== Odin32 == Odin 0.8.5 - (2012-07-21) * kernel32: Fix a crash in PE.EXE/PEC.EXE. * kernel32: Export CreateToolhelp32Snapshot, Trhread32First, Trhread32Next stubs (used by Flash). * kernel32: Make SEH work in OS/2 context (to avoid FS register switches to Win32 context and back). * kernel32: Derive HOMEDRIVE/HOMEPATH environment vars from HOME which is used by some applications to locate the home directory. * kernel32: Improve logging (showing current FS mode). * user32: Make WM_MOUSEACTIVATE and WM_PARENTNOTIFY message handling identical to the real Windows behavior. * user32: Return an already existing wrapper from CreateFakeWindowEx() instead of NULL (this is much more practical). * ntdll: export RtlGetVersionNumber. * gdi32: Fix lost text in TextOut() when used with non-identity trasformation matrix. This fixes missing text elements in some applications. * gdi32: Implement wide version of ResetDC(). Used by recent OpenJDK. * iphlpapi: Fix possible crash in GetAdaptersInfo() and friends. This fixes spontaneous crashes that could occur in applications using the network. * Add a new shiny Odin logo to the About Odin dialog. * Make the About Odin system menu item localizable. == Early Releases == A0.05 (November 16, 1999) * The project has been renamed into Odin and is now Open Source. * The team made massiv changed on the basic technique and also implemented lots of new APIs. A0.04 (September 18, 1998) * Some files of A0.03 were from older version. A0.03 (September 16, 1998) * Converting on-the-fly. The program is converted automatically while loading. Fixes for bitmap-colors, Borland EXE were removed aswell as the EAs for versiondetection (it is within the EXE or DLL). Significant extensions of * DirectDraw (Quake II runs w/o Voodoo 3D-board in fullscreen now). Error SYS2070/0127 fixed. A0.02 (April 14, 1998) * Quake II Multiplayer. Dependancies of pmwsock/rtmidi removed. Console support. Some bugfixing and new APIs. A0.01 (March 9, 1998) * Initial version.