Custom Query (518 matches)


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Results (55 - 57 of 518)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#27 fixed Dropping a new font on menus doesn't work correctly Gregg Young Gregg Young

When you drop a new font on the menu bar the font on the files and view menu don't change. The font changes on all the other menus and the "Files" and "View" on the bar change just not the menus.

#28 fixed Add better locale support Gregg Young Gregg Young

I mentioned to him that FM2's view of a Zip archive showed

the dates of the contents as YYYY.DD.MM, rather than as set on this system which is YYYY.MM.DD. I sent a copy of my note, dated Sept. 20, 2005, to you as well and wondered if this anomaly is due to InfoZip? or FM2.

#29 duplicate Some items not grayed out on network drive context menus Gregg Young Gregg Young

Format, partition chkdsk etc not grayed out on context menus for remote and virtual disks.

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