Custom Query (80 matches)


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Results (73 - 75 of 80)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3 fixed adding security subsystem to ODIN vladest vladest

In order to get getURL() action script command working, Flash32 requires windows security subsystem to be implemented

#4 fixed overrun of handles index causes crash vladest

In application, heavily uses handlers, overrun handler index causing crash

#1 fixed Compiler Warning & Information Messages rlwalsh ydario

rwalsh: I consider *every* message that the compiler generates to be a problem. If nothing else, having thousands of "harmless" messages makes it nearly impossible to find and fix the few that are actually telling you something important.

Eliminating all these messages is unbelievably boring & time- consuming, but essential, IMHO. So far, I've eliminated nearly all messages when compiling these directories:

advapi32, crypt32, kernel32, ntdll, user32, and winmm

There are two info messages that can't be eliminated because of the odd way that debug printf()'s are turned off (i.e. "the condition is always TRUE" & "the condition is always FALSE"). For these, I'm just using sed to filter them from the output:

nmake 2>&1 | sed -u /EDC042[45]/D | tee build.log

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