Custom Query (518 matches)


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Results (55 - 57 of 518)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#62 fixed FM/2 fails to recognize the following extensions correctly as to what type file Gregg Young guest

FM/2 fails to recognize many of the graphic files formats. This can be seen when viewing the files in one of the containers and the icons associated to each type file. It recogizes the following graphics files correctly:

bmp, gif, ico, ptr

It does not recognize the following graphic formats

jpeg, jpg, png, psd, lgo, eps, rle, ras, pic, msp, iff, fit, dcx, mac, sff, sgi, xwd, xpm, wpg, lgo, cur, pnm, ppm, pgm, pbm

These extensions were created with PMView and tested to see if they were identified correctly.

It also does not recognize a tgz as a compressed file. I wonder if the compressed icon should also be associated with wpi and iso files. I don't have any other compressed file formats to test and see if any other compressed (which apparently is svn identified with zip files) is associated with the zipped icon.

#63 fixed User bitmaps with more than 16 colors in their palette fail to load in toolbar StevenHL Gregg Young

I tried to load David's new unlock.bmp by defining a new button on the toolbar and installing the bitmap as a "user-defined bitmap". The button always comes up as a text button. If I change the color palette to 16 colors the bitmap works. If I compile it into the resources with the original palette it works. the code that is failing is below. I don't see what is going wrong.

/* We now position the stream on the color table information...............*/ rc = fseek(File,ulOffset,SEEK_SET); if(rc)


Runtime_Error(pszSrcFile, LINE, "LoadBitmapFromFile?"); goto ExitLoadBMP;

ulOffset is coming from one of the following. In this case it is from case 1.

(case 1 only one sub format in file)

f2 = pbih2->cbFix > sizeof(*pbih); 1.x or 2.x bitmap /* We will need to read the color table. Thus we position the stream...*/ /* so that the next read will read IT. This, of course, depends on the.*/ /* type of the bitmap (old vs new), note that in the NEW case, we can..*/ /* not be certain of the size of the bitmap header.....................*/ ulOffset = (f2) ? sizeof(*pbfh2) + pbih->cbFix - sizeof(*pbih2) :


(case 2 multiple sub formats)

f2 = pbih2->cbFix > sizeof(*pbih); /* as before, we calculate where to position the stream in order to ...*/ /* read the color table information....................................*/ ulOffset = ulOffsetTemp; ulOffset+= (f2) ? sizeof(*pbafh2) + pbih2->cbFix - sizeof(*pbih2):


I know this because I filled the file with doserror checks see attached loadbitmap.c and this is where it fails. The next higher doserror call is immediately before the call to calculate the stream position.

When I load fm2 I get the error at line 222 and then 2 errors at line 66. The second 2 errors are caused by trying to load a bitmap that could not be processed. One in the toolbar and one in the button edit dialog.

code that fails on line 66

--- open the file File = _fsopen(pszFileName,"r",SH_DENYWR); if(!File)

#64 fixed Replace command should leave the commands at the same position in the command list Gregg Young Gregg Young

If the command gets moved it will break the command on the toolbar if it exists. This should happen on replace.

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