Custom Query (8 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (8 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#29 kmk: don't choke on driveletters when crossbuilding on unix/win/os2 bird defect major kmk
#30 kmk: doesn't fail on CreateProcess failure bird defect major kmk 0.1.2
#16 Add CLEAN attrib to all target bird task major kBuild 0.1.0
#22 Tool inheritance bird task major kBuild 0.1.0
#23 Target inheritance bird task major kBuild 0.1.0
#24 Preserve source order in the object order / Implement generic source -> object transformation bird task major kBuild 0.1.0
#25 Create a compiler object cache bird task minor kBuild
#28 drop .map files on non os/2 and windows systems bird defect major kBuild
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.