Custom Query (75 matches)


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#49 invalid LSWITCHD TSR no longer pops up text mode window list after upgrade from 2.7 INI Lewis Rosenthal

Beginning with 2.81, after loading LSWITCHD.EXE /SH in a full screen DOS session, and pressing Alt-Tab, the view is immediately returned to the OS/2 desktop with the lSwitcher graphical window list. This is not desirable, as it is much faster to switch between running applications (especially other full screen text mode ones) from the text mode list.

This issue resides in the hook dll. The latest build of the TSR, when run against the 2.70 dll works as expected.

(Summary changed to better reflect the problem.)

#50 fixed Remove PMPRINTF dependency Lewis Rosenthal

2.81 and above seem to need PMPRINTF.DLL in LIBPATH or in the same directory as lswhook.dll.

This was probably due to my bogus issues during the 2.81 release cycle when I had exceptq configured to catch all program exits and we were trying to track down the bleeping beeping. D'Oh!

#51 fixed Detect distro on which we're installing and select LIBPATH accordingly Lewis Rosenthal

The tooltip for lSwitcher Hook says that the default path for the dll is eCS\dll. In the path box below, however, the path field is populated with C:\SYS\DLL. This eCS 2.1 machine has no \SYS directory on it, and C:\SYS is not going to be in LIBPATH, no way, no how.

Fixing the tooltip to be more generic is one thing (it should not be necessary to advise the user of the default when he can easily see for himself, down below). Fixing the default path is another.

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