wiki:kmk Quick Reference

Version 2 (modified by bird, 15 years ago) (diff)


kmk Quick Reference

This appendix summarizes the directives, text manipulation functions, and special variables which kmk understands.


Here is a summary of the directives kmk recognizes:

Define a multi-line, recursively-expanded variable:

define variable

Conditionally evaluate part of the makefile:

ifdef variable
ifndef variable
ifeq (a,b)
ifeq "a" "b"
ifeq 'a' 'b'
ifneq (a,b)
ifneq "a" "b"
ifneq 'a' 'b'
if1of (set-a,set-b)
ifn1of (set-a,set-b)
if expression

Include another makefile:

include file
-include file
sinclude file

Include another dependency file:

includedep file

Define a variable, overriding any previous definition, even one from the command line:

override variable = value
override variable := value
override variable += value
override variable <= value
override variable ?= value
override define variable

Tell kmk to export all variables to child processes by default:


Tell kmk whether or not to export a particular variable to child processes:

export variable
export variable = value
export variable := value
export variable += value
export variable <= value
export variable ?= value
unexport variable

Define a variable in the local context instead of the global one:

local variable = value
local variable := value
local variable += value
local variable <= value
local variable ?= value
local define variable

Specify a search path for files matching a % pattern:

vpath pattern path

Remove all search paths previously specified for pattern:

vpath pattern

Remove all search paths previously specified in any vpath directive:


Automatic variables

Here is a summary of the automatic variables.

Variable Description
$@ The file name of the target.
$< The name of the first prerequisite.
$? The names of all the prerequisites that are newer than the target, with spaces between them.
$^ The names of all the prerequisites, duplicates omitted.
$+ The names of all the prerequisites, duplicates and order preserved
$* The stem with which an implicit rule matches.
$| The name of all the order only prerequisites.
$(@D) The directory part of $@.
$(<D) The directory part of $<.
$(?D) The directory part of $?.
$(^D) The directory part of %^.
$(+D) The directory part of $+.
$(*D) The directory part of $*.
$(|D) The directory part of $|.
$(@F) The file-within-directory part of $@.
$(<F) The file-within-directory part of $<.
$(?F) The file-within-directory part of $?.
$(^F) The file-within-directory part of $^.
$(+F) The file-within-directory part of $+.
$(*F) The file-within-directory part of $*.
$(|F) The file-within-directory part of $|.

Special variables

All variables starting with a . is reserved by kmk. The following variables are specially used or/and defined by kmk:

Variable Description
.DEFAULT_GOAL The makefile default goal. You can set this in the makefile, if you don't it will default to the first target that is encountered.
.FEATURES List of GNU make features. Do not set this.
.INCLUDE_DIRS List of include directories, -I arguments and defaults. Do not set this.
.RECIPEPREFIX Recipe prefix, defaults to tab.
.VARIABLES Special variable which exands to the list of variable. Do not set this.
CURDIR Set to the pathname of the current working directory (after all -C options are processed, if any). Do not set this.
KBUILD_VERSION, KBUILD_VERSION_MAJOR, KBUILD_VERSION_MINOR, KBUILD_VERSION_PATCH, KBUILD_KMK_REVISION The kBuild version string and the break down into individual components.
KBUILD_HOST The host operating system.
KBUILD_HOST_ARCH The host architecture.
KBUILD_HOST_CPU The host CPU kmk is built for, set to blend if not any particular CPU.
KBUILD_PATH Where the kBuild scripts are.
KBUILD_BIN_PATH Where the host specific kBuild binaries are.
KMK, MAKE The name with which kmk was invoked. Using this variable in recipes has special meaning.
KMK_BUILTIN List of built-in commands.
KMK_FEATURES List of kmk specific features.

The flags given to kmk. You can set this in the environment or a makefile to set flags.

It is never appropriate to use KMK_FLAGS directly in a recipe line: its contents may not be quoted correctly for use in the shell. Always allow recursive kmk's to obtain these values through the environment from its parent.

KMK_LEVEL The number of levels of recursion (sub-makes).
KMK_VERSION The GNU make version number.
MAKECMDGOALS The targets given to kmk on the command line. Do not set this.
MAKEFILES Makefiles to be read on every invocation of kmk.
MAKEFILE_LIST List of the makefiles that kmk has opened.
MAKESHELL OS/2 and MS-DOS only, the name of the command interpreter that is to be used by kmk. This value takes precedence over the value of SHELL.
SHELL The name of the default command interpreter, kmk_ash. You can set SHELL in the makefile to change the shell used to run recipes. The SHELL variable is handled specially when importing from and exporting to the environment.
SUFFIXES The default list of suffixes before kmk reads any makefiles (always empty).
VPATH Directory search path for files not found in the current directory.

The following variables reflects kmk options. Do not set these.

Variable Description
KMK_OPTS_JOBS -j slots, 0 if not given.
KMK_OPTS_KEEP_GOING -k indictor (0/1).
KMK_OPTS_JUST_PRINT -n indicator (0/1).
KMK_OPTS_PRORITY --priority level, 0 if not given.
KMK_OPTS_AFFINITY --affinity mask, 0 if not given.
KMK_OPTS_STATISTICS --statistics indicator (0/1).
KMK_OPTS_PRINT_TIME The --print-time value.
KMK_OPTS_PRETTY_COMMAND_PRINTING --pretty-command-printing indicator.

Built-in functions

String Manipulation Functions:

Replace from with to in text:

$(subst from,to,text)

Replace words matching pattern with replacement in text:

$(patsubst pattern,replacement,text)

Remove excess whitespace characters from string:

$(strip string)

Locate find in text, returning find if found:

$(findstring find,text)

Select words in text that match one of the pattern words:

$(filter pattern...,text)

Select words in text that do not match any of the pattern words:

$(filter-out pattern...,text)

Sort the words in list lexicographically, removing duplicates:

$(sort list)

Sort the words in list lexicographically in reserve order, removing duplicates:

$(rsort list)

Count the number of words in text:

$(words text)

Extract the nth word (one-origin) of text:

$(word n,text)

Returns the list of words in text from s to e (one-origin):

$(wordlist s,e,text)

Extract the first word of names:

$(firstword names...)

Extract the last word of names:

$(lastword names...)

Join two parallel lists of words:

$(join list1,list2)

Fold text to upper case:

$(toupper text)

Fold text to lower case:

$(tolower text)

String formatting a la the unix printf command:

$(printf fmt, arg...)

Return the length of a string or a (unexpanded) variable:

$(length string)
$(length-var var)

Find the position of needle in haystack, returns 0 if not found. Negative start indices are relative to the end of haystack, while positive ones are one based:

$(pos needle, haystack[, start])
$(lastpos needle, haystack[, start])

Returns the specified substring. The start works like with $(pos ). If the substring is partially outside the string the result will be padded with pad if present:

$(substr string, start[, length[, pad]])

Insert in into str at the specified position. n works like with $(pos ), except that 0 is the end of the string:

$(insert in, str[, n[, length[, pad]]])

Translate string exchanging characters in from-set with to-set, optionally completing to-set with pad-char if specified. If no pad-char characters absent in to-set will be deleted:

$(translate string, from-set[, to-set[, pad-char]])

Functions for file names:

Extract the directory part of each file name:

$(dir names...)

Extract the non-directory part of each file name:

$(notdir names...)

Extract the suffix (the last . and following characters) of each file name:

$(suffix names...)

Extract the base name (name without suffix) of each file name:

$(basename names...)

Append suffix to each word in names:

$(addsuffix suffix,names...)

Prepend prefix to each word in names:

$(addprefix prefix,names...)

Find file names matching a shell file name pattern (not a % pattern):

$(wildcard pattern...)

For each file name in names, expand to an absolute name that does not contain any ., .., nor symlinks:

$(realpath names...)

For each file name in names, expand to an absolute name that does not contain any . or .. components, but preserves symlinks:

$(abspath names...)

Same as $(abspath ) except that the current directory can be specified as curdir:

$(abspathex names...[, curdir])

Arithmetic Functions:

Returns the sum of the arguments:

$(int-add addend1, addend2[, addendN])

Returns the difference between the first argument and the sum of the rest:

$(int-sub minuend, subtrahend[, subtrahendN])

Returns the product of the arguments:

$(int-mul factor1, factor2[, factorN])

Returns the quotient of first argument and the rest:

$(int-div dividend, divisor[, divisorN])

Returns the modulus of the two arguments:

$(int-mod dividend, divisor)

Returns the bitwise two-complement of argument:

$(int-not val)

Returns the result of a bitwise AND of the arguments:

$(int-and val1, val2[, valN])

Returns the result of a bitwise OR of the arguments:

$(int-or val1, val2[, valN])

Returns the result of a bitwise XOR of the arguments:

$(int-xor val1, val2[, valN])

Returns the kmk boolean (true = non-empty, false = empty) result of val1 == val2:

$(int-eq val1, val2)

Returns the kmk boolean result of val1 != val2:

$(int-ne val1, val2)

Returns the kmk boolean result of val1 > val2:

$(int-gt val1, val2)

Returns the kmk boolean result of val1 >= val2:

$(int-ge val1, val2)

Returns the kmk boolean result of val1 < val2:

$(int-lt val1, val2)

Returns the kmk boolean result of val1 <= val2:

$(int-le val1, val2)

Boolean and Conditional Functions:

Condition is false if the condition evaluates to an empty string (stripped). Evaluate the true-part if the condition is true, otherwise the false-part:

$(if condition,true-part[,false-part])

Test if any of the conditions evalues to non-empty string, returning the first one:

$(or condition1[,condition2[,condition3[...]]])

Test if all of the conditions evaluates to non-empty strings, returning the last one:

$(and condition1[,condition2[,condition3[...]]])

Test if the two strings are identical, returning kmk boolean (true = non-empty, false = empty):

$(eq str1, str2)

Invert a kmk boolean value:

$(not val)

Test if variable is defined, returning a kmk boolean value:

$(defined variable)

Test if set-a and set-b intersects, returning a kmk boolean value:

$(intersects set-a, set-b)

Same as $(if ) execpt that the condition is a kmk expression:

$(if-expr kmk-expression,true-part[,false-part])

Select the first true condition (kmk expression) and expand the following body. Special condition strings default and otherwise:

$(select when1-cond, when1-body[, whenN-cond, whenN-body])

Evalutate the kmk expression returning what it evalues as. This is the preferred way of doing arithmentic now:

$(expr kmk-expression)

Stack Fuctions:

Push item onto the stack-var, returning the empty string:

$(stack-push stack-var, item)

Pop the top item off the stack-var:

$(stack-pop stack-var)

Pop the top item off the stack-var, returning the empty string:

$(stack-popv stack-var)

Get the top item of the stack-var, returning the empty string:

$(stack-top stack-var)

Advanced Functions:

Evaluates to the contents of the variable var, with no expansion performed on it:

$(value var)

Evaluate body with var bound to each word in words, and concatenate the results (spaced):

$(foreach var,words,body)

C-style for-loop. Start by evaluating init. Each iteration will first check whether the condition (kmk-expression) is true, then expand body concatenating the result to the previous iterations (spaced), and finally evaluate next:

$(for init,conditions,next,body)

C-style while-loop. Each iteration will check whether the condition (kmk-expression) is true, then expand body concatenating the result to the previous iterations:

$(while conditions,body)

Evaluate the variable var replacing any references to $(1), $(2) with the first, second, etc. param values:

$(call var,param,...)

Evaluate text then read the results as makefile commands. Expands to the empty string:

$(eval text)

Same as $(eval text) except that the text is expanded in its own variable context:

$(evalctx text)

Same as $(eval $(value var)):

$(evalval var)

Same as $(evalctx $(value var)):

$(evalvalctx var)

A combination of $(eval ), $(call ) and $(value ):

$(evalcall var)

A combination of $(eval ) and $(call ):

$(evalcall var)

Remove comments and blank lines from the variable var. Expands to the empty string:

$(eval-opt-var var)

Returns accessing $< of target, either retriving the whole thing or the file at pos (one-origin):

$(deps target[, pos])

Returns accessing $+ (order + duplicates) of target, either retriving the whole thing or the file at pos (one-origin):

$(deps-all target[, pos])

Returns accessing $? of target, either retriving the whole thing or the file at pos (one-origin):

$(deps-newer target[, pos])

Returns accessing $| (order only) of target, either retriving the whole thing or the file at pos (one-origin):

$(deps-oo target[, pos])

Command Functions:

Create one or more command lines avoiding the max argument length restriction of the host OS:

$(xargs ar cas mylib.a,$(objects))
$(xargs ar cas mylib.a,ar as mylib.a,$(objects))

Returns the commands for the specified target separated by new-line, space, or a user defined string. Note that this might not produce the 100% correct result if any of the prerequisite automatic variables are used:

$(commands target)
$(commands-sc target)
$(commands-usr target,sep)

Compares two commands returning the empty string if equal and the 3rd argument if not. This differs from $(comp-vars v1,v2,ne) in that line by line is stripped of leading spaces, command prefixes and trailing spaces before comparing:

$(comp-cmds cmds-var1, cmds-var2, ne)
$(comp-cmds-ex cmds1, cmd2, ne)

Compares the values of the two variables returning the empty string if equal and the 3rd argument if not. Leading and trailing spaces is ignored:

$(comp-var var1, var2, ne)

Utility functions:

When this function is evaluated, kmk generates a fatal error with the message text:

$(error text...)

When this function is evaluated, kmk generates a warning with the message text:

$(warning text...)

When this function is evaluated, kmk generates a info with the message text:

$(info text...)

Execute a shell command and return its output:

$(shell command)

Return a string describing how the kmk variable variable was defined:

$(origin variable)

Return a string describing the flavor of the kmk variable variable:

$(flavor variable)

Returns the current local time and date formatted in the strftime style specifier fmt. fmt defaults to %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S when not specified:

$(date fmt)

Returns the current UTC time and date formatted in the strftime style specifier fmt. fmt defaults to %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ when not specified:

$(date-utc fmt)

Reformats the in time and date using fmt. The in-fmt defaults to fmt if not specified. While fmt defaults to %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ if not specified:

$(date-utc fmt,time,in-fmt)

Returns the current nanosecond timestamp (monotonic when possible):

$(nanots )

Returns the size of the specified file, or -1 if the size could not be obtained. This can be used to check if a file exist or not:

$(file-size file)

Searches the PATH kmk variable for the specified files:

$(which files...)

OS/2: Returns the specified LIBPATH variable value:

$(libpath var)

OS/2: Sets the specified LIBPATH variable value, returning the empty string:

$(libpath var,value)

Debugging Functions:

Returns various make statistics, if no item is specified a default selection is returned:

$(make-stats item[,itemN])

Raise a debug breakpoint. Used for debugging kmk makefile parsing:

$(breakpoint )

Special Targets


Built-in Commands





$Id: QuickReference-kmk.txt 2163 2008-12-30 00:57:13Z bird $


Copyright (C) 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Copyright (C) 2008 Knut St. Osmundsen