Custom Query (121 matches)


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Results (91 - 93 of 121)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#81 fixed Restart of qBitTorrent place the download in another folder Silvan Scherrer jep

The problem seem to be present on more platforms as well?

Description: 1) Set option to download torrent to a sub folder depending on "label"

  1. Application window: qBittorrent 3.1.8
  2. Menu: Tools->Options...
  3. Object: Container
  4. Select: Downloads
  5. Grouping area: Hard Disk
  6. Grouning area: Save files to location:
  7. Mark checkbox: Append the label of the torrent to the save path
  8. Button:[ OK ]

2) Add a label

  1. Window: qBittorrent 3.1.8
  2. Tab: Transfers
  3. Heading: Labels
  4. Mouse: Right click (on free area)
  5. Popup Menu Select: Add label...
  6. Window: New label
  7. Field: Label:
  8. Keyboard: MySubFolder?

3) Add a torrent and set the label

  1. Add a torrent
  2. Mark torrent in list
  3. Mouse. Right Click
  4. Popup Menu Select: Label > MySubFolder?
  5. Note! Adding a label here doesn't work

4) The download will begin and the files will be placed in a sub-folder with the same name as the selected label.

  1. Open the folder to check where it save the files²

5) Shut down qBitTorrent and restart it again.

  1. Menu: File->Exit

6) qBittorrent will now start and place the files in the download folder¹

  1. Select the same torrent in the list again
  2. Bottom area
  3. Grouping area: Information
  4. Label: Save path:
  5. Note the path
  6. Double check where it actually save the data now¹!

Q1: Why doesn't it continue in the sub-folder even though all messages inside qBittorrent state that it download to the sub-folder?

You now have two sets of the same file Q2: Which one has been downloaded?

========== ¹) Folder for download path

  1. Application window: qBittorrent 3.1.8
  2. Menu: Tools->Options...
  3. Object: Container
  4. Select: Downloads
  5. Grouping area: Hard Disk
  6. Grouning area/Field: Save files to location:

²) See ¹ above and add \MySubFolder? (the selected label)

#30 fixed smplayer 0.6.9 b4 fails to start losepete

Having updated smplayer from 0.6.9b2 to this b4 build I clicked on my smplayer program object to start it.

This failed instead displaying the "Cannot start ..." dialog. I clicked Cancel to this dialog and tried to start the program from the command line. This is the result:-

[J:\PROGRAMS\MULTIMEDIA\SMPLAYER]smplayer SYS1804: The system cannot find the file STDCPP.


So, looks like a file - possibly STDCPP.DLL - is missing.

I have qt 4.7.3 correctly installed and working fine with the few qt apps I use eg smplayer 0.6.9b2 and qBittorrent 2.8.5

So, what else do I need and where do I get it from? - Might be an idea to add this information to the readme supplied with smplayer 0.6.9b4

#33 fixed Why does the clipgrab readme mention using CUPS? losepete

I'm either missing something or the clipgrab readme is incorrect:-



  • FFmpeg

  • klibc 0.6.3 or later

  • Qt4 dll

see for more information whats needed and where to get the latest

  • Gcc 4.5.2 dll


=============== To install Clipgrab, do the following:


  1. You have to put FFmpeg.exe in same dir as the clipgrab.exe
  • klibc 0.6.4 or later

  • Qt4 dll

see for more information whats needed and where to get the latest

  • Cups

see for more information

  • Gcc 4.5.2 dll


=============== To install Clipgrab, do the following:


  1. Download klibc 0.6.4 csd4 or later.
  2. Install the package by unzipping zip file to libpath.

Qt4 dll

  1. Download the zip or rpm and follow the instructions


  1. Download the latest cups version which is 1.4.8 or better
  2. Install it and be sure to put the cups.dll somewhere to your path

Gcc dll

  1. Download the package.
  2. Install the package by extracking the zip file.

It does not look like clipgrab does any printing so why is cups mentioned? - I ask because it seems to me that cups is NOT needed at all by clipgrab.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.