
Version 4 (modified by bird, 17 years ago) (diff)


Building kBuild

If the kBuild version you wish to build isn't ported to your platform, you must take a look at how to bootstrap kBuild on a new platform.

Check out kBuild

Make sure you have subversion installed. If not take a look at this page and see if you can find a suitable package.

The subversion url is However, when checking out you either want a branch or the trunk, you do not wish to check out the entire repository.

So, let's say you want to checkout the trunk to the current directory (.):

svn co .


On Windows, the Microsoft C/C++ compiler from Visual C++ v7 is required. Support for other versions and perhaps other compilers can/will be added when need arises. A matching Platform SDK is also required. Set PATH_TOOL_VCC70 to point to the VC subdirectory of your Visual C++ installation and PATH_SDK_WIN32SDK pointing to the VC/PlatformSDK subdirectory.

On most other systems it is sufficient to have gcc version 3.2 or later in the path. Most *nix systems comes with this preinstalled.

The Building

The kBuild source tree is of course using kBuild to build itself. It is kind of self contained, meaning that there is already a full set of kBuild binaries checked in and it contains the kBuild 'distribution'.

First use one of the shell scripts shipped with kBuild to setup the environment:

  • *nix: kBuild/
  • OS/2: kBuild/envos2.cmd
  • Windows: kBuild/envwin.cmd

Then all that's left is to enter kmk and kBuild will be built. As per kBuild default, BUILD_TYPE is set to debug. To do a release build set it to release.

The output can be found in out/$(BUILD_TARGET).$(BUILD_TARGET_ARCH)/$(BUILD_TYPE)/kBuild/bin/$(BUILD_TARGET_ARCH).$(BUILD_TARGET)/.

When ticket #6 has been fully implemented, it will be possible to build an installable kBuild. Details will be filled when ready.