Custom Query (33 matches)


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Status: closed (33 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#53 USB removable drives not recognized as removable enhancement major worksforme
#353 Eject fails to eject HPFS formatted USB removable drive defect minor 3.15 worksforme
#404 enhance seek and scan text search to exclude SVN metadata Steven Levine enhancement minor 3.17 fixed
#490 The listfile code for compare still isn't right Gregg Young defect minor 3.21 fixed
#491 Typo in error message Steven Levine defect minor 3.20 fixed
#493 .TAR.GZ list is broken by tar 1.20 Gregg Young task minor 3.21 fixed
#494 Add Lzip to AV/2 Gregg Young enhancement minor 3.21 fixed
#495 Extract directory from acrhive file name fails if the name needs quoting Gregg Young defect minor 3.21 fixed
#496 Double clicking on extension-less file causes "Access violation" trap Gregg Young defect major 3.21 fixed
#498 AV/2 should default to FM/2's viewers/edtors Gregg Young defect minor 3.21 fixed
#500 Address the issue of high-memory traps John Small defect critical 3.21 fixed
#501 Fix and improve shdwmgr.cmd John Small defect minor 3.21 fixed
#502 Wrong error message when opening invalid zip file Gregg Young defect minor 3.21 fixed
#503 Run "Test Archive" in a way that allows copy and paste of the output. Gregg Young enhancement minor 3.21 fixed
#504 Garbled title text clicking on "See" buttons Gregg Young defect minor 3.21 fixed
#505 SayMsg2 dialog doesn't start with focus and lacks accel keys Gregg Young enhancement minor 3.21 fixed
#506 Readonly check on delete doesn't honor user choices and doesn't check for readonly if delete is move to trashcan Gregg Young defect major 3.21 fixed
#507 Delete = move to trashcan doesn't work if the trashcan drives key hasn't been writen to OS2.INI Gregg Young defect major 3.21 fixed
#508 If fm2 is started with sdtout and stderr redirected to file command shells and other command line programs open with blank windows Gregg Young defect minor 3.21 fixed
#509 Trap when accessing commands from the command drop down box Gregg Young defect major 3.21 fixed
#511 FM2 with logging fails to start after install Gregg Young defect minor 3.21 fixed
#512 Improvements to logfm2.cmd John Small enhancement minor 3.21 fixed
#513 Dbl click file to open from a directory contain make the exention upper case Gregg Young defect minor 3.21 fixed
#515 Exception upon restarting FM/2 after system lock-up John Small defect minor 3.21 fixed
#517 FM/2 thinks all entries in ARCHIVER.BB2 are invalid? defect minor 3.21 fixed
#518 Double-clicking on invalid ZIP file results in incorrect error message defect minor 3.21 duplicate
#519 Fix/improve calls to strtol/strtoul John Small defect minor 3.21 fixed
#521 Error message from runemf2 fails to provide caller information Gregg Young task minor 3.21 fixed
#523 Stop considering missing "list", "create" or "extract" commands an error. John Small enhancement minor 3.21 fixed
#525 Trap when trying to print a file from an archive Gregg Young defect minor 3.21 fixed
#527 Get the FM/2 Suggest dialog working correctly again. Gregg Young defect minor 3.21 fixed
#528 Slow initial drive scans caused by releasing the tree container lock out too early Gregg Young defect major 3.21 fixed
#529 I get an error message ocassionally on start up when the selected drive defaults to drive A: Gregg Young defect minor 3.21 fixed
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