Custom Query (527 matches)


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Results (61 - 63 of 527)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#83 Steven Levine fixed Ensure all generated commands support spaces within the file names arguments

Generally fm/2 is pretty good about quoting names with spaces. However, the mailing list archives indicate there are a few places where this is missing. This ticket is remind us to watch out for missing support.

#85 Gregg Young rbri fixed Unexpected behavior on cancel in the Walk dialog

Open a directory container Start the Walk dialog (Ctrl+w)

Append a name of not existing subdirectory to the selected directory. On OK FM/2 ask for directory creation. But if you press cancel, FM/2 also asks. I think on cancel nothing should append.

#86 Steven Levine fixed Ensure HAB exists for all threads that invoke WinPostMsg
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