* 29.12.2011 version 1.4.9 testbuild (ZIP and WPI) * 28.12.2011 version 1.4.8 testbuild * 28.12.2011 version 1.4.7 added to netlabs * 27.12.2011 version 1.4.6 with Tobias Huerlimanns OS/2 patches and docs added to netlabs svn * 11.03.2007: GnuPG 1.4.7 now available for OS/2 * 20.12.2006: Uploaded a new version of GnuPG 1.4.6 for OS/2 that includes a patch from Peter Weilbacher that makes it possible to install GnuPG into one single directory. * 12.12.2006: GnuPG 1.4.6 now available for OS/2 – upgrading is strongly recommended (1.4.6 contains an important security fix)! * 11.09.2006: GnuPG 1.4.5 now available for OS/2 * 19.04.2006: GnuPG 1.4.3 now available for OS/2 * 14.04.2005: GnuPG 1.4.2 now available for OS/2 * 22.01.2005: The current issue of OS/2 e-Zine features a guide for setting up GnuPG and EnigMail, written by John Bijnens. * 02.01.2005: GnuPG 1.4.0 now available for OS/2 * 22.10.2004: Finally: Enigmail has been successfully ported! Have a look at this site. Note that the port still has some small glitches, so maybe wait until the patches have gone into the official Mozilla/Thunderbird tree. Anyway, a huge "Thank you!" goes to Davide Bresolin for the port! * 27.07.2004: GnuPG 1.2.5 now available for OS/2: please note that this release needs the Innotek GCC Runtime instead of EMX! * 26.12.2003: GnuPG 1.2.4 now available for OS/2. Also new: rndos2 0.91 * 27.11.2003: There is a flaw in GnuPG that can compromise private keys when ElGamal keys are used for signing! Please note that ElGamal signing keys can only be created in GnuPG by using hidden options and ignoring a warning message. They can not be created in a standard way, so the probability that you are affected is really small. However, better take a look at the details yourself! * 17.09.2003: GnuPG 1.2.3 now available for OS/2 * 09.08.2003: A GnuPG WarpIN Package is now available!