Custom Query (74 matches)


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#41 workaround Removing a button sometimes fails to reclaim the space it occupied on the taskbar Gregg Young Gregg Young
#35 worksforme Add filter operators Gregg Young ggamba

In ePager - Sticky windows, filter operator has the following options: "equals, begins with, ends with, contains, matches", while in lswitcher it seems to me that we just have "equals".

This is a problem here, as lot of programs change their title, so if for example I add "OS/2 - Home - Thunderbird" to "Taskbak - Icons only", at next reboot, when Thunderbird starts as "Inbox - Home - Thunderbird", the existing filter will not work. The same problem happens with PSI, or jEdit.

#11 wontfix Icon only filtering doesn't work with multiple items in a group in the stand alone taskbar Gregg Young Gregg Young
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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