Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Dynamic Windows News Archive

Apr 8, 2017, 2:37:47 AM (7 years ago)



  • Dynamic Windows News Archive

    v1 v1  
     1== Dynamic Windows 2.4 ==
     3Dynamic Windows 2.4 has been officially released! Binaries are now available for OS/2, Win32 and Win64. Source is available to build on Unix (FreeBSD, Linux, Solaris and more) using GTK2 or GTK3 and MacOS X 1.5 or higher using Cocoa.
     5Source and binaries are located on the Netlabs FTP server if not there yet check Incoming.
     7Changes from version 2.3:
     8Added support for MacOS 10.8 Mountain Lion.
     9Added fullscreen support on Mac for resizable windows on Lion.
     10Added UNICODE build mode on Windows allowing UTF-8 encoded text.
     11   ANSI builds are supported by removing -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE and -DAEROGLASS
     12Added support for antialiased drawing on Windows via GDI+.
     13Added UNICODE build mode on OS/2 using codepage 1208 (UTF-8) as the
     14   active codepage; Non-Unicode mode will use the default codepage.
     15Added support for Control-Click on Mac for button press events.
     16Added DW_POINTER() macro for casting parameters to (void *).
     17Added dw_box_unpack() and dw_box_unpack_at_index() for removing items
     18   from boxes without destroying them. Also allows removal of padding.
     19Added GBM (Generalized Bitmap Module) support for OS/2 and eCS for loading
     20   Non-OS/2 native file formats. GBM comes with eCS 1.2 and later.
     21   It is also available at
     22Added resizing HICNs to 24x24 max size on platforms which do not
     23   do it automatically (Mac and GTK). OS/2 and Windows limit the size.
     24Added toolbar control support to replace existing bitmap buttons on Windows.
     25Added dw_filesystem_set_column_title() to fill a hole in localization. 
     26Added new optional UTF-8 parameter to the key press callback.
     27    This is a pointer to a UTF-8 string representing the key pressed.
     28    The buffer pointed to is only good for the duration of the callback.
     29Added UTF-8/Wide string conversion functions for Unicode buffer management.   
     30Fixed dwindows-config --version not returning the version at all.
     31Fixed value changed events not working for spinbuttons on OS/2 and Windows.
     32Fixed issues drawing arcs on GTK2, GTK3 and Mac.
     33Fixed a crash in the color chooser on Mac running Lion.
     34Fixed a layout issue with render widgets on OS/2.
     35Fixed an expose event issue on OS/2.
     36Fixed an issue with GTK 3.4 due to properties being inherited from the parent.
     37Fixed issues with bitmap buttons using icon/pointers on OS/2 and Windows.
     38Fixed an issue with dw_window_destroy() on Mac.
     39Fixed issues rendering to printer pixmaps on Windows with GDI+ enabled.
     40Fixed dw_window_set_bitmap_from_data() prefering the resource ID
     41   over the data passed in on most platforms.
     42Fixed dw_container_delete_row() failing and/or crashing on Mac.
     43Fixed memory and resource leaks on Windows and Mac.
     44Fixed incorrect display of status text fields on Mac 10.5 and 10.8.
     45Fixed compiler warnings on Mac 10.5 and 10.8 by checking selectors directly
     46    and removing use of now deprecated APIs.
     47Fixed incorrect display of textured background non-resizable windows on Mac.
     48Updated the test program removing deprecated flags and using new ones.