Custom Query (527 matches)


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Results (88 - 90 of 527)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#127 John Small John Small fixed "Remember" drive exclusion list

When running FM/2 for the first time after an installation of FM/2, FM/2 scans all the hard drives. If the drive scan "fails" on any drives a dialog pops up asking if it is OK to set a parameter for FM/2 that tells it not to scan those drives.

Having to respond to this dialog after every install of FM/2 is annoying. And since many people have Windows on C: and the Windows partition is often unreadable from OS/2, I cannot believe I am alone in this experience.

It would be nice if the parameters, including the "exclusion list", (e.g. /BC %*) could be "remembered" so that it could be re-applied during subsequent installations.

One possible way to implement the "memory" would be within the FM3.INI file. Another possibility would be to use Henk Kelder's WPTOOL utility (which would query the existing object during the installation).

#129 stevenhl,gyoung Gregg Young fixed WORKPLACE_PROCESS check removes all "open" options should only remove WPS opts
#132 Steven Levine Steven Levine fixed Add immediate updates options to config menu

It would probably be a good thing to add the directory container immediate updates option to the config menu. This allows them to be more easily controlled.

The same is probably true for the archiver show activity toggle and a couple of others.

The config menu is already bit long, so the lesser used items could be moved to submenus.

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