# ***************************** Module Header ******************************* # # Module Name: project.in # # Project-specific file to be included by the file rules.in to # - create additional directories below the # - compile directory $(CMPDIR) # - binary directory $(BINDIR) (either debnug or release) # - extend the PATH to the bin subdirectory for helper programs. # # If a package subdirectory (PKGDIR) is specified, also the # directory # $(BINDIR)\$(PKGDIR)\netlabs\bin # is created. # # Copyright (c) Netlabs EPM Distribution Project 2002 # # $Id: project.in 4764 2021-10-20 21:30:39Z aschn $ # # =========================================================================== # # This file is part of the Netlabs EPM Distribution package and is free # software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the # GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the # Netlabs EPM Distribution. This library is distributed in the hope that it # will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty # of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # *************************************************************************** # --- Check for required base macros !ifndef CMPDIR !Error in project.in: CMPDIR must be set in your makefile before including this file. !endif !ifndef BINDIR !Error in project.in: BINDIR must be set in your makefile before including this file. !endif # ---- If no package subdirectory defined, "base" is used !ifndef PKGDIR PKGDIR=base !endif # ---- Create additionally required directories # NOTE: They do not need special cleanup, as they are deleted # as subdirectories of CMPDIR and BINDIR in main makefile, so the macro # DIRSTOCLEAN needs not to be extended # - Create netlabs tree in compile directory CMPPKGDIR=$(CMPDIR)\$(PKGDIR) !if [@md $(CMPPKGDIR) 2> NUL] !endif CMPDSTDIR=$(CMPPKGDIR)\netlabs !if [@md $(CMPDSTDIR) 2> NUL] !endif CMPBINDIR=$(CMPDSTDIR)\bin !if [@md $(CMPBINDIR) 2> NUL] !endif CMPINFDIR=$(CMPDSTDIR)\book !if [@md $(CMPINFDIR) 2> NUL] !endif CMPHLPDIR=$(CMPDSTDIR)\help !if [@md $(CMPHLPDIR) 2> NUL] !endif CMPINSTDIR=$(CMPDSTDIR)\install !if [@md $(CMPINSTDIR) 2> NUL] !endif CMPMACDIR=$(CMPDSTDIR)\macros !if [@md $(CMPMACDIR) 2> NUL] !endif CMPEXDIR=$(CMPDSTDIR)\ex !if [@md $(CMPEXDIR) 2> NUL] !endif CMPTOOLSDIR=$(CMPDSTDIR)\tools !if [@md $(CMPTOOLSDIR) 2> NUL] !endif # - Create netlabs tree in binary directory # taking care of subdirectory per package BINPKGDIR=$(BINDIR)\$(PKGDIR) !if [@md $(BINPKGDIR) 2> NUL] !endif BINDSTDIR=$(BINPKGDIR)\netlabs !if [@md $(BINDSTDIR) 2> NUL] !endif BINBINDIR=$(BINDSTDIR)\bin !if [@md $(BINBINDIR) 2> NUL] !endif BINDLLDIR=$(BINDSTDIR)\dll !if [@md $(BINDLLDIR) 2> NUL] !endif # --- Private extension of suffix list for .e macros .SUFFIXES: .e .ex # --- Private rules for .e macro, one for the package ex dir, from # where files get shipped, and one for the main compile directory, # from where files are only used by compilation of resource modules {$(MACRODIR)}.e{$(CMPEXDIR)}.ex: mkex $(EPMPATH) $(CMPEXDIR) $(@B).e {$(MACRODIR)}.e{$(CMPDIR)}.ex: mkex $(EPMPATH) $(CMPDIR) $(@B).e # --- Extend path for executables to make helper programs available PATH=$(BASEDIR)\bin;$(PATH) # --- Define list of files that are created by various makefiles and should # trigger the rebuild of the WPI package in src\wis\makefile SRCCOPY_FLAGFILE=$(CMPDIR)\srccopy.flag NLSCOPY_FLAGFILE=$(CMPDIR)\nlscopy.flag LIBDLL_FLAGFILE=$(CMPDIR)\nepmdlib.dll.flag LIBEX_FLAGFILE=$(CMPDIR)\nepmdlib.ex.flag LIBANY_FLAGFILE=$(CMPDIR)\restart.flag PRGINF_FLAGFILE=$(CMPDIR)\prginf.flag LIBFLAGFILELIST=\ $(LIBDLL_FLAGFILE) \ $(LIBEX_FLAGFILE) \ $(LIBANY_FLAGFILE) \ $(PRGINF_FLAGFILE) WPIDEPLIST=\ $(SRCCOPY_FLAGFILE) \ $(NLSCOPY_FLAGFILE) \ $(CMPDIR)\base\netlabs\bin\* \ $(CMPDIR)\base\netlabs\book\* \ $(CMPDIR)\base\netlabs\ex\* \ $(CMPDIR)\base\netlabs\install\* \ $(CMPDIR)\base\netlabs\hilite\* \ $(CMPDIR)\base\netlabs\macros\* \ $(BINDIR)\base\netlabs\dll\* \ $(BINDIR)\epmcall\netlabs\bin\* # --- Check for required programs !if [@required] !Error in project.in: error !endif