Custom Query (11 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#26 Performance Tuning - ongoing effort. bird defect major kmk
#10 Make it possible to install kBuild on Windows bird defect major 0.3.0 kBuild
#31 MacPorts build bird defect major 0.3.0 kBuild
#80 kmk: Make $(target)_$(source)_*_ local bird defect major 0.2.0 kmk
#84 kBuild: Using BLD_TRG_ARCH caused wrong template/target expansion bird defect major 0.2.0 kBuild
#92 kmk_install: fails/misbehaves when the target is a symbolic link bird defect major 0.2.0 kmk
#95 kBuild: Extending unused target doesn't work bird defect major 0.2.0 kBuild
#96 vc100 rc.exe tool path bird defect major 0.2.0 kBuild
#99 BLD_TRG_ARCH and friends aren't considered when expanding templates onto targets bird defect major 0.2.0 kBuild
#102 kObjCache: Remember and repeat compiler output bird defect major 0.2.0 kBuild
#107 kmk: newlines args when invoking builtin commands bird defect major 0.2.0 kmk
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.