Custom Query (527 matches)


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Results (28 - 30 of 527)

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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#21 Gregg Young Gregg Young fixed Allow archiver editor to open an appropriate archive file as template

It would be very nice if when adding a new archiver I could fill in the "view section" along with the sig and the file extension then point the viewer widow on the right to an appropriate file for it to open so that the start and end info could be copied and the field arrangement was visible to make it easier to complete the field location info.

#22 Gregg Young Gregg Young fixed Have archiver create a directory from archive file name for unarchive

After working for a while with WinZIP at work and UltimateZIP on my Win2k box, I've decided I really miss this feature:

When you right-click on a ZIP file called FOO123.ZIP, those programs will give an option to "Extract to folder C:\currentfolder\FOO123" which is a nice touch.

A similar option on the context menu for ZIP files would be nice, since I almost always unzip my downloaded files to a directory with the same name as the ZIP file anyway

#23 Gregg Young Gregg Young fixed Unzip directory removed from config if directory not available at initial scan

One other thing that I have noticed is FM2 eliminates the designated unzip directory is the directory is unavailable at the time FM2 scans on opening. (Very annoying when I fail to notice and unzip a large zip file in a directory containing several thousand files) My unzip directory is on a network drive and I start FM2 from a startup folder so even with the xworkplace delays between programs FM2 beats the requester. As a result I have to go in and reenter the unzip directory in the setup. It should leave the directory and if at the point that I try to to unzip something it is still unavailable give an error message.

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