Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #55

Jan 3, 2007, 7:46:17 AM (18 years ago)
Steven Levine


  • Ticket #55

    • Property Owner changed from StevenHL to Steven Levine
    • Property Status newassigned
    • Property Summary Change to Javadoc code commentingChange to Doxygen (javadoc) code commenting
  • Ticket #55 – Description

    initial v1  
    1 If enough contributors request it, I could be convinced to switch to
    2 javadoc style comments so that the code could be processed by doxygen.
    3 Javadoc comments are a bit bulkier than my personal style, but sometimes
    4 it's useful to have text descriptions of the parameter and return values.
     1If enough contributors request it, I could be convinced to switch to Doxygen/javadoc style comments so that the code could be processed by doxygen.  Doxygen/javadoc comments are a bit bulkier than my personal style, but sometimes it's useful to have text descriptions of the parameter and return values.
    53My preference is to name variables so that it's obvious how they are
    6 intended to be used.  For example, I much prefer variable names like ok
    7 and fail to the generic ret that one often sees.
     4intended to be used.  For example, I much prefer variable names like ok and fail to the generic ret that one often sees.