Custom Query (25 matches)


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Results (19 - 21 of 25)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#14 batchheizer batchheizer fixed WPI-Installer

I try to write a WIS-script for the plugin. Why? I hate doing 3-steps-installations (like now): 1. Extract (To tmp) 2. Run Install 3. Delete all previous extracted files.

#15 Yuri Dario batchheizer invalid Plugin makes WPS or programs slower

Active plugin slows down opening a file with AE (13 sec. for a 1KB-file). The file is not on mounted resource. "Stoping" Control-Program makes AE normal open the files in about 0.5 sec.

I will try to give more information next days.

#18 Yuri Dario Batchheizer invalid Inform user about wrong PWD etc.

If a user enters a wrong PWD (or ID or URL), Netdrive only displays an empty dir (SYS0002). I think remote server gives an output about wrong PWD (or ID). The plugin should check if PWD (or ID) is correct and inform user in case of an error. Maybe a "Test"-button on properties-dialog? Result could be a "OK" or so after fields. I hope ndctl-PM can handle this. If not, maybe it's a feature, that could be implanted in Netdrive.

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