Ticket #2: NewView.ipf

File NewView.ipf, 34.3 KB (added by Lewis Rosenthal, 5 years ago)

Updated help which includes missing mention of Save as IPF

2:docprof toc=123456.
3:title.NewView Help
4.nameit symbol=prod text='NewView'
5.nameit symbol=os2 text='OS/2'
6.nameit symbol=ecs text='eComStation'
7.nameit symbol=aos text='ArcaOS'
8.* ************************************************************
9.* Subject: Help for NewView
10.* Version: 2020070501
11.* Copyright: Copyright 2004-2005 Aaron Lawrence
12.* Copyright: Copyright 2006-2019 Ronald Brill
13.* Copyright: Copyright 2019-2020 Alexander Taylor
14.* Copyright: Copyright 2020 Lewis Rosenthal
15.* Author: Aaron Lawrence
16.* Author: Ronald Brill
17.* Author: Lewis Rosenthal
18.* ************************************************************
21.* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
22:h1 res=30000 id='Introduction'.Introduction
23:i1 id=30001.support
24:p.:artwork runin name='images\NewView.bmp'.
25:hp2.Welcome to NewView!:ehp2.
27:p.NewView is a program for reading OS/2, &ecs., and &aos. Help
29:p.:link reftype=hd refid='Support'.Support and Licensing:elink.
30:p.:link reftype=hd refid='Using'.Using NewView:elink.
31:p.:hp1.To stop this file appearing when you start NewView without specifying a
32help file, see Tools - Options - General tab.:ehp1.
34:p.NewView replaces the original IBM program supplied with OS/2.
35:p.It improves upon many aspects of View, with a modern, easy to use
36interface, more options, and new features that View simply
37didn't have.
39.* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
40:h2 res=1 id='Support'.Support and Licensing
41:i1 id=30002.license
42:i2 refid=30001.Support and Licensing
43:i2 refid=30001.Introduction
44:i1 id=30003.bugs
45:i1 id=30004.source code
46:p.NewView is Copyright 1999-2006 Aaron Lawrence. It is also licensed
47under the GNU Public License, which means you have the right to obtain the
48source code.
49:p.Ronald Brill has been the project maintainer since 2006, and additional
50improvements have been added by Alexander Taylor.
52NewView is a Netlabs project.
53:p.See the Readme.txt for more technical details.
54:p.See the Changes.txt file for a history of changes to NewView.
55:p.If you find NewView helpful, please let us know and/or make a
56donation to support further development. It's nice to hear from you!
58:li.Suggestions, compliments or bug reports https&colon.//trac.netlabs.org/newview
59:li.Translate NewView to your language.
60:li.A donation to Netlabs https&colon.//www.arcanoae.com/shop/netlabs/
62:p.:hp2.Reporting Bugs:ehp2.
63:p.If you need to report a crash or other problem, then be as specific as
64possible about what files were being used, what you were doing,
65etc. If one is available, PLEASE include the newview.log. The
66log file will be EITHER
68 - in the same directory as NewView itself
70 - in the folder set by LOGFILES environment variable (typically eCS
711.1&plus. and &aos.)
73If it is specific to a particular help file, then please attach that
74file to your ticket, unless it is too large.
75:p.Most of the following information is in the newview.log file, but
76it would be helpful if you could include it for verification&colon.
78:li.NewView version (Help - Product Information)
79:li.The filenames of the help files.
80:li.A screenshot may be useful, if the problem is an incorrect or corrupt
83:p.:hp2.Why doesn't my help file work properly?:ehp2.
84:p.Some of the less used features of the original View program are not
85implemented. This is either because I have not got around to it, or
86because they are simply not worth the time. Examples include
87metafiles, index synonyms, the entire application control API,
88and so on.
89:p.Unfortunately, it seems that at least one developer has used every one
90of these features, so you may find an occasional file that doesn't
91load or doesn't work properly.
93.* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
94:h1 res=2 id='Using'.Using NewView
95:p.Once you have :link reftype=hd refid='OpeningFiles'.opened a
96file:elink., you can read it in various ways.
97:p.You can read the :link reftype=hd refid='contents'.table of
98contents:elink., use the :link reftype=hd refid='Index'.alphabetical
99index:elink., or :link reftype=hd refid='search'.search:elink.&per.
100:p.To simply read the help file like a paper book, use the &odq.Previous&cdq.
101:artwork runin name='images\previous.bmp'.
102 and &odq.Next&cdq.
103:artwork runin name='images\next.bmp'.
104 buttons to work your way through all the topics.
105:p.You can also use the help file like web pages, using &odq.Back&cdq.
106:artwork runin name='images\back.bmp'.
107 and &odq.Forward&cdq.
108:artwork runin name='images\forward.bmp'.
109 buttons to go back to wherever you were before, or to retread your
111:p.Colors and some of the behavior of NewView can be adjusted from the Tools
112- Options menu.
113:p.You can also :link reftype=hd refid='notes'.annotate:elink. or :link
114reftype=hd refid='bookmarks'.bookmark:elink. topics.
116.* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
117:h1 res=3 id='OpeningFiles'.Opening Files
118:i1 id=30005.open
119:p.To open a help file, you can use any of the following&colon.
120:p.- Double-click a :link reftype=hd refid='HelpIcons'.help
121icon:elink. that is already set up
122:p.- Type &odq.view :hp1.filename:ehp1.&cdq. from the :link reftype=hd
123refid='CommandLine'.command line:elink.
124:p.- Click the Open button
125:artwork runin name='images\open.bmp'.
126 from within NewView
127:p.- Reload a recently viewed file from the &odq.File&cdq. menu
128:p.- Drag and drop a Help file from the desktop
129:p.Once the file is loaded, you should see the :link reftype=hd
130refid='contents'.table of contents:elink. and the first topic.
131:note.This assumes you installed NewView as a replacement
132for original View. If you didn't then existing help icons and the
133command line may behave differently.
134:p.:hp2.Loading Multiple Files Together:ehp2.
135:p.NewView can load multiple files at once, presenting them as if they
136were one book, and read environment variables for filenames.
137:p.For example, with the OS/2 Developer's Toolkit
140 NewView cpref
142loads the &odq.Control Program Guide and Reference&cdq.&per. CPREF is an environment
143variable set in config.sys, consisting of &odq.CP1&plus.CP2&plus.CP3&cdq.
144which tells NewView (or View) to load the help files CP1, CP2
145and CP3. The files are searched for in the path specified by two :link
146reftype=hd refid='L_EnvironmentVariables'.environment
148:p.The files are all loaded and effectively appended to each other.
149:p.Being able to load multiple files like this can be helpful for various
150reasons. For example, 4OS/2 (a CMD.EXE
151replacement) uses it to add it's own help on top of the original CMD
152help. You can do it yourself with any files you like.
153:p.You can load multiple files in the Open File dialog by using Ctrl or Shift to
154select multiple files.
155:p.When you click a link to a different help file, NewView loads the other
156file without closing your current files.
157:p.At any time, you can find out what files are open by using File
158- Information.
159:p.:hp2.Loading Additional Files:ehp2.
160:p.You can tick the &odq.Keep current files open&cdq. checkbox in the Open File
161dialog, and NewView will open the files you have selected without closing
162the currently opened files.
163:p.:hp2.Drag and Drop:ehp2.
164:p.You can drag and drop .INF or .HLP files onto NewView and they will
165be opened. If you hold down the Shift key, they will be opened without
166closing the current files.
167:p.You can drop files onto any of the main content areas, such as the
168Contents or Index windows, or an existing topic window.
169:note.Some links that go across files, will only work if the correct set of
170files is loaded.
172.* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
173:h2 res=17 id='HelpIcons'.Help Icons
174:p.Help Icons on the desktop are usually &odq.program objects&cdq. with the program name
175set to &odq.view.exe&cdq. and the parameters set to the name of the help files.
176:p.Some programs create these icons automatically at install time.
177:p.You can create these icons yourself by using the desktop program
178template. See desktop help for more information.
179:p.If you create icons by dragging help files to the desktop, then you
180cannot give them a meaningful title, because that would change the name of
181the file, which might prevent programs from finding the help file.
182Therefore program objects are currently the recommended means of creating help
185.* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
186:h1 res=200 id='NavigationPanel'.Navigation Panel Tabs
187:p.The left hand panel contains several tabs for moving through the current help
188file in different ways&colon.
191:artwork runin name='images\tabs.bmp'.
193:p.:ul compact.
194:li.:link reftype=hd refid='contents'.Contents:elink.
195:li.:link reftype=hd refid='index'.Index:elink.
196:li.:link reftype=hd refid='search'.Search:elink.
197:li.:link reftype=hd refid='notes'.Notes:elink.
200:p.You can turn this panel off to get more space, with the button
201:artwork runin name='images\navigator.bmp'. or by selecting View
202- Show Left Panel from the menu, or pressing Alt&plus.P. Do the
203same to turn it on again.
204:p.You can stop the navigation panel from appearing when a help file is opened
205in Tools - Options - General tab.
206:note.Many programs choose to show the table of contents when they open their
207help files; in this case, the panel is automatically shown, overriding your
210.* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
211:h2 res=4 id='contents'.Contents
212:i1 id=30006.Table of Contents
213:p.Most help files have a table of contents that shows you the topics in the
214file, in a hierarchy or &odq.tree&cdq.&per. This is usually the first view you see
215when you open a file.
216:p.You can expand or collapse branches on the tree by clicking the &plus. or
217- buttons, or using the space bar.
218:p.To view a topic from the contents, just click on it. You can also
219move through the contents by using the arrow keys.
220:p.To move through :hp2.all:ehp2. topics in the contents tree, in
221order, you can use Ctrl &plus. Up and Ctrl &plus. Down, or the
223:artwork runin name='images\previous.bmp'.
224 and &odq.Next&cdq.
225:artwork runin name='images\next.bmp'.
226 buttons. This is one way to treat the file as a normal book, reading
227through each page.
228:p.You can also review the whole table of contents by using &odq.Expand All&cdq. in the
229&odq.View&cdq. menu. This expands all the branches of the contents table so you can
230quickly look through it. However, it's usually easier to use
231:link reftype=hd refid='search'.Search:elink. or :link reftype=hd
232refid='Index'.Index:elink. for this purpose.
234.* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
235:h2 res=5 id='index'.Index
236:p.The Index tab contains an alphabetical listing of topics or keywords in the
237help file. You can quickly search through it just by typing the first few
238characters of the word you want to look up. NewView jumps to the first match
239in the index automatically. To view the highlighted topic, press
241:nt.Help files may or may not include an &odq.official&cdq. index. The index is
242manually created by the author, so (for original View) it's
243usefulness is strictly dependent on how much work the author put into it.
244There may not even be one.
245:p.However, a useful index can be provided simply by listing the titles of
246each topic alphabetically, and this is what NewView does. It then
247merges the original index (if any) with the list of topic titles.
248:p.If for some reason you don't like this, you can turn it off in
249Tools - Options - Index tab.
252.* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
253:h2 res=6 id='search'.Search
254:p.Searching is a quick way to find information, when you don't know
255where to start. Simply go to the Search tab, type some related words
256and click the Search button.
257You'll see a listing of all topics containing that word, or words
258like it, with the best matches at the top. The best match will be
259displayed automatically.
260:p.Words that matches your search are highlighted in the topic.
261:p.:hp2.Global search:ehp2.
262:p.You can also search all help files on your system using the :link reftype=hd
263refid='GlobalSearch'.global search:elink. in Tools - Search all Help
265:p.:hp2.Phrase search:ehp2.
266:p.If you want to search for a phrase made up of more than one word, put
267double quotes around it, for example &odq.os/2 warp&cdq.&per.
268:p.:hp2.Matching features:ehp2.
269:p.NewView allows you finer control of searching.
270:p.&plus. indicates a word that :hp2.must:ehp2. be matched
271:p.- indicates a word that must :hp2.not:ehp2. be matched
272:p.NewView always does partial word matches. That is, if you search
273for &odq.win&cdq. NewView will also find &odq.window&cdq. and &odq.showing&cdq.&per. However, the
274better the match is the higher the rank will be.
275:p.:hp2.How NewView ranks results:ehp2.
276:p.NewView ranks matching topics by various means&colon.
277:p.- a closer match to a full word
278:p.- number of matching words in a topic
279:p.- matches within the title
280:p.- matches within an index entry
282.* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
283:h2 res=7 id='notes'.Notes
284:p.NewView allows you to add notes (annotations) to your help
286:p.To add a note, simply click where you want to make a note and click the
287&odq.Note&cdq. button
288:artwork runin name='images\note.bmp'.
289, then type your text and click OK. The text will be inserted into the
290help topic with a different color (default is green; you can change
291this in Tools - Options - Colors).
292:p.To edit or delete a note, click on the colored note text; you can
293then edit the note text, or click on delete to get rid of it.
294:p.You can also review all the notes that you've made in the current help
295file(s) by going to the Notes tab; this allows you to add,
296edit, and delete, and also jump to the topics containing your notes.
297:p.Notes are saved in a single file with the extension :hp1.&per.nte:ehp1., in
298the same directory as the help file to which they refer.
299:note.If a help file is changed (for example a program is
300upgraded) then notes will no longer appear in the correct place;
301however, you can still read them from the Notes tab.
303.* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
304:h1 res=18 id='GlobalSearch'.Global Search
305:p.You can search all help files on your system, by clicking the Search
306All button
307:artwork runin name='images\search.bmp'.
308, using Tools - Search all Help Files in the menu, or
309pressing Ctrl&plus.S.
310:p.This search works similarly to :link reftype=hd refid='search'.searching
311within a file:elink., but it also tells you what help file the results
312were found in.
313:p.These searches may take some time, depending on what you search
314for. You can stop the search at any time.
315:p.:hp2.Where NewView searches:ehp2.
316:p.The default is to search for help files in the help paths, which are
317specified by the BOOKSHELF and HELP :link reftype=hd
318refid='L_EnvironmentVariables'.environment variables:elink.&per.
319:p.You can choose other places to search by choosing from the drop-down
320list, or customize the list by clicking the Select button.
321:p.:hp2.Search in&colon. Standard Help Paths:ehp2.
322:p.This is the default and will search BOOKSHELF and HELP as specified
324:p.Clicking the select button will allow you to choose which of the directories
325in the help paths will be used. Click each item in the list to select or
326de-select it. After you choose this, the location will show as
327&odq.Selected Help Paths&cdq.
328:p.:hp2.Search in&colon. All Hard Drives:ehp2.
329:p.This option will search all hard (non-removable) drives on
330your system. You can click &odq.Select...&cdq. to customize the
332:p.Searching drives can find more help files, but might be much slower
333than just the help paths.
334:p.:hp2.Search in&colon. Selected Help Paths:ehp2.
335:p.If you have already selected particular help paths to search., you can
336click &odq.Select...&cdq. to customize again.
337:p.:hp2.Search in&colon. Directory List:ehp2.
338:p.In the &odq.Select Directories&cdq. dialog, clicking the &odq.Add....&cdq.
339button will allow you to add one or more directories to the search list.
340:p.Select the drive and directory using the controls that appear, then
341click &odq.&lt. Add Directory&cdq. to add the chosen directory. You can do this as
342many times as you like. Choose &odq.With sub-directories&cdq. if you want
343sub-directories of the selected directory to be searched as well. In
344this case, ... will show on the end of the directory.
345:p.After you add a custom directory like this, the location for searching
346will show as &odq.Directory List&cdq.&per.
347:note.If you add a custom directory to standard or selected help
348paths, then the list will become a custom list, and you can no
349longer re-select help paths. To get back to the original help
350paths, choose &odq.Standard Help Paths&cdq. then click &odq.Select...&cdq.
352:p.:hp2.Search in&colon. Typing a location:ehp2.
353:p.You can type a drive or directory into the &odq.Search in&colon.&cdq. entry
354field. Add &odq...&per.&cdq. on the end of the directory if you want to
355search subdirectories as well.
357:p. Search in&colon. &lbracket. E&colon.&bsl.mydocs&bsl...&per.
358 &rbracket.
359:p.This will search help files in E&colon.&bsl.mydocs&bsl. and any
362.* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
363:h1 res=8 id='bookmarks'.Bookmarks
364:p.NewView allows you to bookmark particular topics within the current help
365file. Simply click the bookmark button
366:artwork runin name='images\bookmark.bmp'.
367 to add the current topic as a bookmark.
368:p.To jump to a bookmark, go to the &odq.Bookmarks&cdq. menu, and click on
369the bookmark you want to open.
370:p.You can view or delete all your bookmarks by clicking on &odq.Edit.&per.&cdq. in
371the &odq.Bookmarks&cdq. menu. This window can remain open while you read, so
372that you can quickly look through your bookmarks.
374:note.NewView bookmarks remember all the topic windows that are open, if there
375is more than one.
376:p.Bookmarks are saved in a file with the extension .bmk, in the same
377directory as the help file they are for.
379.* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
380:h1 res=100 id='InternetLinks'.Internet Links
381:p.When you click a web URL such as
382https&colon.//www.google.com, NewView launches your
383default web browser.
384:p.This web browser is specified by operating system settings, not NewView
385itself. To configure it, you can open a URL object on the
386desktop, edit the browser path in the :hp2.Browser:ehp2. tab, then
387click Set Default. Both &ecs. and &aos. include utilities for setting the
388default browser, the latter of which uses the ConfigApps utility, also available
389from the Hobbes archive&colon.
393:p.Browsers may also have the ability to make themselves the default,
394either at install time or in preferences.
395:p.NewView takes care of the setup done by Internet-Application-Integration (IAI). Email, Newsgroups and FTP
396links are passed to the program you have configured. If there is no program for a specific url type,
397then the links are passed to the web browser.
398:p.:hp2.Note to help file authors:ehp2.
399:p.The original View had no understanding of URL or email links, so the
400only way to implement them was a link to, for example,
401&odq.netscape.exe&cdq. with the correct parameters.
402:p.NewView translates program links to &odq.netscape&cdq., &odq.explore&cdq. or &odq.mozilla&cdq.
403into links to the default browser.
404:p.It also auto-detects URLs in the forms&colon.
405:p. http&colon.//x https&colon.//x
406 ftp&colon.//x
407:p. mailto&colon.x news&colon.x
408:p.Things that look like URLs are also detected, even without the protocol
410:p. www.a.b - browser
411:p. ftp.a.b - ftp
412:p. a&atsign.b.c - email
413:p.where a, b and c are any alphanumeric string.
414:p.You don't need to do anything for NewView to recognize these.
416.* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
417:h1 res=300 id='SaveIPF'.Exporting as IPF
418:p.Another &prod. feature is the ability to save the current document as an IPF
419(Information Presentation Facility) source file. For more information concerning
420IPF, see :link reftype=hd refid='WritingHelpFiles'.Writing Help Files:elink.
421later in this document.
423:p.The source code generated from the current document is generally accurate,
424and subsitutes many codes for existing symbols. Usually, the resulting file
425may be used as-is to recompile to an identical document.
427:p.To save the current document as IPF, select Tools - Save as IPF from
428the menu or press Ctrl+I. The default filename is derived from the current
429document, but may be edited to suit. Simply browse to the directory where the
430file is to be saved and click OK.
432:p.It is also important to note that any embedded images will also be saved to
433the same location, but with generic names (img0.bmp, img1.bmp, etc.). These will
434need to be reviewed and their names (and possibly locations) adjusted. The IPF
435source will refer to them by these generic names, however.
437.* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
438:h1 res=9 id='CommandLine'.Command Line Parameters
439:p.When you run NewView from the command line you can supply various
440parameters. None of them are required.
441:p.:hp2.NewView &lbracket.options&rbracket. &lbracket.&lt.filename&gt.
442&lbracket.&lt.search text&gt.&rbracket.&rbracket.:ehp2.
443:p.If NewView is installed as a replacement for view, then the command
444starts with view instead of newview.
445:p.:link reftype=hd refid='CommandLineExamples'.Examples:elink.
448:p.The file for NewView to load. You can load multiple files at once by
449using filename1&plus.filename2 etc.
451:p.If a path isn't specified, then the files are searched for in the
452:link reftype=hd refid='L_EnvironmentVariables'.BOOKSHELF and HELP
455:p.If the path and/or filename contains special characters (like blank) then
456you have to enclose the filename in double qoutes.
458:p.:hp2.&lt.search text&gt.:ehp2.
459:p.Search topic titles and index entries for this text. This is
460:hp2.not:ehp2. the same as a normal search, for compatibility with
461original View. To do a proper search use the /s option (see
462below). For more details, see :link reftype=hd
463refid='CommandLineTopicSearch'.Command Line Topic Search:elink.&per.
466:p.After opening the file, performs a :link reftype=hd
467refid='search'.search:elink. for the given text (do a real full text search intead of
468the default topic titles search). The result is the same as performing the search from
469the :link reftype=hd
470refid='search'.serach navigation panel:elink.&per.
473To search for copy in the whole cmdref document you can call
475newview /s cmdref copy
477NewView is clever enough to handle multiple words (like the :link reftype=hd
478refid='search'.serach navigation panel:elink.). This is a OR search.
480newview /s cmdref net access
482To perform a AND search enclose the search phrase in double quotes.
484newview /s cmdref &odq.net access&cdq.
488:p.Performs a :link reftype=hd refid='GlobalSearch'.global search:elink. for the
489given text, on all the help files in your system.
492To search for copy in all help files use
494newview /g copy
496Provide the file name as first parameter if you like to open a help file
497before the search starts.
499newview /g cmdref copy
502:p.:hp2./?:ehp2. or :hp2./h:ehp2. or :hp2./help:ehp2.
503:p.Show command line help
504:p.See also&colon. :link reftype=hd refid='AdvancedParameters'.Advanced
507.* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
508:h2 res=13 id='CommandLineTopicSearch'.Command Line Topic Search
509:p. view &lt.filename&gt. &lt.topic&gt.
510:p.The topic search parameter specified on the command line, copies the
511behavior of old view.
512:p.Text within topics is not searched, only titles and index entries.
513This makes it less useful to humans, but is used by some programs to
514reference help topics in a predictable way.
515:p.You can use multiple words here.
516:p.The search performed is&colon.
517:p.- topic title starts with search text
518:p.- index entry starts with search text
519:p.- topic title contains search text
520:p.- index entry contains search text.
521:p.Developers should make sure that the expected document will be found if using
522this technique to identify topics when starting New or Old view.
524.* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
525:h2 res=14 id='AdvancedParameters'.Advanced Parameters
526:p.The following command line parameters are intended mainly for software
527developers, but can be used for any purpose.
528:p.:hp2./lang&colon.&lt.language spec&gt.:ehp2.
529:p.Loads the specified language. Overrides the default chosen based on the
530LANG environment variable. For example,
532newview cmdref /lang&colon.en
534loads English. See readme.txt for more information.
536:p.Set the main program window to the given position and size. All values
537must be given. Put a :hp2.P:ehp2. after a number to specify a
538percentage. For example&colon.
540newview /pos&colon.10P,10P,80P,80P
542makes the window centered and 80&percent. of the screen size.
543:p.:hp2./title&colon.&lt.window title&gt.:ehp2.
544:p.Sets the title of the NewView window to the specified text, overriding
545whatever appears in the help file. The text &odq.Help - &cdq. will always be
546inserted in front of the specified text, unless the specified text is
547&odq.help&cdq., in which case the title will simply become &odq.Help&cdq.&per. This is to
548make sure that help windows are always obvious as such in the window list.
549:p.If you need to specify multiple words, surround the entire option with
550quotes, for example&colon.
552newview cmdref &odq./title&colon.Command Line Help&cdq.
555.* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
556:h2 res=15 id='CommandLineExamples'.Command Line Examples
557:p.The following examples assume that &prod. is installed as a complete
558replacement and therefore view is actually &prod.&per.
559:p.:hp2.view cmdref:ehp2.
560:p.Open the file cmdref.inf (OS/2 Command Reference) from
561the help path.
563:p.:hp2.view cmdref&plus.os2ug:ehp2.
564:p.Open two files, cmdref.inf and os2ug.inf (OS/2 User
565Guide), in the same window.
566:p.The table of contents from os2ug.inf is added to the end of the contents
567from cmdref.inf. The indexes are combined alphabetically.
569:p.:hp2.view c&colon.&bsl.os2&bsl.book&bsl.os2ug.inf:ehp2.
570:p.Open the file os2ug.inf in the c&colon.&bsl.os2&bsl.book directory.
572:p.:hp2.view &odq.c&colon.&bsl.os2 book&bsl.os2ug.inf&cdq.:ehp2.
573:p.Surround a path&bsl.filename with double quotes if it contains any special
574characters, such as one or more whitespaces.
576:p.:hp2.view cmdref dir:ehp2.
577:p.Open the file cmdref (OS/2 command reference) and look in
578titles and index for the word &odq.dir&cdq.&per. Will show the help page for the DIR
581:p.:hp2.view /s os2ug desktop:ehp2.
582:p.Open the file os2ug.inf and search for the word &odq.desktop&cdq.&per. The best
583match is shown.
585:p.:hp2.view /g permissions:ehp2.
586:p.Performs a search of all help files for the word &odq.permissions&cdq.&per.
588:p.:hp2.set myhelp&eq.cmdref&plus.os2ug&plus.rexx:ehp2.
590:hp2.view myhelp:ehp2.
591:p.The first line sets an environment variable MYHELP to contain the names of
592three help files. The second line opens the three files.
594.* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
595:h1 res=10 id='KeyboardShortcuts'.Keyboard Shortcuts
596:p.Most keyboard shortcuts are visible in the menu, but a few are not.
597The additional shortcuts are&colon.
598:p.:hp2.Alt&plus.F4:ehp2. Exit
599:p.:hp2.Ctrl&plus.C:ehp2. Copy selected text to clipboard
600:p.:hp2.F7:ehp2. Back
601:p.:hp2.F8:ehp2. Forward
602:p.:hp2.Ctrl&plus.Left:ehp2. Back
603:p.:hp2.F11:ehp2. Previous in contents
604:p.:hp2.F12:ehp2. Next in contents
606:p.:hp2.Shortcuts visible in the menu:ehp2.
607:p.:hp2.Ctrl&plus.O:ehp2. Open files
608:p.:hp2.Ctrl&plus.E:ehp2. Open files from help paths
609:p.:hp2.Ctrl&plus.N:ehp2. Open a new window
610:p.:hp2.Ctrl&plus.P:ehp2. Print topic
611:p.:hp2.F3:ehp2. Exit
614:p.:hp2.Ctrl&plus.A:ehp2. Select all text in topic
615:p.:hp2.Ctrl&plus.Ins:ehp2. Copy selected text to clipboard
617:p.:hp2.Ctrl&plus.F:ehp2. Find within current topic
618:p.:hp2.Ctrl&plus.G:ehp2. Repeat last find
620:p.:hp2.Ctrl&plus.S:ehp2. Open global search tool
622:p.:hp2.Alt&plus.C:ehp2. Change to the contents tab
623:p.:hp2.Alt&plus.I:ehp2. Change to the index tab
624:p.:hp2.Alt&plus.S:ehp2. Change to the search tab
625:p.:hp2.Alt&plus.N:ehp2. Change to the notes tab
626:p.:hp2.Alt&plus.P:ehp2. Toggle the left panel (tabs) on and off
627:p.:hp2.F5:ehp2. Expand all contents
628:p.:hp2.F6:ehp2. Collapse all contents
630:p.:hp2.Esc:ehp2. Back
631:p.:hp2.Ctrl&plus.Right:ehp2. Forward
632:p.:hp2.Ctrl&plus.Up:ehp2. Previous topic in contents
633:p.:hp2.Ctrl&plus.Down:ehp2. Next topic in contents
635:p.:hp2.Ctrl&plus.D:ehp2. Edit bookmarks
636:p.:hp2.Ctrl&plus.B:ehp2. Bookmark current topic
638:p.:hp2.Ctrl&plus.M:ehp2. Add note at cursor position
639:p.:hp2.Ctrl&plus.I:ehp2. Save current document as IPF source file
641:p.:hp2.F1:ehp2. Help for NewView
643.* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
644:h1 res=11 id='L_EnvironmentVariables'.Environment Variables
645:p.Both the :hp2.BOOKSHELF:ehp2. and :hp2.HELP:ehp2. environment variables
646define paths (lists of directories) for searching for help files.
647NewView uses both paths without distinction.
648:p.These paths are searched when you&colon.
650:li.specify a help file without a path on the command line
651:li.use the File - Open Special... menu item
652:li.do a :link reftype=hd refid='GlobalSearch'.global search:elink.
654:p.You can permanently add directories of help files to the :hp2.HELP:ehp2. or
655:hp2.BOOKSHELF:ehp2. paths by modifying the CONFIG.SYS file. Add to both
656paths, if you also want old view to be able to find the files.
657:p.:hp2.Other environment variables:ehp2.
658:p.The :hp2.LANG:ehp2. environment variable is examined to decide the default
659language that NewView will be displayed in. (Overridden by the
660/lang :link reftype=hd refid='AdvancedParameters'.command line
661parameter:elink.&per.) See the newview readme.txt for more information
662about languages.
663:p.The directory defined in :hp2.LOGFILES:ehp2. is used for logging crashes or
664other information.
665:p.The subdirectory &odq.lang&cdq. under the directory defined by :hp2.OSDIR:ehp2. is
666searched for language files at startup.
667:p.The path :hp2.ULSPATH:ehp2. is also searched for language files.
669.* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
670:h1 res=20 id='ForAuthors'.For Authors and Developers
671:p.This section contains some notes for document authors and software
673:p.Also see the section about URL recognition in the :link reftype=hd
674refid='InternetLinks'.Internet Links :elink.topic.
676.* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
677:h2 res=12 id='WritingHelpFiles'.Writing Help Files
678:p.OS/2 Help Files are produced using the IPF Compiler. IPF stands for
679Information Presentation Facility.
680:p.The IPF Compiler takes a text file written in a language that tells it about
681things like headings, links, text and images, and produces
682either a .INF or .HLP file.
683:p.The official way to obtain the IPF compiler (ipfc.exe) is from
684the OS/2 Developers Toolkit, which may be installed as a series of
685RPM packages from the Netlabs YUM repositories, either from the command
686line or using Arca Noae Package Manager
688:p.Since the language for IPFC is tedious (for example all punctuation must
689be typed as special keywords, like &amp.comma.) many people use
690other tools besides the IPF compiler itself.
691:p.Some use VyperHelp (http&colon.//vyperhelp.netlabs.org/)
692as it is simple and graphical. VyperHelp can also export to Windows
693Help, HTML, and others, though it only runs on &os2.&per.
694:p.Some other popular options are&colon.
696:li.HyperText/2 IPF Preprocessor
698- preprocesses a simpler starting language into the very difficult IPF format.
699Free, with full source code.
700:li.HyperMake (http&colon.//www.hypermake.com).
701Similar, but can also produce Windows Help and HTML.
702:li.Sibyl (used to create NewView) comes with an IPF preprocessor.
705:note.NewView may not support everything these editors can produce.
706:p.In the past there were many other options. Those listed should still be
707available and have some support.
709.* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
710:h2 res=16 id='TopicResourceIDs'.Topic Resource IDs
711:p.Resource IDs are used by authors of online help for applications, to
712identify help topics. Applications call the Help Manager specifying a
713resource ID, either directly using the HM&us.DISPLAY&us.HELP
714message, or indirectly via help tables added to their resources,
715which PM automatically handles. The resource ID is stored in a table inside
716the help file.
717:p.For document authors, NewView offers the ability to see and find
718resource IDs.
719:p.:hp2.Finding by Resource ID:ehp2.
720:p.Use Tools - Find Resource ID to search for a specified resource ID in
721all opened files.
722:p.:hp2.Displaying Resource IDs:ehp2.
723:p.Use topic properties (right mouse click - Properties) to see
724which resource IDs are associated with a topic.
726.* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
727:h2 res=19 id='TopicNames'.Topic Names
728:p.Like resource IDs, topic names can be used by developers to link to
729help topics from within their application, using the HM&us.DISPLAY&us.HELP
730message with parameter 2 being HM&us.PANELNAME.
731:p.These are not so often used.
732:p.NewView can find a particular topic name, using Tools - Find
733Topic Name.