.User ID:ehp2.
90 | :pd.The username for authentication.
91 | :warning text='Default:'.
92 | :hp1.guest:ehp1.
93 | :ewarning.
94 |
95 | :pt.:hp2.Password:ehp2.
96 | :pd.The password of the selected user.
97 | :warning text='Default:'.
98 | :hp1.blank:ehp1.
99 | :ewarning.
100 |
101 | :pt.:hp2.Master:ehp2.
102 | :pd.The name of the browse master server or workgroup, used to get the list of available workgroups when the workgroup and server have not been specified.
103 | :warning text='Default:'.
104 | :hp1.WORKGROUP:ehp1.
105 | :ewarning.
106 |
107 | :pt.:hp2.Master type:ehp2.
108 | :pd.Select :hp2.server:ehp2. or :hp2.workgroup:ehp2. to identify the type of master selected.
109 | :warning text='Default:'.
110 | :hp1.workgroup:ehp1.
111 | :ewarning.
112 |
113 | :pt.:hp2.Cache timeout:ehp2.
114 | :pd.The time in seconds for which the cache is valid. Once the timeout is reached, the client re-reads the directory. For a directory with many
115 | files, it may be better to increase the timeout (rule of thumb: per 500-800 files 10 seconds).
116 | :warning text='Default:'.
117 | :hp1.10 seconds:ehp1.
118 | :ewarning.
119 |
120 | :pt.:hp2.Cache listings:ehp2.
121 | :pd.The number of directories the cache should hold. Be aware that the higher the value, the more memory consumed.
122 | :warning text='Default:'.
123 | :hp1.32 directories:ehp1.
124 | :ewarning.
125 |
126 | :pt.:hp2.Support NTLMv1:ehp2.
127 | :pd.Check to authenticate using the older NTLM protocol. Newer Samba releases default to NTLMv2, which may not be understood by some older servers. :note.This automatically disables Kerberos (KRB5) authentication.
128 | :warning text='Default:'.
129 | :hp1.unchecked:ehp1.
130 | :ewarning.
131 |
132 | :pt.:hp2.Supports KRB5:ehp2.
133 | :pd.Check to support Kerberos authentication. You will need to have a valid ticket for this resource. If checked, :hp2.User ID:ehp2. and :hp2.Password:ehp2. are ignored. :note.If :hp2.Support NTLMv1:ehp2. is checked, Kerberos authentication is automatically disabled.
134 | :warning text='Default:'.
135 | :hp1.unchecked:ehp1.
136 | :ewarning.
137 |
138 | :pt.:hp2.Supports EA:ehp2.
139 | :pd.Check to support <$OS> Extended Attributes in the target filesystem (and by the target server).
140 | :warning text='Default:'.
141 | :hp1.checked:ehp1.
142 | :ewarning.
143 | :eparml.
144 | .******************************************************
145 | :h2 res=101.&usage.
146 | :p.
147 | To mount a specified share, it is necessary to specify both the :hp2.Server:ehp2. and
148 | :hp2.Share:ehp2. parameters&semi. the other parameters are optional. The root of the
149 | server&csq.s share will be mounted to the &mp..
150 | :p.
151 | To access all server shares, only the :hp2.Server:ehp2. (not the :hp2.Share:ehp2.)
152 | should be specified&semi. the other parameters are optional. The list of
153 | server shares will be mounted to the &mp..
154 | :p.
155 | To access all servers within the workgroup or domain, only the :hp2.Workgroup:ehp2.
156 | (not the :hp2.Server:ehp2.) should be specified&semi. the other parameters are
157 | optional. The list of servers within the specified workgroup or domain will be mounted to
158 | the &mp..
159 | :p.
160 | To access all available workgroups listed by one master browser
161 | on the network, only the :hp2.Master:ehp2. (not the :hp2.Workgroup:ehp2. nor the :hp2.Server:ehp2.)
162 | should be specified&semi the other parameters are optional. The list of workgroups
163 | will be mounted to the &mp.. The master workgroup can be any known (reachable)
164 | workgroup on the network. The master server should be the master browser for the
165 | workgroup(s).
166 | :p.
167 | By default, the :hp1.guest:ehp1. user with blank password is used to access the selected
168 | resource. If guest logins are not permitted by the server, you will likely see &csq.access denied&csq.
169 | errors. Specify an actual username and password combination.
170 | :p.
171 | If using Kerberos authentication, it is necessary to obtain a valid ticket for the resource.
172 | You will need a compatible Kerberos implementation, such as Heimdal Kerberos for &os., available from
173 | http&colon.&slr.&slr.svn.netlabs.org&slr.kerberos. Authenticate via Kerberos (e.g., using Kerberos' kinit)
174 | before accessing the &mp..
175 | :warning.
176 | Kerberos tickets will expire after a server-configured length of time. If
177 | not renewed, attempting to access a Kerberos-authenticated share with an expired ticket will fail.
178 | :ewarning.
179 |
180 | .******************************************************
181 | :h1.Version
182 | :p.
183 | &build.
184 | :h1.Debugging
185 | :p.
186 | To produce a log file, please create an empty file named :hp1.ndpsmb.dbg:ehp1. in the root of the boot volume.
187 | :p.
188 | The log is created in the directory listed in the LOGFILES environment variable, if available.
189 | If the LOGFILES environment variable has not been set, the log is created in the &nd. directory. The filename is
190 | :hp1.log.ndpsmb:ehp1. for the &nd. log and :hp1.log.smbd:ehp1. for the Samba Client Plugin for &os. log.
191 |
192 | .******************************************************
193 | :h1.History
194 | :p.Release history of the Samba client for &nd.
195 | :ul.
196 | :li.:link reftype=hd res=011.Version 1.0:elink.
197 | :li.:link reftype=hd res=012.Version 1.5:elink.
198 | :li.:link reftype=hd res=013.Version 2.0:elink.
199 | :li.:link reftype=hd res=014.Version 2.1:elink.
200 | :li.:link reftype=hd res=015.Version 2.2:elink.
201 | :li.:link reftype=hd res=016.Version 2.3:elink.
202 | :li.:link reftype=hd res=017.Version 3.0:elink.
203 | :eul.
204 | #include <changelog.txt>
205 | .******************************************************
206 | :h1.Credits
207 | :ul.
208 | :li.Silvan Scherrer (aka diver)
209 | :li.Herwig Bauernfeind (aka HerwigB)
210 | :li.Vitali Pelenyov (aka sunlover)
211 | :li.Paul Smedley (aka Smedles)
212 | :li.Yuri Dario (aka Paperino)
213 | :li.Alex Taylor (aka AlexT)
214 | :li.Nikolay Kolosov (aka nickk)
215 | :li.Ko Myun Hun (aka komh)
216 | :li.The Kerberos for &os. team
217 | :li.and all we missed
218 | :eul.
219 | .******************************************************
220 |
221 | :euserdoc.