Custom Query (121 matches)


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Results (73 - 75 of 121)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#108 fixed BiblioteQ v2015.10.16 README not suitable for installation / *.ico defect ak120

I was following the "preferred" RPM installation path outlined in accompanying README.OS2. But it's not working at all. I cannot see any reason to run "yum install libssp" two times (see lines 62 and 78). In result GTLS28.DLL is not found.

There should be also warning about opening the folder with program files inside Workplace Shell. That will freeze because of wrong EAs and Windows ICO file. I don't know about an extension for Workplace Shell to use and display Windows icons.

#109 wontfix kchmviewer 6.0 doesn't display japanese CHM files ak120

When opening a CHM file with japanese content there is absolutely nothing to view, only in "Contents" there is something but with wrong charset. Fortunately it's possible to extract the parts of CHM into a directory. Resulting HTML file shows up correctly in Seamonkey.

#111 wontfix clipgrab 3.5.5 broken keyboard input ak120

It's still not possible to use system defined keyboard layout inside search entry field correctly. German umlauts are not displayed after pressed key - only an empty space. Copy a string with ä ö or ü from mozilla to the search entry field shows all characters.

The same also appears with second clipgrab_rus.exe thats not usable at all. Totally wrong charset is there in language chooser listbox. In my opinion this file is completely useless. I have codepages 850 and 866 in my setup so I can use each of them for PM applications. clipgrab_rus.exe uses the same configuration files from clipgrab.exe.

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