Custom Query (518 matches)


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Results (46 - 48 of 518)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#60 fixed Add ability to remember custom combination of search flags in seek and scan files Gregg Young Gregg Young

If you would, would you do a patch to "fix" the seek and scan sayfiles problem a bit better? What I would like to have is the last setting remembered. You can steal the code for the RememberExt? setting from extract.c. I would name the setting "grep.sayfiles" unless that's already used.

We should identify any other menu items that will benefit from the same treatment and add tickets for them.A

#61 fixed Replace Helv font with Helvetica font move fonts to string file Gregg Young Gregg Young

The vector font is better looking and it eliminates the remapping done by the innotec font engine when it is enabled.

#62 fixed FM/2 fails to recognize the following extensions correctly as to what type file Gregg Young guest

FM/2 fails to recognize many of the graphic files formats. This can be seen when viewing the files in one of the containers and the icons associated to each type file. It recogizes the following graphics files correctly:

bmp, gif, ico, ptr

It does not recognize the following graphic formats

jpeg, jpg, png, psd, lgo, eps, rle, ras, pic, msp, iff, fit, dcx, mac, sff, sgi, xwd, xpm, wpg, lgo, cur, pnm, ppm, pgm, pbm

These extensions were created with PMView and tested to see if they were identified correctly.

It also does not recognize a tgz as a compressed file. I wonder if the compressed icon should also be associated with wpi and iso files. I don't have any other compressed file formats to test and see if any other compressed (which apparently is svn identified with zip files) is associated with the zipped icon.

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