Custom Query (121 matches)


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Results (52 - 54 of 121)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#68 fbakan fixed qoobar-1.6.3-os2 problem with stdcpp

qoobar-1.6.2 and earlier works as designed.

qoobar-1.6.3 does not start. It dies with this entry in popuplog.os2:

10-31-2013  00:13:57  SYS2070  PID 004f  TID 0001  Slot 007e

gcc4core-1_2_1.wpi from 10.01.12 as available from netlabs ftp is installed.

#70 darcio no response PSI 0.16-dev release crashes due to missing 'theme'

Previously using 0.15 very successfully. Tried out the new 0.16-DEV release, installed into a CLEAR directory, but getting the following error message: "Unable to load theme! Please make sure Psi is properly installed."

Pressing 'OK' button on the dialog box causes PSI to shut down.

#73 squirrel fixed crosti does not run

Crosti 1.11.0 extracts from the 7z archive but will not run after installation to c:\programs\crosti. Checking with PMDLL.EXE shows that a required DLL, STDCPP6.DLL cannot be found. This was not installed with ecomstation (v2.1), although STDCPP.DLL was (in C:\ecs\dll). Renaming stdcpp.dll to stdcpp6.dll does not work. I have been unable to find the missing dll using Google.

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