Custom Query (27 matches)


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Results (10 - 12 of 27)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#14 fixed Implement QWidget::setMask() for non-toplevel widgets dmik dmik

We need to implement the QWidget::setMask() functionality for non-toplevel widgets, in order to have things like push buttons in the Norwegian Wood theme (see the themes example) working properly.

#11 fixed Implement alpha channel support for pixmaps (QPixmap) dmik dmik

We need to support the alpha channel in the QPixmap implementation, and correctly blend it when drawing pixmaps both to widgets and to other pixmaps.

#18 fixed Implement new naming scheme for official builds of the Qt DLL dmik dmik

Currently, the Qt library, when built as a DLL, is named as follows:


where XYZ is the version number (for example, qt-mt331.dll), and mt stands for multi-threaded (actually this is the only case for OS/2 -- single-threaded applications are nonsence). The same scheme is used in Qt for Windows. In particular, this scheme implies that all intermediate builds of the same release are binary compatible. However, in case of Qt for OS/2 it's usually not the case, because we're constantly adding new (missing) features to the same release of the library.

Therefore, we need another naming scheme that will allow us to differentiate between (most likely) binary incompatible sub-releases (or even bug fixes) of the same Qt release. And even if two sub-releases (or release candidates as we call them) are binary compatible, having different DLL names can still make sence: for some reason, the end user might want to have several Qt versions simultaneously installed on his machine (for example, an application he's using can theoretically require this due to functional differences between releases and such).

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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