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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#12 eco wontfix Lenovo Thinkpad X300 integrated Intel video 1440x900 32bpp failure


Panorama VESA driver

1280x800 x 16M - OK 1440x900 x 65535 - OK 1440x900 x 16M - trash on the screen, you can see part of the screen, damaged

  • widescreen activator for intel doesn't help


Let's check the source code of Panorama VESA, what happens during copy of data? Maybe xResolution*Bpp is used instead of ScanLineBytes?. Or BIOS is using 24bpp instead of 32bpp

#16 dirk duplicate System crash when calling "full screen command line"

Dear Sirs, I'm testing the available eCS2.2 BETA II, which has included the Panorama 1.06. We are running HP Elite 8300 machines.

I'm getting crashes in form of a coloured sprangled Monitor together with the system completely hung. It's only possible to switch off power with the system.

The crash is reproducible. It appears, when I switch very soon (within 5 seconds) after booting to an eCS full command prompt. It doesn't appear, if you give the system more time after booting. It also can be avoided, if PSD=ACPI.PSD /MAXCPU=1 is used.

I reported this already last year in the eCS bugtracker (ticket: 0003501), where Mr. Roderick Klein asked me to wait for the Panorama Version 1.06. But this error is NOT eliminated with this 1.06.

As a workaround I'm forced to use the MAXCPU=1 solution, as my machines have to run certain scripts and programs in fullscreen mode!

With kind regards Dirk

#17 dirk fixed System crash when calling "full screen command line"

Dear Sirs, I'm testing the available eCS2.2 BETA II, which has included the Panorama 1.06. We are running HP Elite 8300 machines.

I'm getting crashes in form of a coloured sprangled Monitor together with the system completely hung. It's only possible to switch off power with the system.

The crash is reproducible. It appears, when I switch very soon (within 5 seconds) after booting to an eCS full command prompt. It doesn't appear, if you give the system more time after booting. It also can be avoided, if PSD=ACPI.PSD /MAXCPU=1 is used.

I reported this already last year in the eCS bugtracker (ticket: 0003501), where Mr. Roderick Klein asked me to wait for the Panorama Version 1.06. But this error is NOT eliminated with this 1.06.

As a workaround I'm forced to use the MAXCPU=1 solution, as my machines have to run certain scripts and programs in fullscreen mode!

With kind regards Dirk

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