= REXX Libraries = This page is intended to be a general home for open source REXX function libraries for OS/2 and eComStation. '''''Still under construction''''' REXX libraries which should eventually be hosted here include: * [http://users.socis.ca/~ataylo00/os2/toolkits/lvm/ RXLVM] -- a (read-only) REXX interface to the Logical Volume Manager * [http://users.socis.ca/~ataylo00/os2/toolkits/uls/#rxuls RXULS] -- a REXX interface to OS/2's Universal Language Support (Unicode) support * RXUTILEX -- a set of extended utility functions designed to supplement the standard REXXUTIL library. No public release available yet. SVN directories for all of these libraries are being prepared and will hopefully be available soon. == Links == * [http://www-01.ibm.com/software/awdtools/rexx/ IBM REXX Family] -- Overview * [http://www.rexx.org Marc Hessling's Home Page] -- Rexx/SQL, Rexx/DW