Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Building

Nov 23, 2006, 10:17:26 PM (17 years ago)



  • Building

    v1 v1  
     1= Building [wiki:kBuild] =
     3If the [wiki:kBuild] version you wish to build isn't ported to your platform, you must take a look at [wiki:Bootstrapping] [wiki:kBuild] on a new platform..
     5== Check out [wiki:kBuild] ==
     7Make sure you have subversion install. If not take a look at this page and see if you can find a suitable package.
     9The subversion url is However, when checking out you either want a branch or the trunk, do '''not''' want to check out the entire repository.
     11So, let's say you want to checkout the trunk to the current directory (.):
     13svn co .
     17== Prerequisites ==
     19On '''Windows''', the Microsoft C/C++ compiler from Visual C++ v7 is required. Support for other versions and perhaps other compilers can/will be added when need arises. A matching '''Platform SDK''' is also required. Set PATH_TOOL_VCC70 to point to the {{{VC}}} subdirectory of your Visual C++ installation and {{{PATH_SDK_WIN32SDK}}} pointing to the {{{VC/PlatformSDK}}} subdirectory.
     21On most other systems it is sufficient to have gcc version 3.2 or later in the path. Most *nix systems comes with this preinstalled.
     24== The Building ==
     26The [wiki:kBuild] source tree is of course using [wiki:kBuild] to build itself. It is kind of self contained, meaning that there is already a full set of [wiki:kBuild] binaries checked in and it contains the [wiki:kBuild] 'distribution'. Use the shell scripts shipped with [wiki:kBuild] to setup the environment:
     27 * *nix: {{{kBuild/}}}
     28 * OS/2: {{{kBuild/envos2.cmd}}}
     29 * Windows: {{{kBuild/envwin.cmd}}}
     31Then all that's left is to enter {{{kmk}}} and kBuild will be built. As per {{{kBuild}}} default, {{{BUILD_TYPE}}} is set to debug. To do a release build set it to {{{release}}}.
     33The output can be found in {{{out/$(BUILD_TARGET).$(BUILD_TARGET_ARCH)/$(BUILD_TYPE)/kBuild/bin/$(BUILD_TARGET_ARCH).$(BUILD_TARGET)/}}}.
     35When ticket #6 has been fully implemented, it will be possible to build an installable [wiki:kBuild]. Details will be filled when ready.