Custom Query (121 matches)


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Results (43 - 45 of 121)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#51 Batchheizer duplicate QPDFView: Double-Click kills QPDFview


  1. Open a PDF or DJVU
  2. Make a double click with LMB on the text.
  3. QPDF ends/crashes without any question.

I tried this with several PDFs and DJVUs.

#52 Silvan Scherrer Batchheizer fixed QPDFView: Double-Click kills QPDFview


  1. Open a PDF or DJVU
  2. Make a double click with LMB on the text.
  3. QPDF ends/crashes without any question.

I tried this with several PDFs and DJVUs.

#53 Silvan Scherrer Batchheizer invalid QPDFView: problems with saving PDFs
  1. Open PDF (Sample size 11 KB)
  2. Save Copy (with different name, 11 KB)
  3. Save as... (with different name, 23 KB)

This is no real problem.

But this:

  1. Open PDF (Sample size 11 KB)
  2. Save as (same (!) name)
  3. Replace-Warning -> Yes
  4. Could not open(!)-warning appears
  5. Source-PDF-File is corrupt/destroyed (639 byte)
  6. Save as (with different name) is not possible
  7. Could not open(!)-warning (with different name) appears
  8. New file is also corrupt/destroyed
  9. All work on the PDF with "Hervorhebung" or "Text hinzufügen" are lost.
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