Custom Query (121 matches)


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Results (103 - 105 of 121)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#67 no response biblioteq 6.66 ak120

Unfortunately, this version is even worse than the previous one. Download of pictures for book covers (from amazon) no longer works. But the biggest problem is still existing: the created temporary files (%TEMP%\etilqs_*)became not deleted after terminating the program. Only opening a database creates here 130 MB of files. A second run of the programm and only adding an entry (no graphical files) - I should mention the poor performance while saving - leads to almost 600 MB, that didn't deleted. So it grows to more and more gigabytes until the harddisk is full and the system is hanging in the end.

#70 no response PSI 0.16-dev release crashes due to missing 'theme' darcio

Previously using 0.15 very successfully. Tried out the new 0.16-DEV release, installed into a CLEAR directory, but getting the following error message: "Unable to load theme! Please make sure Psi is properly installed."

Pressing 'OK' button on the dialog box causes PSI to shut down.

#93 no response Qt Facebook apps seems infunctional estellnb

The Qt Facebook App seems to have all dlls it needs, it starts normally but then apparently does not connect because the main window stays blank. There is no login screen and no handle to make the app connect. It just displays an empty window.

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