1 | % This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (MiKTeX 2.9.6350)
2 | % LaTeX2e <2017-04-15>
3 |
4 | % Package: amsbsy 1999/11/29 v1.2d Bold Symbols
5 | % Package: amsfonts 2013/01/14 v3.01 Basic AMSFonts support
6 | % Package: amsmath 2017/09/02 v2.17a AMS math features
7 | % Package: amsopn 2016/03/08 v2.02 operator names
8 | % Package: amstext 2000/06/29 v2.01 AMS text
9 | % Package: amsthm 2017/10/31 v2.20.4
10 | % Package: bm 2017/01/16 v1.2c Bold Symbol Support (DPC/FMi)
11 | % Package: cleveref 2018/03/27 v0.21.4 Intelligent cross-referencing
12 | % Package: enumitem 2011/09/28 v3.5.2 Customized lists
13 | % Package: expl3 2018-06-01 L3 programming layer (code)
14 | % Package: expl3 2018-06-01 L3 programming layer (loader)
15 | % Package: graphics 2017/06/25 v1.2c Standard LaTeX Graphics (DPC,SPQR)
16 | % Package: graphicx 2017/06/01 v1.1a Enhanced LaTeX Graphics (DPC,SPQR)
17 | % Package: hyperref 2018/02/06 v6.86b Hypertext links for LaTeX
18 | % Package: ifpdf 2017/03/15 v3.2 Provides the ifpdf switch
19 | % Package: ifthen 2014/09/29 v1.1c Standard LaTeX ifthen package (DPC)
20 | % Package: keyval 2014/10/28 v1.15 key=value parser (DPC)
21 | % Package: mathtools 2018/01/08 v1.21 mathematical typesetting tools
22 | % Package: nameref 2016/05/21 v2.44 Cross-referencing by name of section
23 | % Package: pgf 2015/08/07 v3.0.1a (rcs-revision 1.15)
24 | % Package: scalerel 2016/12/29 v1.8 Routines for constrained scaling and stretchi
25 | % Package: showlabels 2015/12/08 v1.7
26 | % Package: stix2 2018/04/02 v2.0.0-latex STIX Two fonts support package
27 | % Package: thmtools 2014/04/21 v66
28 | % Package: tikz 2015/08/07 v3.0.1a (rcs-revision 1.151)
29 | % Package: tikz-cd 2014/10/30 v0.9e Commutative diagrams with tikzx
30 |
31 | % Package: xparse 2018-05-12 L3 Experimental document command parser
32 | % Package: xstring 2013/10/13 v1.7c String manipulations (C Tellechea)
33 | % Package: xy 2013/10/06 Xy-pic version 3.8.9
34 | % Version 2
35 | % 1. Define \into
36 | % 2. Define m-chart at a point and subchart at a point
37 | % 3. Change definition of M-atlas morphism
38 | % 3. Change definition of Ck-atlas morphism
39 |
40 | \documentclass{article}
41 | \usepackage{amsmath}
42 | %\usepackage{amssymb}
43 | \usepackage{amsthm}
44 | \usepackage{bm}
45 | \usepackage{enumitem}
46 | \usepackage{ifthen}
47 | %\usepackage{mathrsfs}
48 | \usepackage{mathtools}
49 | \usepackage{scalerel}
50 | \usepackage{stix2}[notext,not1] %reqires XeTeX or luaTeX
51 | \usepackage{thmtools}
52 | \usepackage{tikz-cd}
53 | \usepackage{xparse} % loads expl3
54 | %See interface3.pdf
55 | \usepackage{xstring}
56 |
57 | \usepackage[cmtip,all,barr]{xy}
58 | %Remove when xybarr.tex bug fixed
59 | \newdir_{ (}{{ }*!/-.5em/@_{(}}
60 |
61 | %Morphisms of category
62 | \newcommand \Ar {\mathrm{Ar}}
63 |
64 | \DeclareMathOperator \arin {\stackrel{\Ar}{\in}}
65 |
66 | %Category of atlases from E to C
67 | %\DeclareMathOperator \Atl {\mathscr{A\!t\!l}}
68 | \newcommand \Atl [1] []
69 | { \ifthenelse {\equal{#1}{}}
70 | {\mathscr{A\!t\!l}}
71 | {\mathscr{A\!t\!l}^{\mathrm{#1}}}
72 | }
73 |
74 | \DeclareMathOperator \Atlas {\mathrm{Atlas}}
75 |
76 | \newcommand \Bun {\mathrm{Bun}}
77 |
78 | \newcommand \BunProd {\mathrm{Bun}-\mathrm{prod}}
79 |
80 | \newcommand \C {\mathrm{C}}
81 |
82 | % Select font for standard categories
83 | \newcommand \Cat [1] {\mathbf{#1}}
84 |
85 | % Select font for categories and sequences of categories
86 | \newcommand \catname [1] {\mathscr{#1}}
87 | \newcommand \catseqname [1] {\bm{\mathscr{#1}}}
88 | % Can't use \bm without stix and XeTeX
89 |
90 | \newcommand \Ck {\mathrm{C^k}}
91 |
92 | \newcommand \Classic {\mathrm{Classic}}
93 |
94 | \DeclareMathOperator \codomain {\mathrm{codomain}}
95 |
96 | % Extended composition operators for function sequences
97 | \newcommand {\compose} [1] [def]
98 | { \ifthenelse {\equal{#1}{def}}
99 | {\mathbin \circ}
100 | {\mathbin{\overset{#1} {\circ}}}
101 | }
102 |
103 | % Compose head
104 | \newcommand {\composeh} [1] [def]
105 | { \ifthenelse {\equal{#1}{def}}
106 | {\mathbin \odot}
107 | {\mathbin{\overset{#1} {\odot}}}
108 | }
109 |
110 | % Compose tail
111 | \newcommand {\composet} [1] [def]
112 | { \ifthenelse {\equal{#1}{def}}
113 | {\mathbin \cdot}
114 | {\mathbin{\overset{#1} {\cdot}}}
115 | }
116 |
117 | \DeclareMathOperator \defeq {\stackrel{\mathrm{def}}{=}}
118 |
119 | \DeclareMathOperator \domain {\mathrm{domain}}
120 |
121 | \DeclareMathOperator \Domain {\seqname{domain}}
122 |
123 | \newcommand \false {\mathrm{False}}
124 |
125 | \newcommand \Fib {\mathrm{Fib}}
126 |
127 | \newcommand \full [2] [] {\underset{\mathrm {{#1}full}}{#2}}
128 |
129 | \newcommand \fullcref [1]
130 | { \ifthenelse {\equal{\nameref{#1}}{}}
131 | {\cref{#1}}
132 | {\cref{#1} (\nameref{#1})}
133 | }
134 |
135 | % Select font for functions and sequences of functions
136 | % \newcommand \funcname [1] {\mathit{#1}}
137 | % \newcommand \funcseqname [1] {\bm{#1}}
138 |
139 | \DeclareMathOperator \Functor {\mathop{\mathscr{F}}}
140 |
141 | \DeclareMathOperator \head {\mathrm{head}}
142 |
143 | \DeclareMathOperator \Hom {\mathrm{Hom}}
144 |
145 | \DeclareMathOperator \Id {\mathrm{Id}}
146 |
147 | \DeclareMathOperator \ID {\mathbf{Id}}
148 |
149 | \newcommand \into {\negthickspace\mon}
150 |
151 | %Propositional function isCk_{f,A}(x,y,...)
152 | \DeclareMathOperator \isCk {\mathrm{isCk}}
153 |
154 | %Propositional function isAtl(A,E,C)
155 | \newcommand \isAtl [1] []
156 | { \ifthenelse {\equal{#1}{}}
157 | {\mathrm{isAtl}}
158 | {\mathrm{isAtl}^{\mathrm{#1}}}
159 | }
160 |
161 | %Propositional function isLCS(L, M, A, F, Sigma)
162 | \DeclareMathOperator \isLCS {\mathrm{isLCS}}
163 |
164 | \DeclareMathOperator \iso {\stackrel{\sim}{=}}
165 |
166 | % Join two tuples
167 | \DeclareMathOperator \join {\mathrm{join}}
168 |
169 | %Category of M-Sigma local coordinate spaces
170 | \newcommand \LCS {\mathrm{LCS}}
171 |
172 | \DeclareMathOperator \length {\mathrm{length}}
173 |
174 | \DeclareMathOperator \lengtho {\mathrm length0}
175 |
176 | \newcommand \M {\mathrm{M}}
177 |
178 | \newcommand \Man {\mathrm{Man}}
179 |
180 | % Adjust : spacing for f maps a to b
181 | \newcommand \maps {\!\colon}
182 |
183 | %Set long names upright, short names italic
184 | \newcommand{\mathvarname}[1]{%
185 | \begingroup\noexpandarg
186 | \StrLen{#1}[\temp]%
187 | \ifnum\temp>1
188 | \mathrm{#1}%
189 | \else
190 | #1%
191 | \fi
192 | \endgroup
193 | }
194 |
195 | \newcommand \maxfull [2] [] {\underset{\mathrm {{#1}max-full}}{#2}}
196 | \newcommand \maximal [2] [] {\underset{\mathrm {{#1}max}}{#2}}
197 |
198 | \newcommand \minimal [2] [] {\underset{{#1}\mathrm {min}}{#2}}
199 |
200 | %Model category
201 | \newcommand \Mod {\mathrm{Mod}}
202 |
203 | %Morphisms between two objects
204 | \newcommand \Mor {\mathrm{Mor}}
205 |
206 | % Morphism of category
207 | \DeclareMathOperator \morphin {\stackrel{\Ar}{\in}}
208 |
209 | %Object of category
210 | \newcommand \Ob {\mathrm{Ob}}
211 | \DeclareMathOperator \objin {\stackrel{\Ob}{\in}}
212 |
213 | \newcommand \onto {\epi}
214 |
215 | % All non-null open sets
216 | \newcommand \op [2] [] {\underset{{#1}\mathrm {op}}{#2}}
217 |
218 | \newcommand \optriv [2] [] {\underset{{#1}\mathrm {op-triv}}{#2}}
219 |
220 | \newcommand \pagecref [1]
221 | { \ifthenelse {\equal{\nameref{#1}}{}}
222 | {\cref{#1} on \cpageref{#1}}
223 | {\cref{#1} (\nameref{#1}) on \cpageref{#1}\!}
224 | }
225 |
226 | \newcommand \Pagecref [1]
227 | { \ifthenelse {\equal{\nameref{#1}}{}}
228 | {\Cref{#1} on \cpageref{#1}}
229 | {\Cref{#1} (\nameref{#1}) on \cpageref{#1}}
230 | }
231 |
232 | \DeclareMathOperator \range {\mathrm{range}}
233 |
234 | \DeclareMathOperator \Range {\seqname{range}}
235 |
236 | \newcommand \restrictto {\!\restriction}
237 |
238 | \DeclareMathOperator \seqeq {\stackrel{()}{=}}
239 |
240 | \DeclareMathOperator \seqin {\stackrel{()}{\in}}
241 |
242 | %Font for sequence
243 | %\newcommand \seqname [1] {\bm{\mathit{\mathsf{#1}}}}
244 |
245 | \newcommand \Set {\mathbf{Set}}
246 | %
247 | %\newcommand \sing [2] [] {\underset{{#1}\mathrm{Sing}{#2}}
248 | %\newcommand \Sing [2] [] {\underset{\bm{{#1}\mathrm{Sing}}{#2}}
249 |
250 | \newcommand \singcat [2] [] {\underset{{#1}\mathscr{S\!i\!n\!g}}{#2}}
251 | \newcommand \Singcat [2] [] {\underset{{#1}\mathscr{S\!i\!n\!g}}{#2}}
252 | % Can't use \bm without stix and XeTeX
253 |
254 | \newcommand \strict [2] [] {\underset{\mathrm {{#1}strict}}{#2}}
255 |
256 | \newcommand \subcat [1] [] {\overset{\mathrm{{#1}cat}}{\subseteq}}
257 | \newcommand \SUBCAT [1] [] {\overset{\mathbf{{#1}cat}}{\subseteq}}
258 |
259 | \newcommand \submod [1] [] {\overset{\mathrm{{#1}mod}}{\subseteq}}
260 |
261 | \DeclareMathOperator \SUBSETEQ {\stackrel{()}{\subseteq}}
262 |
263 | \DeclareMathOperator \tail {\mathrm{tail}}
264 |
265 | \newcommand \toiso {\,\to/{>}->>/^{\iso}}
266 |
267 | \newcommand \Top {\mathrm{Top}}
268 | \newcommand \Topcat {\mathscr{T\!o\!p}}
269 |
270 | % Font for topology
271 | \newcommand \topname [1] {\mathfrak{#1}}
272 |
273 | \newcommand \Topology {\mathfrak{Top}}
274 |
275 | \newcommand \triv [2] [] {\underset{{#1}\mathrm {triv}}{#2}}
276 | \newcommand \Triv [2] [] {\underset{{#1}\mathbf {triv}}{#2}}
277 |
278 | \newcommand \trivcat [2] [] {\underset{{#1}\mathscr{T\!r\!i\!v}}{#2}}
279 | \newcommand \Trivcat [2] [] {\underset{{#1}\bm{\mathscr{T\!r\!i\!v}}}{#2}}
280 | % Can't use \bm without stix and XeTeX
281 |
282 | \newcommand \true {\mathrm{True}}
283 | % Can't use long name because \mathscr doesn't support lower case.
284 | \newcommand \truthcat {\mathscr{T}}
285 | \newcommand \truthset {\mathbb{T}}
286 | \newcommand \truthspace {\mathrm{Truthspace}}
287 | \newcommand \truthtop {\mathfrak{Truthtop}}
288 |
289 | \newcommand \unioncat [1] [] {\overset{\mathrm{{#1}cat}}{\cup}}
290 | \newcommand \UNIONCAT [1] [] {\overset{\mathbf{{#1}cat}}{\cup}}
291 |
292 | % Existential and universal quamtifiers
293 | % Set former
294 | % Union and intersection
295 |
296 | % --------------------------------------------------------------------
297 | % | From here to closing --- belongs in package |
298 | % | |
299 |
300 | % Copyright 2016 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz
301 | % I grant permission to the AMS, arXiv.org, the LATEX3 project and the
302 | % TeX users group to incorporate these commands in any LaTeX package
303 | % that may be freely redistributed, provided that they attribute the
304 | % source.
305 |
306 | % These commands are intended to allow semantic markup for some
307 | % common mathermtical constructs:
308 | % \equant{variables}{proposition} Existential qunatifier
309 | % \uquant{variables}{proposition} Universal quantifier
310 | % \union[indices]{set} Union
311 | % \intersection[indices]{set} Intersection
312 | % \set {elements}[propositions] Set of
313 | % \set{elements}[propositions]* Set of, split
314 | % \setupquant{optionstring} Style of \equant, \uquant
315 | % \setupset{optionstring} Style of \set, \union, \intersection
316 | % \seqname{name} Render sequence/set/tuple name
317 |
318 | % Because LaTeX has problems with parameters containg \\, the \set command
319 | % has code to split the line between the elements and the proposition if
320 | % the invocation is \set* and the environment is multline.
321 |
322 | % Surround individual indices in \intersection, individual variables in
323 | % quantifiers, individual propositions in \set and individual indices in
324 | % \union with braces, e.g., \equant {{x \in X},{y \in Y}}{P(x,y)},
325 | % \set{x}[{P(x)}, {Q(x)}], \union[{i \in I},{j \in J}]{O(i.j)}.
326 |
327 | % Setup keywords for \equant, \uquant
328 | % subscript =none Default
329 | % \exists var1 ... \exists varn prop
330 | % stacked \exists_\substack{var1 \\ ... varn} prop
331 | % multiple \exists_{var1,...,varn} prop
332 | % parentheses=none Default
333 | % single (\exists var1 ... \exists varn) prop
334 | % multiple (\exists var1) ... (\exists varn) prop
335 | % separator= Default {}
336 |
337 | % Setup keywords for \intersection, \set, \union
338 | % subscript =none \bigcap ix1, ..., ixn set
339 | % stacked Default
340 | % \bigcap__\substack{ix1 \\ ... ixn} set
341 | % multiple \bigcap_{ix1,...,ixn} set
342 | % separator= Default {\mid}
343 | % {elements separator prop1 ^ ... propn}
344 |
345 | \ExplSyntaxOn
346 |
347 | \int_gzero_new:N \g_style_quant_parens_int
348 | \int_gzero_new:N \g_style_quant_subscr_int
349 | \int_gzero_new:N \g_style_set_subscr_int
350 |
351 | \NewDocumentCommand{\equant}{mm}
352 | {
353 | \quant:nnn {\exists} {#1} {#2}
354 | }
355 |
356 | \NewDocumentCommand{\uquant}{mm}
357 | {
358 | \quant:nnn {\forall} {#1} {#2}
359 | }
360 |
361 | \NewDocumentCommand \setupquant {m}
362 | {
363 | \keys_set:nn {shmuel / quant} {#1}
364 | }
365 |
366 | \keys_define:nn {shmuel / quant}
367 | {
368 | subscript .choices:nn =
369 | {
370 | {
371 | none,
372 | stacked,
373 | multiple
374 | }
375 | {
376 | \int_gset:Nn \g_style_quant_subscr_int {\l_keys_choice_int-1}
377 | }
378 | },
379 | subscript .default:n = multiple,
380 | subscript .initial:n = none,
381 | parentheses .choices:nn =
382 | {
383 | {
384 | none,
385 | single,
386 | multiple
387 | }
388 | {
389 | \int_gset:Nn \g_style_quant_parens_int {\l_keys_choice_int - 1}
390 | }
391 | },
392 | parentheses .default:n = multiple,
393 | parentheses .initial:n = none,
394 | separater .tl_set:N = \g_style_quant_sep_tl,
395 | separater .default:n = {.},
396 | separater .initial:n = {}
397 | }
398 |
399 | \cs_new:Npn \quant:nnn #1 #2 #3
400 | {
401 | %\int_show:N \g_style_quant_parens_int
402 | %\int_show:N \g_style_quant_subscr_int
403 | % g_style_quant_parens_int \ \int_use:N \g_style_quant_parens_int \
404 | % g_style_quant_subscr_int \ \int_use:N \g_style_quant_subscr_int \
405 | \clist_set:Nn \l_tmpa_clist {#2}
406 | \int_case:nn
407 | {\g_style_quant_subscr_int}
408 | {
409 | {0}
410 | {
411 | % No subscript
412 | % Set separater to ) ( quantifier or just quantifier
413 | \int_compare:nTF {\g_style_quant_parens_int = 2}
414 | {\tl_set:Nn \l_tmpa_tl {\right ) \left ( #1}}
415 | {\tl_set:Nn \l_tmpa_tl {#1}}
416 | \int_compare:nT {\g_style_quant_parens_int > 0} {\left (}
417 | #1
418 | \clist_use:Nn \l_tmpa_clist {\l_tmpa_tl}
419 | \int_compare:nT {\g_style_quant_parens_int > 0} {\right )}
420 | \g_style_quant_sep_tl #3
421 | }
422 | {1}
423 | {
424 | % Stacked subscript on single quantifier
425 | \fp_set:Nn
426 | \l_tmpa_fp
427 | {ceil{\clist_count:N{\l_tmpa_clist} - 1} * .1 + 1}
428 | \int_compare:nT {\g_style_quant_parens_int > 0} {\left (}
429 | \scaleobj{\fp_to_decimal:N \l_tmpa_fp}{#1} \sb
430 | { \substack { \clist_use:Nn \l_tmpa_clist { \\ } } }
431 | \int_compare:nT {\g_style_quant_parens_int > 0} {\right )}
432 | #3
433 | }
434 | {2}
435 | {
436 | % Subscripts on separate quantifiers
437 | \clist_map_inline:Nn
438 | \l_tmpa_clist
439 | {
440 | % (quantifier \sb predicate) or quantifier \sb predicate
441 | {
442 | \int_compare:nT
443 | {\g_style_quant_parens_int > 0}
444 | {\left (}
445 | \scaleobj{1.2}{#1} \sb
446 | {##1}
447 | \int_compare:nT
448 | {\g_style_quant_parens_int > 0}
449 | {\right )}
450 | }
451 | }
452 | #3
453 | }
454 | }
455 | }
456 |
457 | \NewDocumentCommand{\set}{mos}
458 | {
459 | \IfBooleanTF {#3}
460 | {
461 | % \msg_term:n {set with star}
462 | % \msg_term:n{{P1 #1}}
463 | % \msg_term:n{{P2 #2}}
464 | \bool_set_true:N \l_tmpa_bool
465 | % \bool_show:N \l_tmpa_bool
466 | }
467 | {
468 | \bool_set_false:N \l_tmpa_bool
469 | }
470 | \set_of:nnn {#1} {#2} {\l_tmpa_bool}
471 | }
472 |
473 | %\tl_new:N \g_style_set_sep_tl
474 | %\tl_gset:Nn \g_style_set_sep_tl {\mid}
475 |
476 | \NewDocumentCommand \setupset {m}
477 | {
478 | \keys_set:nn {shmuel / set} {#1}
479 | }
480 |
481 | \keys_define:nn {shmuel / set}
482 | {
483 | separater .tl_set:N = \g_style_set_sep_tl,
484 | subscript .choices:nn =
485 | {
486 | {
487 | stacked,
488 | multiple
489 | }
490 | {
491 | \int_gset:Nn \g_style_set_subscr_int {\l_keys_choice_int-1}
492 | }
493 | },
494 | separater .initial:n = {\mid},
495 | subscript .initial:n = stacked
496 | }
497 |
498 | \cs_new:Npn \set_of:nnn #1 #2 #3
499 | {
500 | \IfValueTF {#2}
501 | {
502 | % \msg_term:n {set_of:nn \ has \ predicates \ #2}
503 | }
504 | {
505 | % \msg_term:n {set_of:nn \ has \ no \ predicates}
506 | }
507 | \clist_set:Nn \l_tmpa_clist {#2}
508 | % \msg_term:n {l_tmpa_clist \ set}
509 | \tl_gset:Nn \g_tmpa_tl {\clist_use:Nn \l_tmpa_clist {\land}}
510 | % \msg_term:n {g_tmpa_tl \ set \ to \ \g_tmpa_tl}
511 | \IfValueTF {#2}
512 | {
513 | \bool_if:nTF {#3}
514 | {
515 | \scalerel*{\{}{#1\g_tmpa_tl}
516 | #1
517 | % \msg_term:n {scalerel returns \scalerel{\g_style_set_sep_tl}{\g_tmpa_tl}}
518 | \clist_set:Nn \l_tmpa_clist {#2}
519 | \scalerel*{\mathbin{\g_style_set_sep_tl}}{#1\g_tmpa_tl}
520 | \\
521 | \clist_set:Nn \l_tmpa_clist {#2}
522 | \g_tmpa_tl
523 | % \tl_show:N \g_tmpa_tl
524 | \clist_set:Nn \l_tmpa_clist {#2}
525 | \scalerel*{\}}{#1\g_tmpa_tl}
526 | }
527 | {
528 | \left \{
529 | #1
530 | \clist_set:Nn \l_tmpa_clist {#2}
531 | \scalerel*{\mathbin{\g_style_set_sep_tl}}{#1\g_tmpa_tl}
532 | \g_tmpa_tl
533 | \right \}
534 | }
535 | }
536 | {
537 | \left \{ #1 \right \}
538 | }
539 | }
540 |
541 | \NewDocumentCommand{\funcname}{m}
542 | {
543 | \funcname:n {#1}
544 | }
545 |
546 | \cs_new:Npn \funcname:n #1
547 | {
548 | %code here \tl_count:n
549 | \int_compare:nTF {\tl_count:n{#1} > 1}
550 | {
551 | {\mathrm{#1}}
552 | }
553 | {
554 | {\mathit{#1}}
555 | }
556 | }
557 |
558 | \NewDocumentCommand{\funcseqname}{m}
559 | {
560 | \funcseqname:n {#1}
561 | }
562 |
563 | \cs_new:Npn \funcseqname:n #1
564 | {
565 | %code here \tl_count:n
566 | \int_compare:nTF {\tl_count:n{#1} > 1}
567 | {
568 | {\bm{\mathrm{#1}}}
569 | }
570 | {
571 | {\bm {\mathit{#1}}}
572 | }
573 | }
574 |
575 | \NewDocumentCommand{\seqname}{m}
576 | {
577 | \seqname:n {#1}
578 | }
579 |
580 | \cs_new:Npn \seqname:n #1
581 | {
582 | %code here \tl_count:n
583 | \int_compare:nTF {\tl_count:n{#1} > 1}
584 | {
585 | {\mathbf{#1}}
586 | }
587 | {
588 | {\mathbfit{#1}}
589 | }
590 | }
591 |
592 | \NewDocumentCommand{\intersection}{om}
593 | {
594 | \unint_of:nnn \bigcap {#1} {#2}
595 | }
596 |
597 | \NewDocumentCommand{\union}{om}
598 | {
599 | \unint_of:nnn \bigcup {#1} {#2}
600 | }
601 |
602 | \cs_new:Npn \unint_of:nnn #1 #2 #3
603 | {
604 | \IfValueTF {#2}
605 | {
606 | % \int_show:N \g_style_set_subscr_int
607 | \clist_set:Nn \l_tmpa_clist {#2}
608 | \int_case:nn
609 | {\g_style_set_subscr_int}
610 | {
611 | {0}
612 | {
613 | % Stacked subscript
614 | % \msg_term:n {\clist_count:N{\l_tmpa_clist} \ tokens \ stacked}
615 | % \clist_show:N \l_tmpa_clist
616 | \fp_set:Nn
617 | \l_tmpa_fp
618 | {ceil{\clist_count:N{\l_tmpa_clist} - 1} * .1 + 1}
619 | \scaleobj{\fp_to_decimal:N \l_tmpa_fp}{#1} \sb
620 | {\substack { \clist_use:Nn \l_tmpa_clist { \\ } }}
621 | #3
622 | }
623 | {1}
624 | {
625 | % Subscripts comma separated
626 | % \msg_term:n {\clist_count:N{\l_tmpa_clist} \ tokens \ comma \ separated}
627 | % \clist_show:N \l_tmpa_clist
628 | #1 \sb
629 | {\clist_use:Nn \l_tmpa_clist {,}}
630 | #3
631 | }
632 | }
633 | }
634 | {
635 | % No subscript
636 | % \msg_term:n {No~subscript}
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656 | \newtheorem{definition}[theorem]{Definition}
657 | \def\definitionutorefname{Definition} % Needed for \autoref
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659 | \newtheorem{xca}[theorem]{Exercise}
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689 | pdfinfo={
690 | Author={Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz},
691 | Keywords={fiber bundles,manifolds},
692 | Subject={Topology},
693 | Title={Local Coordinate Spaces: a proposed unification of manifolds with fiber bundles, and associated machinery}
694 | }
695 | }
696 | \def\corollaryautorefname{Corollary} % Needed for \autoref
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717 | \begin{document}
718 | \hyphenation{near pres-en-ta-tion}
719 |
720 | \title%
721 | {%
722 | Local Coordinate Spaces:
723 | a proposed unification of manifolds and fiber bundles,
724 | and associated machinery\thanks%
725 | {
726 | I wish to gratefully thank Walter Hoffman (z"l),
727 | Milton Parnes, Dr. Stanley H. Levy, the Mathematics department of
728 | Wayne State University, the Mathematics department of the State
729 | University of New York at Buffalo and others who guided my education.
730 | }
731 | }
732 | \author{Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz
733 | }
734 | \maketitle
735 |
736 | % \address{4963 Oriskany Drive\\Annandale, VA 22003-5141}
737 | % \email{smetz3@gmu.edu}
738 | % \urladdr{http://mason.gmu.edu/~smetz3}
739 |
740 | % \subjclass[2010]{Primary 18F15; Secondary 55R65,57N99,58A05}
741 | % 18F15 Abstract manifolds and fiber bundles
742 | % 32Qxx Complex manifolds
743 | % 53- Differential geometry
744 | % 53Axx Classical differential geometry
745 | % 53A99 None of the above, but in this section
746 | % 55Rxx Fiber spaces and bundles
747 | % 55R10 Fiber bundles
748 | % 55R65 Generalizations of fiber spaces and bundles
749 | % 57Nxx Topological manifolds
750 | % 57N99 None of the above, but in this section
751 | % 57Rxx Differential topology
752 | % 58Axx General theory of differentiable manifolds
753 | % 58A05 Differentiable manifolds, foundations
754 | % 58Bxx Infinite-dimensional manifolds
755 |
756 | % Primary 18F15 Abstract manifolds and fiber bundles
757 | % Secondary 55R65,57N99,58A05
758 | % \keywords{fiber bundles,manifolds}
759 |
760 | \begin{abstract}
761 | This paper presents a unified view of manifolds and fiber bundles,
762 | which, while superficially different, have strong parallels. It
763 | introduces the notions of an m-atlas and of a local coordinate space,
764 | and shows that special cases are equivalent to fiber bundles and
765 | manifolds. Along the way it defines some convenient notation, defines
766 | categories of atlases, and constructs potentially useful functors.
767 | \end{abstract}
768 |
769 | \setupquant {parentheses=multiple,subscript=stacked}
770 | \setupset {}
771 |
772 | \tikzset{
773 | rot90/.style={anchor=south, rotate=90, inner sep=.2mm}
774 | }
775 |
776 | \part {Introduction}
777 | \label{part;intro}
778 |
779 | Historically, the concept of pseudo-groups allowed unifying manifolds
780 | and manifolds with boundary. The definitions of fiber bundles and
781 | manifolds have strong parallels, and can be unified in a similar fashion;
782 | there are several ways to do so. The central part of this paper,
783 | \pagecref{part;lcs}\negmedspace, defines an approach using categories and
784 | commutative diagrams that is designed for easy exposition at the possible
785 | expense of abstractness and generality. In particular, I have chosen to
786 | assume the Axiom of Choice (AOC).
787 |
788 | This paper treats atlases as objects of interest in their own right,
789 | although it does not give them primacy. It introduces notions that
790 | are convenient for use here and others that, while not used here, may be
791 | useful for future work. It defines the new notions of
792 | \hyperref[def:model]{model space}\negmedspace
793 | \footnote{The phrase has been used before, but with a different
794 | meaning.},
795 | \hyperref[def:m-atlas]{m-atlas}
796 | and of \hyperref[def:M-ATLmorph]{m-atlas morphism}.
797 | Informally, a model space is a topological space with a category
798 | specifying a family of open sets and functions satisfying specified
799 | conditions.
800 |
801 | Although this paper incidentally defines partial equivalents to
802 | manifolds and fiber bundles using model spaces and model atlases, it
803 | proposes the more general
804 | \hyperref[def:LCS]{Local Coordinate Space (LCS)} in order to explicitly
805 | reflect the role of the group in fiber bundles.
806 |
807 | A local coordinate space (LCS) is a space (total space) with some
808 | additional structure, including a coordinate model space and an atlas
809 | whose transition functions are restricted to morphisms of the coordinate
810 | model space; one can impose, e.g., differentiability restrictions, by
811 | appropriate choice of the coordinate category. There is an equivalent
812 | paradigm that avoids explicit mention of the total space by imposing
813 | compatibility conditions on the transition functions, but that approach
814 | is beyond the scope of this paper.
815 |
816 | This paper defines functors among categories of atlases, categories of
817 | model spaces, categories of local coordinate spaces, categories of
818 | manifolds and categories of fiber bundles; it constructs more machinery
819 | than is customary in order to facilitate the presentation of those
820 | categories and functors.
821 |
822 | \Crefrange{part;conv}{part;pre} present nomenclature and give basic
823 | results.
824 | \Cref{part;m-charts} defines m-atlases, m-atlas morphisms and categories
825 | of them; \cref{lem:ATLiscat} proves that the defined categories are
826 | indeed categories.
827 | \Cref{part;lcs} defines local coordinate spaces and
828 | categories of them; \pagecref{the:LCSiscat} proves that the defined
829 | categories are indeed categories.
830 |
831 | \Pagecref{Examples} gives some examples of structures that can be
832 | represented as local coordinate spaces; \pagecref{part;man} and
833 | \pagecref{part;bun} present two of the examples in detail, showing the
834 | equivalence of manifolds and fiber bundles with special cases of local
835 | coordinate spaces by explicitly exhibiting functors to and from local
836 | coordinate spaces.
837 | \begin{remark}
838 | The unconventional definitions of manifold and fiber bundle are intended
839 | to make their relationship to local coordinate spaces more natural.
840 | \end{remark}
841 |
842 | Most of the lemmata, theorems and corollaries in this paper should be
843 | substantially identical to results that are familiar to the reader. What
844 | is novel is the perspective and the material directly related to local
845 | coordinate spaces. The presentation assumes only a basic knowledge of
846 | Category Theory, such as may be found in the first chapter of
847 | \cite{CftWM} or
848 | {
849 | \showlabelsinline
850 | \cite{JoyCat}.
851 | }
852 |
853 | \section{New concepts and notation}
854 | \label{sec:new}
855 | This paper introduces a significant number of new concepts and some
856 | modifications of the definitions for some conventional concepts. It also
857 | introduces some notation of lesser importance. The following are the
858 | most important.
859 |
860 | \begin{enumerate}
861 | \item \hyperref[def:NCD]{Nearly commutative diagram (NCD)}, NCD at a point,
862 | locally NCD and special cases with related nomenclature
863 | \item \hyperref[def:model]{Model space} and related concepts
864 | \item \hyperref[def:ModTop]{Model topology} and
865 | \hyperref[def:M-para]{M-paracompactness}
866 | \item \hyperref[sec:sig]{Signature},
867 | \hyperref[def:Sigmacomm]{$\Sigma$-commutation} and related concepts
868 | \item
869 | \hyperref[def:LCS]{Local Coordinate Space (LCS)} and related concepts
870 | \item
871 | \hyperref[def:lin]{Linear space and related concepts}
872 | \item
873 | \hyperref[def:trivck]{Trivial $\Ck$ linear model space} and related
874 | concepts
875 | \item \hyperref[def:BunAtl]{$G$-$\rho$ bundle atlas}
876 | \footnote{Similar to coordinate bundles}
877 | and related concepts
878 | \end{enumerate}
879 |
880 | \part {Conventions}
881 | \label{part;conv}
882 | An arrow with an Equal-Tilde ($A \toiso_\phi B$) represents an
883 | isomorphism. One with a hook ($A \underset{i}{\hookrightarrow} B$)
884 | represents an inclusion map. One with a tail ($A \into_i B$) represents
885 | a monomorphism. One with a double head ($A \onto_\pi B$) represents a
886 | surjection.
887 |
888 | When a superscript ends in $-1$, e.g., $\funcname{f}^{i-1}$, it is to be
889 | taken as function inverse rather than subtraction of 1.
890 |
891 | All diagrams shown are commutative; none are exact.
892 |
893 | A definition of a base term several more restrictive terms may
894 | specify the modifiers in parenthese in the base definition and then
895 | give the restrictions for each modifier, e.g., if
896 | "$\funcseqname{f}$ is a (semi-strict, strict) prestructure morphism
897 | of $\seqname{P}^1$ to $\seqname{P}^2$ iff" is followed by the
898 | definition of prestructure morphism, then the restrictions for
899 | strict and semi-strict prestructure morphisms.
900 |
901 | When a definition defines a base propositional function and variant
902 | propositional functions with a qualifier given as a superscript,
903 | then the form $\mathrm{base}^{(qualifiers)}$ will refer to
904 | either $\mathrm{base}^{\mathrm{qualifer}}$
905 | or $\mathrm{base}$, e.g.,
906 | $\strict[semi-]{\isAtl[(classic,near)]_\Ar}$ refers to either
907 | $\strict[semi-]{\isAtl[classic]_\Ar}$,
908 | $\strict[semi-]{\isAtl[near]_\Ar}$
909 | or $\strict[semi-]{\isAtl_\Ar}$.
910 |
911 | Alternatively, a definition may specify a numbered list of alternatives,
912 | and subsequently specify additional numbered lists with items
913 | corresponding to those in the first list, e.g.,
914 | $\funcseqname{f}$ is also a
915 | \begin{enumerate}
916 | \item full
917 | \item semi-maximal
918 | \item maximal
919 | \item full semi-maximal
920 | \item full maximal
921 | \end{enumerate}
922 | $E^1$-$E^2$ $\Ck$ near morphism of
923 | $\seqname{A}^1$ to $\seqname{A}^2$ in the coordinate spaces $C^1$,
924 | $C^2$, abbreviated as
925 | \begin{enumerate}
926 | \item abbreviation for full
927 | \item abbreviation for semi-maximal
928 | \item abbreviation for maximal
929 | \item abbreviation for full semi-maximal
930 | \item abbreviation for full maximal
931 | \end{enumerate}
932 | iff
933 | \begin{enumerate}
934 | \item definition for full
935 | \item definition for semi-maximal
936 | \item definition for maximal
937 | \item definition for full semi-maximal
938 | \item definition for full maximal
939 | \end{enumerate}
940 |
941 | A Corollary, Lemma or Theorem that applies to related terms defined
942 | with the above convention will specify the modifiers in parentheses
943 | to indicate that it applies to the base term and to the more
944 | restrictive terms, e.g., "a (semi-strict, strict)
945 | $\seqname{E}^i$-$\seqname{E}^{i+1}$ m-atlas morphism" If it applies
946 | only to more restrictive terms them it will specify the first
947 | relevant modifier followed by the remaining relevant modifiers in
948 | parentheses, e.g., "If $\catname{S}^i \SUBCAT[full-]
949 | \catname{S}'^i$ and $\funcseqname{f}^i$ is a semi-strict (strict)
950 | prestructure morphism".
951 |
952 | Blackboard bold upper case will denote specific sets, e.g., the
953 | Naturals.
954 |
955 | Bold lower case italic letters will refer to sets, sequences and tuples
956 | of functions, e.g.,
957 | $\funcseqname{f} \defeq (\funcname{f}_1, \funcname{f}_2)$.
958 |
959 | Bold lower case Latin letters will refer to sequence valued functions of
960 | sequences and tuple valued functions of tuples, e.g., $\Range$ yields
961 | the sequence of ranges of a sequence of functions.
962 |
963 | Bold upper case italic letters will refer to sequences or tuples, e.g.,
964 | $\seqname{A}=(x,y,z)$, to sets of them, to sets of topological spaces or
965 | to sets of open sets.
966 |
967 | Bold upper case script letters will refer to
968 | sequences of categories, e.g.,
969 | $\catseqname{A} \defeq (\catname{A}_\alpha, \alpha \in \Alpha)$.
970 |
971 | Fraktur will refer to topologies and to topology-valued functions, e.g.,
972 | $\Topology$.
973 |
974 | Functions have a range, domain and relation, not just a relation. Unless
975 | otherwise stated, they are assumed to be continuous.
976 |
977 | Groups are assumed to be topological groups. The ambiguous notation
978 | $x^{-1}$ will be used when it is obvious from context what the group
979 | operation $\star$ and the group identity $\mathbf{1}_G$ are.
980 |
981 | Lower case Greek letters other than $\pi$, $\rho$, $\sigma$, $\phi$ and
982 | $\psi$ will refer to ordinals, possibly transfinite, and to formal
983 | labels. A letter with a Greek superscript and a letter with a Latin or
984 | numeric superscript always refer to distinct variables.
985 |
986 | Lower case $\pi$ will refer to a projection operator
987 |
988 | Lower case $\rho$ will refer to a continuous effective group action,
989 | i.e., a continuous representation of a group in a homeomorphism group.
990 |
991 | Lower case $\sigma$ will refer to a sequence of ordinals, referred to as
992 | a signature.
993 |
994 | Lower case $\phi$ will refer to a coordinate function.
995 |
996 | Lower case italic and Latin letters will refer to
997 | \begin{enumerate}
998 | \item elements of a set or sequence
999 | \item functions
1000 | \item morphisms of a category
1001 | \item natural numbers
1002 | \item objects of a category
1003 | \item ordinal numbers
1004 | \end{enumerate}
1005 |
1006 | Upper case Greek letters other than $\Sigma$ may refer to
1007 | \begin{enumerate}
1008 | \item ordinal used as the limit of a sequence of consecutive ordinals,
1009 | e.g., $x_\alpha, \alpha \preceq \Alpha$
1010 | \item ordinal used as the order type of a sequence of consecutive
1011 | ordinals, e.g., $x_\alpha, \alpha \prec \Alpha$
1012 | \end{enumerate}
1013 |
1014 | Upper case $\Sigma$ will refer to a sequence of signatures
1015 |
1016 | Upper case Latin letters will refer to
1017 | \begin{enumerate}
1018 | \item Natural numbers
1019 | \item Topological spaces
1020 | \item Open sets
1021 | \item Elements of a sequence or tuple of functions, e.g.,
1022 | $\funcname{f}_E$ might be $\funcname{f}_0 \maps E_1 \to E_2$.
1023 | \end{enumerate}
1024 |
1025 | Upper case Script Latin letters will refer to categories and functors.
1026 |
1027 | Upright Latin letters will be used for long names.
1028 |
1029 | The term $\Ck$ includes $\mathrm{C}^\infty$ (smooth) and
1030 | $\mathrm{C}^\omega$ (analytic).
1031 |
1032 | This paper uses the term morphism in preference to arrow, but uses
1033 | the conventional $\Ar$.
1034 |
1035 | The term sequence without an explicit reference to $\mathbb{N}$
1036 | will refer to a general ordinal sequence, possibly transfinite.
1037 |
1038 | Sequence numbering, unlike tuple numbering, starts at 0 and the
1039 | exposition assumes a von Neumann definition of ordinals, so that
1040 | $\alpha \in \beta \equiv \alpha \prec \beta$.
1041 |
1042 | Except where explicitly stated otherwise, all categories mentioned are
1043 | small categories with underlying sets, but the morphisms will often not
1044 | be set functions between the objects and there will not always be a
1045 | forgetful function to $\Set$ or $\Cat{Top}$. By abuse of language no
1046 | distinction will be made between a category $\catname{A}$ of topological
1047 | spaces and the concrete category $(\catname{A},\catname{U})$ over
1048 | $\Cat{Top}$. Similarly, no distinction will be made among the object $U
1049 | \in \Ob(\catname{A})$, the topological space $\catname{U}(U)$ and the
1050 | underlying set.
1051 |
1052 | The notation $G^V$ will refer only to the set of continuous functions
1053 | from $V$ to $G$, never to the set of all functions from $V$ to $G$.
1054 |
1055 | When defining a category, the Ordered pair $(\seqname{O}, \seqname{M})$
1056 | refers to the smallest concrete category over $\Set$ or $\Cat{Top}$
1057 | whose objects are the elements in $\seqname{O}$, whose morphisms include
1058 | all of the elements of $\seqname{M}$ and whose morphisms from
1059 | $o^1 \in \seqname{O}$ to $o^2 \in \seqname{O}$ are functions
1060 | $\funcname{f} \maps o^1 \to o^2$ and whose composition is function
1061 | composition.
1062 |
1063 | When defining a category, the Ordered triple
1064 | $(\seqname{O}, \seqname{M}, C)$ refers to the small category whose
1065 | objects are in $\seqname{O}$, whose morphisms are in $\seqname{M}$,
1066 | whose $\Hom$ is
1067 |
1068 | \begin{equation}
1069 | \Hom_{(\seqname{O}, \seqname{M}, C)}
1070 | (o_1 \in \seqname{O}, o_2 \in \seqname{O})
1071 | \defeq
1072 | \set
1073 | {
1074 | (
1075 | \funcseqname{f},
1076 | o_1,
1077 | o_2
1078 | )
1079 | \in \seqname{M}
1080 | }
1081 | \end{equation}
1082 | and whose composition is C.
1083 |
1084 | By abuse of language I may write
1085 | ``$\catname{S}$'' for $\Ob(\catname{S})$,
1086 | ``$A \in \catname{A}$'' for $A \in\ \Ob(\catname{A})$,
1087 | ``$A \subset \catname{A}$'' for $A \subset \Ob(\catname{A})$,
1088 | ``$A \in \catname{A} \subset B \in \catname{B}$'' for
1089 | ``the underlying set of $A$ is contained in the underlying set of $B$
1090 | and the inclusion $\funcname{i} \maps x \in A \hookrightarrow x \in B$
1091 | is a morphism'' and
1092 | ``$\funcname{f} \maps A \to B$'' for
1093 | $\funcname{f} \in \Hom_{\catname{C}}(A,B)$, where $\catname{C}$ is
1094 | understood by context.
1095 |
1096 | By abuse of language I shall use the same nomenclature for sequences and
1097 | tuples, and will use parentheses around a single expression both for
1098 | grouping and for a tuple with a single element; the intent should be
1099 | clear from context.
1100 |
1101 | By abuse of language I will omit parenthese around the operands of
1102 | Functors when they can be assumed by context.
1103 |
1104 | By abuse of language I shall use the $\times$ and $\bigtimes$ symbols
1105 | for both Cartesian products of sets and Cartesian products of
1106 | functions on those sets.
1107 |
1108 | By abuse of language, and assuming AOC, I shall refer to some sets as
1109 | ordinal sequences, e.g., ``$(C_\alpha, \alpha \in \Alpha)$'' for
1110 | ``$\{C_\alpha \mid \alpha \in \Alpha\}$'', in cases where the order is
1111 | irrelevant.
1112 |
1113 | By abuse of language, I may omit universal quantifiers in cases where
1114 | the intent is clear.
1115 |
1116 | In some cases I define a notion similar to a conventional notion and
1117 | also need to refer to the conventional notion. In those cases I prefix
1118 | a letter or phrase to the term, e.g., m-paracompact versus paracompact.
1119 |
1120 | \part {General notions}
1121 | \label{part;notions}
1122 | This section describes nomenclature used throughout the paper. In
1123 | some cases this reflects new nomenclature or notions, in others it
1124 | simply makes a choice from among the various conventions in the
1125 | literature.
1126 |
1127 | \begin{definition}[Operations on categories]
1128 | \label{def:catprop}
1129 | If $\catname{C}$ is a category then $x \objin \catname{C}$ iff $x$ is an
1130 | object of $\catname{C}$ and $y \arin \catname{C}$ iff $y$ is a morphism
1131 | of $\catname{C}$.
1132 |
1133 | If $\catname{S}$ and $\catname{T}$ are categories then
1134 | $\catname{S} \subcat \catname{T}$ iff $S$ is a subcategory of
1135 | $\catname{T}$ and $\catname{S} \subcat[full-] \catname{T}$ iff $S$ is a
1136 | full subcategory of $\catname{T}$.
1137 |
1138 | If $\catname{S}$ and $\catname{T}$ are categories then the category
1139 | union of $\catname{S}$ and $\catname{T}$, abbreviated
1140 | $\catname{S} \unioncat \catname{T}$, is the category whose objects are
1141 | in $\catname{S}$ or in $\catname{T}$ and whose morphisms are in
1142 | $\catname{S}$ or in $\catname{T}$.
1143 | \end{definition}
1144 |
1145 | \begin{definition}[Identity]
1146 | $\Id_S$ is the identity function on the space $S$,
1147 |
1148 | $\Id_o$ is the
1149 | identity morphism for the object $o$\footnote{
1150 | The object is often expressed as a tuple, e.g.,
1151 | $\Id_{(\seqname{A}, \seqname{B})}$ is the identity morphism for the
1152 | object $(\seqname{A}, \seqname{B})$
1153 | },
1154 |
1155 | $\Id_{U,V}$, for $U \subseteq V$, is the inclusion map\footnote{
1156 | $U$ and $V$ need not have the same topology.
1157 | }.
1158 |
1159 | $\Id_\catname{C}$ is the identity functor on the category $\catname{C}$.
1160 |
1161 | $\ID_{\seqname{S}^i}$, $i=1,2$, is the sequence of identity functions
1162 | for the elements of the sequence
1163 | $\seqname{S}^i \defeq (\seqname{S}^1_\alpha,\ \alpha \prec \Alpha)$. Let
1164 | $\seqname{S}^1 \SUBSETEQ \seqname{S}^2$. Then
1165 | $\ID_{\seqname{S}^1,\seqname{S}^2}$ is the sequence of inclusion maps
1166 | $(\Id_{\seqname{S}^1_\alpha,\seqname{S}^2_\alpha}),\ \alpha \prec \Alpha$
1167 | for the elements of the sequences $\seqname{S}^i$.
1168 |
1169 | The subscript may be omitted
1170 | when it is clear from context.
1171 | \end{definition}
1172 |
1173 | \begin{definition}[Images]
1174 | $\funcname{f} [U] \defeq \set { {\funcname{f}(x)} }[x \in U]$ is the
1175 | image of $U$ under $\funcname{f}$ and
1176 | $\funcname{f}^{-1} [V] \defeq \set {x}[\funcname{f}(x) \in V]$ is the
1177 | inverse image of $V$ under $\funcname{f}$.
1178 |
1179 | \begin{remark}
1180 | This notation, adopted from \cite{GenTop}, avoids the ambiguity in
1181 | the traditional $\funcname{f}(U)$ and $\funcname{f}^{-1}(V)$.
1182 | \end{remark}
1183 | \end{definition}
1184 |
1185 | \begin{definition}[Projections]
1186 | \label{projections}
1187 | $\pi_\alpha$ is the projection function that maps a sequence into
1188 | element $\alpha$ of the sequence. $\pi_i$ is also the projection
1189 | function that maps a tuple into element $i$ of the tuple.
1190 | \end{definition}
1191 |
1192 | \begin{definition}[Topological category]
1193 | \label{def:topcat}
1194 | A topological category is a small subcategory of $\Cat{Top}$ or its
1195 | concrete category over $\Set$.
1196 |
1197 | $\catname{T}$ is a full topological category iff it is a topological
1198 | category and whenever $U^i,V^i \objin \catname{T}$, $i=1,2$,
1199 | $V^i \subseteq U^i$,
1200 | $\funcname{f} \maps U^1 \to U^2 \arin \catname{T}$ and
1201 | $\funcname{f}[V^1] \subseteq V^2$ then \\
1202 | $\funcname{f} \maps V^1 \to V^2 \arin \catname{T}$.
1203 | \end{definition}
1204 |
1205 | \begin{lemma}[Inclusions in topological categories are morphisms]
1206 | \label{lem:topInc}
1207 | Let $\catname{T}$ be a full topological category,
1208 | $S^i \objin \catname{T}$, $i=1,2$, and $S^1 \subseteq S^2$. Then
1209 | $\Id_{S^1,S^2}$ is a morphism of $\catname{T}$
1210 |
1211 | \begin{proof}
1212 | $\Id_{S^2} \arin \catname{T}$, $S^1 \subseteq S^2$ by hypothesis and
1213 | $S^1 \subseteq S^2$, so $\Id_{S^1,S^2} \arin \catname{T}$ by
1214 | \cref{def:topcat}.
1215 | \end{proof}
1216 | \end{lemma}
1217 |
1218 | \begin{definition}[Local morphisms]
1219 | \label{def:topLocal}
1220 | Let $\catname{S}^i$, $i=1,2$, be a full topological category and
1221 | $S^i \objin \catname{S}^i$, A continuous function
1222 | $\funcname{f} \maps S^1 \to S^2$ is locally a
1223 | $\catname{S}^1$-$\catname{S}^2$ morphism of $S^1$ to $S^2$ iff
1224 | $\catname{S}^1 \subcat[full-] \catname{S}^2$ and for every
1225 | $u \in S^1$ there is an open neighborhood $U_u$ for $u$ and an open
1226 | neighborhood $V_u$ for $v \defeq \funcname{f}(u)$ such that
1227 | $\funcname{f}[U_u] \subseteq V_u$ and $\funcname{f} \maps U_u \to V_u$
1228 | is a morphism of $\catname{S}^2$.
1229 |
1230 | \begin{remark}
1231 | The condition $\funcname{f} \maps U_u \to V_u \arin \catname{S}^2$
1232 | ensures that $U_u \objin \catname{S}^1$ and $V_u \objin \catname{S}^2$
1233 | \end{remark}
1234 |
1235 | Let $\catname{T}$ be a full topological category and
1236 | $S^i \objin \catname{T}$, $i=1,2$. A continuous function
1237 | $\funcname{f} \maps S^1 \to S^2$ is locally a $\catname{T}$ morphism of
1238 | $S^1$ to $S^2$ iff it is locally a $\catname{T}$-$\catname{T}$ morphism
1239 | of $S^1$ to $S^2$.
1240 | \end{definition}
1241 |
1242 | \begin{lemma}[Local morphisms]
1243 | \label{lem:topLocal}
1244 | Let $\catname{T}^i$, $i \in [1,3]$, be a full topological category,
1245 | $S^i \objin \catname{T}^i$ and
1246 | $\catname{T}^i \subcat[full-] \catname{T}^{i+1}$.
1247 |
1248 | If $\funcname{f}^i \maps S^i \to S^{i+1} \arin \catname{T}^{i+1}$ then
1249 | $\funcname{f}^i$ is locally a $\catname{T}^i$-$\catname{T}^{i+1}$
1250 | morphism of $S^i$ to $S^{i+1}$.
1251 |
1252 | \begin{proof}
1253 | Let $u \in S^i$ and $v \defeq \funcname{f}^i(u) \in S^{i+1}$. $S^i$ is
1254 | an open for $u$, $S^{i+1}$ is an open neighborhood for $v$ and
1255 | $\funcname{f}^i \maps S^i \to S^{i+1} \arin \catname{T}^{i+1}$ by
1256 | hypothesis.
1257 | \end{proof}
1258 |
1259 | If each $\funcname{f}^i \maps S^i \to S^{i+1}$, is locally a
1260 | $\catname{T}^i$-$\catname{T}^{i+1}$ morphism of $S^i$ to
1261 | $S^{i+1}$ then
1262 | $\funcname{f}^2 \compose \funcname{f}^1 \maps S^1 \to S^3$ is locally a
1263 | $\catname{T}^1$-$\catname{T}^3$ morphism of $S^1$ to $S^3$.
1264 |
1265 | \begin{proof}
1266 | Since $\catname{T}^1 \subcat[full-] \catname{T}^2$ and
1267 | $\catname{T}^2 \subcat[full-] \catname{T}^3$,
1268 | $\catname{T}^1 \subcat[full-] \catname{T}^3$.
1269 | Let $u \in S^1$, $v \defeq \funcname{f}^1(u)$ and
1270 | $w \defeq \funcname{f}^2(v)$. There exist an open neighborhood $U_u$
1271 | for $u$, open neighborhoods $V_u$, $V'_v$ for $v$ and an open
1272 | neighborhood $W_v$ of $w$ such that
1273 | $\funcname{f}^1[U_u] \subseteq V_u$,
1274 | $\funcname{f}^1 \maps U_u \to V_u$ is a morphism of $\catname{T}^2$,
1275 | $\funcname{f}^2[V'_v] \subseteq W_v$ and
1276 | $\funcname{f}^2 \maps V'_v \to W_v$ is a morphism of $\catname{T}^3$.
1277 | Then $\hat{V_u} \defeq V_u \cap V'_v \neq \emptyset$, $\hat{V_u}$ is an
1278 | open neighborhood of $v$ and
1279 | $\hat{U_u} \defeq \funcname{f}^{i-1}_1[\hat{V_u}]$ is an open
1280 | neighborhood for $u$. $\funcname{f}^1 \maps \hat{U_u} \to \hat{V_u}$
1281 | and $\funcname{f}^2 \maps \hat{V_u} \to W_v$ are morphisms of
1282 | $\catname{T}^3$ by \pagecref{def:topcat} and thus
1283 | $\funcname{f}^2 \compose \funcname{f}^1 \maps \hat{U_u} \to W_v$ is a
1284 | morphism of $\catname{T}^3$.
1285 | \end{proof}
1286 | \end{lemma}
1287 |
1288 | \begin{corollary}[Local morphisms]
1289 | \label{cor:topLocal}
1290 | Let $\catname{T}^i$, $i=1,2$, be a full topological category,
1291 | $\catname{T}^i \subcat[full-] \catname{T}^{i+1}$,
1292 | $S^i \objin \catname{T}^i$ and $S^1 \subseteq S^2$. Then $\Id_{S^1,S^2}$
1293 | is locally a $\catname{T}^1$-$\catname{T}^2$ morphism of $S^1$ to $S^2$
1294 | and $\Id_{S^i}$ is locally a $\catname{T}$ morphism
1295 | of $S^i$ to $S^i$.
1296 |
1297 | \begin{proof}
1298 | $S^1 \objin \catname{T}^2$ because $S^1 \objin \catname{T}^1$ and
1299 | $\catname{T}^1 \subcat \catname{T}^2$,
1300 | $S^2 \objin \catname{T}^2$ by hypothesis and
1301 | $S^1 \subseteq S^2$ by hypothesis, so
1302 | $\Id_{S^1,S^2} \arin \catname{T}^2$ by \cref{lem:topInc}.
1303 |
1304 | $\Id_{S^i} \defeq \Id_{S^i,S^i}$.
1305 | \end{proof}
1306 | \end{corollary}
1307 |
1308 | \begin{definition}[Sequence functions]
1309 | Let $\seqname{S} \defeq (s_\alpha, \alpha \prec \Alpha)$ be a sequence
1310 | of functions. Then
1311 | \begin{equation}
1312 | \Domain(\seqname{S}) \defeq \bigl ( \domain(s_\alpha), \alpha \prec \Alpha \bigr )
1313 | \end{equation}
1314 | \begin{equation}
1315 | \Range(\seqname{S}) \defeq \bigl ( \range(s_\alpha), \alpha \prec \Alpha \bigr )
1316 | \end{equation}
1317 |
1318 | Let $\seqname{T} \defeq (t_\alpha, \alpha \prec \Alpha)$ be a sequence
1319 | of functions with $\Range(\seqname{S}) = \Domain(\seqname{T})$. Then
1320 | their composition is the sequence
1321 | $
1322 | \seqname{T} \compose[()] \seqname{S} \defeq
1323 | (t_\alpha \compose s_\alpha, \alpha \prec \Alpha)
1324 | $,
1325 |
1326 | Let $\seqname{S} \defeq (s_\gamma, \gamma \preceq \Gamma)$, then these
1327 | functions extract information about the sequence:
1328 | \begin{equation}
1329 | \head(\seqname{S},\Omega) \defeq (s_\gamma, \gamma \prec \Omega)
1330 | \end{equation}
1331 | \begin{equation}
1332 | \head(\seqname{S}) \defeq \head(\seqname{S},\Gamma)
1333 | \end{equation}
1334 | \begin{equation}
1335 | \lengtho(\seqname{S}) \defeq \Gamma
1336 | \end{equation}
1337 | \begin{equation}
1338 | \tail(\seqname{S}) \defeq S_\Gamma
1339 | \end{equation}
1340 |
1341 | Let $\seqname{S} \defeq (s_\gamma, \gamma \prec \Gamma)$, then
1342 | \begin{equation}
1343 | \length(\seqname{S}) \defeq \Gamma
1344 | \end{equation}
1345 |
1346 | \begin{remark}
1347 | If $\lengtho(\seqname{S})$ is defined then
1348 | $\length(\seqname{S}) = \lengtho(\seqname{S}) + 1$.
1349 | $\lengtho(\seqname{S})$ is the ordinal type of
1350 | $\head(\seqname{S})$, not the ordinal type of $\seqname{S}$.
1351 | \end{remark}
1352 |
1353 | Let $\catseqname{S} \defeq (\catname{S}_\alpha, \alpha \prec \Alpha)$
1354 | and $\catseqname{T} \defeq (\catname{T}_\alpha, \alpha \prec \Alpha)$ be
1355 | sequences of categories. Then $\catseqname{S}$ is a subcategory
1356 | sequence of $\catseqname{T}$, abbreviated
1357 | $\catseqname{S} \SUBCAT \catseqname{T}$, iff every category in
1358 | $\catseqname{S}$ is a subcategory of the corresponding category in
1359 | $\catseqname{T}$, i.e.,
1360 | $
1361 | \uquant%
1362 | {\alpha \prec \Alpha}
1363 | {\catname{S}_\alpha \subcat \catname{T}_\alpha}
1364 | $,
1365 | and $\catseqname{S}$ is a full subcategory sequence of $\catseqname{T}$,
1366 | abbreviated $\catseqname{S} \SUBCAT[full-] \catseqname{T}$, iff every
1367 | category in $\catseqname{S}$ is a full subcategory of the corresponding
1368 | category in $\catseqname{T}$, i.e.,
1369 | $
1370 | \uquant%
1371 | {\alpha \prec \Alpha}
1372 | {\catname{S}_\alpha \subcat[full-] \catname{T}_\alpha}
1373 | $.
1374 |
1375 | The category sequence union of $\catseqname{S}$ and $\catseqname{T}$,
1376 | abbreviated $\catseqname{S} \UNIONCAT \catseqname{T}$, is the sequence
1377 | of category unions of corresponding categories in $\catseqname{S}$ and
1378 | $\catseqname{T}$, i.e.,
1379 | $(\catseqname{S}_\alpha \unioncat \catseqname{T}_\alpha)$.
1380 |
1381 | \end{definition}
1382 |
1383 | \begin{lemma}[Sequence functions]
1384 | \label{lem:seqfunc}
1385 | Let $\funcseqname{f}^i \defeq (\funcname{f}^i_\alpha, \alpha \prec \Alpha)$,
1386 | $i \in [1,3]$, be sequences of functions with
1387 | $\Domain(\funcseqname{f}^2) = \Range(\funcseqname{f}^1)$ and
1388 | $\Domain(\funcseqname{f}^3) = \Range(\funcseqname{f}^2)$. Then
1389 | $
1390 | (\funcseqname{f}^3 \compose[()] \funcseqname{f}^2) \compose[()] \funcseqname{f}^1 =
1391 | \funcseqname{f}^3 \compose[()] (\funcseqname{f}^2 \compose[()] \funcseqname{f}^1)
1392 | $.
1393 | \begin{proof}
1394 | \begin{equation*}
1395 | \begin{split}
1396 | (\funcseqname{f}^3 \compose[()] \funcseqname{f}^2) \compose[()] \funcseqname{f}^1
1397 | & =
1398 | \bigl ( (\funcname{f}^3_\alpha \compose \funcname{f}^2_\alpha) \compose \funcname{f}^1_\alpha, \alpha \prec A \bigr )
1399 | \\*
1400 | & =
1401 | \bigl ( \funcname{f}^3_\alpha \compose (\funcname{f}^2_\alpha \compose \funcname{f}^1_\alpha), \alpha \prec A \bigr )
1402 | \\*
1403 | & =
1404 | \funcseqname{f}^3 \compose[()] (\funcseqname{f}^2 \compose[()] \funcseqname{f}^1)
1405 | \end{split}
1406 | \end{equation*}
1407 | \end{proof}
1408 |
1409 | Let $\funcseqname{f} \defeq (\funcname{f}_\alpha, \alpha \prec \Alpha)$
1410 | be a sequence of functions, $\seqname{D} = \Domain(\funcseqname{f})$ and
1411 | $\seqname{R} = \Range(\funcseqname{f})$. Then $ID_\seqname{R}$ is a left
1412 | $\compose[()]$ identity for $\funcseqname{f}$ and $ID_\seqname{D}$ is a
1413 | right $\compose[()]$ identity for $\funcseqname{f}$.
1414 |
1415 | \begin{proof}
1416 | \begin{equation*}
1417 | \begin{split}
1418 | \ID_\seqname{R} \compose[()] \funcseqname{f}
1419 | & =
1420 | (\Id_{\range(\funcname{f}_\alpha)} \compose \funcname{f}_\alpha, \alpha \prec \Alpha)
1421 | \\*
1422 | & =
1423 | (\funcname{f}_\alpha, \alpha \prec \Alpha)
1424 | \\*
1425 | & =
1426 | \funcseqname{f}
1427 | \end{split}
1428 | \end{equation*}
1429 | \begin{equation*}
1430 | \begin{split}
1431 | \funcseqname{f} \compose[()] \ID_\seqname{D}
1432 | & =
1433 | (\funcname{f}_\alpha \compose \Id_{\domain(\funcname{f}_\alpha)}, \alpha \prec \Alpha)
1434 | \\*
1435 | & =
1436 | (\funcname{f}_\alpha, \alpha \prec \Alpha)
1437 | \\*
1438 | & =
1439 | \funcseqname{f}
1440 | \end{split}
1441 | \end{equation*}
1442 | \end{proof}
1443 | \end{lemma}
1444 |
1445 | \begin{definition}[Tuple functions]
1446 | Let $\seqname{S} \defeq (s_n, n \in [1,N])$ be a tuple of functions. Then
1447 | \begin{equation}
1448 | \Domain(\seqname{S}) \defeq \bigl ( \domain(s_n), n \in [1,N] \bigr )
1449 | \end{equation}
1450 | \begin{equation}
1451 | \Range(\seqname{S}) \defeq \bigl ( \range(s_n), n \in [1,N] \bigr )
1452 | \end{equation}
1453 |
1454 | Let $\seqname{T} \defeq (t_n, n \in [1,N])$ be a tuple of functions with
1455 | $\Range(\seqname{S})=\Domain(\seqname{T})$,
1456 | Then their composition is the tuple
1457 | $
1458 | \seqname{T} \compose[()] \seqname{S} \defeq
1459 | (t_n \compose s_n, n \in [1,N])
1460 | $
1461 |
1462 | Let $\seqname{S} \defeq (s_m, m \in [1,M])$ and
1463 | $\seqname{T} \defeq (t_n, n \in [1,N])$ be tuples.
1464 | Then the following are tuple functioms
1465 | \begin{equation}
1466 | \head(S,I) \defeq (s_m, m \in [1,I])
1467 | \end{equation}
1468 | \begin{equation}
1469 | \head(S) \defeq \head(S,M-1)
1470 | \end{equation}
1471 | \begin{equation}
1472 | \tail(T,I) \defeq (t_n, n \in [I,N])
1473 | \end{equation}
1474 | \begin{equation}
1475 | \tail(T) \defeq t_N
1476 | \end{equation}
1477 | \begin{equation}
1478 | \join(S,T) \defeq (s_1, \dots, s_M, t_1, \dots, t_N)
1479 | \end{equation}
1480 | \end{definition}
1481 |
1482 | \begin{lemma}[Tuple functions]
1483 | \label{lem:tupfunc}
1484 | Let $\funcseqname{f}^i \defeq (\funcname{f}^i_n, n \in [1,N])$,
1485 | $i \in [1,3]$, be tuples of functions with
1486 | $\Domain(\funcseqname{f}^2) = \Range(\funcseqname{f}^1)$ and
1487 | $\Domain(\funcseqname{f}^3) = \Range(\funcseqname{f}^2)$. Then
1488 | $
1489 | (\funcseqname{f}^3 \compose[()] \funcseqname{f}^2) \compose[()] \funcseqname{f}^1 =
1490 | \funcseqname{f}^3 \compose[()] (\funcseqname{f}^2 \compose[()] \funcseqname{f}^1)
1491 | $.
1492 |
1493 | \begin{proof}
1494 | \begin{equation*}
1495 | \begin{split}
1496 | (\funcseqname{f}^3 \compose[()] \funcseqname{f}^2) \compose[()] \funcseqname{f}^1
1497 | & =
1498 | \bigl ( (\funcname{f}^3_n \compose \funcname{f}^2_n) \compose \funcname{f}^1_n, n \in [1,N] \bigr )
1499 | \\*
1500 | & =
1501 | \bigl ( \funcname{f}^3_n \compose (\funcname{f}^2_n \compose \funcname{f}^1_n), n \in [1,N] \bigr )
1502 | \\*
1503 | & =
1504 | \funcseqname{f}^3 \compose[()] (\funcseqname{f}^2 \compose[()] \funcseqname{f}^1)
1505 | \end{split}
1506 | \end{equation*}
1507 | \end{proof}
1508 |
1509 | Let $\funcseqname{f} \defeq (\funcname{f}_\alpha, \alpha \prec \Alpha)$
1510 | be a sequence of functions,
1511 | $\seqname{D} \defeq \Domain(\funcseqname{f})$ and \\*
1512 | $\seqname{R} \defeq \Range(\funcseqname{f})$. Then $\ID_\seqname{R}$ is a
1513 | left $\compose[()]$ identity for $\funcseqname{f}$ and $\ID_\seqname{D}$
1514 | is a right $\compose[()]$ identity for $\funcseqname{f}$.
1515 |
1516 | \begin{proof}
1517 | \begin{equation*}
1518 | \begin{split}
1519 | \ID_\seqname{R} \compose[()] \funcseqname{f}
1520 | & =
1521 | (\Id_{\range(\funcname{f}_\alpha)} \compose \funcname{f}_\alpha, \alpha \prec \Alpha)
1522 | \\*
1523 | & =
1524 | (\funcname{f}_\alpha, \alpha \prec \Alpha)
1525 | \\*
1526 | & =
1527 | \funcseqname{f}
1528 | \end{split}
1529 | \end{equation*}
1530 | \begin{equation*}
1531 | \begin{split}
1532 | \funcseqname{f} \compose[()] \ID_\seqname{D}
1533 | & =
1534 | (\funcname{f}_\alpha \compose \Id_{\domain(\funcname{f}_\alpha)}, \alpha \prec \Alpha)
1535 | \\*
1536 | & =
1537 | (\funcname{f}_\alpha, \alpha \prec \Alpha)
1538 | \\*
1539 | & =
1540 | \funcseqname{f}
1541 | \end{split}
1542 | \end{equation*}
1543 | \end{proof}
1544 | \end{lemma}
1545 |
1546 | \begin{definition}[Tuple composition for labeled morphisms]
1547 | \label{def:labcomp}
1548 | Let $\seqname{M}^i \defeq (\funcseqname{f}^i, o^i_1, o^i_2)$, $i=1,2$,
1549 | be tuples such that each $\funcseqname{f}^i$ is a sequence of functions
1550 | or each $\funcseqname{f}^i$ is a tuple of functions,
1551 | $\Range(\funcseqname{f}^1) = \Domain(\funcseqname{f}^2)$ and
1552 | $0^1_2=o^2_1$. Then
1553 |
1554 | \begin{equation}
1555 | \seqname{M}^2 \compose[A] \seqname{M}^1 \defeq
1556 | \bigl (
1557 | \funcseqname{f}^2 \compose[()] \funcseqname{f}^1,
1558 | o^1_1,
1559 | o^2_2
1560 | \bigr )
1561 | \end{equation}
1562 | \end{definition}
1563 |
1564 | \begin{lemma}[Tuple composition for labeled morphisms]
1565 | \label{lem:labcomp}
1566 | Let $\seqname{M}^i \defeq (\funcseqname{f}^i, o^i_1, o^i_2)$,
1567 | $i \in [1,3]$,
1568 | be a tuple such that $\funcseqname{f}^i$ is a sequence or tuple of
1569 | functions,
1570 | $\Range(\funcseqname{f}^i) = \Domain(\funcseqname{f}^{i+1})$
1571 | and $o^i_2 = o^{i+1}_1$, $i=1,2$.
1572 | Then
1573 | \begin{equation}
1574 | \seqname{M}^3 \compose[A] \bigl ( \seqname{M}^2 \compose[A] \seqname{M}^1 \bigr )
1575 | =
1576 | \bigl ( \seqname{M}^3 \compose[A] \seqname{M}^2 \bigr ) \compose[A] \seqname{M}^1
1577 | \end{equation}
1578 |
1579 | \begin{proof}
1580 | From \fullcref{def:labcomp}\negmedspace, \\
1581 | {
1582 | \showlabelsinline
1583 | \pagecref{lem:seqfunc}
1584 | }
1585 | and \fullcref{lem:tupfunc}\negmedspace, we have
1586 | \begin{equation*}
1587 | \begin{split}
1588 | \seqname{M}^3 \compose[A] (\seqname{M}^2 \compose[A] \seqname{M}^1)
1589 | & =
1590 | \seqname{M}^3 \compose[A] (\funcseqname{f}^2 \compose[()] \funcseqname{f}^1, o^1_1, o^2_2)
1591 | \\*
1592 | & =
1593 | (\funcseqname{f}^3 \compose[()] \funcseqname{f}^2 \compose[()] \funcseqname{f}^1, o^1_1, o^3_2)
1594 | \\*
1595 | & =
1596 | (\funcseqname{f}^3 \compose[()] \funcseqname{f}^2, o^2_1, o^3_2) \compose[A] \seqname{M}^1
1597 | \\*
1598 | & =
1599 | (\seqname{M}^3 \compose[A] \seqname{M}^2) \compose[A] \seqname{M}^1
1600 | \end{split}
1601 | \end{equation*}
1602 | \end{proof}
1603 |
1604 | Let $\seqname{D}^i \defeq \Domain(\funcseqname{f}^i)$ and
1605 | $\seqname{R}^i \defeq \Range(\funcseqname{f}^i)$. Then
1606 | \begin{equation}
1607 | (\ID_{\seqname{R}^i}, o^i_2, o^i_2) \compose[A] \seqname{M}^i =
1608 | \seqname{M}^i
1609 | \end{equation}
1610 | \begin{equation}
1611 | \seqname{M}^i \compose[A] (\ID_{\seqname{D}^i}, o^i_1, o^i_1) =
1612 | \seqname{M}^i
1613 | \end{equation}
1614 |
1615 | \begin{proof}
1616 | \begin{equation*}
1617 | \begin{split}
1618 | (\ID_{\seqname{R}^i}, o^i_2, o^i_2) \compose[A] \seqname{M}^i
1619 | & =
1620 | (\ID_{\seqname{R}^i} \compose[()] \funcseqname{f}^i, o^i_1, o^i_2)
1621 | \\*
1622 | & =
1623 | (\funcseqname{f}^i, o^i_1, o^i_2)
1624 | \\*
1625 | & =
1626 | \seqname{M}^i
1627 | \end{split}
1628 | \end{equation*}
1629 | \begin{equation*}
1630 | \begin{split}
1631 | \seqname{M}^i \compose[A] (\ID_{\seqname{D}^i}, o^i_1, o^i_1)
1632 | & =
1633 | (\funcseqname{f}^i \compose[()] \ID_{\seqname{D}^i}, o^i_1, o^i_2)
1634 | \\*
1635 | & =
1636 | (\funcseqname{f}^i, o^i_1, o^i_2)
1637 | \\*
1638 | & =
1639 | \seqname{M}^i
1640 | \end{split}
1641 | \end{equation*}
1642 | \end{proof}
1643 | \end{lemma}
1644 |
1645 | \begin{definition}[Cartesian product of sequence]
1646 | \label{def:Cart}
1647 | Let $\seqname{S}^i \defeq (S^i_\alpha, \alpha \prec \Alpha)$, $i=1,2$,
1648 | be a sequence and
1649 | $\funcseqname{f} \defeq (\funcname{f}_\alpha \maps S^1_\alpha \to
1650 | S^2_\alpha, \alpha \prec \Alpha)$
1651 | be a sequence of functions, then
1652 | $
1653 | \bigtimes \seqname{S}^i \defeq
1654 | \bigtimes_{\alpha \prec \Alpha} S^i_\alpha
1655 | $
1656 | is the generalized Cartesian product of the sequence $\seqname{S}^i$ and
1657 | $
1658 | \bigtimes \funcseqname{f} \maps \seqname{S}^1 \to \seqname{S}^2
1659 | \defeq
1660 | \bigtimes_{\alpha \prec \Alpha}\funcname{f}_\alpha
1661 | $
1662 | is the generalized Cartesian product of the function sequence
1663 | $\funcseqname{f}$.
1664 | \end{definition}
1665 |
1666 | \begin{definition}[underline]
1667 | Let $\seqname{S}^1 \defeq (S^1_\alpha, \alpha \preceq \Alpha)$,
1668 | $\seqname{S}^2 \defeq (S^2_\alpha, \alpha \preceq \Alpha)$ be
1669 | sequences and
1670 | $
1671 | \funcseqname{f} \defeq
1672 | (
1673 | \funcname{f}_\alpha \maps S^1_\alpha \to S^2_\alpha,
1674 | \alpha \preceq \Alpha
1675 | )
1676 | $
1677 | be a sequence of functions, then
1678 | \begin{equation}
1679 | \underline{\funcname{f}} \maps head(S_1) \to head(S_2) \defeq
1680 | \bigtimes \head(\funcseqname{f}) =
1681 | \bigtimes_{\alpha \prec \Alpha} \funcname{f}_\alpha
1682 | \end{equation}
1683 | is the function mapping
1684 | $(s_\alpha \in S^1_\alpha, \alpha \prec \Alpha)$
1685 | into $(\funcname{f}_\alpha(s_\alpha), \alpha \prec \Alpha)$.
1686 | \end{definition}
1687 |
1688 | \begin{definition}[Head and tail compositions]
1689 | Let \\
1690 | $\funcname{f}^1 \maps (S^1_\alpha, \alpha \prec \Alpha) \to S^1_\Alpha$,
1691 | $\funcname{f}^2 \maps (S^2_\alpha, \alpha \prec \Alpha) \to S^2_\Alpha$
1692 | and
1693 | $
1694 | \funcseqname{g} \defeq
1695 | (
1696 | \funcname{g}_\alpha \maps S^1_\alpha \to S^2_\alpha,
1697 | \alpha \preceq \Alpha
1698 | )
1699 | $.
1700 | Then (see \cref{fig:fg,fig:gf})
1701 |
1702 | \begin{subequations}
1703 | \begin{equation}
1704 | \funcname{f}^2 \composeh \funcseqname{g} \defeq
1705 | \funcname{f}^2 \compose \underline{\funcseqname{g}}
1706 | \end{equation}
1707 | \begin{equation}
1708 | \funcseqname{g} \composet \funcname{f}^1 \defeq
1709 | \tail(\funcseqname{g}) \compose \funcname{f}^1
1710 | \end{equation}
1711 | \end{subequations}
1712 | \end{definition}
1713 |
1714 | \begin{figure}
1715 | \[ \bfig
1716 | \node s1(0,0)[{\head(S^1)}]
1717 | \node s2(0,-1000)[{\head(S^2)}]
1718 | \node s2a(1000,-1000)[{S^2_\Alpha}]
1719 | \arrow |l|[s1`s2;{\underline{\funcseqname{g}}}]
1720 | \arrow |r|[s1`s2a;{\funcseqname{f}^2 \composeh \funcseqname{g}}]
1721 | \arrow |b|[s2`s2a;{\funcseqname{f^2}}]
1722 | \efig \]
1723 | \caption{$\funcname{f}^2 \composeh \funcseqname{g}$}
1724 | \label{fig:fg}
1725 | \end{figure}
1726 |
1727 | \begin{figure}
1728 | \[ \bfig
1729 | \node s1(0,0)[{\head(S^1)}]
1730 | \node s1a(0,-1000)[{S^1_\Alpha}]
1731 | \node s2a(1000,-1000)[{S^2_\Alpha}]
1732 | \arrow |l|[s1`s1a;{\funcname{f}^1}]
1733 | \arrow |r|[s1`s2a;{\funcseqname{g} \composet \funcseqname{f}^1}]
1734 | \arrow |b|[s1a`s2a;{\tail(\funcseqname{g}) = \funcseqname{g}_\Alpha}]
1735 | \efig \]
1736 | \caption{$\funcseqname{g} \composet \funcname{f}^1$}
1737 | \label{fig:gf}
1738 | \end{figure}
1739 |
1740 | \begin{definition}[Topology functions]
1741 | Let $S$ be a topological space and $Y$ a subset. Then \\
1742 | \begin{enumerate}
1743 | \item $\Topology(S)$ is the topology of $S$.
1744 | \item
1745 | $\Topology(Y,S) \defeq \set{U \cap Y}[{U \in \Topology(S)}]$
1746 | is the relative topology of $Y$.
1747 | \item
1748 | $\Top(Y,S) \defeq \bigl ( Y, \Topology(Y,S) \bigr )$ is $Y$ with the
1749 | relative topology.
1750 | \item
1751 | $
1752 | \op{S} \defeq
1753 | \set
1754 | {(U, \Topology(U,S))}%
1755 | [{{ U \in \Topology(S) \setminus \{ \emptyset \} }}]
1756 | $
1757 | is the set of all non-null open subspaces of $S$.
1758 | \end{enumerate}
1759 |
1760 | Let $\seqname{S}$ be a set of topological spaces. Then
1761 | $\op{\seqname{S}} \defeq \union [{S \in \seqname{S}}] { {\op{S}}}$ is the set
1762 | of open subspaces in $\seqname{S}$.
1763 |
1764 | Let $S$ and $T'$ be spaces, $T \subseteq T'$ be a subspace and
1765 | $\funcname{f} \maps S \to T$ a function. Then
1766 | $\funcname{f} \maps S \to T' \defeq \Id_{T,T'} \compose \funcname{f}$
1767 | is $\funcname{f}$ considered as a function from $S$ to $T'$.
1768 |
1769 | Let $S'$ and $T'$ be spaces, $S \subseteq S'$, $T \subseteq T'$ be
1770 | subspaces and $\funcname{f}' \maps S' \to T'$ a function such that
1771 | $\funcname{f}'[S] \subseteq T$. Then $\funcname{f}' \maps S \to T$, also
1772 | written $\funcname{f}' \restrictto_{S,T}$, is
1773 | $\funcname{f}' \restrictto_S$ considered as a function from $S$ to
1774 | $T$.
1775 |
1776 | Let $\seqname{S}^i \defeq (S^i_\alpha, \alpha \preceq \Alpha)$, $i-1,2$,
1777 | be a sequence of spaces, $\seqname{S}^1 \SUBSETEQ \seqname{S}^2$ and \linebreak
1778 | $\funcname{f}^2 \maps \head(\seqname{S}^2) \to \tail(\seqname{S}^2)$ a
1779 | function.
1780 | $
1781 | \funcname{f}^2 \restrictto_{\head(\seqname{S}^1)} \defeq
1782 | \funcname{f}^2 \restrictto_{\bigtimes \head(\seqname{S}^1)}
1783 | $.
1784 | If \linebreak
1785 | $
1786 | \funcname{f}^2 \restrictto_{\head(\seqname{S}^1)}
1787 | [\bigtimes \head(\seqname{S}^1)]
1788 | \subseteq \tail(\seqname{S}^1)
1789 | $
1790 | then
1791 | $ \funcname{f}^2 \maps \head(\seqname{S}^1) \to \tail(\seqname{S}^1)$,
1792 | also written
1793 | $
1794 | \funcname{f}^2 \restrictto_%
1795 | {\head(\seqname{S}^1),\tail(\seqname{S}^1)}
1796 | $,
1797 | is $\funcname{f}^2 \restrictto_{\head(\seqname{S}^1)}$ considered as a
1798 | function from $\bigtimes \head(\seqname{S}^1)$ to $\tail(\seqname{S}^1)$.
1799 | \end{definition}
1800 |
1801 | \begin{definition}[Truth space]
1802 | $\false \defeq \emptyset$, $\true \defeq \set{\emptyset}$,
1803 | the truth set is \linebreak
1804 | $\truthset \defeq \set{\false, \true}$,
1805 | $\truthtop \defeq \set {\emptyset,\truthset}$ and the truth space
1806 | $\truthspace \defeq (\truthset, \truthtop)$ is $\truthset$
1807 | with the indiscrete topology.
1808 | \end{definition}
1809 |
1810 | \begin{definition}[Truth category]
1811 | The truth category is
1812 | $
1813 | \truthcat \defeq \\
1814 | \bigl (
1815 | \truthspace,
1816 | \set{\truthspace \to \truthspace}
1817 | \bigr )
1818 | $.
1819 | The truth model space is \\*
1820 | $\seqname{Truthspace} \defeq (\truthspace, \truthcat)$.
1821 | \end{definition}
1822 |
1823 | \begin{definition}[Constraint functions]
1824 | A constraint function is a continuous function with range
1825 | $\truthspace$ or a model
1826 | function with range $\seqname{Truthspace}$.
1827 | \end{definition}
1828 |
1829 | \begin{definition}[Sequence inclusion]
1830 | \label{def:seqin}
1831 | Let $\seqname{S} \defeq (S_\alpha, \alpha \prec \Alpha)$ and
1832 | $\seqname{T} \defeq (T_\alpha, \alpha \prec \Alpha)$ be sequences.
1833 | $\seqname{S} \seqin \seqname{T}$ iff
1834 | $\uquant{\alpha \prec \Alpha} {S_\alpha \in T_\alpha}$ or
1835 | $\uquant{\alpha \prec \Alpha} {S_\alpha \objin T_\alpha}$.
1836 | \end{definition}
1837 |
1838 | \begin{lemma}[Sequence inclusion]
1839 | \label{lem:seqin}
1840 | Let $\seqname{S} \defeq (S_\alpha, \alpha \prec \Alpha)$
1841 | be a sequence,
1842 | $
1843 | \catseqname{T}^i \defeq \\
1844 | (\catname{T}^i_\alpha, \alpha \prec \Alpha)
1845 | $,
1846 | $i=1,2$, a sequence of
1847 | categories, $\catseqname{T}^1 \SUBCAT \catseqname{T}^2$ and
1848 | $\seqname{S} \seqin \catseqname{T}^1$ Then
1849 | $\seqname{S} \seqin \catseqname{T}^2$.
1850 |
1851 | \begin{proof}
1852 | If
1853 | $\uquant{\alpha \prec \Alpha} {S_\alpha \objin \catname{T}^1_\alpha}$
1854 | then
1855 | $\uquant{\alpha \prec \Alpha} {S_\alpha \objin \catname{T}^2_\alpha}$.
1856 | \end{proof}
1857 | \end{lemma}
1858 |
1859 | \begin{thebibliography}{9}
1860 |
1861 | \bibitem[Ad\'amek, Herrlich, Strecker, 1990] {JoyCat} Ji\v{r}\'i Ad\'amek,
1862 | Horst Herrlich,
1863 | George E. Strecker.
1864 | \textit{Abstract and Concrete Categories The Joy of Cats},
1865 | John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1990.
1866 |
1867 | \bibitem[Kelley, 1955] {GenTop} John L. Kelley,
1868 | \textit{General Topology},
1869 | D. Van Nostrand Company (first edition), 1955.
1870 |
1871 | \bibitem[Kobayashi, 1996] {FoundDiffGeo1} Shoshichi Kobayashi,
1872 | Katsumi Nomizu,
1873 | \textit{Foundations of Differential Geometry, Volume I},
1874 | ISBN 0-471-15733-3, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1996.
1875 |
1876 | %\bibitem[Lee, 2000] {DiffPhys} Jeffrey Marc lee,
1877 | %\textit{Differential Geometry},
1878 | %Analysis and Physics, 2000.
1879 |
1880 | \bibitem[Mac Lane, 1998] {CftWM} Saunders Mac Lane,
1881 | \textit{Categories for the Working Mathemation, 2nd edition},
1882 | ISBN 0-387-98403-8, Springer-Verlag, 1998.
1883 |
1884 | \bibitem[Steenrod, 1999] {TopFib} Norman Steenrod,
1885 | \textit{The Topology Of Fibre Bundles}, ISBN 0-691-00548-6,
1886 | Prineton University Press (seventh printing), 1999.
1887 |
1888 | \end{thebibliography}
1889 |
1890 | \end{document}