wiki:QT5 Multimedia

Version 11 (modified by martini, 18 months ago) ( diff )


Multimedia applications

Below is a list of all known multimedia Qt5 applications that are available for OS/2, ArcaOS and eComStation. Either maintained here or in the original code base. Entries are sorted in alphabetical order.

NameVersionDL LinkDescriptionWeb siteUpdate Info
Clipgrab3.9.77ZDownload online clips from many sites with just some clicks.ClipGrabQt v5.15.2
MP3Diags1.5.027ZA Qt GUI-based application that allows end-users to identify issues with their MP3 files.MP3DiagsQt v5.15.2
MediaDownloader3.3.0DownloadAn opensource software that lets you search, watch and download items with Google Image and YouTube.MediadownloaderQt v5.15.2
YouTubeToCUE0.5DownloadThis software will download the audio file of a YouTube video. Qt v5.15.2


1 - The application uses the System Tray widget.

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