Custom Query (21 matches)


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Status: closed (21 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#326 Use istext.exe (recreate the source) to check for text files Gregg Young enhancement minor 3.14 fixed
#338 If a text viewer is present default view doesn't try to determine if a file is binary or text Gregg Young enhancement minor 3.14 fixed
#340 Replace fm3res.str with stringtables Steven Levine enhancement major 3.15 fixed
#341 Give users the option of turning off the DosBeeps for alerts and/or errors Gregg Young enhancement minor 3.15 fixed
#342 Dialogs should ignore saved dialog size defect minor 3.15 fixed
#343 Add a WriteDetailsSwitches function to replace multiple instances of in line code to do same Gregg Young task minor 3.15 fixed
#344 EA size check box for dircnrs in notebook doesn't stay checked Gregg Young defect minor 3.15 fixed
#345 Some state ini keys aren't deleted when the state is Gregg Young defect minor 3.15 fixed
#346 Save changes to the compare directory detail switches Gregg Young enhancement minor 3.15 fixed
#347 Create a RemoveCnrSwitches to consolidate the inline code for deleting the ini entries for saved states. Gregg Young task minor 3.15 fixed
#348 Enhance type to search in containers enhancement minor 3.15 fixed
#350 Remove IBMC compiler specific code including fsopen.c Gregg Young task minor 3.15 fixed
#351 Remove variable number of args from docopy and unlinkf (not used) Gregg Young task minor 3.15 fixed
#359 Select/Deselect mask doesn't work in archive container Gregg Young defect minor 3.15 fixed
#361 Hang on startup stubbyscan threads accessing drive cntr at same time as main thread Gregg Young defect minor 3.15 fixed
#6 Consolidate messages etc to facilitate adding NLS support Steven Levine task major fixed
#28 Add better locale support Gregg Young enhancement minor fixed
#81 Rework fm3res.str/fm3dll.str to be java style properites file enhancement minor duplicate
#82 Implement additional internationalization (i18n) support Gregg Young enhancement minor fixed
#168 Review structure definitions and optimize field ordering - ongoing task minor fixed
#352 FM/2 Lite: some config toolbar buttons don't work. Gregg Young defect minor fixed
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.