Custom Query (75 matches)


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Results (4 - 6 of 75)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#36 invalid Removing the use of MONCALLS.DLL martini


I was experimenting with a MONCALLS.DLL replacemenet (OSFree generated) on a VM and noticed that lSwitcher uses this file.

AFAIK MONCALLS.DLL on the latest version of OS/2 Warp is a forwarder and all it's functions are located at DOSCALL1.DLL.

I search the LSwitcher source code on github (screenshot attached).

My request is to see if it can be possible for you to remove the MONCALLS.DLL calls and make it directly to DOSCALL1.DLL. I really do not know how easy or hard can it be.

The only fallback that I see on doing this is that may possible break compatibility of lSwitcher with older OS/2 versions where MONCALLS.DLL is not a forwarder to DOSCALL1.DLL.

#81 fixed Improve Text Size with XWP 1.0.16 martini


With XWP 1.0.16 there is a new functionality to increase all font sizes at once.

LSwitch settings seems to have the fonts hard code, it would be nice for lswitcher to also work together with this XWP functionality.


#23 invalid Add option to restore windows not marked as "sticky" in XPager settings to (original) XPager virtual desktops Lewis Rosenthal

Minimizing a window opened on XPager's Virtual Desktop #1, then switching to Virtual Desktop #2 and restoring that window results in the window (not marked "sticky") being restored to the current Virtual Desktop and not its original Virtual Desktop.

This RFE is to add an option to restore a minimized window to the original desktop from which it was minimized.

This may require additional support in XWorkplace.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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