Custom Query (527 matches)


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Results (40 - 42 of 527)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#201 wontfix Highlighted text in FM/2's ini editor is added to, not replaced dwgras

If I copy text to the clipboard and then highlight text in the ini editor while in edit mode, then click both the right and left mouse buttons simultaneously, should not the highlighted text be replaced with the text from the clipboard? Presently, instead of replacing the text, FM/2's ini editor adds the text from the clipboard to the already highlighted text.

#209 wontfix Add an FM2PATH for storage of frequently used paths not in os2's path Gregg Young
#263 wontfix Remap update Gregg Young

Add option to call lan log on Option to find lan share on other machines Netdrives front end configuration utility for Samba Server

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