Custom Query (8 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#21 Give the option for eftepm to inherit the system color scheme using COLORS_OS2_SYSTEM_DEFAULT assigned minor Release_1.1 eFTEPM
#31 Add ability to reload configuration without restarting assigned minor Release_1.1 eFTE core
#44 Research adding Aspell to eFTE/2 assigned Alfredo Fernández Díaz minor Release_1.1 eFTE core
#60 Add make and open diff file to tools new minor Release_1.1 eFTE core
#29 Help file needs expanding assigned minor Release_1.1 Documentation
#32 Add a tutorial to the wiki assigned minor Release_1.1 Documentation
#19 Develop EPM user interface assigned minor Release_1.1 Configuration
#30 Configuration needs a gui assigned minor Release_1.1 Configuration
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.