Custom Query (9 matches)


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Status: closed (9 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#34 On restart, a modified shell is not restored, if it's not on top defect minor 1.24 worksforme
#22 change call to run enhancement major 1.16 invalid
#21 creating directory %TMP% Andreas Schnellbacher defect major 1.16 fixed
#25 Potential memory leak Andreas Schnellbacher defect major 1.18 fixed
#28 mention of gmane news Andreas Schnellbacher defect trivial 1.18 fixed
#30 epm crash when scrolling Andreas Schnellbacher defect major 1.19 fixed
#31 nepmd 1.22: command "key" does not properly work when invoked from commandline Andreas Schnellbacher defect major 1.22 fixed
#32 Encoding conversion from Unicode to others defect minor 1.24 fixed
#33 On opening the Command box, window scrolls to current cursor pos. defect minor 1.24 fixed
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.