call RxFuncAdd 'SysLoadFuncs', 'REXXUTIL', 'SysLoadFuncs' call SysLoadFuncs warpin_path = strip(SysIni(, 'WarpIN', 'Path'), 'T', '00'x) database_file = warpin_path || '\DATBAS_' || left(SysBootDrive(), 1) || '.INI' call SysIni database_file, 'ALL:', 'apps.' fm2_app_prefix = 'Netlabs\FM2\Base\' fm2_app_prefix_len = length(fm2_app_prefix) do a = 1 to apps.0 if left(apps.a, fm2_app_prefix_len) = fm2_app_prefix then leave end if a > apps.0 then target_path = WirexxGetEnv('WARPIN_DEFAULTTOOLSPATH') else target_path = strip(SysIni(database_file, apps.a, 'TargetPath'), 'T', '00'x) || '\Utils' return target_path This package contains the FM/2 Utilities, a collection of more than 60 utilities which may be used with or without FM/2. Included are DELTREE, HPFSOPT, RENCASE, MOV, KILL/2, PTREE and many more. ~Next FM/2 Utilities: A short description of each utility is included at the end of the readme below. A special note of thanks to Mark Kimes for making these utilities freely available. fm2utils.doc ~I agree FM/2 Utilities: By pressing the "I agree" button, you agree to all terms and conditions of the license agreement below. license.txt ~Next Many of the programs included within FM/2 Utilities are intended to be run from the command line. If the installation directory is not already on the PATH, then this installation will ensure that your installation directory will be on the PATH after the next reboot (unless you specifiy otherwise on the next page). I~nstall Please select/deselect the desired configuration option(s). The CONFIG.SYS modification is the addition of the FM/2 Utilities installation directory to end of the PATH (if it is not already on the PATH), simplifying access to the utiities from the command line. Uncheck "Modify CONFIG.SYS" if you do not want your PATH changed.