wiki:QT5 Office

Version 32 (modified by martini, 19 months ago) (diff)

Openjournal update

Qpdfview= Office like applications, editors = Below is a list of all known office like, Desktop Publishing Programs, LaTex, ... Qt5 applications that are available for OS/2 and OS/2 based systems. Either maintained here or in the original code base. Entries are sorted in alphabetical order.

NameVersionDL LinkDescriptionWeb siteUpdate Info
Booksorg0.3"yum install booksorg"A Qt5 PDF book organizer and reader Qt v5.15.2
FeatherPad?1.3.2DownloadA lightweight Qt plain-text editor
FeatherNotes?1.0.1DownloadFeatherNotes? is a lightweight Qt hierarchical notes-manager Official SiteQt v5.15.2
FusePDF2.3.07zConvert/Merge/Split? PDF documents Official SiteQt v5.15.2
Heimer3.2.07zHeimer is a desktop application for creating mind maps and other suitable diagrams. GithubQt v5.15.2
OpenJournal?1.3.27zOpenJournal? uses a database to store and retrieve user notes. OpenJournalQt v5.15.2
Qedit2.8.3"yum install qedit"QEdit is a multi-purpose text editor based on NEdit, which heavily relies on motif.qeditQt v5.13.1
QXmlEdit0.9.187ZA simple XML files editor.QXmlEditQt v5.15.2
Tea60.6.1-1"yum install tea"A Qt-based text editor for UNIX-like systems and Windows.TEAQt v5.13.1
Texstudio4.0.37ZTeXstudio is a platform-independent LaTex editor which gives you advanced possibilities to write your texts.TexstudioQt v5.15.2
zNotes0.4.77zA lightweigh crossplatform application for notes management (1).zNotesQt v5.15.2


1 - The application uses the System Tray widget.

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