= RPM&YUM for eComStation (OS/2) = [[PageOutline]] [http://www.rpm.org/ RPM] Package Manager (RPM) is a powerful command line driven package management system capable of installing, uninstalling, verifying, querying, and updating computer software packages. Each software package consists of an archive of files along with information about the package like its version, a description, and the like. There is also a library API, permitting advanced developers to manage such transactions from programming languages such as C or Python. RPM is free software, released under the GNU GPL. [http://yum.baseurl.org/ YUM] is an automatic updater and package installer/remover for rpm systems. It automatically computes dependencies and figures out what things should occur to install packages. It makes it easier to maintain groups of machines without having to manually update each one using rpm. Yum has a plugin interface for adding simple features. Yum can also be used from other python programs via its module interface. == Current Status == The current binaries are providing most of the features of RPM and YUM. Now only a few minor features are missing. == Installation == Please read the detailed [RpmInstall installation instructions] which describes how to install the RPM bootstrap package. == Documentation == Some basic documentation is available in this wiki; documentation is written to provide some basic information's about RPM and YUM, and to document OS/2 specific features/problems. * RPM How-To document for [RpmHowToEndUsers end users]. * RPM How-To document for [RpmHowToPackagers packagers]. * RPM How-To document for [RpmHowToDevelopers developers]. If you want to read more about RPM, you can look at this [http://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/Fedora_Draft_Documentation/0.1/html/RPM_Guide/index.html document] from Fedora project. Google is your friend if it is not enough :-) == Releases == The bootstrap installation is now available for general use, you can download the WarpIN installer from *[http://rpm.netlabs.org/bootstrap/rpm-yum-bootstrap-1_3.wpi http://rpm.netlabs.org/bootstrap/rpm-yum-bootstrap-1_3.wpi] WarpIN will install a bootstrap package, which requires a working internet connection to download and install all required packages. Once completed, you can safely remove the WarpIN bootstrap package without erasing the newly installed code. Also be sure to use a drive with enough free space to support installation of future packages. == Repositories == Netlabs.org is now hosting two repositories, one for experimental stuffs and the other for stable releases. It is recommended to use only the Release package for most users. === Stable repository === Stable repository configuration can be installed using (this is automatically done by bootstrap package) * yum install netlabs-rel If you cannot install above package, download this [http://rpm.netlabs.org/bootstrap/netlabs-rel.repo file] and put it into %UNIXROOT%\etc\yum\repos.d directory. It is possible to browse the stable repository URL at the following URL: [http://rpm.netlabs.org/release/00/i386/ http://rpm.netlabs.org/release/00/i386/] === Experimental repository === Experimental repository configuration can be installed using * yum install netlabs-exp If you cannot install above package, download this [http://rpm.netlabs.org/bootstrap/netlabs-exp.repo file] and put it into %UNIXROOT%\etc\yum\repos.d directory. It is possible to browse the experimental repository URL at the following URL: [http://rpm.netlabs.org/experimental/00/i386/ http://rpm.netlabs.org/experimental/00/i386/] === Mirrors === Please note: if you have netlabs-exp-xxx.rpm or netlabs-rel-xxx.rpm installed, the mirrors will be automatically added on your next update. Install below files only to reach US mirror directly without checking for main site. Rosenthal & Rosenthal maintains mirrors (updated hourly) of both of the Netlabs repositories on the east coast of the US (New York) on a relatively wide bandwidth connection. ==== Stable repository mirror ==== Download this [http://www.2rosenthals.com/rpm.netlabs.org/mirror/netlabs-rel-2rosenthals.repo file] and put it into %UNIXROOT%\etc\yum\repos.d directory. It is possible to browse the stable repository URL at the following URL: [http://www.2rosenthals.com/rpm.netlabs.org/release/00/i386/ http://www.2rosenthals.com/rpm.netlabs.org/release/00/i386/] ==== Experimental repository mirror ==== Download this [http://www.2rosenthals.com/rpm.netlabs.org/mirror/netlabs-exp-2rosenthals.repo file] and put it into %UNIXROOT%\etc\yum\repos.d directory. It is possible to browse the stable repository URL at the following URL: [http://www.2rosenthals.com/rpm.netlabs.org/experimental/00/i386/ http://www.2rosenthals.com/rpm.netlabs.org/experimental/00/i386/] === Managing repositories === To disable a repository, either use: * yum --disablerepo=[repo-name] (e.g.: yum --disable-repo=netlabs-rel) or simply edit the appropriate .repo file in %UNIXROOT%\etc\yum\repos.d and toggle the enabled line to 0, as in: enabled=1 to enabled=0 This will preserve the contents of the .repo file(s) but will instruct yum to skip over it/them when scanning for packages. When you are done, check your enabled repos with: * yum repolist == Reporting bugs == Please report bugs only related to the following modules: * rpm * yum * python For other modules, please consider reporting them to [http://svn.netlabs.org/ports/ ports] trac or to other projects hosted at netlabs. Reporting bugs and requesting new features is done through the ticket system. You can view existing tickets, add comments to them and create new tickets using the corresponding buttons at the top of every page. If you want to submit a new bug or request a feature, please use the Search function first to make sure there is no ticket for this task already created. [[BR]] We review the tickets regularly and leave comments if we need more info. So please revisit the [http://svn.netlabs.org/rpm/report/10 Feedback analysis] as often as possible. If we leave some comment on a ticket and don't get feedback from the ticket creator, the ticket will be closed some weeks later.[[BR]][[BR]] Anonymous access to the ticket system has been restricted due to multiple attacks of stupid spammers we've been suffering from lately. In order to create a new ticket or comment the existing one, you need to login with your Netlabs login id. If you do not have a login id, you can request one at http://www.netlabs.org/en/site/member/member.xml. We are sorry for inconvenience, but at the present time this is the only way to avoid extremely annoying spam.