= Welcome to LSwitcher = The program adds new features to PM Alt-Tab switcher, expands the Alt-Tab switching capability to OS/2 and DOS full-screen sessions, and adds a convenient "Taskbar" to your PM Desktop. The package also includes an XWorkplace XCenter widget with the similar functionality. = Download = The last version available is [http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/h-search.php?sh=1&button=Search&key=lsw271b0.zip version 2.71 beta 0] (2009/10/31) = License = LSwitcher is open source software released under the GNU General Public License version 2. = Credits = * Andrei Los - Original Author = Screenshots = [[Image(wiki:WikiStart:LSwitcher002.png, 300px )]] [[Image(wiki:WikiStart:LSwitcher003.png, 300px )]] = BUILD Instructions = Create lswitcher directory and change directory to it. Pull code, svn co http://svn.netlabs.org/repos/lswitcher/trunk . Go into each directory in turn, dostsr, hook, resource, and widget followed by the base directory. Use makefile with VAC or makefile.wat for OpenWatcom (exception dostsr uses OpenWatcom only and is makefile). nmake -f makefile or nmake -f makefile.wat respectively.