= Welcome to LSwitcher = The program adds new features to PM Alt-Tab switcher, expands the Alt-Tab switching capability to OS/2 and DOS full-screen sessions, and adds a convenient "Taskbar" to your PM Desktop. The package also includes an XWorkplace XCenter widget with the similar functionality. = Download = The latest version available is [ version ] Lswitcher is available for downloading in the following packages and formats: ||'''Component'''||'''Package'''||'''Version'''||'''Description'''|| ||lswitcher full installer||[https://hobbesarchive.com/?search=lswitcher WPI]||2.94||(2024-05-13) Full Warpin Installer|| = License = LSwitcher is open source software released under the GNU General Public License version 2. = Credits = * Andrei Los - Original Author * Andy Willis * Gregg Young We would like to thank the following people and projects for comments, suggestions, bug reports, and other feedback: * Doug Bissett (New installer) * Julian Buss * Alessandro Cantatore * Alexander Conon * "Doodle" * Ian Douglas * Don "Freiheit" Eitner * Tim Erickson * Alfredo Fernández Díaz * Javier Arias Fernandez * Klaus Fuchs * Michel Goyette * Cristiano Guadagnino * Tomas Hajny * Johann Harrieder * Martin Iturbide * Reb James * Andreas Ludwig * "Jiki" * John Martin * David Mediavilla * Nenad Milenkovic * Romulo Silva Neiva * Nick * Dmitry Novoseletsky * Sander Nyman * Konstantin Okounkov * Dariusz Piatkowski * Lech Wiktor Piotrowski * Henk Pol * Sergey Posokhov * Mike Reichel * Loris Rinaldo * Lewis Rosenthal * Antonio Manara Rossini * Danis Tazetdinov * Rich Walsh * Karel Wesseling * John Wibawa * Sebastian Wittmeier * Denis Zavorotny * Vladislav Zhuk * The XWorkplace project Special thanks to the following people who provided translation of the README.TXT and program resources and thus made the existence of localized versions of this program possible: * Tomas Hajny -- Czech translation * Alfredo Fernández Díaz -- Spanish translation = Support = You must be logged into TRAC to create tickets. Please login with your [http://www.netlabs.org Netlabs] login id. If you do not have a login id, you can request one at http://www.netlabs.org/en/site/member/member.xml. If you have troubles acquiring a [http://www.netlabs.org Netlabs] login id send an e-mail to {{{ #!html Netlabs Community Mailing List }}} If you want an email notification when a ticket is changed you need to go into your preferences and on the "General" page add your name and email. This needs to be done separately for each project. == Mailing Lists == There are currently two mailing lists for lSwitcher: one for users, and one for developers. To subscribe to the developer list: Send email to: lswitcher-dev-on AT 2rosenthals DOT com and reply to the confirmation email. To subscribe to the user list: Send email to: lswitcher-user-on AT 2rosenthals DOT com and reply to the confirmation email. Web archives of lists are available here: * http://lists.2rosenthals.com/lswitcher-dev/List.html * http://lists.2rosenthals.com/lswitcher-user/List.html = Screenshots = [[Image(wiki:WikiStart:LSwitcher002.png, 300px )]] [[Image(wiki:WikiStart:LSwitcher003.png, 300px )]] = BUILD Instructions = Create lswitcher directory and change directory to it.[[BR]] Pull code, svn co http://svn.netlabs.org/repos/lswitcher/trunk .[[BR]] OpenWatcom can be used to build lswitcher.[[BR]] OpenWatcom:[[BR]] wmake -f makefile[[BR]] VAC may still work but its build files have not been maintained. Try:[[BR]] nmake -f makefile.vac[[BR]]