Custom Query (527 matches)


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Results (40 - 42 of 527)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#198 fixed Compare directories hide not selected option is not intuitive Steven Levine Steven Levine

This should probably be a 3-state checkbox. If the checkbox is checked and one or more files are deselected, the state should change to "not sure."

#200 fixed Add submenu to Config->Settings to allow direct access to notebook pages. Steven Levine

Now that we can naviagate to individual notebook pages, a submenu would be handy.

#202 fixed Saved state restore should ignore prescan flag in some cases Steven Levine Steven Levine

We changed the save state restore to ignore drives marked no prescan.

This makes sense when restoring the saved shutdown state. It does not make quite so much sense for user created saved states. The current behavior makes it impossible to save the state of folders on no-prescan drives. The assumption here is that the user knows that the drives are marked no prescan, but that the folder setup is worth saving.

User saved states should ignore the no-prescan flag or, if some prefer the current behavior, there should be an option to control this behavior.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.