Custom Query (527 matches)


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Results (34 - 36 of 527)

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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#481 fixed View Helpfiles fails to open help file when View button is clicked Gregg Young Gregg Young

If it worked help files with spaces in their names would fail.

#155 fixed Verify that DosSetPathInfo FILESTATUSx buffers do not cross 64K boundaries Steven Levine Steven Levine

It appears that some (older?) kernels do not allow the FILESTATUSx buffer to cross a 64K boundary. The call will fail with ERROR_INVALID_NAME (123). The workaround is to copy the FILESTATUSx buffer to usable buffer and retry the call.

This probably should be implemented as a wrappers (i.e.XDosSetPathInfo()).

#462 fixed Various fixes and improvements to ReleaseTool John Small John Small

1) Rework the configuration scheme, including removal of the CFG file from the repository.
2) Standardize the version formats
3) Fix a bug in the NNTP code
4) Add more tasks to the "Wiki update" portion of a release.

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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.