Custom Query (518 matches)


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Results (64 - 66 of 518)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#377 fixed Allow LONGNAME for LAN drives Gregg Young Gregg Young
#21 fixed Allow archiver editor to open an appropriate archive file as template Gregg Young Gregg Young

It would be very nice if when adding a new archiver I could fill in the "view section" along with the sig and the file extension then point the viewer widow on the right to an appropriate file for it to open so that the start and end info could be copied and the field arrangement was visible to make it easier to complete the field location info.

#3 fixed Allow different colors in multiple directory containers to be saved across restarts Gregg Young Gregg Young

When you open multiple containers they all have the same colour. These colours hold between reboots. All addition opened directory containers take their colour from the first one.

Right now you can change their colours and they'll stick for the session, but when you close out FM/2 and restart the colours reverts to the two colour, (tree and one container), system.

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